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/lit/ - Literature

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22349975 No.22349975 [Reply] [Original]

>Open book
>Read 2 pages
>Intense feelings of superiority manifest, as I'm aware I'm one of the few that reads books in the age of Netflix, Disney+ and Social Media

Does this happen to you as well, /lit/?

>> No.22349980

yes but it only happens after I read for like 1 hour straight

>> No.22349986

Reading fills me with self loathing and jealousy. I would give anything to be a decent writer but I'm incompetent. Knowing I'll never be close to my favorites fills me with despair.

>> No.22349996

>one of the few that reads
Go outside retard plenty of people read

>> No.22350039

>Intense feelings of superiority manifest,
This is the only reason i read desu
Average american reads less than a book per year, PER YEAR

>> No.22350063

I don't feel that at all, it just bores me and makes me feel like I'm trying to impress people by reading and this feeling keeps coming back to me so I stop reading for periods of time.

>> No.22350124

You sound like a fag OP

>> No.22350131

I have friends that I cannot even bribe or coerce into reading an entire book. Absolutely some people do read but by large it's not a good situation.

>> No.22350136

I would fuck your ass

>> No.22350142
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>Can understand french
>Intense feelings of superiority manifest
And no I won't read Houellebecq.

>> No.22350157
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>Does this happen to you as well, /lit/?
no because everyone else in the past were reading hundreds of books per year because they didn't have any distractions, while I have to make a constant effort to avoid screens.

>> No.22350192

You have accomplished nothing of value in the simple act of reading and, if you convince yourself that the abstract concept of "reading" is of value in and of itself, you will never reach any justified superiority. Quit stroking yourself off, you are a frogposter.

>> No.22350204

>I'm one of the few
You and bilions of roasties
It's what you read and what you get from it that matters

>> No.22350231


>> No.22350262

I wanna beat your ass with a leather belt.

>> No.22350264

>Open book
>Read 500 pages
>It's very good
>Read 10 more pages
>Author squanders the story's potential at the eleventh hour
You're a fucking casual

>> No.22350275

>nigga I’m reading

>> No.22350286
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>> No.22350291

I delved into American illiteracy and it was the first time I encountered the term "book deserts". It really is depressing over there.

>> No.22350319

Yes but the things they read are questionable
saw a woman today on a train with a book that had "Good Vibes" written in big black font as the title, not sure how of any value that work might contain

>> No.22351141

Fuck Houellebecq, all my homies read Céline

>> No.22351169
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The majority of people who have ever lived in this world have been unable to read, or where barely literate but had no access to books. You are blessed enough to not only have the ability to read, but to be born in time where you have the entirety of human knowledge and literature right at your fingertips. You have no right to look down on anyone else, if anything reading should fill you with great humility and gratitude.