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File: 55 KB, 313x500, incel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22345854 No.22345854 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone read this book? It was advertised on this board and was recently released. I only read the first chapter and it was gross (as I kind of expected). The trigger warning at the start has me intrigued and I am curious to see if the narrator continues to do this strange transition into 2nd person. I honestly skipped some of the chapter because it was so disgusting and reading this second person perspective essentially equating me with the main character felt like a psyop. I don't do any of the disgusting things the narrator does; but I hope if someone reads it and does, that it can serve as a point of awakening for the reader.

>> No.22345982

looks like retarded garbage, pass

>> No.22346587

what are those disgusting things? Is that a manga?

>> No.22346607
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The preview alone is baffling.
>"Further, it is not meant to representatively capture the modal psycological archetype of any one group or self-identified community of individuals, but rather, to depict a particular cluster of interconnected psych-memetic nodes."


>> No.22346611
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page 1

>> No.22346709

Notes from Underground did it better

>> No.22346724

>author is so close to being considered an incel just by bringing it up that he had to put in insanely large words that it is for the love of god not a manifesto
the absolute state

>> No.22346742

No, it's a book with a cover drawn by a manga artist

>> No.22346750

>strange transition into 2nd person
wtf does that mean? does the narrator observe it from the side like a super mario?

>> No.22346759


I don't understand why men get such shit. Even for abstaining from the act of sex with women in today's world.
Why do they put women up on a pedestal and overvalue them to such a degree? Is it really men's fault that the economy is so fucked they can't even move out and start families most of the time?

Men don't deserve to get punished for the fucking greed of others and be labeled as "involuntarily celibite". That's so fucked and narcisstic to really come out and say such bullshit.

Just because you simp doesn't make you a good man, not at all. On the contrary, you're part of the problem at large.

>> No.22346802

That's essentially how it felt. One moment it's first person and the next the narrator starts saying "Swiping your fingers back and forth over a laptop's trackpad you submit to the slavery of the screen" (pg 23).

Are you memeing? Literally no one cares who you are or aren't having sex with. Someone who unironically calls people incels as an insult is a petty person.

>> No.22346854

Okay you say that but how come a man can't point out how much of a hypocrite a woman is for her behavior while men are just expected to take it because they're a fucking social punching bag?

Incel isn't even a word. You can't be Involuntarily Celibite. It doesn't make a lick of sense. It's basically just a buzzword by social media.
If it's involuntary then why are the guys who actively pursue relationships with women called that? They're voluntarily trying to get laid. Does that mean they're just failing at it and so they're the opposite? It doesn't work like that. If they weren't trying to get laid then it would be celibacy. If they were but couldn't then that still wouldn't be involuntary, it would just mean they're trying and failing.

Incel isn't even a real word.
Women are much more worthy targets for sexual degradation than men today. Does saying that make me one of these "Incels"?
Fuckin' spare me, man.

>> No.22346925

No, saying that doesn't make you an incel. I don't know where you are that you can't point out hypocrisy of women, but this is not a universal experience. Insulting people is usually considered antisocial behavior even if the insult is towards a man. I feel bad for you if you are in a spot in your life where men are routinely insulted. I would exit that situation. That said there is a clear reason why society as a whole is more tolerant of insults towards men and that is because men are typically more powerful than women. It does create a strange negative vacuum towards men of a lower social class, but a man can always just ignore petty people and focus on healthy things.

>> No.22346945

That’s okay because mine is. Was hoping to a follow up called “The Sexual Comtract” but I have to take more notes in order for it to be a rough draft to be edited.

>> No.22346948

Mean to say “The Sexual Contract” damn typos

>> No.22347112

This guy writes like every incel is some deranged fucker. The problem with incels is that they are completely normal looking and functioning. They have great jobs, financially secure, and socialable. That's the phenomenon

>> No.22347232

would cuddle this incel

>> No.22347286

Incels don't even exist. You just hate men because you're a fucking pathetic failure yourself and you need an easy target everyone else already shits on to feel good about yourself.
Worthless as fuck and stupid to boot, you use that word like it means anything. It doesn't.
Being with a woman doesn't fix any of your problems, it actually introduces you to more.
If you had ever been in a serious relationship and not just a one-night stand, you'd know this.

>> No.22347404

It's really a shame to address such a topic with so many clichés. I only read the first page and already I'm stunned by the lack of realism. What incel would approach 15 women in a day? If he's capable of doing that, he wouldn't be an incel for long. This is ridiculous!

>> No.22347407

>men who cant get sex despite wanting it?
>what a preposterous idea
Are you serious? Of course incels exist.

>> No.22347429

If they want sex then they aren't celibate.
How stupid are you, really? This is comical. I have to wonder if you're pretending to be so antagonistic on purpose.

Men already commit over 86% of all worldwide suicides, and you're sitting ignoring variable, just jumping straight into feeding into mindless sexism and using a word that literal retards came up with.

>> No.22347600

a lot of words to admit you're an incel

>> No.22347649

>If they want sex then they aren't celibate.
WTF are you even talking about? You don't even know what celibate even means. Stop changing definitions.

We're talking about if there are men that can't get sex. That's a yes, for whatever reason.

There are plenty of variables why they can't get sex. It can range from being an angry retard like yourself to people that simply are far too picky.

Asian men have this phenomenon. Women call them herbivores and we have to look at the reason why they don't or can't have sex.

>> No.22347852


>> No.22348336
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women are picky to the point of defeating the whole purpose

>> No.22348350
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>> No.22348373

That is not strange nor is it transitioning to the second person, that is a first person narrator employing the second person. Read more.

>> No.22348374
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>> No.22348382
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>> No.22348385
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>> No.22348389
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>> No.22348394

I too hate my wife

>> No.22348397
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>> No.22348401
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>> No.22348438

Kind of reminds me of "Virgin Territory: 50 Years Without Sex" by Timothy Draper.

>> No.22348581

Amazon already says "Out of print - limited availablility" on this book's page.
That happened quickly.

>> No.22348722
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>> No.22349433

>Literally no one cares who you are or aren't having sex with.
this is simply not true

>> No.22349443

I am incel

>> No.22349448

I, an incel

>> No.22349455
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>another book written for people that seem to be fascinated and intrigued by incels
Can someone tell me why people find them so interesting?
It's just guys who can't get girls due to being ugly or mental illness right?

>> No.22349463

Who said it was in a day?

>> No.22349667

You’re right but everyone in modern society is retarded. Hate all these expectations. There’s nothing even wrong with being an Incel. Oh you were born neurodivergent or ugly or short you’re sooooo evil. Give me a fuckin break. They’ve been shaming men for not having enough sex forever. This incel bullshit is just their new label. These are the same people with the same shove those lil nerds in the locker mentality. Normies basically.

>> No.22349713

I feel like they don't know how tall that is. That's borderline circus freak.
Your standard "tall man" is like 6 to 6'2.

>> No.22349946
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>> No.22349978
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I think it's just normal teenagers need to belong and associate to a group.
How come being "The One that is alone in the world and rejected by others, but he could save the gene pool except the women are conspirating against him because of female genetics" not just a big aestetic cope?
They're just a spook that's all.

>> No.22349993

Goodness fuck, this hits close to home. What is the fucking problem with women, seriously?

>> No.22350013

I don't see it on Libgen yet. Call me when it is.

>> No.22350101

His fault for not demanding higher standards from his partner.

>> No.22350114
File: 39 KB, 356x374, 451dsoSa_u18chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you don't want to be a man, you can always transition.

>> No.22351082
File: 74 KB, 1152x973, 20230717_233917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women are nietzschean *sobs*

>> No.22351118

shilling the book to make dimwits read it ironically which will sway fomo fags to read it will not work if it's just lukewarm bad which by the subject matter you can already tell

>> No.22351126
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No, just a shit personnality and maybe a poor theory of mind making them unable to understand why girls rejects them. If they ever go outside that is...
And probably a skewed view and expectation of what "society" should be like and "owes" them.
Just out of touch people with a big victimization fetish.

I'm also pretty sure some people like to bully them online by giving them false information, telling them to smash their face with a hammer to break bones (lookmaxxing), or pulling their dick to tear tissue and cause damage to the ligaments that connect their penis to their pelvis (Jelquing).

>> No.22351172

>WTF are you even talking about?
Not him, but the definition of celibacy has always contained the element of volition, as in ''vow of celibacy''. My 1983 Webster's expresses this very strongly. The word is being misused, thus muddying the original definition and confusing the current dialectic.

>> No.22351192

I'm an incel because I actually am ugly and I don't know how to approach women

>> No.22351205

I think that, because they (the incels) have proven themselves to be unfit for a sexual life, it is actually a good thing that they are no reproducing and spreading their defective genes that made them unfit/unwanted in the first place.
They sould accept to enact some kind of eugenic utopia by not having sex.

>> No.22351214

>mental illness
Part of the issue is believing the comfortable lies that are foisted on them regarding how they should interact with broads. Given the appropriate conditions, just breaking through the institutional lies is enough to get them through the barrier.

>> No.22351226

They get the idea from their echo chambers. That is why they ''discover'' that a man that towers over them lied about his height after dating him for months. Bro knew that she could not tell the difference, and it should never have mattered because the requirement was an absurdity.
t. not a manlet

>> No.22351243

>They sould accept
Tough shit. You are not their supervisor.

>> No.22351263

I mean, see it this way:
Your genes made you unfit/undesired for reproduction.
If you reproduce, you will pass those genes on your progeniture.
Your progeniture will then encounter the same difficulties to reproduce, causing them suffering.

This is simply morally wrong. Why cause suffering to others when you can easily omit doing it?

>> No.22351557

there's no such things as "personality"

>> No.22351583
File: 74 KB, 664x1024, trans-not-attracted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not medically possible

>> No.22351607

Survival of the fittest, faggot. Your morals are spooks. Your psyop will not beat mother nature.

>> No.22352214
File: 243 KB, 1325x2000, how-not-to-die-alone-logan-ury.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe this will help you.

>> No.22353545

>confuses sexual selection for natural selection
read more

>> No.22353559
File: 476 KB, 1299x1206, 1650473896309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fagchads stay winning.

>> No.22353569

fucking hell bros...... my fucking wife man..... I'm not kidding.

>> No.22353602

If deficient genes are causing you to fail at the sexual selection game, it is a good thing not to pass them on.

>> No.22353784

stop shilling your book this obviously troon, I know this is you because I read a few pages of your book and it was very bad.

Bad enough nobody would read enough to say these dumbass things you are saying. I think you need to work on your craft some more, and try and write a story with a subject matter that isn’t so corny.

>> No.22353789

well whoever wrote this sure did do their lurking on /vpol9ktv/, or at least trained the chatbot to do so.

>> No.22353794

>every incel is some deranged fucker.
but it's true. regardless of the malfunction that made you one, the affliction itself fundamentally alters how you see the world, yourself and other people. sure, you can be a high functioning incel by hiding your insanity, but you can't be a sane one.

>> No.22353795

"Involuntary virgin" would have been a more accurate term

>> No.22353798

how do sexhavers not know what a shittest is

>> No.22353801

>unable to understand why girls rejects them
lol. lmao, even.

understanding that your face is the problem won't fix your face

>> No.22353810

That's for the normal looking ones.
The ugly ones smash their head with hammers.

>> No.22353815

Seems like people are starting to finish the book. The main character is called anon, which is kind of on the nose, and he loses his red pill when he pops his cherry. There's an afterword where the author says he was explicitly trying to deradicalize people, which jives with the occasional second-person writing shift. In the acknowledgements, he thanks a person for insight into "niche online subcultures."

Unless he's trying to give himself an out for covering the red/blackpilled topics "oh but I was only trying to deradicalize people, please don't cancel me" then it's explicitly a psyop. It being published anonymously and the overall high quality of the book/printing makes me think it is an attempt to get an overnight entre into the right wing sphere, possibly for glowie reasons.

It was okay writing though 3.5/5.

>> No.22353828

Idk man, self help books are kinda cringe. I'll buy it anyways but I'm not happy about it.

>> No.22353935

Could not read a whole book like this Jesus Christ. My Twisted World is more readable.

>> No.22353937
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>"Involuntary virgin" would have been a more accurate term
No, involuntarily celibate was specifically coined because non-virgins can still be incels. Getting your dick wet once is important but still doesn't mean it won't be followed by a decade-long dry spell. The term "involuntary" is used because it rules out people like spiritual ascetics, monks and men who have, with conscious honesty, decided to avoid pursuing mates. Incel means men who want to have sex but are unable to make it happen. This includes men who lie to themselves and pretend to be MGTOW as a rationalization.

The term Incel was originally coined by pickup artists, not the MSM and not the incels themselves. Basically PUAs said "Being an incel sucks doesn't it? We can help you get laid." A lot of people are too narcissistic for self-help and of course it didn't help that most PUAs were snake-oil grifters. But either way, a subset of these excuse-making loser narcissists preferred to wallow in their misery and cling to their "incel" identity and victimhood. And, womanlike, they'd seek solace and validation from like-minded losers, sharing their bitter resentment and complaining about the unfairness of society. This pathetic internet pity party is where the modern mainstream concept of "incel" comes from.

(PS virginity is valuable in a woman so calling a male "virgin" gives a mistaken impression of value that is not really there. Males don't "lose their virginity" they "score, finally").

>Okay you say that but how come a man can't point out how much of a hypocrite a woman is for her behavior
You can point out whatever you want so long as you're willing to accept the consequences.
>while men are just expected to take it because they're a fucking social punching bag?
eggs are expensive, sperm is cheap

>> No.22353967

Stop ruining this board with your retarded woe is me spiel, no one cares
Go to /r9k/ or something

>> No.22353977

eggs aren't anymore valuable than sperm. they're both cheap and abundant. If anything it's that it takes 9 months to gestate.

>> No.22354055

>If anything it's that it takes 9 months to gestate.
No shit, my overly literal friend. "Eggs are expensive sperm is cheap" is an idiom. I'd think /lit/ of all boards would recognize this. Besides, eggs are still more expensive than sperm. Women are born with all the eggs they will ever have. Men produce sperm continuously. There's millions of sperm for every egg.

The important point is the conclusion, which is that the biological basis driving female favoritism in society is at least several hundred thousand years old. So don't waste time whining in hopes of effecting change that is never going to happen.

>> No.22354078

The other poster is still correct: involuntary virgin makes more sense; or maybe involuntary sexless.

Celibacy is voluntary. Saying involuntary voluntary is just utter stupidity.

>> No.22354118

>Celibacy is voluntary.
It doesn't have to be. It does traditionally have a voluntary connotation but it's not necessary. The critical semantic is "doesn't have sex." "Involuntarily celibate" is far more linguistically elegant and reasonable than either of the other proposed options. In genetic terms, it's a simple allele.

>involuntary virgin
Again, virgin is specifically NEVER had sex. Extending "virgin" to include non-virgins in a dry spell is FAR more of a semantic clash than dropping the "voluntary" connotation from celibate.
>involuntary sexless
This is modern jargon. It can mean both "a sexless marriage" and "doesn't have a sex, neutered, no sexual desires." The connotation of sexless to a marriage is no less than the connotation of voluntary with celibate, in fact it is probably a stronger connotation. And celibate doesn't have the baggage of also meaning genderless/neutered/asexual/etc..

Involuntarily Celibate is the right term.

>> No.22354120

The end goal is slavery. Women are domesticated to such an extent that they understand inherently, albeit often not consciously, that anything they claim to achieve in this life is anything but achievement at all. This is why they thrive in artificial environments such as office workplaces, wherein they embed themselves into their false ecosystem like a parasite, directing the intent of the office not toward its utilitarian goal but toward smaller, more frequent concessions rooted exclusively in infantile emotions and ever-elaborate fraud. The woman's instinct lords over her just as the man's does, but the woman's instinct is not in creation but rather procreation; she exists as a judge, peering over the efforts of men and determining which are worthy of the increasingly-rare moniker of "successful." Those who do not appease her are not worthy of attention, and those who do earn her attention yet do not appease her earn only disdain; instinctive, elaborate, emotional and fraudulent, just as is everything else the woman commits to.

>> No.22354602

your so close to being an incel

>> No.22355364

a long time ago this thread was about a book

>> No.22355942

fags go extinct

>> No.22355952

Holy verbose. Unreadable. Autism.

>> No.22355977

NTA but (male) homosexuality doesn't seem to be genetic. It might some kind of glitch during pregnancy or maybe even an unknown pathogen.
A culture that glorifies faggotry while neglecting its healthy mating population will die out. But some percentage of gays seem to persist in post-agricultural populations regardless.

>> No.22356031

Incel discourse needs to be shelved alongside this book. This thread is good proof. Everyone is talking past eachother and can never decide whether an incel is a generic term for down on their luck men that identity with their inferiority or whether the moniker confers a biological truth that some people are predestined to failure in the modern world.

People use the word with both meaningings, usually speaking over eachother. The line between genuine social science facts and despair over being 5'6 is blurred. There's teenagers that frequent the incel forums who bash their chin with a hammer in a foolhardy attempt to increase their jaw size, then there's nerdy guys that haven't been laid yet, which is increasingly common these days.

The social science facts of men getting laid less informs the culture, but deciding who is and isn't an incle is ultimately ideological

>> No.22356043

i meant the individual fag not passing on his genes, not fags in general
faggotry may be some sort of recessive-gene condition

>> No.22356071

Ok concept. Pretty awful execution.
t. only read first chapters on amazon preview.
Funny how the author walked back on his former REAL BOOKS ONLY STANCE MUST PRESERVE BOOK and then when I checked out the page later, it offers kindle as a choice kek.
Cover looks awful. It's like whoever drew it doesn't know how to draft for print and it was saved as a jpg and blown back up.
Arx, since I know you're probably reading this thread (or made it) please don't use such cringe inducing writing anymore. I get that it's supposed to be the point of the character, but the absolute state of the vocabulary he uses when droning on about being an incel is horrific to read. I might buy your book for some laughs.

>> No.22356081

Post some pages from it to get this thread back on track

>> No.22356091

For me?
Remaining a virgin until marriage with my virgin wife.
I am fully aware I will more likely die a virgin than find an unvaccinated no tattoos virgin woman who wants several children. No, I'd rather not pursue women, they disgust me for the most part anymore. What's up with how everything revolves around sex? Sure I want sex but what's the point of it without a meaningful relationship and a future to build toward? No, it is not me who is fucked up, it is the rest of them.

>> No.22356124

No, I don't think I will. Anyone can just go there and read the preview. It takes like 30 minutes, only because anon is a faggot who is verbose about it. /lit/ has become a shit board and the thread follows suit.

>> No.22356140
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>Oh you were born neurodivergent or ugly or short you’re sooooo evil.
Is that really what people think about me?

>> No.22356170

Because it comes out of the blue. That is the magic of the shit test. If one were expecting it then it would fall apart immediately. It sucks to stay on edge waiting for it.

>> No.22356184

>These are the same people with the same shove those lil nerds in the locker mentality
That's pretty funny. It happened to me the other way around. A normalfag pushed me past my limits and I locked him in his gym locker for the whole period. I guess he figured that I had it out of my system so he started in on me again the next day and I locked him in his locker again. He fucked off after that.

>> No.22356387

>just give up the race early and refuse to cross the finish line
>see? you were a loser all along, you should have never ran in the first place

>> No.22356942

>Everyone is talking past eachother and can never decide
It's obviously both, and no decision has to be made so long as people understand each other. I'm not talking past anybody, although plenty of people probably ignore what I have to say because they're so caught up in their own excuses and rationalization.
>I am fully aware
Maybe. Maybe not.
You're the only one who can really know. It's important that you not lie to yourself about this.
I'm skeptical, though. Unvaccinated? Seriously? That's an important trait in a future wife? I call bullshit. That's not something you actually care about, deep down. That's just reactionary programming. How do you know what women are really like if you haven't even fucked one? How do you even know what you really care about? I don't blame any man who genuinely doesn't want to deal with women and their bullshit, but if you're a virgin you're probably not making informed decisions about it.
>Remaining a virgin until marriage with my virgin wife.
Women really don't give a shit about you being a virgin in fact most prefer that you have some experience.
>What's up with how everything revolves around sex?
Biological imperative.
> Sure I want sex but what's the point of it without a meaningful relationship and a future to build toward?
Sex feels good. It relaxes you and boosts your confidence, especially when you know it was you who made it happen and you didn't just get lucky with some desperate fatso using you as a living dildo. It's a way to bring you closer to a woman and bring her closer to you.

If you want a wife to share your future, you need to put yourself in a position where you can choose a good one. That means pursuing women to the point where they yield the goods and making them need you. You will learn far more about a woman by doing this than by fucking around online or buying into distorted and obsolete religious bullshit about chastity. You should still hold high standards and avoid marriage unless you find a woman you think is truly worth marrying. Virginity is nice to have but it's not the only thing that matters. But you'll never know for yourself if you don't at least try.

>> No.22357120

Join the LDS. I personally know a cute blonde that is tattoo less and wants babies. She's just 17.

>> No.22357207

>doesn't know what 2nd person means
nigga did you even went high school?

>> No.22357217

>goy gib amazon some shekels and bump up the views of my book goy

>> No.22358011

Who are you even talking to? OP? OP isn't giving a woe is me spiel. Are you projecting again anon?

>> No.22358021

Are you okay?

>> No.22358429

>Unvaccinated? Seriously? That's an important trait in a future wife? I call bullshit. That's not something you actually care about, deep down. That's just reactionary programming.
No it isn't. Even assuming the jab is 100 percent harmless and does what intended, everyone who ever advocated for it and pushed it in the way they did during that time was in the wrong. No exceptions, and the ones who caved to the pressure are also at fault by association. The riots going on during that time were over some dead junkie instead.
>How do you know what women are really like
Not sure if you knew this, but you can kiss and hold hands and go out with girls without having sex.
>most prefer that you have some experience
Women follow men, not the other way around. I don't care what they prefer.
>Biological imperative
Sure, but that's being disingenuous to what I posted. Sex in the context of porn, only fans, simps, texting nude pics, etc.
>It's a way to bring you closer to a woman and bring her closer to you
Why should you waste time getting closer to a woman who doesn't want anything more than sex and for you to buy her shit? Might as well be married and happy if you're going to do that.
Also, I've been in places and I've "tried" but I just frankly don't belong with most people, let alone most women. I've clicked with some but it isn't meant to be due to age difference or distance or other factors. I'm not even religious, lots of hard statistics back up having as little sexual partners as possible as being a good thing for all parties.

>> No.22358459

>Join a cult bro
Most religious girls are not even virgins.
They even claim that their faith is important in their dating profile or in conversation, yet they've had sex, sometimes even in the double digits. It's a fucking joke. Or they'll try to say it "doesn't count" when they had past boyfriends they sucked cocks and did anal sex with. Lying seems to come to a lot of women as easily as breathing. They want to just believe something is real and suddenly it is. Horoscopes make a lot of sense with this in mind. Whatever is their current "truth" manifests as their reality, even if you show them hard evidence of the contrary. Then if you piss them off, they would try to say it's your lack of sex or they would threaten to take away access to their holes. I'm not able to miss out on something I already don't have. This makes them seethe even more and claim you hate women, call names, the most vile insults you'll ever hear are from a woman who has found a man that sees through her.

>> No.22358847

>I don't understand why men get such shit
Power. Its what Nietzsche said ; Men are in Power and everything "bad" is whatever we don't like.
Same way Women get shitted on in a Patriarchy.

This is a Womens world now.

>I think that unlike most people, though, I came to see these changes less as changes towards the “Left” and more as changes towards the “Feminine.” For a variety of professional and circumstantial reasons I was probably more aware than the average person that men and women tend to differ in psychological traits and also that women had been steadily amassing cultural power as they had entered the upper reaches of professions such as journalism, law, publishing, science and politics. I perceived that America’s cultural changes—reflected widely in other developed countries, especially the UK—were the changes one would have expected in a society where women were gaining influence.

>> No.22358868

this shit got me nutting like a mf

>> No.22358894

Actually, what I said was that it's simply not worth anyone's time. Same as browsing 4chan. Just do it if you want to, if not who even gives a shit? Another BAP or Gardner tier piece of shit to add to the pile, I think.

>> No.22359125

>vax shit
Whether a woman did or didn't get vaxxed has no bearing at all on whether she will make a good wife. The only answer here is literally touch grass. Spend more time with real people and less time with schizos online. It's one thing to question bullshit mainstream narratives and seek out alternate sources for truth it's another to ruin your own life obsessing about it.
>you can kiss and hold hands and go out with girls without having sex.
This is irrelevant. Girls can tell the difference between a man actively trying to fertilize her eggs or at least split her open, and a tender virgin going through the motions of romance. How they respond to this tells you a lot more than any chaste middle school flirtation.
>Women follow men
Women follow men who know how to lead them, not sexless virgins who complain about society.
>Why should you waste time getting closer to a woman who doesn't want anything more than sex and for you to buy her shit?
You don't know until you try that's the point. You're just assuming.
>Sure, but that's being disingenuous to what I posted. Sex in the context of porn, only fans, simps, texting nude pics, etc.
How was I supposed to know that you were talking about internet porn? People obsess about sex because our basic needs are satisfied (food/shelter) and most of us not living in warzones have no major threats to survival.
>lots of hard statistics back up having as little sexual partners as possible as being a good thing for all parties.
Statistics aren't very helpful to individuals. Statistics tell us we probably shouldn't be encouraging so much wanton promiscuity. That doesn't predict YOUR individual choice and consequences. It is a complex system there are many factors other than virginity and opinion on the covid vax.

>> No.22359496

>Whether a woman did or didn't get vaxxed has no bearing at all on whether she will make a good wife.
Actually it speaks volumes about her judgement. Plenty of women who didn't fall for that shit. Not all of them are automatically wife material, but it's automatically a leg up over the rest. Not ruining my life by refusing to be a part of this cult that quite literally destroyed millions of lives.
>Girls can tell the difference
And it's hard to hold back, but it's possible. Which I've done before.
>sexless virgins
Outing yourself as retarded I see.
>How was I supposed to know
Context is useful.
Yes, I'm an individual who will do what he wants. You haven't really made a point besides an appeal to emotions with "dude just try it you won't know" (which I have, and do know)

>> No.22359511

>Actually it speaks volumes about her judgement
No, it doesn't. It says a little about her judgement, that's it. Maybe someday you'll understand, but probably not.
>Context is useful.
Yeah and nothing at all in the context you provided points to porn and onlyfans.

>> No.22359544

To someone who might be able to read the entire thread, asking how everything revolves around sex might clue you in to the statement referring to society at large.
Anyway good chat anon. I'm sure you have infinite wisdom from sex, why are you on 4channel? Your holier than thou attitude about this whole thing is pretty silly to me.

>> No.22359884
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My plan is to die a virgin t b h