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22345393 No.22345393 [Reply] [Original]

Kant's refutation of idealism and his critique of Hume's causality use circular logic.

>> No.22345396

Kant's entire project is based on circular logic
>durr space is transcendental because if it weren't.... it would have to appear in space!
wow... i kneel.

>> No.22345404

that's not even the argument smoothbrain

>> No.22345407

yeah i know, because k*nt doesn't have any arguments.

>> No.22345427

>k*nt doesn't have any arguments.
shit bait tardlet

>> No.22345454

It isn't at all:

"The synthesis of the manifold by the imagination, which is necessary for all empirical knowledge, gives succession, but not yet determinate succession : that is, it leaves undetermined which of two states perceived was the first, not only in my imagination, but in the object itself. But definite order in this succession—through which alone what we perceive becomes experience, or, in other words, authorizes us to form objectively valid judgments—is first brought into it by the purely intellectual conception of cause and effect. Thus the principle of causal relation is the condition which renders experience possible, and, as such, it is given us a priori."