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22345139 No.22345139 [Reply] [Original]

>anyway, that's why you ought to be bisexual!

what the fuck was this guy even on about?

>> No.22345197

What? Who's this? Roald Dahl? James Baldwin? Fuck off frogposter

>> No.22345281

That's L Ron Hubbard

>> No.22345323

No idea who this guy is but you make him sound based

>> No.22345807

He's right

>> No.22345813

everytime i've told a girl i'm into guys too they left very soon after. I often wonder why this is why in the bible says man shalt not lie with another man as he does with a woman. its not even that homosexuality isolated is bad but the consequences it has for your evolutionary fitness is great as it makes you FAR less attractive to women for reasons probably to do with their own health (homosexuality does more often lead to std's, plus girls probably got yeast infection from poopy dicks historically and perhaps faired less well evolutionarily as compared to women who wouldn't tolerate a dick with shit on it (remember we didn't have antibacterial handsoap as hunter gatherers, atleast the ancient kind lmao.

>> No.22345817

Stop 1. Telling women that 2. Connecting cultural phenomena to evopsych 3. Having anal sex

>> No.22345857

you have to start with the right beginning, ie that Men are born with the female idealization which makes then suffer. They want the female life at all cost, ie having hundreds of vaginas simping for them, but at the same time a kernel of cuckoldry remains in that men still crave for pleasing those hundreds of vaginas.
Gays are a mid-point between a vagina and a man. They don't put women on pedestal but want to be serviced free of charge by hundreds of men, exactly like women. Gays will suffer tremendously because to get the female life they actually have to be females. Being half man half woman is a guaranteed failure.

Now first historically what zoomers call cuckoldry is not cuckdoldry. The real term is candaulism.
Historically it is the bourgeois who practiced it. This is because bourgeois are all gays or bisexual, this is because bourgeois and females share the same spirit.
The bourgeois who had a bull wanted to be fucked by the bull and was fucked by the bull.

Second, with the atheist revolution, the whole propaganda was that the peasants would gain access to the bourgeois more, the bourgeois lifestyle. And since bourgeois are just sex addicted freaks, the peasants had more and mores access to the panda box of all the debased sexual cravings of the bourgeois.
And the bourgeois society being now the norm, it makes also the norm the deification of the vagina. All the beta cucks who dream of making women cum can now express their deepest wish to be gratuitous dildos.

>> No.22346021

impenetrably based

>> No.22346033

Sexual orientation is a meme

>> No.22346046

it's dubya