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2234298 No.2234298 [Reply] [Original]

I feel like an emo faggot today so I wrote something. This is the first thing I've written in years, tell me what you think, insults welcome.
Life is dead.
I've stopped asking questions, stopped thinking, just blank.
My feet touch carpet, then wood, then rock, to sand, to dust, I move, to nothing, too much.
All grey, all black. I live in the black space outside peripheral vision.
Sight occurs, I see nothing. I am nothing.
Life changes, flows.
Things come, everything goes.

>> No.2234302

not too biddy-bid bad, boo boo

>> No.2234322

I don't get it, therefore it's bad.

>> No.2234329

I was feeling real sad
real real real bad
So I fap fap fap fapped
until my penis was taxed

the hard work was now done
so I wiped off my cum
and fell right to sleep
still holding my peep

>> No.2234336

Nigga nigga nigga nigga nigga nigga nigga, I'm 100% nigga

Nigga nigga nigga nigga nigga nigga nigga, I'm 200% nigga

Nigga nigga nigga nigga nigga nigga nigga, why do police hate niggas

Nigga nigga nigga nigga nigga nigga nigga, they hate us cuz our dicks is bigga

Nigga nigga nigga nigga nigga nigga nigga, why do you call yourself a nigga

Nigga nigga nigga nigga nigga nigga nigga, cuz I'm a mothing fucking nigga

Nigga nigga nigga nigga nigga nigga nigga, why you drink so much beer

Nigga nigga nigga nigga nigga nigga nigga, I don't drink beer, I drink my own malt liquor

Because I'm a nigga

>> No.2234337

Lame. Go fuck yourself.

>> No.2234346

How dare you sage my thread you god damn sassy bitch!

>> No.2234361

Red and pulsing
twichting, bolting,
ready to squirt
holding off til it hurts
oh my!
oh my!
the fireworks!

>> No.2234375

It started out slow
but its pace crept higher
the brown slimy goo
squelched into the mire
I used moss nearby
to wipe my hole dry
but my attention
quickly shifted
to making mud pies

>> No.2234390

The milky puss oozed
from my nasty face bruise
popped onto the mirror
all speckled with goo

My stomach then rumbled
what was I to do?
So I licked clean my reflection
and felt just like new.

>> No.2234391

wow OP, you are soooooo DEEP

>> No.2234407

Thanks man, I'm also dark and edgy.

>> No.2234411

Loli cat girls
naked, doing twirls
dick in a twist
pumping cum while I shit
"this is the life," I tell myself
as the tears roll down and down
"I want to die" echos inside

>> No.2234435

Some days I take my shit out of the toilet
I squeeze it in my hands
sometimes I boil it
I play with my poo
because it reminds me of her
the girl who went in the restuaroom before...

I followed her in, diregarding all sin
and found the most beautiful shit lying within
from the water it rose
glimmering in the light
I ate it at once
While she fled with fright

>> No.2234441

I look out to the moon
on clear starry nights
with my dick in my hand
in the other, a sprite
I fap and I fap
swaying to and fro
I hope no one sees me
from the street below.

>> No.2234444

oh yes, oh yes, the smell of ones shit
brings tears to the eyes and blood to my dick
how I love and adore the smell of my shit
oh what would I do, would I do without it

>> No.2234448

why am i the only one in here?
this is gold!

>> No.2234515

I cut into the flesh, with a knife carved from bone
felt the sting of self-hatred, went through it alone
There were lovers and friends and family too
but I kept my wounds hidden, as they rotted and oozed
I wanted to tell them, I wanted their help
I was prideful and young, and I kept to myself

>> No.2234522


>> No.2234547

i feel
and i throe
into darkness
my heart becomes clay
my mind is seven elephants

then i see her
a bright gull brought skylight dancing
towards the sea
and i sleep

>> No.2234580


If you read the poem as a commentary alluding to the parasitic relationship between man and technology it's somewhat interesting....the more he gives to his machines, the less he has for himself, and so he feels like nothing.

>> No.2234592

This darkness deep within my flesh
Dance with the devil in the pale moon light
Bats, bats by hundreds
Bee Thousand
I wish I was a hardcore UFOlogist
Performing UFlogistics on your FLo
Below, below within the deep, it feels like the darkness
Is overwhelming, just like Jim Crowe's laws
His claws, his hanging rope, rope a dope
Drop some sope, SOPA, some SOMA
Some samefag, waving his fagflag
Emo emo emo emo emo emo
Dancing with
Emo emo emo emo emo emo
In the pale moon light

fix'd, OP

>> No.2234594
File: 80 KB, 371x278, emo_emu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related.

>> No.2234612

Sometimes sadness
Turns vision green
(and fists clenched)
To strike a bare milky breast
I didn't mean

>> No.2234614

Sometimes sadness
Gets the best of me
Ah, to drink and pee freely
Get touchy and feely and creepy
Break up the party, my hands are ALIVE!
And I'm thrown out, jiving
Saving face, no disgrace, only race
A race to be the best
Like no one ever was
To catch them is my real test
To train them is my cause
Train these touchy feelies
Be a man
Because if I can't
I might as well be Fabulous