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22342131 No.22342131 [Reply] [Original]

I do not care for Thomas Aquinas. I wish the Catholic Church would abandon Thomism.

>> No.22342143
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I haven't read Thomas Aquinas and I will always assume he was smart and reasonable

>> No.22342165

The “Catholic Church” was murdered at the Second Vatican Council. That great institution which guided Europe throughout her history was put to death by men ordained to be her representative and sons. This unbelievable act of matricide has sent many, including myself, to the brink of insanity. Some of us still madly hold on to the hope that our mother lives, though we clearly see her decapitated corpse. In any case, the current entity claiming to be the Catholic Church is not the Catholic Church of the past, it is the same revolutionary clique which orchestrated her murder.

>> No.22342167

Mom's dead anon, when are you at least going to avenge her?

>> No.22342168

He was a dumb ox

>> No.22342204
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for you
Verification not required.

>> No.22342215

Aquinas is great, but you just need to embrace Thomistic-Whiteheadianism.

>> No.22342239
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Agreed. Rehashed Aristotle who himself was wrong about much, and just appealed the muh revelation for anything else that made no sense.

How Reddit do you have to be to call Aristotle
>”The Philosopher”

Most cringe schtick of all time

>> No.22342247
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I look like this

>> No.22342254

so what now? new prophet? second coming?

>> No.22342258

Christ already returned and was already crucified again by your grandparents

>> No.22342266


>> No.22342269

I refer to him as the Man against Time

>> No.22342272

*Him not him, forgive me

>> No.22342277

damn I knew it

>> No.22342278

Not a Christcuck, but until there's a convincing resolution of the philosophical problems posed by Aquinas and his ilk, he gets to stay.

>> No.22342285

>the philosophical problems posed
such as?

>> No.22342316

I had to break up with my first boyfriend because he got super into Thomas Aquinas. it was like the only thing he would want to talk about. We would get into an argument and he would literally "on the contrary" me. The more he read Aquinas the more he became impossible to have a normal conversation with. Not saying Aquinas is bad or sumthing but he seriously attracts the strangest people lmao, and ever since that happened I have had no interest in reading him.

>> No.22342336

what happened to your boyfriend? Did he join the Dominicans?

>> No.22342575

things that never happened

>> No.22343921

best video about him