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22341922 No.22341922 [Reply] [Original]

His upcoming book has just been kneecapped out the gate:


>> No.22341938

Richard, if you're reading this, I'm sorry, but this is absolutely gonna smother you. Nobody will believe your apologies. Nor will they listen to any of your controversial ideas, especially not the ones that are right. They'll all just think you're secretly still a Nazi, regardless if you are, because otherwise you wouldn't have written such under a pseudonym. They'll just think any moderation now was for the sake of money.

Nor will anyone believe an apology if one is given, because nobody believes an apology that's only given because you just got caught.

>> No.22341987

That said, I personally don't think you're actually still a Nazi. You're plenty far right, but I've read enough of your recent writings to know you're actually concerned about facts rather than fantasies, and you've taken enough unpopular positions on the contemporary right -- vaccines and abortion are good, Trump is a retard who shouldn't be trusted with the Presidency -- that absolutely did not benefit you given that almost all your readers are already on the right.

You will be hurt for this. Your book will sell a lot less, and its ideas will mostly escape notice. I can't really offer any encouragement, because I think there's a decent chance it won't get better from here, and you might just react in a poor-enough way to where I'll no longer sympathise with you. But I hope whatever happens, you don't wind up surrendering into partisan hackery just because it'll seem like the only way to make it as a pundit after this. It doesn't have to be, as tempting as such will seem. You can do better, even with the mountain of shit that just fell on you, and will continue to fall.

>> No.22342012



>> No.22342025


>> No.22342221

Wow that's so incredibly anti-semitic of them to do this to you. First BAP, now you? Enough is enough. This is sickening.

>> No.22342371


De nada. Assuming it is indeed you, which I feel comfortable enough there's a decent chance it is.

Assuming this is indeed you, I've been chewing on it, and the best piece of advice for you right now is to provide as honest an accounting of your intellectual history as you can. It won't help out nearly as much as it would've had you done such before this HuffPo decapitation strike, as many will dismiss everything you write as being motivated solely by getting caught; but you said your goal is to maintain your audience's trust, and you just got exposed for lying to us. It takes a lot of honesty to build back broken trust, but you'll never get it back with more lies. Best case scenario, you'll be just another corporate stooge; worst case, you won't even get to be a corporate stooge, and you'll run off whatever fans you won't lose from this piece.

>> No.22342382

Getting "kneecapped" is a rite of passage now.

>> No.22342415


It's on Richard. With how obviously Richard Hoste was him, he should've assumed he'd get caught, and should've been upfront about his Nazi past before such. But he wasn't. There were probably many reasons why, but none of them are flattering.

That said, as much as this will hurt him, and it will absolutely hurt him, I legitimately don't think he's moved from Nazi to cryptonazi. He's way too pro-market, pro-Semitic, and pro-legal-and-multiracial immigration for it to be more beneficial to an act of a cryptonazi than it's worth. It's why, hurt and embarrassed though I feel about him for this, I don't wanna take my turns tossing stones, as opposed to if something this embarrassing happened to, say, Ben Shapiro, Glenn Beck, Jordan Peterson, or J.D. Vance, all of whom are absolutely shameless whores who would suck a dick for a diet coke, and whom I will laugh uproariously at any rake to their face.

Don't waste your fans forgiveness, Richard. You already made it much harder to keep faith in your intellectual integrity, and for all the heat even the hardest writer can take in any direction, nobody as unpopular as you can afford to also be seen as a intellectual prostitute. You'd be, at best, a sober Milo who has a much harder time getting laid, even when hiring hookers.

>> No.22342435

I second this.

I don't think this matters; it's not a hit piece on 'him' it's a hit piece against the people around him, it's not about intellectual honesty it's about guilt by association.

Maybe the best way forward would be to point out that basically everybody on the internet is a racist troll due to censorship leaving only a few paths, albeit erroneous paths, open to people via reverse psychology of censorship having created allure and mystique over those paths.

But nobody wants to hear bout that
1) bad actors are only looking for an excuse to blackmail/tar
2) the other lot are brainwashed into thinking the erroneous paths aren't erroneous paths
3) this is a cognitive disorder which stabs at the root intellectual psychosocial failings of humans, that goes far beyond contemporary politics

that said,
I'm sure glad I was never using twitter or making blogs when I joined the internet in 2007.

>> No.22342473


No. It's absolutely on him. Not others. His new book is about how Wokeness traces directly back to the Civil Rights Movement. That's every bit as heretical today as saying the Earth revolves around the Sun in the mid-17th Century. The book was gaining too much popularity, and this absolutely was put out now to kill it in the crib, to make even discussing it at all too embarrassing for respectable people to do in public, and to scare away anyone fool enough to consider digging into this idea any further.

>> No.22342478

He is antisemitic?

>> No.22342483

Wait, Hanania being a weird racist HBD type was supposed to be a secret? The guy was blaring that shit on the main, wtf.

>> No.22342498

Sort of. It was a mix of anti-zionism(he is ethnically palestinian) with some stuff about ethnic nepotism.

>> No.22342502

The huffpost piece says he wrote articles for Counter Currents and Richard Spencer that included advocating the ethnic cleansing of America and sterilizing people with IQ's below 90. Much worse than what he was posting on twitter or his substack.

>> No.22342512

The article doesn't mention any anti-Semitic posts by Hanania.

>> No.22342534

From the article:
>A prominent conservative writer, lionized by Silicon Valley billionaires

>Hanania has his own podcast, too, interviewing the likes of Steven Pinker, the famous Harvard cognitive psychologist, and Marc Andreessen, the billionaire software engineer. Another billionaire, Elon Musk, reads Hanania’s articles and replies approvingly to his tweets. A third billionaire, Peter Thiel, provided a blurb to promote Hanania’s book

>The 37-year-old has been published by The New York Times and The Washington Post. He delivered a lecture to the Yale Federalist Society and was interviewed by the Harvard College Economics Review. He appeared twice on “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” Fox News’ former prime-time juggernaut. He was a recent guest on a podcast hosted by the CEO of Substack, the $650 million publishing platform where Hanania has nearly 20,000 subscribers.

>rich benefactors, some of whose identities are unknown, have funneled hundreds of thousands of dollars into a think tank run by Hanania. The think tank doles out cash to conservative academics, and produces political studies that are cited across right-wing media.

>> No.22342556

What a creepy looking guy; he makes my skin crawl

>> No.22342566


Yeah, and it was clearly him. There's too many little details that match up, complete with him sharing more than half the name of Richard Hoste. He had to've known this would get found out eventually, and none of the plausible reasons he has for staying quiet could possibly be motivated by anything other than cowardice and greed. He probably thought he'd have enough time to at least get his book out and sold reasonably well first before this'd happen, but he didn't, and shouldn't have assumed he did. Least of all given how he's made at least as many enemies who are either current-or-former alt-reichers or fed spies and researchers who actually might've been reading natsocsphere pages in the 2010s. There's lots of people who could've made the tip-off, and they did it at the very time to hurt him most.

Fuck, maybe it was Spencer who made the tipoff. It seems like something he'd do.

>> No.22342600

>His new book is about how Wokeness traces directly back to the Civil Rights Movement. That's every bit as heretical today
..what? Who would deny that? That's what they literally shout as they mouth egalitarian platitudes whilst bombing civilians and orchestrating dumb theatre like January 7th or 11th or whenever it was.
i.e. it's not legitimate intellectual ideological position anymore so than the catholics (way back when) were legitimate when they were using their ideology as the excuse to do as they pleased. It's just a public relations cover.

I hate this subject but I may as well say that "wokeness" is a recent buzzword for conservatives, who oppose the wars but can't (or i think don't want to) verbalize or fathom what's happening around them; they can't seem to wrap their minds around the notion that "wokeness" is literally case after case of fake egalitarian platitudes being espoused by totalitarian pseudo-imperialists.

and I may as well also point you in the direction of chris hedges while I'm here.

So I mean, on topic, I don't see the cause of the hit-piece being against anything said (at least in what you said the book is about) since that's not heresy for those guys but something they'd prefer people believed; that they were sincere in what they said.

>> No.22342667


Very few people other than far-rightists and the wokenvolk actually do believe wokeristas are genuine successors to the civil rights movement. The popular position was always that equal opportunity was all that was needed. It's also a very comforting position for a wide spectrum of people, so they're happier to just make up reasons why it's actually true rather than face the explanation it's not.

Even the wolkies do this. They just make up the largest amount of bullshit as to why it's true, and they don't care about how many people have to get hurt, nor how badly they have to get hurt, on the way to equality of outcomes. It's just the truth of how long this has been the priority, and how many civil-rights activists followed through on the very worst evils to force their way and ignored all signs it could never be, is too embarrassing for most to confront. It wasn't just loony campus kooks that were the problem.

Also, Trump is a pedo who sold his boys buttholes to Michael Jackson. You have wasted, and will waste, every second of your life you spent defending him. The January 6thers were just stupid enough to believe all the more. They deserve every one of their prison sentences, but not half as much as the swine who riled them up to their downfalls.

>> No.22342679

Well I live in England and am not registered to vote in America, so that means I voted fifty times, but for Biden.

I don't know whether it's as you say; mostly it's sincere idiots being hijacked by system cretins and obvious grifters, with 'this' being used as an excuse for hysteria porn on the right - i don't think the right is wrong at all lol but it's satanic panic 2.0

Tucker or Gutfeld isn't going to explain how "the left" is a front for MIC and short-sighted yankee imperialism, for instance. Dissonance and compartmentalization of the brain allows one to keep their job, and a very entertaining delusion cloaking a very dangerous truth is preferred.

>> No.22342686

Why does he look so untrustworthy?

>> No.22342693

what's this?

>> No.22342695
File: 111 KB, 1600x840, ridin with biden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22342702

>what's this?
that thing General Eisenhower warned you about.

The other problem America suffers under was warned about by General Washington in his Farewell Address, i.e. a press checkered with abuse and libel.

checkered: as in, every second square is black.

>> No.22342716

Because he's ugly and neuroatypical.

>> No.22342723
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It's not libel when you really did it, unless you have enough money to shut up an overtalkative gay porn star.

>> No.22342730
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Who cares? If his articles and youtube shit gets more people to talk openly about low black IQ and the such it is a good thing. The overton window is shifting slowly. Musk and Sailer are doing alot of it on Twitter. More people are starting to openly talk about African American IQ, crime etc..

Its a good thing imo

>> No.22342733


The reason this article was released was clearly to get less people to talk about it.

>> No.22342738

that proves the point i made earlier, they don't care whether he no longer holds those opinions; there's plenty of former nazi people i've read who've reformed and have tied to explain what's going on - nobody gives a damn. Remember: every critic is a russian robot, that's the corner they've painted themselves into. pravda style, ironically, where we all know it'sbullshit but nothing can penetrate the bloodbrain barrier to get through to anyone about it.

there's a good topic, richard

>> No.22342751
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>More people are starting to openly talk about African American IQ
but if that's true then we need Affirmative Action, some havepointedout that this belief by leftist racists was the reason for (all complained about things in america) in the first place.

it's late here,i have no idea who richard banana is. and this isn't /pol/

>> No.22342811

>I personally don't think you're actually still a Nazi.
Isn't Hanania's whole gimmick that he pretends not to be a nazi but every so often he reveals his true opinions by parodying clueless classical liberals/cuckservatives ad absurdum?

>> No.22342816

>but if that's true then we need Affirmative Action
This is such a westerner reaction. You truly have been brainwashed by egalitarianism.

>> No.22342834

what is his upcoming book about?

>> No.22342843

The posters from the Salo Forum and other early far right forums must have some sort of cabal, way too many of them turn into right wing e-celebs for it to be a coincidence.

>> No.22342858

Chris Rufo must have been a perfect boy scout all his life, he's way higher profile and has achieved way more than all the other right wing personalities put together, but he hasn't had any hitpieces that reveal anything unpalatable yet.

>> No.22342868


If so, he's done it in a stunningly dumb and ineffective way. Even if he just adopted his more respectable beliefs for image, he openly holds so many unpopular belief combinations, and has done so much to piss off his less-successful, washed-up former colleagues that it was impossible he wasn't gonna be exposed and humiliated at the worst possible time for his personal life and professional career, because the Spncerian nazbols don't want to improve society somewhat even on their own terms. They want things to get worse and worse to sharpen popular grievance in their favor.

He never should've underestimated their vindictiveness. Regardless of why he abandoned Richard Hoste.

>> No.22342870

chud phenotype

>> No.22342875
File: 571 KB, 994x1500, jcrLNiYf4t84.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>“Many pundits ridiculed Ibram X. Kendi, the high priest of wokeness, when he proposed creating a ‘Department of Anti-Racism’ that would censor ‘racist ideas’ and outlaw racial disparities. But what if such an agency already exists? In this trenchant and well-argued book, Richard Hanania shows how an ostensibly new phenomenon has its roots in a fifty-year-old legal regime—one that has strayed very far from the color-blind ideals that created it.” — AARON SIBARIUM, associate editor at the Washington Free Beacon

>“Why is corporate America so woke? Combining social science and legal scholarship, Hanania provides a compelling answer: Not being woke is almost illegal. Elastic definitions of ‘discrimination’ expose the whole business world to incessant politically correct shakedowns. Instead of wasting energy refuting woke absurdities, Hanania advises a laser-like focus on curtailing civil rights litigation. Wokeness has triumphed in the marketplace of ideas with thinly veiled government backing. Take that backing away, and the woke threat will crumble.” — BRYAN CAPLAN, professor of economics at George Mason University and author of The Myth of the Rational Voter

>> No.22342881

He looks very comely with those flowers in his hair, didn't Frankenstein like to put flowers in his hair too?

>> No.22342891


And this is the reason why, though there are many good candidates, I think it was Spencer that gave the tip. He absolutely screams "vindictive", and you know he hates not being famous anymore and watching a guy who used to work for him become more successful than he'll ever be. He wins in every respect. At least by his own twisted rules.

>> No.22342961

His eyes tell a lot

>> No.22342995

I don't know why you are cherry picking since you can easily find quotes from him in the article-
>“We’ve known for a while through neuroscience and cross-adoption studies... that individuals differ in their inherent capabilities. The races do, too, with whites and Asians on the top and blacks at the bottom,”
>“Women simply didn’t evolve to be the decision makers in society,” he wrote, adding that “women’s liberation = the end of human civilization.”
>Hispanic people, he wrote in a 2010 article in Counter-Currents, “don’t have the requisite IQ to be a productive part of a first world nation.” He then made an argument for ethnic cleansing, writing that “the ultimate goal should be to get all the post-1965 non-White migrants from Latin America to leave.”

>> No.22343059

Ah yes the infamous white supremacist Richard “we should import more Mexicans because it makes the GDP go up” Hanania