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22341197 No.22341197 [Reply] [Original]

The fact that Orthodoxy has this book automatically puts it at the very top in terms of literary output. Augustine, Dante, etc. don't compare to this actual spiritual masterpiece.

>> No.22341200

Nothing compares to Dante.

>> No.22341206

They were Catholic

>> No.22341211

No, Catholics don't maintain this monastic tradition, only the Orthodox do.

>> No.22341217
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>> No.22341222

Just say you never read the book or you don't know anything about monasticism instead of posting a picture from Google.

>> No.22341225

Catholic monks exist retard. St. Benedict was directly influenced by desert fathers

>> No.22341228
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The fact that Lutheranism has this book automatically puts it at the very top in terms of literary output. Augustine, Dante, etc. don't compare to this actual spiritual masterpiece.

>> No.22341238

Where did I say they don't exist? I said they don't maintain the tradition presented in the book, that of extreme asceticism.

That book is spiritual dogshit though.

>> No.22341241

>That book is spiritual dogshit though.

>> No.22341243

Benedictine monks pray 8 hours a day and work 8 hours and sleep 8 hours. Sounds like asceticism to me.

>> No.22341252
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I did.
That's because you never read the book and you don't know about Orthdoox ascecitism. Silouan was sleeping 2 hours per night and praying with no breaks.

>> No.22341253

What is the appeal here? It just seems like ancient schizo posting.

>> No.22341268

Bro one exceptional guy doesn’t prove anything. The monks on mt athos pray work sleep 8 hours a day just like the benedictines.

>> No.22341274

The Orthodox follow the ancient tradition of the guys in the book, you follow some other guy's tradition. This is irrefutable and you're stupid.

>> No.22341276


>> No.22341278

Saint Benedict was heavily influenced by the desert fathers, sorry

>> No.22341281

Protestants were heavily influenced by Catholics, but they don't follow the Catholic tradition. See >>22341274
>you're stupid.

>> No.22341289

You realise Saint Benedict is a saint in the Orthodox Church too? You just called him a Protestant xD

>> No.22341290

There are Catholic monasteries still

>> No.22341294

I didn't...
You're both illiterate, please stop posting.

>> No.22341296

>No true Scotsman

>> No.22341299

Not an argument

>> No.22341306

He was the founder of monasticism in Western Europe. You just claimed he stands in the same relation to the desert fathers as the Protestants do to the Catholics. So you think he perverted their doctrine in some way. Can you explain what it is about the Rule of St. Benedict that perverts the doctrine of the desert fathers? Because the guy was directly influenced by them and sought to establish in Europe the same system. Your only argument has been “this one guy slept only 2 hours and prayed the rest of the day once”. But the monks on mt athos follow the same time schedule as the Benedictine monks.

>> No.22341312
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Catholic/Orthodox or fallen harlot apostate Protestantism which does follow Catholic tradition, it makes no difference, they're all going to receive the plagues as it is written: The harlot daughter partakes of her whore mother's false doctrine, so she receives of the plagues.

Man doesn't have the authority to change God's Law and one of the biggest points of contention in Christ's day was not abolishing the law but rebuking religious leaders who teach for doctrine the commandments of men and have made the word of God of none effect. Another issue was the 4th commandment, which by their tradition made a burden; but by Romanist tradition they've destroyed the 4th commandment and replaced it with their "venerable day of the sun". Who will you obey, God or man? The seal of God or the mark of the beast?

Matthew 7:15
Matthew 7:21-23
1 John 4:1
Revelation 17:6
Revelation 18:4

>> No.22341313

Catholics: Dante, Aquinas, Augustine, Bonaventure
Protestants: Bach, Jacobi, Kierkegaard, Boehme
Orthodox: Dostoyevski, Palamas

Eckhart?? Shestov? Solovyov?

>> No.22341314

Explain how this isn't just like Superman vs Goku debates

>> No.22341316

First of all, the rule of st. Benedict is about communal life, not hermiticsm and living in the wilderness like they were doing in Egypt, so I don't know why you keep going on about him. Secondly, Catholic monks now do intellectual exercise more than physical exercise, so once again it's entirely irrelevant to the topic. Catholics are not following the tradition in the book, it's entirely off-topic to talk about them.

>> No.22341317

You're an idiot

>> No.22341318

Post a nice passage

>> No.22341323

>post an exerpt
>post a tweet about it
>post a tiktok video
No. You and the other zoomers ITT need to go back.

>> No.22341326
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God is real.
>but I can't find him
And you don't look because you love your sin.

God literally promises to reveal himself to those who diligently search with all their heart to find him. I took him up on that and I found him. I was never raised in any faith, went to state schools being indoctrinated into the state religion of atheistic naturalism; but that's not even scientifically possible within its own world view, it's stupid.

>> No.22341328

But Lutheranism has Boehme and Hegel...

>> No.22341334

Insufferable cunt lmao
And this fag expects me to believe he "found" God.

>> No.22341342

The desert fathers soon built monasteries only the initial ones were full on hermits. Anyways there are hermits in the Catholic Church too, but most monks live in some sort of community including the Orthodox ones.

>> No.22341344

I'm not the anti-evolution guy, I'm sorry if 4chan confuses you newfag

>> No.22341348

It's enough to visit a Catholic and an Orthodox monastery to see the truth.

>> No.22341353

Been here longer than you've been alive, zoomie.

>> No.22341356
File: 22 KB, 315x442, 9E8D894E-C13B-444E-B785-F8CC2B082986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s enough to read St. Maximus the Confessor to see the truth.


>How much more in the case of the clergy and Church of the Romans, which from old until now, as the elder of all the Churches which are under the sun, presides over all? Having surely received this canonically, as well from councils and apostles, as from the princes of the latter [Peter & Paul], and being numbered in their company, she is subject to no writings or issues of synodical documents, on account of the eminence of her pontificate, even as in all these things all are equally subject to her according to sacerdotal law.

>For the very ends of the earth and those in every part of the world who purely and rightly confess the Lord, look directly to the most holy Church of the Romans and its confession and faith as though it were a sun of unfailing light, expecting from it the illuminating splendour of the Fathers and sacred dogmas…For ever since the Incarnate Word of God came down to us, all the churches of Christians everywhere have held that greatest Church there to be their sole base and foundation, since on the one hand, it is in no way overcome by the gates of Hades, according to the very promise of the Saviour , but holds the keys of the orthodox confession and faith in him and opens the only true and real religion to those who approach with godliness, and on the other hand, it shuts up and locks every heretical mouth that speaks unrighteousness against the most High.

>> No.22341359

If you had been here longer than a few months you'd know about the 1 minute timer.
It says nothing about monastic life, which is the topic of the thread.

>> No.22341380

Why :(

>> No.22341406

For assuming all traditions think of literary works in the same way. The Orthodox generally discourage philosophy and other Western endeavours. They'd tell you to read the Philokalia. Solvyov was heterodox, Shestov was not Orthodox, and your understanding of all of it is worse than nothing since you think 19th/20th century Russia is representative of anything.

>> No.22341421

Carthusians and Camaldolese are more ascetic than any Ortho monastery althougheverbeitthough
There are also eastern Catholics who have the same monastic life as their Orthodox counterparts

>> No.22341432

These orders barely exist
>As of May 2022 there are 21 extant charterhouses, 16 for monks and 5 for nuns, indicated by bold type

Catholicism is just an endless cope about not being orthodox.

>> No.22341450

They exist, though. And there's nothing you can do about it. Catholic is the one true Christianity.

>> No.22341464

They exist and are most likely crap. Meanwhile, you go to any Orthodox monastery and you'll find at least one saint. You go to Mt. Athos and you'll find the Holy Spirit talking through people.
>Catholic is the one true Christianity.

>> No.22341475

But I just listed cool people (Bach is there) that identified themselves to each Christian tradition.
>solovyov was heterodox
Solovyov apostatized from Orthodoxy then returned to it, then his Sophiology tried to reconcile itself with it. Thus the question mark after his name.
Same for Shestov, question mark, I didn’t say he was Orthodox.
I haven’t touched a single book on christian matter for ages, you e- christians are insufferably pedantic and dumb. I’m glad I literally don’t care about much of this stuff anymore.

>> No.22341477

You should listen to a talk by Father Cassian Folsom

>> No.22341481

>They don't exist lol
>Okay they exist but they aren't as big as I would like (size queen)
>Okay but the Holy Spirit talks though them so the party is better (trust me bro)
Keep moving the goal posts, fag.

>> No.22341486

Catholic monks in the tradition of the Desert Fathers don't exist, never have. Sorry you're illiterate, but we already established this from the beginning.

>> No.22341491

We established that they exist and you only whine about size because you're a size queen.

>> No.22341498
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It's fun to see Eastern "Orthodox" and Papists arguing.

>> No.22341504

Those orders have nothing to do with the desert fathers only perhaps in your head and in Catholic fantasies but definitely not in real life

>> No.22341519

Please, define for us, what is the tradition of the desert fathers to which Mt. Athos is included but not Grande Chartreuse? Where is the desert tradition today in the Eastern Churches?

>> No.22341634

>what is the tradition of the desert fathers to which Mt. Athos is included but not Grande Chartreuse
Not listening to a fraudulent bishop for starters, not secularizing the church with profane philosophy, not venerating heretics, the entire spirit of the Catholic "Church" is foreign to anything authentically Christian from the early centuries. You can't patch something fundamentally wrong, real life is not pagan philosophy

>> No.22341663

Primitive carmelites?

>> No.22341760
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Modern westoids are so high on hormones they think goyslop is actual Christian tradition

>> No.22341770

>literature is goyslop now
Go back

>> No.22341787

Existentialism is goyslop for depressed fags like yourself yes

>> No.22341816
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>The fact that Islam has this book automatically puts it at the very top in terms of literary output. Augustine, Dante, etc. don't compare to this actual spiritual masterpiece.

>> No.22341871

You do realize that the desert tradition is older than Constantinople, right?

>> No.22341878


>> No.22341882

rational theology is nihilistic

>> No.22342565

The Desert Fathers were not Orthodox or Catholic. They existed before the Imperial church was established and influenced both early development.

>> No.22342583

They're the only two worth listening on the subject

>> No.22342590

In your timelines when exactly is the delineation line between the early church and the imperial church?

>> No.22342602

Constantine. But more solidified with Constantius II

>> No.22342625

Have considered the Biblical canon collected as you know it was put together by the same imperial Church right? Now I'm not arguing that there aren't doctrinal issues to debate regarding the Church, but your assessment seems trivial.

>> No.22342638

>Have considered the Biblical canon collected as you know it was put together by the same imperial Church right?
I know that.
>but your assessment seems trivial.
I think it's rather stupid to attribute the Desert fathers as being Orthodox considering any conception of the Orthodox church either did not exist or had just came into being. That would also be ignoring that they influenced nearly all Christians regardless and are not uniquely 'Orthodox'

>> No.22342668

Backpedaling LARPer! You have been proven wrong multiple times and keep arguing. Now go listen to what the CIA head bishop of your church has to say.

>> No.22342683
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Its just an edgelord's revenge fantasy

>> No.22342876

we are called to asceticism. whether we are monastics or layman. hesychasm is the heart of Orthodoxy.

>> No.22342914

NTA, but he has a point. Personally I'm Catholic, but I think the fighting between Catholics, Orthodox Christians, and Protestants is just stupid hair-splitting. For example, I can appreciate that Orthodox Christians also believe in Purgatory, and share the vast majority of theological views. I can also appreciate that Protestants who came to colonize America in the 17th century, though they were thousands of miles and an entire ocean away from Rome, decided to keep studying the Bible and to do their best keeping basic church traditions on a local level, even if they weren't a part of the Roman Catholic Church and lived in some rural countryside on the other side of the world.

I can also appreciate that the King James Bible, while missing a few books, is the most important piece of literature ever written.

OP needs to stop flinging shit at Catholics and focus on the real problem at hand--rampant secular materialists and rugged individualists.

>> No.22342963

What makes this group of religious retards different to every other group of religious retards?
Organised religion is a farce.

>> No.22342972

Liar. Kys troon.

>> No.22343232

>The Desert Fathers were not Orthodox or Catholic.
They were Orthodox.
> Imperial church
Protestant made up crap, doesn't exist in Orthodoxy.
>any conception of the Orthodox church either did not exist or had just came into being
It did. Orthodox Church is the Church that has direct continuation with the Apostles and didn't change anything. No other Church has these: Protestants have no continuation with anything, Catholics changed things.
>OP needs to stop flinging shit at Catholics and focus on the real problem at hand--rampant secular materialists and rugged individualists.
These are both Catholic and Protestant-derived issues. The cause of it all IS your doing. You're an idiot and ecumenism has been rejected by Orthodoxy.

>> No.22343249


>> No.22343262

>focus on the real problem at hand--rampant secular materialists and rugged individualists
>These are both Catholic and Protestant-derived issues. The cause of it all IS your doing.
Patriarch Kirill is a literal government stooge

>> No.22343264

Reading comprehension—as expected from a follower of paganism.

>> No.22343271

>Patriarch Kirill is a literal government stooge
Irrelevant, you're too stupid to even understand the problem let alone the cause. No patriarch created secularism, your entire ideology and perversion of Christianity for 1000 years created secularism.

>> No.22343285

>could have been a cool thread about ascetic writings
>ends up just being an Orthodox guy trying to argue that monks outside of his denomination don't exist or aren't TRUE and HONEST monks

>> No.22343287

Try r/Christianity and don't expect ecumenism in an Orthodox thread next time newfag.

>> No.22343578

based vid mate, if you want to go deeper on ecumenism try lookin up sotiropoulos, try not getting into any schisms tho and stay orthodox

>> No.22343630

>I want a "cool thread about ascetic writings" who cares about the truth
The puer aeternus brain trying to understand anything that is not Hollywood friendly

>> No.22343920

They weren't orthodox. They were old men weeping in caves.

>> No.22343922

>no Philokalia

>> No.22344151

Orhtholarpers are more insufferable than /pol/acks, that is if they are not even the same people. They act the same in every thread without fail

>> No.22344178

>slept 2 hours a night

You guys need to stop confusing ancient autists with spiritual leaders

>> No.22344197

>thinking that sandnigger worshippers have any value
cake double u, grow up and stop believing in (bad) fairytales. youre being more cringe than harry potter fans.

>> No.22344268


>> No.22344288

chatgpt thread

>> No.22345267

God doesn't live in the desert, only lizards and scorpions. No wisdom ever came from there. That was Satan talking to you.

>> No.22345300

You have to be 18+ to post.

>> No.22345318

Paradise Lost is better than the Divine Comedy.

>> No.22345728
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>> No.22346152

>Catholics changed things.
Literally every Ecumenical council changed things you idiot. Do you think the Cult of Icons existed in the Early Church?

>> No.22346321

>Literally every Ecumenical council changed things you idiot.
They never changed anything.
> Do you think the Cult of Icons existed in the Early Church?
Absolutely yes

>> No.22346384

>My CIA religion is better!
Just admit you got memed by youtube videos bro

>> No.22346426

See >>22344268

>> No.22346466

>the Early Church
This is the problem. The changes come when you found a church. The faith, the grassroots cult that it was was altered to try and make sense of it. Failing miserably the first dozen times, we have this nonsense religion with a million forking paths.

>> No.22346471

Stop posting idiot

>> No.22346472

There's only one path: Orthodoxy.

>> No.22346539

>Stop exposing the evils of state corrupted religion!
No. We found all this out ages ago. Why we had deism and an Enlightenment.
You misspelled “Gnosticism”! Joking though. That’s not even a reasonable path, it’s just closer to the original “path”

>> No.22346542
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>> No.22346556

Seriously don’t know what this is even trying to say
Save your ugly.jpg. You aren’t shaming me or anyone out of knowing the truth.

>> No.22346558

You'll know when you grow up

>> No.22346561

>Santa IS real! You’ll find out! You’ll find out wen it’s 2 late!!!

>> No.22347189

Based, read a little and it slaps

>> No.22347192

Midwit book. Favorite of undergrad pseud.

>> No.22348539

As a Christian, lot of these sayings are hogwash. Supposedly they were out slaying mythical beasts with prayer?

>> No.22348634
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Depends what you mean by change. If growth is change, then yes, things changed. But usually in the context of these conversations when people say "change" it's a pejorative term referring to contradicting the past or adding something in that didn't exist in the past.

>> No.22348645

Nta but I’m a Catholic and I’m astounded by how good milton is. While we have Joyce I must recognize that you anglos knew how to fucking write. Shakespeare, Spenser, Milton, and those are just the poets. Credit where credit is due

>> No.22349059
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>no I'M the real cuck who prostrates himself before a false desert god