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/lit/ - Literature

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22340820 No.22340820 [Reply] [Original]

do you think litterature is a superior art than cinema?

>> No.22340827

I cant take cinema seriously.

>> No.22340846

Collaborative art will forever be inferior to literature.

>> No.22340899

I think so. Cinema just does the imagination for you.

>> No.22340925

writing has a higher skill ceiling, but lower barrier for entry

>> No.22340928

Yes. Literature contains the universe and its twin.

>> No.22340946

By far. I love good cinema but very little of it achieves the depth of great literature.

>> No.22340953

No, they're like screenplays. If the book is good enough it'll be turned into a movie.

>> No.22340971

terrible b8

>> No.22340982

name 3 movie adaptations better than the books

>> No.22341008


>> No.22341018
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Great literature has a higher peak than great cinema, but good cinema is better than good literature.

When writing is truly great, it is superior to even the greatest of visuals because the reader themselves constructs images, emotions, and ideals to such a cohesiveness that cannot be matched elsewhere.

That being said, most writing is merely "good", in the sense that it doesn't excite one's inner self; you might appreciate the story in the moment, but it will never stick with you over a long period of time, or even affect the way you experience life. Here, good cinema is superior because strong imagery can make up for the inadequacies of writing, and instill in the viewer an approximate facsimile of what great literature achieves. This is why the most popular/acclaimed movies don't need great plot or dialogue, but necessarily convey an emotion or idea that imprints itself onto the viewer.

>> No.22341035

Books are better

>> No.22341042

>most popular/acclaimed movies don't need great plot or dialogue, but necessarily convey an emotion or idea that imprints itself onto the viewer.
Prose is the cinematography of books so this also applies to books.

>> No.22341046

The consensus is that the books are only maybe better which leaves room for the argument that the movies are better.

>> No.22341058

It leaves room for contrarians and non-readers/plebs.

>> No.22341073

if you're not a contrarian then your opinion is irrelevant

>> No.22341074
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The vast majority of literature is superior to the vast majority of films.
However, top tier films BTFO top tier literature.

>> No.22341084

Relevant enough to make faggots like you seethe :D

>> No.22341085
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>> No.22341089

Weird because I'm yet to watch a film better than The Divine Comedy. It simply does not exist.

>> No.22341090
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No, in the same way that painting is not superior to sculpture. The value is in the art and the expression of the artist, not the medium.

>> No.22341112

Best answer.

>> No.22341116

my seething is not relevant

>> No.22341120

How is literature not a collaborative art? Passes through at least one editor, has to be accepted by a publishing house, must be interpreted by an audience, most stories are based on similar structures and group knowledge. The idea that anything can be made in a vacuum is naïve

>> No.22341121
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Prose and visuals/cinematography aren't identical because the former requires active engagement by the reader, while the latter can subconsciously influence the viewer's emotions. Moreover, if the prose is coupled with genuinely poor storytelling, it is still noticeable because as a reader, story progression is a function of your focused attention, and boring stories don't inspire attention.

Therefore, you need to expend more energy reading a well-written, but boring, story than an equally poorly written, but visually interesting, movie.

>> No.22341132

form follows function.

>> No.22341134

The best cinema is just adaptions of books

>> No.22341152

An author writes a book. The movie has writer, director, producer, composer, actors, cinematographer, SFX guy, etc.

Book = one guy
Movie = many guys

>> No.22341154

except The Good, The bad and the ugly, which is imo one of the rare movies that wouldn't be better as a book. music is what really sets cinema apart from litterature. a writer can do pretty much everything else.

>> No.22341301

Flick fags have such an inferiority complex that they eternally seethe at the idea that literature exists. Their medium is for the lowest common denominator — those arguably sentient

>> No.22341307

is that a colombo pepe?

>> No.22341308


>> No.22341320

based, was talking to my gf about this just last night

>> No.22341343

Based Apu corrector.

>> No.22341354

Nope. To say one is superior to the other negates the fact that it’s not merely the medium that creates the works we value so highly, but the creatives who translate their visions despite the appearing limitations of the medium of their choice.

So yeah, both forms have advantages and disadvantages depending the story one wants to tell. It simply depends on the mind- or team behind it.

>> No.22341363

This is why I hate when motherfuckers discuss art. Discussions around art almost always revolve around what is and isn't art and whose art form is better than the other's.

>is literature superior than cinema
Superior how?
You realize this is completely subjective?
You realize the only reason you're talking about this is to feel your dick grow a centimeter longer when you get to fight for your side?

Unreal the amount of mouthbreathing retards on lit who try their best to sound intelligent.

To answer your question, OP, I don't give a shit. I believe in creativity, not art; and sometimes I want to read a book, and sometimes I want to watch a film

>> No.22341382

literature is pure art and pure human expression. film is letting your imagination be cucked by some director producer and casting directors ideas of how things should be
not to mention that watching movies produced after 2012 are essentially 90 minute advertisements

>> No.22341385

Obviously, movies are for retards.

>> No.22341422

Why not?

>> No.22341492

Films at their best are visual poems/paintings. Ones that approximate the strengths of the novel are inferior films as film. It's still a very young medium ... the move back toward theater is the right one. Cinema still requires plenty of literature in its production, what you see is its afterthought. Ultimately what's on screen is a compromise where what's on the page is not marred by improvisation and contingencies of production. Adaptations like The Shining call that into question, sure.

>> No.22341627

Literature is better than cinema, but cinema is way better than painting

>> No.22342174

From an object oriented point of view cinema is closer to the publishing industry than to literature as an art.

>> No.22343304

Yes. It’s so much deeper since it can connect with you on multiple levels personally.

>> No.22343315
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>Bodybuilding is an the supreme art form.