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22340324 No.22340324 [Reply] [Original]

Name a non-white author that you enjoy reading

>> No.22340347
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I'm nonwhite but I don't read nonwhite authors.

What mean?

>> No.22340454

Any of the Greeks and Romans.

>> No.22340471

If you read anything not written by a white or asian you arent reading literature. (Greeks and Romans count as white)

>> No.22340476

Borges & Bolaño, easily top most white writers.

>> No.22340484

Tulsidas Is one of my favorite poets of all time.

>> No.22340492

Either self hating or pseudo intellectual or poser. Could be a combination too.

>> No.22340495

Indians aren’t Asians.

>> No.22340499

What race was Borges?

>> No.22340501


>> No.22340505

Is India not located in Asia?

>> No.22340507

What is the Count of Monte Cristo?

>> No.22340514

You mean Amerindian?

>> No.22340524

All of them

>> No.22340529

Forgot to ask also what about Bolaño. He looks like he could pass as Portuguese, Spanish, French and Italian.

>> No.22340534

a book written a creole raised in high french society? honorary white, try again

>> No.22340546

Is this an american thing? What are we if not Asians?
Satyajit Ray has good detective stories. Good to read if you like Sherlock Holmes but set in India. I could've said something more "intellectual" but this is what I enjoy reading

>> No.22340549

So true, dear racial realist

>> No.22340561

Homer, Dante, Cervantes

>> No.22340568

Ghost written by a white guy for starters

>> No.22340574

The 100 Years of Solitude guy from Mexico.

>> No.22340583

Machado de Assis
Paul Celan
Stefan Zweig
Thomas Mann
Bruno Schulz
Italo Svevo

>> No.22340612

Indians are the 2nd most caucasoid races in nature you idiot. We are anything by Asian.

>t. Indian

>> No.22340624

>lives in Asia
>claims he's not asian
this shit aint adding up

>> No.22340631

Asian is a geographical term, we live in asia, hence asian, so are Iranians or Arabs. I don't see where the Caucasoid/Mongoloid shit comes in. we're Caucasoid and Asian.

>> No.22340642

>Brown skin

Something isnt adding up...

>> No.22340784

Kashmiri are literally whiter than you

>> No.22340797

too bad you're still indian.

>> No.22340826

Gabriel García Márquez is Colombian you illiterate dumbass.

>> No.22340835

Greeks and Romans are white, the pale shit living north of the Danube are niggers born in the wrong bodies.

>> No.22340850

This shit just makes white people look bad. Fuck off.
t. Whiter than you

>> No.22340860

Caucasoid yes
white no.
I am Indian too, but you don't need to claim whiteness
Kashmiri girls are, a lot of men aren't, but then again even with that pale skin, most of them look like chuds.

>> No.22340864

What part of India are you from

>> No.22340873


>> No.22340875


>> No.22340951

Considering im nordic I doubt that.

>> No.22340992


>> No.22340999

t. slavshit

>> No.22341001

Sigmund Freud

>> No.22341015

NTA but the point still stands

>> No.22341149

Brown hands typed this post

>> No.22341364

So non-whites.

>> No.22341373

Jews, Latin Americans, Greeks, Italians, Spaniards, Portuguese. My favorite authors are from these ethnicities. I find most "white" authors, that is Anglo-Germanics, to be insipid and dull (I would save from the fire people like Carroll and Jünger).

>> No.22341424

The best (and largest) part of Europe is non-white? Alright, this must have been the true opinion for Europeans through all the ages.

>> No.22341430

Yes. European and white are different things.

>> No.22341438

I would definitely subscribe to this distinction if people could just settle upon a fixed and determined one, instead of bustling about with numerous different terms like white, indo european, aryan, etc

>> No.22341511


>> No.22341666

He was Argentinian and his parents were too. Their parents had Uruguayan acenstry, which ethnically is fundamentally the same as Argentina. Borges was a white latino / latino with more than 50% European blood, as most argies and uruguayans. I'd say he's 75% white and 25% other (probably Native South American)

>> No.22341679

Borges was a mutt (as is everyone, really). Portuguese, Spanish, Basque, English, Jewish (confirmed by documents), Native American. He had no negro or Oriental blood but he married a half Japanese woman so it's not like he cared that much.

>> No.22341683

nice projection fellow nonwhite

>> No.22341687


>> No.22341723

I heard he had a distant Jewish and/or Amerindian relative, like a great great grandparent. He could trace his ancestry to European forebears, like his father's mother (who was English). I'd say he was at least 90% European, genetically.

Portuguese-Spanish-Basque is a coherent mix, if a mix at all. Jewish and Native American were very very distant, weren't they? Basically diluted non-European blood.

>> No.22341750


>> No.22341952

Pushkin (black)

>> No.22341957


>> No.22341961

bigot. we wuz kangz.

>> No.22341967


>> No.22341979

i have enjoyed the works of jews and japs but so far no authors from more melanated races.

>> No.22342592


>> No.22342603

Malcolm X
Machado de Assis
Tons of Chinese poets and philosophers
Tons of Indian philosophy

>> No.22342606

Jews are white

>> No.22342882

jews are not white

>> No.22342966

nta or a pajeet, but "Caucasoid" and all race classifications are based on skull shapes.
Indians have basically the same skull as european men which is why albino pajeets look like Swedes.

>> No.22342991

fucking got 'em lol

>> No.22343152

but does that only apply to north indians? what's about south indians?

>> No.22343164
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>Albino pajeets look like Swedes.

Yeah maybe if they have been inbreeding for three generations.

>> No.22343165

They look like slavs lmao

>> No.22343167
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>Yeah maybe if they have been inbreeding for three generations.
not all of them look like that

>> No.22343201

People from the north of sweden have those features somewhat. They look different from the stereotypically nordic people.

>> No.22343202

Man, there's no sadder history in India than of Cashmeres.

>> No.22343338

R.K. Narayan.

>> No.22343345

The current state remains unchanged, notwithstanding that the predominant responsibility for their present situation lies with Pakistan.

>> No.22343348

i laughed

probably Lu Xun, he really owns being the Chinese Gogol

>> No.22343358

Stick to fiction, then

>> No.22343394
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One of the best book by her is The Good Women of China.

>> No.22343438

Jose Lezama-Lima, Alejo Carpentier, Julio Cortazar, Ernesto Sabato, Carlos Fuentes are some that come to mind from Latin America. Not being able to name nonwhite authors is the biggest giveaway that someone is a brainlet

>> No.22343442

>>t. Indian
Why would you confess to that?

>> No.22343461

Kek underrated filename
They should stop being annoying

>> No.22343463

Why not? India numbah wan

>> No.22343844

Yet you couldn’t name a single 100% nonwhite author, lol. All the ones you mentioned have more European blood than anything else. Only Alejo Carpentier looks less white, but then he was son of a French father and a Russian mother.

>> No.22343913

One drop rule.

>> No.22343932

James Baldwin

>> No.22343952

Ameritards should really be banned from any discussion regarding race

>> No.22343953

Salman Rushdie
Arundhati Roy
Khushwant Singh

>> No.22343967
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Sadeq Hadeyat is literally me

>> No.22343968

Yes and no. Indians and whites are like long separated family. We share some common ancestors but diverged pretty far from each other. But I admire and appreciate Indian culture particularly religion and literature. The Bhagavad Gita and Buddhism both are important to me. We are very different now genetically and culturally but I wish India a prosperous future may they defeat Pakistan and ensue another 4,000 years of Vedic civilization.

>> No.22343976
File: 366 KB, 1907x1088, F48FA27D-DFC3-4C38-B7EF-B97B0FAE0B4D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jews are the opposite of white. They aren’t even human. Jews are literally crossbreed with demons after centuries of selling their souls to Kabbalah demons. They are an enemy of all of God and all of humanity wanting to plug the world into eternal chaos and despair.

>> No.22344028

Mika Waltari

>> No.22344053


>> No.22344076

Lady Murasaki

>> No.22344113

He's the son of two Italians immigrants, Francesco María Sabato y Giovannina Ferraro.
Cortazar has french, Spanish and German ancestry. His grandmother, Carmen Arias Tejada, is the only one without a very clear background.

>> No.22344527

Rushdie is a European. He spent most of his life in England, writes English novels and short stories, has degrees in Eng lit from Oxford. Roy is also an extreme Anglophile with little to no connection to any Indian literary tradition.

>> No.22344570

I have a hard time naming a white author I enjoy reading, at least one who wasn't from the middle ages.

>> No.22344573

>Stick to literature

>> No.22344576

I have a hard time naming a white author I enjoy reading, at least one who wasn't from the middle ages. Asian literature is just objectively better. From the Sumerian and Babylonian epics to Ferdowsi's Shahnameh, the great works of Sanskrit and volumes of Chinese and Arabic poetry. I wish I had time to study it all in depth. 90% European liteature over the last two centuries is extremely overrated garbage with occasional gems. One shelf of manga is worth more than an entire library of Western novels.

>> No.22344579

anon, we're all racial realists here. everything a person does is intimately related to the blood that is infused into her.

>> No.22344585

Cervantes, Dumas, Borges, Bolaño

>> No.22344588

I neither care for the ethnicity of the author nor do I look it up.

>> No.22344590


>> No.22344598

They’re genuinely about as white as Nordics

>> No.22344599

> He's the son of two Italians immigrants
Right, so not white.

>> No.22344600


>> No.22344654

what does this word mean? I'm always confused because it seems to be applied to literal native americans with dark brown skin and epicanthic fold and europeans

>> No.22344657

Our language is our race

>> No.22344674

nice that we've finally agreed that americans and anglos are niggers

>> No.22344678


>> No.22344766

The bible.

>> No.22344904

Go back to dance naked around rocks. By the way, checked.

>> No.22344929

european by blood and white by colour.....

i think OP is refering to race and not continents

>> No.22344940

Lmao what

>> No.22344950

Were you expecting consistency from these people?

>> No.22344986
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>> No.22345015

The best Pre-Colonial non-white writer I have ever read was Rattan Singh Bhangu's Panth Prakash. 10 years before the Sikh empire fell to the British, the East India Company comissioned a book on Sikh history to learn more about the future opponent.
The result was probably some of the most powerful stuff I've ever read, here's the PDF:

Not recommended for people unversed in South Asian history and it's a pre-colonial text so it's a bit harder to read, but it is worth it

>> No.22345018
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Franco's son and Bolaño vs some argentine native. why are you delusional, these people were european colonists

>> No.22345038

Bolaño was a poorfag from bumfuck, Chile. Obviously mestizo/castizo. Not white.

>> No.22345043

well i guess you got me there, but its hard to say he was the "filipino" type of chilean, i dont think they have great literary capacity.

>> No.22345046

I don’t know what you’re even talking about lol

>> No.22345067

>I don’t know what you’re even talking about
what exactly is not clear?

>> No.22345072 [SPOILER] 

filipino chileans?

>> No.22345076

All good writers become black.
All bad writers become white.
Therefore, every single good writer is non-white.

>> No.22345084

>opinion discarded

>> No.22345094 [DELETED] 

i was think it's kinda weird how the descendants of brutal colonists of latin america qualify for affirmative action if they move to the united states.

>> No.22345095
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yes as an expat who has stayed in south america and south east asia i thought it was uncanny the build, height, tone and features of the two non spanish natives

>> No.22345100
File: 16 KB, 474x317, OIP (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow! Almost as white as an arab! Are you fucking joking here mate?

>> No.22345104

>two asiatic peoples are similar and this is somehow news

>> No.22345112

They are not as white as your average American, or even a Sicilian.

>> No.22345121

This thread convinced me even further that race is indeed a social construct (to a degree).

>> No.22345127

as in unlike Bolaño who could be the son of Franco in appearance(a white man)

>> No.22345133

>social construct
like dog breeds?

>> No.22345143

native and white are not the only ethnicities in the americas lmao and spaniards are not actually white, they have arab admixture

>> No.22345147

As in how people are arbitrarily grouped

>> No.22345149

From the PDF:
"Quatrain: ‘Now the Sikhs must be physically transformed. They must exude power, and inspire fear. They must be given striking names. The form of initiation must sharpen them up.’ 31. This is what the True Guru decided upon and thoughtfully followed it up with action. A knight’s appearance, with long head hair and turban tied on head, would look extremely handsome. 32. Name ‘Singh’ was in the tradition of knights. The respected Guru considered this to be best. In his mind he decided upon initiation of the double-edged sword. ‘This will make the Khalsa determined to prevail.’33. ‘This is how they will acquire kingly habits and every individual in every saddle will aspire to kingship. Reeds must be beaten into steel and the initiation of the double-edged sword will make them habitually hold the double-edged sword.’"

"Couplet: O Sikhs of the Guru! Hear how I answered him: ‘this Panth was not born in secrecy. The panth of Singhs cannot remain hidden. Singh panth was created for the struggle. Singhs took birth armed with weapons.’7. ‘Singhs received initiation of the double-edged sword. It was their first meal. Singhs wear the quoits (charka), miniature knives on their heads how can they remain concealed like those who wear tiger-claws?’8. ‘The perfect Guru created the panth essentially for the struggle. Sovereignty cannot be obtained without resistance. At the very inception, the Guru invoked the method of warfare for the purpose.’"

>> No.22345183

Dumb nigger. No chink could write the Iliad and no Aryan could write the poetry of Du Fu. It is all based in blood

>> No.22345196

>using the term Aryan unironically
>retarded appeal to “blood”
That’s a /pol/tard alright.

>> No.22345213

Probably Naipaul
I can forgive his anti-white sentiments because he’s also anti-black, anti-Indian, anti-Muslim and most of all heartily misogynist

>> No.22345246
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>> No.22345576

Chile and Philippines already migrated to each other back when both where under the Spanish Empire.

>> No.22346157 [DELETED] 

slit your throat retarded shitskin

>> No.22346160

I don't think I will.

>> No.22347840
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Based. I wish I could learn Chinese in order to read the hermit poets like Han Shan in the original language.

>> No.22347860

Toni Morrison (best American author of the past 50 years)
Richard Wright
Ralph Ellison
James Baldwin
Sandra Cisneros
Leslie Marmon Silko
Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Clarice Lispector
Ishmael Reed
Bei Dao
Ben Okri
Kobo Abe
Nona Fernandez
Sevgi Basedsai
Juan Goytisolo
Kahlil Gibran
Haki R. Madhubuti
Claudia Rankine
Marjane Satrapi
Alexander Dumas
Marlon James
Nikki Giovanni
Octavia Butler
Tao Lin

if slavs don't count as white, that throws a shit load in too

>> No.22347865


>> No.22348670

>what about X
>"honorary white"
Kek, how about your black bull?