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22338824 No.22338824 [Reply] [Original]

Am I a pleb for reading it?

>> No.22338915


>> No.22338923


>> No.22338925


>> No.22338929

At least you read.

>> No.22338938

How to come off as an insincere conman- the book

>> No.22339005

He just espouses a bunch of boomer tier psychological platitudes 50 years before it became basic common sense. It isn’t that deep.

>> No.22339014

Stop listening to these idiots. It has an excellent reputation to this day for a reason.

>> No.22339035

that is a great book
even for successful shmoozers
for us asperger autist types that book is kind of a life challenge goal

>> No.22339067

Even if you're socially well-adjusted there's good tips. Now I never disagree with or correct someone even if they say something like "the Earth is inside the moon right?"

>> No.22339091

It's ok if you want to know how "npcs" and society works and how to deal with people in a way beneficial to you. Now, don't get ahead of yourself, you won't become a 300 IQ super manipulator of people like in movies and comics like some people who shill the book want you to think.
There are books that do it better, but its a good start if you are curious

>> No.22339162

>There are books that do it better


>> No.22339246

No but you can probably gauge how autistic you are based on how much new stuff you learned from it.

>> No.22339321

His big takeaway is to listen more than you talk. A lot of people just want to be heard, and you may well make the sale if you act as their sounding board. You might also try How I Raised Myself from Failure to Success in Selling, Getting into Your Customer's Head, and Rules for Corporate Warriors. You might also try the book from Kos.

>> No.22339546

read "The Mannequin"

>> No.22339650

I only find erotica with this name

>> No.22339727

I love disagreeing with people, I'm pathologically disagreeable. Is this book for me?

>> No.22339745

Yes. Stop disagreeing about things that don't matter.

>> No.22339859

To make true friends you have to be genuine and sincere. This book promotes the opposite of that and it's very easy to spot people who talk to you in this way and filter them.

>> No.22339876

it is a long time since i have read this but in my memory this book argues for honest and truthful interaction with other people with focus on actually helping them

>> No.22339884

What do you say then?

>> No.22339921

To never disagree is absurdly stupid and dishonest.
Just say what you actually think and feel but don't be a dick about it and don't insist on being right

>> No.22339927

You're supposed to be dishonest, see the Kafka quote that's been paraded around here. You should try to disagree exactly the right amount to endear yourself to people without being creepily agreeable.

>> No.22339932
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>> No.22339936

It depends on what your goal is. If you want to maximize power and influence, this may be a valid strategy. However, if your objective is to build genuine relationships and live with integrity, then to tell anything but the truth, as you understand it, is insane.

>> No.22339951

>jewish subversion, the book
no thanks

>> No.22340018

>build genuine relationships
How's that going for you? I mean this honestly

>> No.22340123

Honestly I can't imagine going back to living anyway else but it comes with a huge price.
Basically I have lost my entire family and most of my old social circle. Most people won't tolerate you being honest, this is just the way it is right now.
What I have gained is the most stable and loving relationship I have ever had and 2 close friends. All of them know my most fucked up secrets. I received financial and emotional support that I blew my mind, and I would not have gotten it if I weren't blunt about my true vision and intentions.

To be fair, I am not always living up to my ideal because I am afraid. Mostly of being judged, hated and being excluded. But every day I strive to be more truthful.

>> No.22341499

This Anon gets it.
Think of it as a "Tips and Tricks" guide to basic social interaction. If you are not an autist and were raised in a normal family, most will be common sense. For the rest of us it is a guide to deal with normies.
Just read it. It is short and easy to digest. If you struggle reading or understanding the book, you should stay away from human interaction anyway.

>> No.22342246

the book literally as plain as day says to be genuine and sincere

>> No.22342649

This >>22339745 is the best policy. I would just say
>haha maybe who knows right
And change the subject

I used to be more autistic growing up but came to realize, nobody cares if you know a particular fact or are savvier in something than others, unless it's directly relevant to the situation (e.g. you know how to open a wine bottle without a corkscrew vs. you know the NATO alphabet)

>> No.22342710

Arguments can be fun if you have some tact and social grace. You can be disagreeable without sperging out

>> No.22343454

What's the point? No one will ever change their mind. It's fun to argue about dumb shit like "is 5 or 7 average when rating out of 10" or "is XYZ rude" but nothing actual substance

>> No.22344192

There are curious and open people out there. It does happen that people change their opinion during a dialog or at least reflecting on their own presumptions. You just have to be in the right circles.

>> No.22344222

Plenty of peoples minds can be changed
Someone says "BLM"
I say "do you trust the media?"
They say " fuck no"
And i say "your trusting the media with all the BLM push"
They snap out of it
When idiots says "white ppl have no culture"
"Uhhh are you retarded?"
"Wut no"

But yeah a lot of people just get triggered and go into attack mode ... so it can be easier to just change the subject or agree with their dumb idea in a way that exaggerates so much that it lets them realize how silly they sound

>> No.22344592

I've never seen that

>> No.22344982

Yeah its usually not seen on sight because they willnt admit right there "damn bro your right, in wrong"
But they go home and lay down and think about it and they say to themselves
"Damn hes right, women shouldnt be allowed to vote!"

Its also funny that you say that people cannot change their minds and im trying to change your mind... lol
Proofs in the pudding that some EGOS are tuff

>> No.22345032

Normies usually can't handle them at all.

>> No.22345061

The only reason why you'd even engage in an argument and disagree with the other is because you want to change people's minds. When you hear something you don't give a fuck about you just shrug it off and smile, but when someone touches a nerve (even with worthless shit like who wins Goku or Superman) then it feels like you need to correct a wrong. It's never about fun, it's about ego and defense mechanisms and maintaining a coherent perception of reality.
Then you pull the shit this book teaches you on how to make people think that your ideas are theirs, and suddenly you realize that there's no free will and we are all NPCs

>> No.22345064

You are just a moron. One of the best ways to engage with someone about a mutual interest is to argue a bit about certain aspects of what you're both into.

>> No.22345073

Give me an example when it's about only fun and not about finding common ground before trying to change someone's outlook (or resisting someone trying to change you).

>> No.22345077

I'm a Harry Potter fan and that entire fandom love to dispute elements of the books or argue about which books were the best. It's fun for us.

>> No.22345102

Maybe it's because the only interaction of that kind I get is here, but you're telling me people don't get autistic and antagonist about which books are the best or which ship is the best like people on /a/ /v/ and here do with their respective interests? Is it fun because you feel good after BTFOing some retard with a wrong opinion and finding people who think exactly like you do, or is it fun in the same way sports/CSGO is fun in which is an us vs them deal?

>> No.22345113

They do sometimes but a lot of the time, no, it's all in good fun and people are drawn to the discussions on the points of disagreement. I did have a bunch of people artistically dogpile me once when I entered a thread about how great Cho Chang's name actually is (which is itself a moderately unpopular opinion) and said I thought it was lazy to have one Asian character and name her Chang. The example I gave to illustrate this were if she wrote one British person named Nigel, one French person named Pierre, or one Russian person named Ivan, without including any other characters from those backgrounds. They're all common names but I hope you get what I'm saying. Some girl actually named Chang got all pissy.

>> No.22345124

sheldon cooper reads this in young sheldon that is all you need to know

>> No.22345136

Maybe I am autistic after all, cause I can't imagine an argument "in good fun". I literally cannot conceive arguments as anything other than what I mentioned before, what would be an example of one of those "for fun" arguments? Any other anons reading this are invited to show me as well

>> No.22345154

Well if it turns into a serious argument both people can find it "fun" though it will likely end up more or less how you describe. Just disagreements on points of mutual interest like:
>how would you rank Dostoyevsky's novels
And there's disagreement between placements where both people make their case, that shouldn't result in hostility but a nice discussion framed around what makes each book especially enjoyable to two different people. I've seen that type of thing many times.

>> No.22345311

The actual fuck are you on about? There has never been a self help book that was more “just be yourself bro” than this one. There are a few other books where their use of “influence people” is utilizing some simple psychological tricks into manipulating people’s brains into liking you but this ain’t it.

>> No.22345892

>"Give honest and sincere appreciation."
>"Be genuinely interested in other people."
>"Make the other person feel important - and do it sincerely."
>"Try honestly to see things from the other person's point of view."
that's four of the principles presented in the book. only smoothbrains lacking in reading ability think this book promotes fake behavior. the author keep saying that if you're not real then most people can easily notice it, but maybe if you are used to socialize with idiots then you tend to meet those who try anyway. My tip is to stop being an idiot yourself and stop interacting with such people.

>> No.22345893

Only plebs change themselves to please patricians.

>> No.22345906

I don't see how this kind of book can be useful to anyone
It's too simple, meaning it's useless for normies. All advice boils down to "remember peoples names" and "dont be mean". Normies know that, they all know it, even deeply autistic people know it.
And at the same time it's too broad, meaning it's useless for autists. It doesn't have any examples of what would you actually say or what would you say to someone to start off relationship, it all happens once you are already talking and already have known the person for a long time.
It's a book written by a nobody for no one. Normies automatically know everything in it, but it doesn't have enough practical examples to be useful for autists.

I don't think anyone finds this book useful, people just recommend it because they saw others recommend it. Some guy spend millions to advertise it and people only recommend it because of it years later because people have her mentality and love repeating what they heard before. You cannot apply anything in this book to actually "win a friend" or "influence people" from scratch since it has no advice about it.

The actual title should be "how to keep friends you already have and avoid antagonizing people".

Like think about it in realistic terms. You're out on a street, you want to win over some random guy you just saw. How would you apply this book? You can't, and that's what it tries to advertise. There's nothing in that book regarding doing what the title suggests.

>> No.22346786

Look anon I thought it was retarded at first, but there are some good pieces of advice in there that most take for granted like smiling or appreciating others (rather than praising them)

>> No.22347043

the book isn't a guide to normies, the book essentially created normies as we know them, because it literally reshaped american society completely
people realized it was a lifehack to get ahead, and in the utopianist progressive careerist postwar years where Bernays wrote the spirit of the times that meant everyone did it, which flanderized social interaction completely

>> No.22347291

Yes and that's because most do it to impress others. On the other hand if you talk with genuine enthusiasm about even the most retarded shit, others will gravitate to this. It's the energy/engagement that matters

>> No.22348093

you sound like a faggot and the only reason you don't have your head caved in is because people think you are a retard, not because you managed to "change their minds" you absolute buffoon.

>> No.22348111

Yeah is there anyway to convince a normie to read into va -xxines deeper and have a better understanding for to allow them to be convinced that they are not good ?
Like its insane that even "smart people" are so brainwashed that they arr
Unable to allow themselves to
Even consider they could be bad and will NOT even look into it...
And most that are open enough to look into it realize they are bad...

>> No.22348472
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>I didn't read the book and said this to sound smart and cool.

>> No.22348521

>You might also try the book from Kos.
Ahh, Kos... or some say, Kosm...

>> No.22348542

It's ok of you want to learn tips on how to deal with normalfags and the normalfag way
But if you wnt to reach enlightenment read Evola or browse /x/

>> No.22348601

Unironic lifesaver when I worked an office job.
Turns out (surprise surprise) that making people comfortable and enjoy working with you does more to save your ass than actually doing the work.
>but all the information is obvious
Empty criticism. It's not my fault you're a /lit/let and can't extract all the useful information from a book in less than a day.

>> No.22348637
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HTWF&IP is not a guide to socializing. It's corporate etiquette. It's usually very good for 'dealing' with strangers and acquaintances. But it is not a guide to socializing.

>> No.22348652

There may be a corporate nexus, but it was primarily for dealing with people outside of one's corporation, not within it.