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/lit/ - Literature

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22337276 No.22337276 [Reply] [Original]

Why none of you retards read poetry?

>> No.22337284

The chilean embassy gave me some poems by gabriela mistral. They didn't rhyme, they were short poems. Yet she got into the 5000 chilean peso bills. I don't understand.

>> No.22337307
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Poetry is for chuds.

>> No.22337329

I'm unironically too retarded to retain words structured as verse. I can't even read it very fast. I'm also unwilling to train myself to read it better. It's not like I'm not running out of prose.
That's why I don't read poetry.

>> No.22337339

roses are red
the sky is blue
poetry is for losers
like you

>> No.22337357

I read poetry but I am a retard
I just finished a John Ashbery collection the other day and it took me like four months to get through under a hundred pages

>> No.22337389


>> No.22337399
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Here's one

>> No.22337406

wait in english it rhymes huh

>> No.22337412

Adding this aberration to my "Reasons to learn other languages" list.

Agradecido no haber nacido EOP.

>> No.22337430
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Here's the 5000 chilean peso. Kind of embarrassing having her in there desu. Pablo Neruda is also another famous chilean poet but he was commie. I haven't bothered to read his poetry.

>> No.22337467

I’ve been trying to write some but it feels odd typing it out in my phone’s notes and it would feel even odder typing it out in a riced arch linux thinkpad. I don’t like writing with pen and paper either because I have bad handwriting and the paper doesn’t feel right. I also have a hard time understanding the music of poetry. All I hear is this very basic drumming rhythm when I write which isn’t very appealing to me and makes it difficult for my mind to find words because I am not inspired by any musical feeling.

>> No.22337484

Poetry doesn't have to be inspired by rhythm.
Form can provide an artistic effect.
Poetry, as with all other forms of art, exists to impart an idea or emotion, only poems do it through the structure of a verse.

Also if your thinkpad isn't trannybooted you're ngmi

>> No.22337493

Leap from a
Giant bird
And die

>> No.22337496

some of it is nice, but poetry is generally better when performed as a song rather than simply read on a page. It's usually written with a distinct rhythm or voice that can be difficult to ascertain if you aren't used to it.
I'd rather read a stylish prose than poetry, most of the time.

>> No.22337505

Because most poetry seems pointless and dull.

>> No.22337516
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My boss texted me to come in today, but I didn't respondee because I was just two stressed.

>> No.22337540

You tell me to do this

He tells me to do that

You're all bastards

Go fuck your mother

>> No.22337550

Because they're illiterate fucking retards.

>> No.22337551

She has some good poems here and there

>> No.22337598

I know, I am chilean.

>> No.22337616

>novels written by poets
>novels written by novelists

>> No.22337630

because it makes me think of her and then i cry

>> No.22337649

You posted the answer: because they are retards. They would rather read poorly translated foreign language novels with sensationalist plots than read something of artistic merit in their own language.

>> No.22337670

This board isn't even literate enough to read the King James Bible or Shakespeare. They're more interesting in talking about fag commies like Marx and tipping their fedoras.

>> No.22337740

>read the King James Bible
>>>/pol/ is that way

>> No.22337797

They are not cut out for it, this board does not select very precisely for people who like poetry. Don't waste your time preaching about it, there are still enough decent posters around that you can usually get some kind of discussion going about a major poet. Post about poetry you like and those who are not yet into it but have the capacity to appreciate it will get interested and ask about it or look into it.

>> No.22337821

Please can people say some nice things about my Shelley Chudjak OC? I spent 10 minutes on it. Thank you.

>> No.22337823

Fuck I meant Donne. Shelley's alright.

>> No.22337828

good one

>> No.22337838

I don't get it. Can someone explain?

>> No.22337846

/lit/ barely knows how to read, senpai

>> No.22337850

Poetry is pretty fucking gay desu.

>> No.22337853

Although I might check out poets from antiquity, everything that comes after that is completely unnecessary and of lower quality, but that applies to literature as well I suppose.

>> No.22337856

Substance > prose.

>> No.22337861 [DELETED] 

Why not both?

>> No.22337862

recorded music made poetry completely obsolete

>> No.22337867

you did a good job, anon, it was kinda funny
and many of the foreign language novels often posted here lack substance

>> No.22337944

The time to hesitate is through
No time to wallow in the mire
Try now, we can only lose
And our love become a funeral pyre
Come on baby, light my fire

>> No.22338014

Says the incel
who wishes his dick
was bigger
he gives me the ick
unwashed dick smell

>> No.22338032

And what of you,
you Babylonian whore?
Your paltry spirit
must be deplored
for its weakness
Is what I would
have said if it had
enough presence
to even be noted
you double nigger
Now kill yourself

>> No.22338055

You didn't outline the hat brim, no one who hasn't seen that picture will know what the fuck is supposed to be on his head. I love Donne and the poem but it does fit quite well, plus I find the stupid chud hilarious every time I see it even though I couldn't care less about whatever retarded points politics retards try to make with their little drawings.

Most importantly making OC of authors is cool and brings /lit/ a little bit closer to the authenticity of boards where people genuinely enjoy the medium that the board is based on, so I appreciate you.

>Shelley over Donne

Wish I had an Eliot chudjak to post at you for this opinion. That's one you should make, I love the guy but his face, his opinions and his style of writing are practically crying out for the chudification treatment.

I love seeing this every day and thinking about how /lit/ posters follow the sour-grapes judgments of modern industrial laborers over the judgments of virtually all the great men of history.

>> No.22338072

can anyone recc me some good poetry? i really love modernism (beckett, joyce, eliot) and anne carson but i'm trying to get into more contemporary / less-pseud type stuff. i just picked up some books by jorie graham, john ashberry, and ron silliman

>> No.22338101

I love poetry but I'm still inexperienced with it. I only seriously starting diving into it a few years ago. Love Donne, Keats and what little I've read by Browning and Baudelaire (untranslated) the most right now. Honorable mention to Milton, Coleridge and Blake.

>> No.22338123
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Alone iin mother's basement
The incel dwells in darkness
With curtains drawn, and windows closed
there is no hope, Therr is no hope

>> No.22338166 [DELETED] 

because it's for niggers and i hate niggers

Kill niggers. Behead niggers. Roundhouse kick a nigger into the concrete. Slam dunk a nigger baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy blacks. Defecate in a niggers food. Launch niggers into the sun. Stir fry niggers in a wok. Toss niggers into active volcanoes. Urinate into a niggers gas tank. Judo throw niggers into a wood chipper. Twist niggers heads off. Report niggers to the IRS. Karate chop niggers in half. Curb stomp pregnant black niggers. Trap niggers in quicksand. Crush niggers in the trash compactor. Liquefy niggers in a vat of acid. Eat niggers. Dissect niggers. Exterminate niggers in the gas chamber. Stomp nigger skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate niggers in the oven. Lobotomize niggers. Mandatory abortions for niggers. Grind nigger fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown niggers in fried chicken grease. Vaporize niggers with a ray gun. Kick old niggers down the stairs. Feed niggers to alligators. Slice niggers with a katana.

I hate those people eating chicken and watermelon all day and those people playing basketball they are so dark and also disgusting, they would have so much more potential working on my own cotton farm in Alabama.

>> No.22338282

I read poetry almost exclusively.

>> No.22338315

Poetry hasn’t thrived in the digital age and that’s a tragedy. I agree that there’s something unnatural about writing poetry on an iPhone or a MacBook.

>> No.22338328

Seamus Heaney’s Death of a Naturalist is for you.

>> No.22338345
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ain't gonna lie, the only poet i've ever enjoyed just reading is Kipling

>> No.22338368

Because the majority of poetry nowadays is fucking gay.

>> No.22338388

Read leaves of grass

>> No.22338394

Zoomers all suffer from severe anxiety, it's funny because it's relatable to them.

>> No.22338398

Don't take the poetry pill bros
>buy milk and honey
>one day start reading to gf
>gf gets interested and starts listening intently
>we take turns reading to each other
>we take turns undressing each other
>mating press while I read the book besides her resting head and whisper to her ear
>cum dumpsters inside of her but finish off by moaning the verse "long enough to raise their kids"
>for once gf gets pregnancy scare
>no longer allows raw sex
Stick to prose

>> No.22338410

Poetry joke. Kek!

>> No.22338414

The first time I read Leaves of Grass, I didn't understand it at all, but I was in highschool and wanted to be a transcendentalist, so I decided it was brilliant.
The second time I read it, I didn't understand it, but I thought I was an existentialist, so I didn't like it.
The third time I read it, I finally started to get it, and I was blown away, but I was a capitalist, so I was determined to hate it.
The fourth time I read it, I really got it, and I thought I was a populist, so I loved it and lamented that it was no longer taught in our schools.
The fifth time I read it, I read the foreward by Harold Bloom, and saw that he was referencing Kabbalah, so I decided the book must be profane, and I decided to hate it.
The sixth time I read it, I actually finished it, and I understood it was very good, but I don't like it, because I don't like America

>> No.22338415
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Yo, /lit, rate mu poem:

Her eyes
twinkle and her
body shines,
On a rock
by the sea
on which she
She is not seen
although the
day is bright,
It’s a valuable
treasure to see
Fabia’s light!

>> No.22338516

Based. Just finished reading Isabella which was the last of Keats' longer poems I got around to. So so good, obviously he is at his best in ballads or odes but Hyperion evidenced an ability to temper and distill his powers in such a way that I think he could have become one of the most highly technically developed and effective poets in the history of the language.

Can't wait to post this screenshot on r/4chan!

Same. It's just better.

Yeah it's a shame we're on a board where we're only allowed to discuss political issues like the current state of literature rather than literary topics like the thousands of years of older poetry that would take you multiple lifetimes to read. Maybe we should try posting on /lit/ instead of /pol/.

I don't know if I would call that *less* pseud necessarily. But Ashbery is kinda fun in his silly way and the others seem ok.

>> No.22338535

I used to read them back in my teenage years to teach myself how to write beautiful, elegant sentences. I study how they use the correct objects for a simile and metaphor. I study how the words they use. It serves me well in English Language class.

I don't read them anymore because I have no purpose for it. However, now that I remember how much it helped me, maybe I should. Also, because people think it's cringe and because of "poets" like Rupi Kaur sorta stain the beauty of poetry, made me stop liking it. Pretty chud of me to do that, but perhaps I shall change what I thought about it now.

>> No.22338617

I like it, I think it's beautiful.

>> No.22338668

I have read poetry, but seldom understand it. Was never raised on it, and my uni course didn't really help with the problem. Always wanted to. How do I get into it?

>> No.22338686

I’ve been making a conscious effort to get into poetry over the last half year after ignoring it for months. I’ve found I like the Classical Chinese, Goethe, Rimbaud, Baudelaire, Whitman, Rilke, Williams, Rexroth, John of the Cross. I’ve discovered I like my poetry with a mystic flair. I have to be in the right mindset though and read slowly, rereading often, thinking of the philosophy behind the words and what they’re meant to convey. I’ve chosen to view poetry as making the mundane beautiful with philosophy and symbols

>> No.22338692
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poetry is gay. Oh look at me, I'm describing a tree except it's really a metaphor for the patriarchy. OoooOOooooOOOOOoo! Look, I hit the indent key several times so the poem is slanted. I'm a geeeenius! I can't rhyme but I make up for it with formatting! This is my angry poem and it reads like a twitter shitpost! I'll read it at a presidential inauguration! I can write twenty poems in a day! This is a poem about Starbucks. This is a limerick about my trip to Cancun! This is a haiku about my toe fungus! This is about what doesn't kill you makes you stronger! It takes two minutes to write them on my iMac!

>> No.22339170

I can't appreciate it because of my misanthropy.

>> No.22339346

Watch dead poets' society

>> No.22339480

There’s a reason they incorporate it into state propaganda, retard. Syllable for syllable, poetry is the most powerful aspect of the written word, and the written word is the most powerful method of information transfer known to man.

>> No.22339486

Poetry is meant to be read aloud at festivities. The writing on the page is just a tool. Fucking midwit.

>> No.22339516
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Best chudcore poets?

>> No.22339545

Who took a piss in your cornflakes?

>> No.22339550

..A P
In your

>> No.22339582

It was already in iambic pentameter.

>> No.22339598
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Nietzsche had some good ones, even translated.

>> No.22339612

qrd on this?
just seems like a technical play

>> No.22339615

"Skeleton" refers to "skeleton key", a generic, interchangeable key for opening equally generic locks.

>> No.22339619

what if that's wrong and it actually refers to self hating eating disorder girls

>> No.22339910


>> No.22339933

I tried. Didn't like it.

>> No.22339935

I like it, anon. Did you write it for someone specific?

>> No.22339939

Read older poetry. Pickup an anthology and find some poets you like.

>> No.22339966

It doesn't appeal to me. I find no enjoyment in reading about how someone feels about their mother that abused them but written through the lens of someone at the zoo.

>> No.22339995
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>> No.22340086

Well, your opportunity to help a newfag start reading poetry >>22339671

>> No.22340351


>> No.22340371

Agreed, at times it is very beautiful. It is undoubtedly a great work of poetry. But I don't know of any work that so perfectly captures the heart of the American spirit, which is in part why it has be beloved by all political parties at various times. It is certainly contrary to the particular understanding of American society that was prevailing in New England when it was composed, but it appealed to many throughout the country and world, because it seemed to tap into a more genuine colonial sentiment, and a more honest view of liberty. But I don't like America's understanding of liberty, and I don't think it's right. And so the poem, though brilliant, is, as far as I can tell, a false light. There are many true things in it, but they are drawn to a false end.

>> No.22340391

how the fuck do I learn poetry
whenever I or anyone else asks, all I see is the same answer
>just read more poetry lol
I've read a decent bit now and I still don't get it the same way I see some posters seem to

>> No.22340480

a roach approaches
says, “buenos noches”

>> No.22340538
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Because we read full novels, squirt

>> No.22340559

Do you like music?

>> No.22340622

Learn to write it or appreciate it?

>> No.22340656
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pls explain

>> No.22340729

There once were poets but writing killed them. To understand a single line from those times takes us a lifetime of study. The imitations of poetry made after mass literacy are pretentious and dumb.

>> No.22341638

If you read stuff like Shakespeare sonnets, Keats odes, Dickinson, Whitman, etc., the usual starter stuff, and still don't find anything particularly to your liking, it may just not be for you and that is ok. But as the other anon said, it is musical, that's what distinguishes it. Certain poetic rhythms get caught in your head the same way a catchy song does. Maybe Housman or Swinburne or someone of that era would be a good one to emphasize it, I think Spenser does that aspect really well but he (in the Faerie Queene, at least) uses a lot of archaic language so that makes it less approachable.

Perhaps it's best to use a specific example: https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/45723/theres-a-certain-slant-of-light-320

What do you find you do or don't "get" from this poem? Is the rhythm obvious and/or compelling to you?

The most salient aspect of poetry for me is that it is *formal*, and form is more powerful, more spiritual, more eternal, than any particularity of sentiment or idea. I associate it with the formalism of ritual, it's a radical and semi-arbitrary formation of meaning by the collective unconscious.

>> No.22342084
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>> No.22342093

I am reading a book of translated Chinese poetry right now