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22336754 No.22336754 [Reply] [Original]

Ostracism edition
Previous >>22330020

>> No.22336771

i always have to shit at the least convenient times.

>> No.22336780

How to become schizoid? Im tired of people affecting me.

>> No.22336817

Some random woman complimented me on my green eyes.
Feels good.

>> No.22336838

So you care about people and you think that being schizophrenia or schizotypal is going to help?
What you describe is becoming more sociopathic, or just stoic/Buddhist about things.
Stoicism and/or Buddhist texts. Alan Watts for zen Buddhism is a nice start.

>> No.22336876
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This is what being a schizoid is about

>> No.22336881

Learn Wlesh.

>> No.22336882

People really be making up disorders for everything.

>> No.22336902

I am so happy to stop larping as a blue collar worker and finally be the upper middle class, frivolous liberal arts student I was always meant to be. In other words, contracting fucking sucks

>> No.22336910

Oh 'm sorry, are you a trained medical professional?
Do you have a degree that can back up that comment of yours?

>> No.22336913

So typically there's a type of enlightenment.
they become hippies, lazy in motion, active in mind, not sharpening or doing anything exuberant. like agents or something.

but some enlightened folks sharing their enlightenment qua enlightened information or knowledge do sharpen continously an axe they're grinding. you gotta be careful around those folks.
they might be robots or more enhanced spiritually augmented then that.

>> No.22336926

Having alone time isnt a mental disorder

>> No.22336931

Excellent bait, this should really stir the pot

>> No.22336934

Just a heads up I filtered your trip

>> No.22336936

I tried to be blue collar in my 20s. It ended disastrously. I wish it hadn’t because the ideal American has at least briefly flirted with the blue collar lifestyle for a while. He’s been a rancher or a farmer or an enlisted soldier or a rough hand or anything like that for at least a time in his youth.

>> No.22336954

I agree with that. Doing day labor/handyman/construction work in my early 20s was great for me. I think every young man should do something like it. That being said, I'm really sick of a lot of it and just want to go back to college.

>> No.22336967

I see that I offended the community, and I apologize.
They're obviously sharpen and more capable than non-average joe. Ya know, clearly, that is fallacious.
I feel like a meditation can bring value.

>> No.22336971

I managed to give myself brain damage or something and ended up with a strong case of depersonalization. It's like I have someone next to my ear with a megaphone 247 yelling THE PHENOMENA ARE NOT REAL YOU CANT TELL THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN ACTIVELY THINKING A THOUGHT AND EXPERIENCING THOUGHTS WITHOUT GENERATING THEM YOU ARE JUST AN OBSERVER OF PHENOMENA YOU ARE TYPING IN 3RD PERSON 24 and it's been that way for years at this point.
Well, fuck you, ineffable pure awareness or whatever. I don't care if the phenomena I'm presented with are real or not, they're my fucking phenomena and I'm not going to just watch as inhuman forces turn my brain to mush and pilot my body for me. I don't give a shit if there's zero way to tell if I have control over the phenomena or access to the world of noumena. Fuck off and stop trying to immaterialize me. This is my coupling, my instantiation, my samsara.

>> No.22336988

This is “schizotypal” yes.
Schizophrenics however don’t mind other people, appreciate praise, express pretty strong emotions, usually have prudish sexual sensibilities and deep sense of morality. Severe cases see or hear things. They believe deeply in the metaphysical world of spirits, astrology or lucky charms.
Seems completely different, but the brain chemists see some connections. This is why I made the distinction.
The meme to call people schizo has been wildly misunderstood because of this. The nut needs meds the loner “parasocial” just needs his space.

Caring, and being touch with your emotions is a good thing. You shouldn’t want to be rid of this. I don’t actual promote stoicism, but it is more or less what was requested

>> No.22336993

I found purpose in life in being a Germanic from the 5th Century.

>> No.22337010

I want to die.

>> No.22337021

I've never trusted psychologists or psychiatrists. I've usually talk about my problems in drunken conversations with friends, who will forget about what I've just told a few hours later. Sometimes I pretend to be someone else when engaging in conversation with strangers. Phil, a history undergrad, Carl, a store clerk, Derek, a surfer, are just some of the people I create in one night encounters during parties, bars or clubs. Ever since I was fired after being hit being by a car, I lost my usual sleep routine. I either sleep all day long, or stay all day awake, never truly awake in the sense of experiencing reality. Things look fake, dream-like, and I often mix up what's real and what was a dream. I prefer sleeping and dreaming than remaining awake and lethargic. I'm not depressed, exactly. I have a fairly good and ordinary life. I don't know if these experiences are rhe results of drugs and alcohol, but I am starting to think that I might be losing my marbles. Like my brain is melting and it's leaking from my ears. I thought about going on therapy, but it's too expensive.
The other day I met this homeless guy, Fred, Iraq war veteran. I smoked some crack with him while we talked about the current political affairs. I also tried to explain to him my situation and he told me that there was a place that I could get some help for free, and that even though he was homeless, he wasn't depressed or sad, and that they helped him. He told me it was some kind of gathering called the Thing, where people would congregate and help each other or something. That was rhe first time I heard about it.

>> No.22337043

There are sinister forces with cause against; a divine agency has evil sights on the soul of man. It's ultimate, leviathan reach stretches from the outer vacua. The great devourer cometh after all that bivouac below the firmament.

>> No.22337049

Would you do it in your 30s? The problem with it then is that there’s too many things to do. I’m in this position right now personally. I have 10 different things I want to do and can’t conceivably do all of them.

>> No.22337078

>Would you do it in your 30s?
Fuck no

>> No.22337106

The art life is haunting me. Tried to find a more reasonable, more practical outlet for the various itches in my brain & still it's the thought that won't stop thinking itself. I have a career now. I'm working in one of the biggest companies in blah blah blah. These things are all supposedly going well & I'm not exactly complaining about it (I am). But were I to jump up a dozen rungs on the ladder, double or treble my salary, & even be granted my own 60s style PAfu to fondle à la Mad Men, I suspect I'd still find myself writing mithering shite like this. I want to have no interruptions from this world of corporate horseshit, to be left alone in a quiet room for a long time, and to write. This is all easy to admit but for some reason as I approach my third decade it feels ever harder to commit to entirely. Yet each year I deny it of myself it feels sadder. Like more of a defeat. It felt so natural when I was younger. Why did I seek compromise? For whose approval? For whose permission am I presently waiting to fall back in love with language?

tl;dr: whinge whinge whine whine

>> No.22337108

What I will say to that is that human law is a fiction upheld by violence. Its word is interpreted subjectively.
The law is only there as long as there is a human behind the law, and one in front of it. Someone judging by it, and someone being judged by it. Its application is subjective.
The totality of the world however is much different than what is dictated by the law. In its totality the world is fundamentally pure freedom, and only spirit dictates action. There is only freedom of choice as long as nothing has been chosen. Since, when something is chosen, it is being done actively, directly at the exclusion of the other choices.
Between individuals, true love can only be found in agreement of the way. The way towards whatever is agreed upon basing itself in action.
True love requires the free choice to love in order to be true. So the human law can not lead to true love unless the law is freely and mutually agreed upon through consensus.
Violence is what upholds/affirms law by nature, but only non-aggression and non-violence and mutual agreement can lead to true love.

>> No.22337136

What a shitty, low-effort infographic.
I actually got diagnosed with schizoid personality back when I was 20. I went to a psychiatrist because I had terrible insomnia and I knew that there was nothing wrong with me physically, most likely it was caused by anxiety due to approaching exams at uni.
I'm 30 years old now, have a GF that I love and a small group of friends that I see a few times a year.
It's true about not really wanting close relationships, I've had periods in my early 20s where I'd go for 6-12 months without meeting anyone, the only people I'd talk to were my parents and the cashier at the local grocery store. And I wasn't miserable or an addict of any kind. I'd go to work, drive a forklift for 11 hours and go home. There were 6 other people in the warehouse but we never talked.
At home I'd work out, listen to music, read, sometimes play something on my PC for a bit or watch a movie, sometimes I'd go for a walk in the nearby forest. I tried probably fifty different hobbies and nothing stuck.
What your image doesn't show is the inability to experience pleasure, the inability to enjoy things. It's real and it makes being around me a huge bummer because I will never suggest that we should do something. I'm alright if something happens but I'm also perfectly fine if nothing happens, at the end of the day I will feel the same. I have no fear of missing out.
I have never been to a concert. I have never been drunk. I have never danced.
Last thing, I sleep about 5-6 hours a night naturally. Go to bed at 1:00am, wake up at around 7:00, no alarm clock or anything, feel perfectly fine. It's been like this my entire life, except for that time I had insomnia. That's when I didn't sleep at all for I don't even know how long.

>> No.22337147

The condemned, after having understood his sentence, was removed from society and left to the priest, that is to say to the God. A holy hand, intelliging him his last supper, uncharged on him the celestial rage. He fell dead, not much because he had offended the human species but because he had irritated the divinity protective of the law. The punishment therefore was less indignifying to the Aryan and, it must be remarqued, more moral than it is done by our juridical customs, where a man is choked because he choked another, or, by an opinion even more devoid than the former, simply to force him to abide himself by it (the law).

>> No.22337158

You need at least 70 IQ to understand Nietzsche.

>> No.22337168

The spirit, that is not a spirit, has vanished, has polynomially divided by zero, conquering infinity-time rooted by it's essential conduct... etc.. is such a function of separate independents, entwined and circulating one another.

'The truth is stranger than fiction.'
And approximation of the truth is fiction, such that it generalized specificity, which is impossible lest it be only. Is the linear real or naive? It's clearly naive at it's core.
And then again, a clone has duplicated the universe, an angle cellular, a.e. that it is capable to such, and as it is, it is an extension of time, only that it can exist, in a mature fashion, now dividing infinitely, capable of eternal life in duplicate of approximate intent, not that it is false, but instead that it is incapable of transcending, as it is holy omega pargon pargon pargon pargon, rwathnorok, ctulu pargon.

>> No.22337211

I'm a little confused by your description of your emotionlessness because you claim to have a gf you love & friends &c, but also an inability to experience pleasure. Is not love a pleasure? How would you say those things you experience through your relationships/hobbies differ from the emotional response you refer to as pleasure, or enjoyment?

>> No.22337214

>Caring, and being touch with your emotions is a good thing
I dont see how its a good thing.

>> No.22337230

Holy shit. So this is what it means to be a normal person to postmodernist shithats.
Nigga life is a blue collar job
Do you think you're important because you have a degree in platonic philosophy? How about you write a platonic philosophy book yourself, do you think Plato had a diploma?
Do you not have emotions, my friend?

>> No.22337235

I have no idea if love is a pleasure or not but I do know that I have a strong feeling for my girl. I feel like we are one. We had our issues though and short break ups, where she'd leave and I remember that I did not like how it felt.

>> No.22337258

same except i have a wife now but no friends (and no desire to have any). i constantly find things to do with my wife but i literally dont care what we do, im just doing it because i know she's not like me. otherwise i can literally do nothing and talk to nobody for the rest of my life and i wouldn't be that upset about it. the thing im perennially upset about is the fact that it seems like there's nobody worth talking to and nothing worth doing, besides my wife & with my wife

>> No.22337308

>Do you not have emotions, my friend?
I do but they're a hinderance hence my initial question on how to become a schizoid

>> No.22337319

Love is the ultimate pleasure. If you could only have one, you would always pick love. It sounds to me that you certainly have the basis for the appreciation of pleasure if you have these feelings for your lady. You may very well be processing the world quite differently to many others but I wouldn't let that detract from how you feel.

ngl you seem more anhedonic than the other guy. But still, I find it confusing how you're capable of having a kind of loving (presumably?) emotional connection through another person & yet seemingly not through anything else. I hope you don't mind me saying/asking but it almost sounds as though your emotional life is lived by proxy through her? Do you imagine that something like this would be the case if you & your wife has littluns?

>> No.22337324

i'm a liar...! heh
note: those are robots.
why am I accusing them of lying?

>> No.22337338

I see. Well my advice is to always keep a cool head. Try basic meditation eg not thinking. Do not allow a single thought into your head. Just be calm, and stoic. When a real problem arises, solve it with action. When you feel emotions, be objective about them. Don't make them disturb your mental calmness. Just let them pass like a wave. Do not allow your emotions to affect your coldness of reason. It is also important to be righteous in judgment.

>> No.22337345

I'm not going to drink tonight.

>> No.22337355

I don't understand this

>> No.22337368

no mingle: pls go;
juargs, cristeese, and mrslims
but i aint got problem

>> No.22337391

I try to do it but I feel like Im fated to never ending cycle of idealization and devaluation as long as Im alive.

>> No.22337404

What does this mean?

>> No.22337417

>I find it confusing how you're capable of having a kind of loving (presumably?) emotional connection through another person & yet seemingly not through anything else.
I'm as confused as you are. I didn't think I could stand to be this close to someone for so long. She's made me question my own ostensibly schizoid identity. But there are /other/ explanations. While I find her to be the most tragically beautiful human being I've ever met, 1) she's 19 (I'm now in my late 20s) and gorgeous, 2) I find her intellectually interesting and subsequently, 3) she's also interesting to me as (literary) inspo, she's similar to a character I had been trying to write for years now.

>I hope you don't mind me saying/asking but it almost sounds as though your emotional life is lived by proxy through her?
Possible, likely, but I would add something to that. I've been basically done with life for years now, going through the motions, sincerely and dispassionately considering suicide, and an all-consuming relationship like this, I've found, is an alternative kind of death. I didn't consciously realize this until a family member I rarely talk to had this to me (through tears): that my behavior reeks of suicidality.

>Do you imagine that something like this would be the case if you & your wife has littluns?
We have a dog now and I don't have any emotional connection at all to it. If we had kids it seems to me Ithere's no way to know for certain) that the only way I could (at best, imperfectly) love them is by intellectualizing them as "pieces" of my wife.

>> No.22337437

If we achieve immortality, society will cease to function as we ever understood it. I am afraid of death, however recently I’ve been tormented by it and come face to face with it every night. Is death actually bliss? As a Traditionalist, I wish for a time that has gone by, but immortality would deprive me of ever being tied to my ancestors, whatever that may mean after death. I don’t wish to share a world forever with most people, I don’t believe most people are worthy of immortality. A world of people born in the 19th century would be worthy, but the modern decayed world filled with the idiots and demons that make up modern men would be hell on earth to share with. What would I do with my time after being 500 years old? Would I read? Does earth have to at much to offer? Would my precious memories go? Maybe death is the best part of life, I say this as an optimist who loves every second of his life.

>> No.22337455

Sigh, traditionalism, the ideology that puts all old societies into a single pot, what a depressing and vain ideology that thinks it is exempt from the void of postmodernism and that all the criticism from right-wingers and people with real ideas doesn't apply to it because, instead of cherishing the new degeneracy, it cherishes the old ones.
Also immortality lol that's never going to happen, literally impossible physically

>> No.22337468
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>As a Traditionalist,

>> No.22337476

idealization and devaluation of people

>> No.22337494

Is this from a book, or something you wrote?

>> No.22337499

Well, here's what I do, I idealized people from the past. People who have already built their legacy, people who can't disappoint me. That way I can have meaningful role models and at the same time mantain my high opinion of the species without ever ending in disappointment.
It's from a book, but the translation is mine.

>> No.22337504

You made a dozen assumptions in your post let me clarify it a bit for you. A true reactionary would never lump together all cultures, rather they find genuine meaning and value in the many varieties that once existed, rather than the absurd hodgepodge of neoliberalism we have today. In order for a society to have meaning, it must be tied to some semblance of the divine, our post WW1 society has been the consequence of a society devoid of this spirit. To cherish an old form of degeneracy is simply to cherish what made that time its own, and it’s also to discount new degeneracies and put them in the same level as those of the past. While modern degeneracies include sloth, stupidity, and lack of spirit, old degeneracies often were simple physical things. Sex, alcohol, war. Even all of these have been corrupted by the weak and pathetic. Immortality biologically is not only a possibility, but assuming we don’t experience some collapse of western civilization within the next century, nanotechnology and increasing gains in preventative medical care may make us “functionally” immortal. Living hundreds of years or up to a thousand years I expect will be entirely normal assuming continued trends, even in the face of finishing returns.
Lmfao this made me laugh, have a you.

>> No.22337539

Neoliberalism, ahh, one of the most meaningful words nowadays. What do you mean? The liberal tolerant governments? The increasingly globalized economy? Degeneracy of the past was no different to the modern ones. Read the Roman society during the 3rd-5th Century. You will not find A SINGLE DIFFERENCE. Except at that time people went to the theatre to watch porn instead of on the internet. If you think the modern world is degenerate you should equally despise the late Roman Empire, Macedonian Greece, Assyria during the times of the Persian empire, Egypt when it was dusted by the latter. Do I even have to tell you that free people mobility was something completely tolerated, completely normal in Rome during the 4th Century? That negroes, browns of all shades, whites of all shades were mingling with each other in a manner incomprehensible to Californians? That wasn't the very nail in the coffin though. As long as there is no imminent threat near, that state of things could have gone on forever. If it hadn't only been for the aggressive Germanics who did not but save the remaining tottering rests of the Imperial administration. Without them, we would be nothing. But today it looks like the Germanics themselves have slowly but surely fallen to a similar decadence, and it is only a question of time.

>> No.22337545

There's got to be something I can do. There has to be a way for me to overcome myself. I refuse to accept this. I refuse to believe that I'm just some deranged degenerate with no willpower or morals. There has to be a way. I can't live my life like this. This isn't living, it's a sick parody of life. There has to be something I can grab hold of. There has to be.

>> No.22337604

Which book?

>> No.22337622

Here you go

>> No.22337656

Neoliberalism: “a political approach that favors free-market capitalism, deregulation, and reduction in government spending”. This deregulated market that actually has incentives for large corporations and moneyed interest that destroys smaller business and the middle class that once dominated western nations through policies economic liberalism, protectionist policy, and national self interest. Tolerant of whom may I ask? Me? Who simply wishes to see my ideals spread? No, I am ostracized by every major corporation and government organization. The “tolerance” of countries which wish for self determination against the hypocritical western governments? Case in point being Libya, Iran, Iraq, and China? Degeneracy of the past was entirely different different in any healthy time, and yes the times you mentioned were absolutely not healthy. Our case just so happens to be far worse, with our insanity coming from t forever chemicals and micro pastiche in all we do. With our own institutions trying to replace western cultural conventions. “Watching porn in the theatre”, is highly disingenuous. Sex and sexuality in public view is not the same as modern pornography, and anyone who tries to say such is either retarded or has an agenda, which it seems you have the latter. Cross cultural communication and ideal spread is no problem to any culture, the problem lies in the desecration of your own culture whilst simultaneously raising another’s culture of people above your own. Once again you disingenuously say the past was “multicultural”, which is entirely unfounded. That foreigners went to other lands and lived there and intermarried is undoubtedly true, and that many large and central cities had larger foreign populations is also true. The idea that mass migration was an ancient phenomenon in any other circumstance than invasion is laughable. Rome was known for its port of Ostia, and the diversity of faces you would see in this port. Despite this, they were not “Roman”. Nor did the state consider them as such. Free mobility was tolerated insofar as there wasn’t as much mobility in the past as to create a problem. When there was a large enough movement of people, you get the Germanics. Rome furiously tried to stop the Germans and when this failed, to incorporate them. As a result, Rome is gone, and the Roman people are a dead race. The “aggressive Germans”, were a vigorous and young people, who then proceeded to create the most powerful, prosperous, and beautiful civilization the world has ever seen by a mile. The Germanics have fallen to a depressing level yes, but to say that their level isn’t shared by all is true. What separates this modern addiction from the deaths of all other empires is that it isn’t localized. Local garb all over the planet has died, food has slowly become less varied, cultural conventions are dying, and people around the world are loosing their connection to their ancestors.

>> No.22337675
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Which chapter was that passage from?
I'm looking at an English version.

>> No.22337710

Just saw some huge tits I wish I could have sex

>> No.22337727

Are there any /lit/ characters whose stomach you’d like to be in?

>> No.22337734

I wanted to make the case against liberalism and in its modern form it's entirely devoid and an accelerator of degeneracy. On the other hand, liberalism, classical liberalism, is, in it's core idea, yes, the very last remain of Germanic culture that still prevails in the Western nations. This fact is undeniable. The old Germanic nations made themselves a point of honour not to be a mere 'kingdom', wich was a foreign nation with foreign customs merely ruled by Germanic nobilities. From this perspective, yes, the US is the most Germanic of considerable size that still exists in the world, with all their Conservatives, yes, an anciently Germanic nation that considers itself more honourable than the rest for this special fact that they are not a mere 'kingdom'. The Germanic peoples valued liberty above everything else.
For the rest, other elements have taken their place. Roman laws, Semitic religions, etc. etc. If there's something not to be removed from the Modern Western nations, it's the core idea of liberalism.
I go on.
There are times of prosperity and times of degeneracy. Times of prosperity are usually long. So were the European Middle Ages. That suffering was great during the Middle Ages, I do not debate. However, have we ever seen the captive king, the despoiled noble, the oppressed serf turn their last weapon against themselves in despair? To me, what is truly to be pitied are the degenerate masses who, loving nothing, wanting nothing, consider with a mournful indulgence the bored suicide of Apicius.
Again, times of degeneracy are short. I will not shift an inch from my initial conclusion that during the Late Roman Empire, there were all different cultures and phenotypes mingling, working with each other. The resemblance to the modern West becomes larger when we realize that because of this single fact, the politics of Rome itself had to become weary of not doing anything that could disturb anything or anyone (such as in the modern era, yes, absolutely, the Romans during the Late Empire had a psychosocial mode of politics absolutely analogous to Political Correcteness). To support this unbeatable fact, I repeat, that the Roman Empire was absolutely multicultural, one must only see that nothing but military honour and talent could bring a Mauretannian to Britany, to Rome, or wherever he wished to go to the empire, because no one was excluded from participating on the conquests etc etc. Claiming that there was anything close to homogeneity in Rome of the 5th Century is ridiculous.
However, these immigrants were largely peaceful and considered part of the very old sphere of civilization wich was the Mediterranean, Minor Asia, Asia Anterior, while Northern Europe was a hideous place considered Barbarian and the Germanics.
However, the nail in the coffin was that Roman society, being degenerate, had become weak, thus, when the Germanics started invading them, they had a hard time defending themselves against them.

>> No.22337744

That's just the introduction (read the last page really it's just an introduction). The actual book is only in French, I searched long for an English version of it but there sadly is none.

>> No.22337774

>conductor yells out from below "EVERYONE GET OFF!! THIS ONES ABOUT TO HIT THE WALL!!"
>alarms go off

>> No.22337837

Ludwig Wittgenstein is the J. R. R. Tolkien of philosophy.

>> No.22337894

Too bad.
I really liked that passage. I wanted to get a little bit more context on it.

>> No.22337939

Book 6
Chapter 3
Capacities of the native Germanic races
pg. 369
When this situation was changed, the German priest acted only for the whole tribe. It was never anything more than what the purohita had been among the Hindu Arians in pre-Vedic times. He did not form a separate caste like the Brahmins, a powerful order like the Druids, and, no less severely excluded from the functions of war, he was not given the slightest opportunity to dominate, nor even to direct the social order. However, out of a feeling of great and profound wisdom, the Arians had hardly recognized public priests that they entrusted them with the most imposing civil functions, entrusted them with the task of maintaining order in political assemblies and executing the rulings of criminal justice. Hence, among these peoples, what has been called human sacrifices. (1)
The condemned, after having understood his sentence, was removed from society and left to the priest, that is to say to the God. A holy hand, intelliging him his last supper, uncharged on him the celestial rage. He fell dead, not much because he had offended the human species but because he had irritated the divinity protective of the law. The punishment therefore was less indignifying to the Aryan and, it must be remarqued, more moral than it is done by our juridical customs, where a man is choked because he choked another, or, by an opinion even more devoid than the former, simply to force him to abide himself by it. (2).
(1) W. Muller, elder. cilé, p. 82.
(8) Human sacrifices are attested by positive testimony among the Goths, among the Heruli, among the Saxons, among the Prisons,
the Thuringians, the Franks, at a time when the latter [...]

>> No.22337948

I too am ostracized, my fellow ostriches

>> No.22337954

Yeah I have that too but I call it budgeting

>> No.22337992
File: 39 KB, 500x329, _81605421_02864380-a0c7-4171-b052-42ca996cea47.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know how I can download free audio books? I'm going up to a bushcamp in the north for two months with no internet (and I don't pay for data) and I want to have some easy fun listening while I'm up there. Also if you have any recommendations. Im planning on downloading a lotr audiobook and a bunch of Terry Pratchett right now.

>> No.22338004

This is very interesting.
I have always thought of the ancient human sacrifices of the Germanic and Nordic pagans to have been done as a punishment and not as a schizophrenic masochistic domination ritual or for a spectacle as it has been portrayed.
It's nice to see this from an old text. It's nice to see my intuition confirmed.
I'm also convinced that animal sacrifice served the same purpose. For the criminal to pay for a crime with his own livestock. Something that would have been immensely valuable to him.

>> No.22338018

The strangest thing about the system of the modern west is that you can never quite tell for certain whether it is minutes away from falling apart, like a washing machine spinning way too fast with way too heavy a load, or so stable as to feel like it will be centuries before it will become like 5th century Rome. How can something seem so brittle and so solid at the same time?

>> No.22338021


>> No.22338027

shakespeare re-wrote the mythos of the west, or at least added new territory, and it really jammed everything up

>> No.22338060

There's archive.org
There is qbittorrent's internal search engine
There is Soulseek
There are loads of other file sharing protocols as well other than those two, but I think those are the most used.
qbittorrent is probably the easiest to use. You can add various different trackers in the search engine, and you can find a lot of stuff there.
Apart from that you can download plenty of audiobooks from youtube with yt-dlg or yt-dlp or yt-dl, or some online tool if you can find a site that isn't filled with virus.

>> No.22338098

>it really jammed everything up
in which way?

>> No.22338116

i feel that in the end we don't make ourselves, it is made for us and whatever mental gymnastics we perform to convince ourselves otherwise is just that, a cope. In the end what we were "supposed" to be never had an ounce of possibilty, the way you are right now at this moment is the way you were always meant to be, in this moment that is. As soon as things change and we ourselves change then it was prescribed as such, we hopelessly incapable of real change it's all determined by what has been already written down. Now, I'm not talking about fate or anything like that, the mechanics of happenings are much more complex than that, we can only watch it unfold and use us in whatever way it wants. The lie we tell ourselves that "it's my choice" is a hard one two escape from. Anyway, cheers.

>> No.22338142

Myanonamouse has tons of audiobooks. It’s a private torrenting site so there’s a little bit of work to get let in, but definitely worth it.

>> No.22338183

Throw out quantum mechanics.

>> No.22338195
File: 44 KB, 600x128, i watched the butterfly effect.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22338224

>Nigga life is a blue collar job
Nigga what

>> No.22338225

Why are you hiding?

>> No.22338227

Try the internet

>> No.22338235

I am. I'm not tech literate though.

>> No.22338280

What about all the applications it's used for?

>> No.22338288

Technology doesn't require scientific theories.

>> No.22338298

Fat people have the responsibility to be witty.

>> No.22338311

This guy is definitely a tranny, you can always tell by their disordered and unhinged creations, like the posts made in this thread.

>> No.22338343

My soul is weaved with the fabric of men like Wyndham Lewis, but I think I am a degeneration in this line. Comparatively, I know nothing, and have no wisdom to offer. It is because I wasted my life playing video games and browsing 4chan. Time is finite, and I can never make up for my mistakes. How many more otherwise great men are like me, and have had their true nature dampened by modernity? Caught in one of its many traps? The next Hitler? He's probably building cathedrals in Minecraft right now.

>> No.22338391

I'm so fucking horny bros

>> No.22338393

FUCKING SHIT litbros. I just swabbed my infected ear with a cotton swab after 10 hours of treatment with antibiotics. It doesn't hurt as much and my ear was just full of liquid and wax. The swab came out yellow. I raped the fuck out of my ear and now it's like pleasure is resonating throughout my ear. It's been 3 minutes and it's not stopping. It's like having a female orgasm but in my ear. Might regret later as I think I fucked up my ear but this is truly one of the best feelings ever. Better than sex.

>> No.22338411

Thinking of buying McCarthy’s border trilogy, it’s on sale on Amazon. Any anon here that read it know if it’s good? Only McCarthy novel I’ve read was NCFOM

>> No.22338461

30 minutes later. The eargasm's intensity has decreased but the pleasure is still there. I'm struck with depression and I don't think I have felt this good in a while. Thank God for Q tips.

>> No.22338475

aahh the emily dickinson lifestyle

>> No.22338540

As someone with chronic ear infections, you need to not do that
t. Going deaf in my left ear at only 24

>> No.22338567

Does taking an extra long time to earn a degree look bad to employers? Does it basically fuck me over?

>> No.22338625

>decide to boot up overwatch as i haven't played in awhile
>32 gigabytes worth of updates
This is why I hate gaming today. I just want to play without having to sit for 5 hours worth of updates

>> No.22338771

How can I avoid being one of these people that speaks in a certain manner and beats around the bush at work. I want to be direct, no bullshit, and authoritative. I hate that I’m like a miserable office wagie having to go to meaningless meetings and not like a military leader. The least I could do is not speak so much like one.

>> No.22338811

Only thing on my mind is my depression. Any tips would help, thanks.

>> No.22338860

I miss my family
I miss home

>> No.22338933

So strange looking at photos of myself 6 months ago v.s now. Just 6 months ago I look youthful, my skin smooth and free from blemish.
Whereas all my photos from the past two months I look somehow older and more worn. Crazy what a few months can do to a man.

>> No.22338943

Great. I'm just so fucking mad bro

>> No.22338948 [SPOILER] 

Being born in my race is the absolute punishment a human can have. No white girl will ever find me attractive, I will never have a chance with a sweet, pink, tight [UGGHHAHHHHmmmm].
If God is real why would he allow this kind of diversity, wherein some races are at the greatest disadvantage, with no redeeming quality whatsoever? If God is real, then he does have favorites, and creating the rest is a crime which he won't have to answer for.

>> No.22338978


>> No.22338988

There's no race white bitches won't sex tourism

>> No.22339020

Me except for the criticism and sex drive

>> No.22339026

The biggest problem with this image is that it says more about society than the men who utter the phrase.

>> No.22339030

Just stab them in the cunt for miscegenation

You black? It’s your women. High opinion about themselves while not having much to offer. The same shit women in general accuse incels of having.

>> No.22339032

Who is the target audience of a satire? The subject who won't care to read the satire, the supporters of the subject who also won't have any interest in reading a satire about that person, or the people who would like to read a satire of that particular person or thing who already agree with the message before they even read a single letter, making their act of reading the satire little else but intellectual masturbation and a part in the "my team good, your team bad" shitflinging? Even the satirists who are considered canonical are almost exclusively considered as such because they make fun of things that a "cultured person" is "supposed to" dislike, like the catholic church, feudalism, scholasticism, people who aren't liberals, and so on. It really comes off as if people only make, read, and remember satires because they just happen to fit into their worldview perfectly rather than because of any intrinsic quality of the works.

>> No.22339079

I hate my friends. They just repeat reddit shit and try to pass it off as something they thought up. If I call it out I'm an asshole and it doesn't matter. They all do it. Constantly.

>> No.22339286

My lifelong interests include fantasy media and games. I'm going to spend a few weeks to ponder this.

>> No.22339289

I have needs.

>> No.22339315
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Henry James

>> No.22339322

I regret breaking up with my girlfriend for some stupid shit (she was obviously upset) and I want to try and get her back, but the thought of simping up to her makes me feel gross and not want to even bother. Anyone her been in a similar situation?

>> No.22339368

I wrote 15k words of a horny historical/fantasy story the last 2 days and it feels great. Aiming for a 60,000 word rough manuscript now.

>> No.22339379

Very many geriatric women have commented on how handsome I am. I guess I would have been a stunner if I were born into the boomer generation.

>> No.22339384

Just tell her that you forgive her. That is not simping.

>> No.22339392

I did that for like 6 months straight in a different genre. I am not going to dive into how that made me personally feel, but I will say that it made some other people angry.

>> No.22339405

What does any of this mean? I can't read between the lines here

>> No.22339474

I was curious about some things that happened here several years ago. I wrote a bunch of it out to see how the puzzle fit together. I got some people to fill in the gaps. I wrote non-stop for about 6 months straight. I filled several composition books. I kept one folded in my back pocket at all times to make sure that I had one whenever something came to mind. The content is all real, so it is more memoir than it is fiction, though I did take a lot of artistic liberties. A lot of people would prefer that the memories all died and went away. My story is coherent and all of the pieces fit. There are some competing narratives that do not stand well against scrutiny. I have no social media and a lot of the concerned parties have no way to contact me directly. Word got around that I was writing and people were fuming about it. The last time I did significant writing like this it was four short essays that caused the collapse of two local business and sent most of the owners leaving the state. Even several years later, one of them had a bio on his webpage with a gap for the years in question. They figure that I am at it again because I am, only this time the content covers a broader range of participants. It all started because I felt ignorant of a few gaps here and there. It's really just a personal project but active participation from the outside gave it life because people have started talking about the aspects in which they were involved with helping me to build the story.

>> No.22339490
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Uhmm, anon?
What do you mean?

>> No.22339528

I got debris in one of my ears during demolition and it never came out for ten years. I finally put some of the fancy ear oil stuff in there and proceeded to repeatedly plunge a triple flange silicone ear plug in there for several hours. The amount of wax that I culled was amazing. That ear could never drain properly and there was always irritation and swelling. I did a secondary cleaning a couple of months afterwards. My hearing is back to normal, the pain is gone. Truly life changing. Well worth the effort.

>> No.22339538

I do not think that employers look that deeply into it unless you are applying for an extremely prestigious position where they are looking for bragging rights for having scouted you. At that point, they want everything, including the papers that you wrote. They generally just want to see the degree. A lot of managers earned their degrees as they worked, and they did it over a long time scale. I never hear them bag each other about it. For reference, I have spent most of my working life in electronics manufacturing.

>> No.22339558

do any of you have a book that helped you with learning or gave you a framework for studying/note taking that worked?

>> No.22339560

If you want to speak authoritatively then you need to be authoritative. Firstly, know the material at hand. I had a baptism of fire through violence for the rest. That may not be practical for everyone. It helped me be able to set priorities because the deadlines and performance had real and immediate consequences. At least doing something with a significant level of discomfort with no way home would be a starter. Adventure racing comes to mind. The big ones where if you cop out that you just sit and rot for days until someone starts looking for you. Not the short events where people can actually watch you fail from the sidelines.

>> No.22339568

''Touch grass'' is not just an insult. I have been doing takedowns on big trees. It's dangerous if one goes into it tardmode. I have calculations and rigging to do that must not be fucked up. There is no room for depression during any of that. Once I am done, it takes a while for it to creep back in.

>> No.22339579

>Who is the target audience of a satire?
That lays on the shoulders of the creator. There is no rule except to be a scathing polemicist.

>> No.22339583

>I'm going to spend a few weeks to ponder this
Yeah, but do that pondering outside.

>> No.22339595

This may be off the rails, but I learned a lot from The Golden Bough. Yes, there is the content, but there is also the assemblage of said content. I suggest that you first read Wittgenstein's rebuttal, then read the introduction and see what a hack Wittgenstein was. Lastly, read the main text. Frazer was honest about his methods and Witty lazily used Frazer's honesty as a foil to skewer his work. Seeing the whole nonsense of it all is a social education in itself. It gave me a lot of perspective.

>> No.22339668 [DELETED] 

all the chatgpt bros (formerly crypto bros) need to update their twitters to superconductivity bros cuz lk-99 has been replicated. it's fucking REAL.

>> No.22339678

I have never had a girlfriend and I have never had sex

>> No.22339680
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>> No.22339681

There's a lot I want to write and express but I'm too afraid to be criticized, ridiculed, or humiliated.

>> No.22339752

Why do you care about what others might think about you?

>> No.22339857

Same. Wizard already.

>> No.22339925

Working in an office of fatasses who get fast food literally every day.
Every day I have to turn down cookies and baked goods otherwise I end up fat myself.
They showed me pictures of themselves from before.
Thin, one was buff.

>> No.22339930

Forgot to add they burp and fart the entire time.

>> No.22339944
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Would anyone of you know a book that deals with liberalisms hate against men/anti-male stance? Thanks.

>> No.22339968

YES IT IS. You need to be around people who are constantly affirming and reshaping your worldview for you. You should be afraid to be alone.

>> No.22340090

Working towards any sort of degree in your 30s feels like a massive failure.

>> No.22340105
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>this is what it means to be a normal person
>to postmodernist
read a book you troglodyte

>> No.22340112

Mmm ice cream so good

>> No.22340121

Dont be retarded. You can achieve what you want when you want it. Less than a third of americans even have a degree anyway, so who fucking cares if you didn't get one at 22

>> No.22340122

God I fucking hate being a lifeguard so fucking much. I made the stupid decision to try to get back into teaching right as the school year ended and wasted half the summer trying to get a tutoring job. Finally had to bite the bullet at take this as a stop gap until the fall. I was hired as a supervisor, but the management still treats me like a dumb ass teen that doesn't have years of experience with this line of work. I spend most of my time off stand doing glorified janitor work, which I honestly prefer because at least then people don't bother me as much. I desperately want to burn all bridges with them when I leave and tell them I'm never coming back, but the position I have lined up for the fall is a substitute one, so I'll eventually need work again next summer.
The only silver lining is one of the other supervisors is cute, so I'm gonna ask her out before I leave. But fuck man, I'm almost 30. I'm too old for this shit. I never want to work at a pool again.

>> No.22340157

Whenever my friends want to have a conversation about politics or literature I can't say anything worthwhile. I always have to copy paste someone else's opinion in order to barely hold a conversation which is starting to really make me feel like I'm soulless and have no beliefs of my own. I'm in my twenties with a limited education. Never finished a book but I like reading visual novels and other weeb shit, I've tried reading actual books, they're just boring. But I like watching analysis videos on Youtube. Is forcing myself to read boring books the only way to help myself? I'm starting to get a little desperate. I don't want to keep living my life like an NPC.

>> No.22340161

How much does it pay

>> No.22340186

I have a bachelor’s degree. I’m looking at a graduate degree that I’m not even competitive for. The shitty thing about doing it at this age is that there’s all sorts of other things you should be doing. When you’re under 30 or under 25 there’s nothing better to do.

>> No.22340223

>Whenever my friends want to have a conversation about politics or literature I can't say anything worthwhile.
You don't have to.
You can just ask questions about the things you don't know until you've established a general, broad view yourself.
Be naturally curious, and most people will want to explain what they mean.
Most people will take pleasure in educating you about something they have studied.

>> No.22340236

$17 an hour. I'm capped at 40 hours a week with no overtime pay, but I usually end up going slightly over anyway. It's enough for me to scrape by, but not enough for me to build up any real savings.

>> No.22340238

lmao a woman definitely wrote this. Think for yourself, you dunce.

>> No.22340263

>School forces students, basically at gun point, to complete "course intentions" for fall term
>*complete fall course intentions*
>Schedule missing half the courses and admin getting a billion emails wondering wtf happened
I swear to god these people just use tuition money to wipe their arses.

>> No.22340272

Having *some* alone time is good and healthy. That time should not exceed a months into a year.
It’s understandable to not like being around some people, but learning social cues is important.
Being schizotypal just means you have to try harder. Like a dyslexic has to put in more effort to understand what he’s reading.

>> No.22340291

>but learning social cues is important.
you learn social cues when you're a kid. I spend months at a time alone because I feel like it and can re-enter society at will and be perfectly charming.

women and faggots don't like being alone because (1) they receive no external validation or worship and (2) the group isn't telling them what their opinions should be, which makes decision-making an anxious process.

>> No.22340301

It depends what you're doing. Med school in my country (Canada) can run into the early thirties with school and residency training. Some people spend years making their applications competitive.

Your attitude kind of sucks desu. It's like your life has ended at 30. Ridiculous. No one but yourself is going to convince you of the contrary, bro.

>> No.22340303

You should consider not what you're supposed to like or talk about, but what you are interested in. You can't force yourself to be interested in something. That's why you can't be soulless just because you don't like something.

Find something that interests you and then read about that topic and talk to your friends about it. If they aren't interested, then find somebody else to talk about it. That's about it.

If you like visual novels and weeb, then talk to somebody who's interested in that shit. That's why /a/ exists.

Re books. Ask yourself whether you would read a book about something you're interested about the most. I guess you would. Anybody would. And these books won't seem boring to you. They are going to make you interested about some other topics that are touched on in the book, so you're going to want to read some books on that, too.

The truth is, reading books requires some discipline. It's no small feat to make yourself read them shits, especially because your interest might fluctuate, and of course it's often easier to just watch or movie or something. But it should feel like you're making a small effort to get interested in what you're reading, but after making this effort, you should just want to read until you stop. Sometimes you won't have the strength to make this effort, and that's okay. Though not having the strength to push yourself to read and reading shit are not the same. Making yourself do things that you don't want to kills the soul.

>> No.22340305

Though not having the strength to push yourself to read and reading shit you don't like are not the same.*

>> No.22340357

My eyes have been opened. Ludwig Klages was right. The whole of history can be summed up as a battle of soul vs spirit. This battle rages in our own lives; we are constantly faced with choices that are either soulful or soulless. All virtue, all greatness, is purely a result of SOVL.

>> No.22340437

I do talk about my mundane interests sometimes, it's just that I feel like I have a very shallow understanding of everything, basically speaking in 4chan catchphrases when I actually want to have a proper conversation just lacking the mental capacity for it. So when I talk to someone about something I liked I feel stupid for it. Everyone is super knowledgeable about one or more things they like and I feel like that's necessarily a result of them having read boring books and written essays in school. Like I can only convey the surface of my thoughts to people or lack some ability to comprehend things on a deeper level.
It doesn't help that all my interests are motivated by a single thing that is shameful to speak of to anyone

>> No.22340451

There's no point socializing when the standard of living is as low as it is right now. People are uninteresting, plundered, weak, docile, and upset. I don't want to spend time with you. Across the board there is shallowness, fear, and weakness. Nobody is trying to hang out right now at all. And if you are, it's likely you're one of the leeches bringing everyone down.

>> No.22340477

> It doesn't help that all my interests are motivated by a single thing that is shameful to speak of to anyone

Well you're already on an anonymous imageboard, so you might as well say what the shameful thing is.

Be aware that it probably looks more shameful to you than to anyone else. There're only strangers here, and we're going to forget in a couple of days. But you might feel better communicating about it, and you might find that you're not the only one struggling with whatever you're struggling with. That's the only way to beating shame.

>> No.22340482

In my hardcore mafia life I never did have much time for school or learning. But I always did love that stuff. For most of college I was busy with drive-bys, planning robberies, and interrogating schmucks who didn't know who the big brass was around here. So I look back especially fondly on those brief months when I could focus on my studies, of long nights in the libraries researching for my term papers, and I'd go back to my off campus luxury apartment with my head so full of knowledge and research that I almost forgot about the Beretta under my mattress. Ah, but the life just keeps going. Thankfully you make quite a lot of money in the mafia business so maybe one day I can donate to a good institution and have my name on a university library.

>> No.22340506

You think it's hard being a mafioso with a love for academic knowledge, try being a marine force recon sniper who's got a passion for absolutely nothing but building Christmastime village dioramas! Life sure ain't easy, pal, especially for us men who have to live hard lives for everyone else's sake. But that's the way God made the world, and without God there'd be no Christmas, which is pretty important to me and my deepest truest passion for, as I mentioned, Christmastime village dioramas.

>> No.22340532

ayyyy fugeddabout it, have you seen the colleges these days? if these girls with ass cheeks out to here and their boobies with got nothing but a string between thems nipples and their teachers eyes can go and get a university degree in life sciences or business management, then I believe a made man like you can make it in the academic world too.

>> No.22340539

All is yellow to the jaundiced eye

>> No.22340544

Just larp as baywatch bro

>> No.22340545
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I posted this in the wrong thread:

Why is it that every time I begin to take an interest in Christianity - in numerology, its certain aesthetics, the esoteric traditions, theology, et cetera - and then actually speak to a Christian, I feel nothing but repulsion from Christianity and hatred toward them?

They speak so earnestly and confidently about their faith and how they "know God" and "know Jesus", which is completely and utterly alien to me.

>> No.22340548

>all sorts of other things you should be doing.
You should be doing what ever the fuck you feel like doing

>> No.22340554

Why not just take them at face value? Christianity is literally about having a personal relationship with God. Not studying esoteric tomes and treating God like some kind of postulate. You're missing the mystical experience.

>> No.22340560

How can you have a real belief in something that you're simply taking "at face value"?
When I try to explain to Christians that I cannot possibly understand or comprehend what they "know" as God or Christ, because of qualia, they tell me that I DO know or that I WILL know, which doesn't get either of us anywhere, because I tell them that no, I don't know, and that the only religious phenomena that I experience is a feeling of connection to something dark in the depths of the woods and forests when I visit.

>> No.22340563

Some 4chan posts I made 10 years ago still haunt me at night. I just wanted to save ourselves the cringe but well,
My driving force is seeing fictional girls suffer. I don't want to say it's a fetish because it gives me emotional gratification like nothings else, I haven't jacked off in a year but I think every night about a fictional girl being tortured. I'm learning to draw so I can draw a comic about her miserable life (been imagining her for many years by this point, every night before I sleep). I basically live to savor little girls tears and my only goal is to share this attraction with other people. That's why I'm looking through easily accessible media like anime/visual novels/web novels where a female character who meets my standards suffers emotionally or physically (it doesn't work with just any). That's the factor which instantly determines if I will like something. I would actually be interested to read a book about the attraction to tragedy (tried to read Nietzche but it didn't click for me) . Sorry that this sounds incel. I don't hate women IRL.

>> No.22340567

You sound like you would really enjoy that creepy album, 'Buyer's Market'

>> No.22340576

Narcissism is natural and I'm tired of pretending it isnt.

>> No.22340584

>How can you have a real belief in something that you're simply taking "at face value"?
By taking it at face value and accepting that these christians are sincere when they tell you they know God. There is no reason to be upset by this.
>because qualia
> I don't know, and that the only religious phenomena that I experience is a feeling of connection to something dark in the depths of the woods and forests when I visit.
I take this statement at face value and believe your sincerity in this experience.

>> No.22340587

Narcissus should be considered the first entrepreneur.

>> No.22340595

>accepting that these christians are sincere when they tell you they know God
I accept that they feel something which they believe to be God. I am fine at this point. Then they tell me exactly what this God is, and I cannot help but to feel that they are misled and something very strange has gone on inside their mind or heart.

Please provide a better term for "not being able to know what others are feeling"

>> No.22340602

Bruh talking about anhedonia and probably dysthymia instead of a schizoid personality. You got misdiagnosed it happens, especially if anxiety is at play.

>> No.22340615

I'm so happy to know that I'm not getting paralyzed and peripheral neuropathy is supposed to go away in just one week. Also I think hot shower helped a bit eben if I only could do it after some time, thanks anon.

>> No.22340618

Go to the source feminist material and judge it yourself rather than read some ignorant polemicist's take on it. You might start with something like Men - An Owner's Manual.

>> No.22340623

If you don't know God and have no personal experience with God, then why should you feel they're so wrong, and moreso, why should you be so upset?

>> No.22340625

Who said that I think that they're wrong, or that I'm upset?

>> No.22340637

i dont get how i go to this job 1-2 times a week and know more about my co-workers individually than they know about each other and they work with each other more. it's not like i haven't seen them talk to each other but i wonder if all they do is talk about themselves or if the conversations are so shallow they never reach any points of difference.

>> No.22340646
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Sorry but wasnt Duchamp just a mediocre philosopher instead of an artist?

>> No.22340647

You said it
>and then actually speak to a Christian, I feel nothing but repulsion from Christianity and hatred toward them?
>How can you have a real belief in something that you're simply taking "at face value"?

>> No.22340659

>Is forcing myself to read boring books the only way to help myself?
It is if you want to be that type of person. I was sort of in the same boat. I was unemployed for a year. I forced myself to read during that time. I read Gibbon's Decline and Fall during that time period and 9 other supporting texts. I was reading myself to sleep each night. Now, I can just sit and read whatever I need whenever I need to do so. I broke a barrier and I am in a completely different world now.

>> No.22340678

B12 deficiency?

>> No.22340682

>most people will want to explain what they mean
Oof. A lot of people get angry if you go into more than a surface level critique of what they have to say because they only have enough mastery of the topic at hand to use the material as fuel for their normalfag conversations. If you start to get at the foundation of their espousals then they feel challenged because they start to sense the limits of their own understanding.

>> No.22340696

Only if you're antagonistic

>> No.22340724

The church that I used to attend was named ''St. Anthony's''. I question whether or not it was really named for the mobster that donated the money for construction, his name unironically being ''Tony''.

>> No.22340730

My shit still stinks, whether or not you try to convince me that it is plumb pudding.

>> No.22340731

That's some mutually understood Catholic shade. Saint Anthony is the patron saint of lost things and it's probably the first thing everyone says to him in a religious context.

>> No.22340740

I have a friend that was force recon and this sounds a lot like him, only he never bitches about it.

>> No.22340750

To leave your anxiety induced passive introspection loop you must maximize sloppiness to the extreme, once you rediscover chaos and possibilities, you will be able to let go of your overthinking framework, you need to scream and dance NOW

>> No.22340755

I have no doubt your shit stinks

>> No.22340757

Have you talked to a psychotherapist about this? There's nothing healthy in having such a large chunk of your being to feel shameful of. It's like an inner wound that keeps on festering; no wonder your attention and interest is tied up in this. The only way to heal this wound is by talking about it with other people.

> I don't want to say it's a fetish because it gives me emotional gratification like nothings else, I haven't jacked off in a year but I think every night about a fictional girl being tortured.

If this fictional suffering arouses you, then not jacking off doesn't mean you're not addicted. For example, about a year ago I stopped masturbating to porn, but kept on watching it, and the addiction became virtually uncontrollable.

You describing looking for a perfect target for a fantasy mirrors a porn addict's endless search for the right video. There is no perfect video, or in your case, the target. It's all about the search, really. That's when dopamine is flushed into the brain, and that's where the root of the addiction is.

re having emotional gratification: I had that too, watching hardcore porn and watching hentai, though I didn't get off off someone's suffering, but off humiliation. In the end, the victim was a willing female who this happened to, and this could not NOT have a relation to my relationships with women.

If you can formulate an intention to end this, you will be able to. It's going to be the hardest thing you'll do, but it'll enable you to stop feeling shame, because you'll have nothing to feel shameful about. This will in turn make you feel better about yourself, and have better relationships with women and live a better life.
This is what happened for me when I stopped using porn, at least.

>> No.22340758

There can be a few intertwining variables at work. You might be paying more attention and be remembering more. You might also be playing the role of Dale Carnegie, so they may be opening up more to you.

>> No.22340761

Thanks Nietzsche

>> No.22340772

Why does my dad hit me when I was young

>> No.22340777

>Only if you're antagonistic
This is absolutely untrue. Many people feel offended when they sense their limits being reached. They are embarrassed to utter the phrase. ''I don't know'' for fear of being revealed as ignorant. If I think that someone knows more about a topic than I do then I will naturally try to absorb that knowledge. Once I see their discomfort I back off because I lose interest after discovering their actual lack of mastery. I, of course, also meter my respect for that person commensurate with their knowledge on the topic and how much chicanery they use to hide their ignorance.

>> No.22340792

Repulsion and hatred are not 'upset' feelings.

>> No.22340817

Ignoring the conflict of ''does'' and ''was'', there can be a few common reasons. He may have felt a lack of power and he used an available target to exert authority that he felt lacking otherwise. Maybe you deserved it, or maybe he falsely perceived that you did. Maybe it was appropriate corrective discipline and you are misinterpreting it. Maybe it was appropriate discipline and he just went overboard because he did not have a proper framework for understanding how a child perceives punishment. You might reflect on when the beatings stopped and try to deduce why they stopped. This may give cues as to why the beatings started.

>> No.22340828

Not him, and I noticed this as well. I lost interest in what he had to say the moment that I saw this lazy lack of congruence.

>> No.22340861

Is writing supposed to feel like painting? Is it supposed to relax you and suck in your attention before you inevitably look up at the clock and see how much time has gone by?

>> No.22340874

Did you ever paint?

>> No.22340939

Good on you for giving up on porn. I haven't really thought that this might be making me feel ashamed of myself since I've always kept it to myself. I've been having those fantasies since I was a kid, and at night especially it feels as natural as thinking, so I can't imagine how I could possibly cut it off completely. It's way too good of an escapism. But I should try to do it less, it does sound like that might help, so thank you.

>> No.22341025

Doing it less is a good step, but talking about the problem is going to be essential. Otherwise you're going to be cooking in a soup of half-thoughts and impulses and not really know what's going on. Talking about it is going to shed a light on this dark pit of shame, and it will let you find a way to navigate this. A therapist who deals with these kinds of problems is best, even if it's text based and anonymous at first.

Remember that you are not alone, and a lot of people are dealing with shameful shit, too. They're just not talking about it, because they are ashamed of it, too. That's the deadliest thing about this, and so the silence must be broken to heal.

Good luck to you, anon.

>> No.22341051

What are you LARPing as today?

>> No.22341093

he wanted you in position for the big game, is what I hear

>> No.22341096

Temporary traffic light, how about you?

>> No.22341099

way I heard it, it's he wants you to started off on the right foot

>> No.22341143


>> No.22341146

How would a nominalist deal with trannyism?

>> No.22341173

I broke up with my gf a month ago because I thought I felt no love for her. I liked her, and we had great sex, but I didn't really like hanging out with her, unless I was drunk, so I left. A month has passed, and I've felt some feelings for her during this time and we've fucked a couple of times, but I never came close to the real feeling, and I was searching for it, hard. I haven't tried to claw and fight for her, and maybe it means that it wasn't it.

This whole situation makes me feel like I don't know how to love. Even though I want somebody to love with all my might, when I get together with a girl, it feels like after a time I start gathering evidence that they aren't it and then drop them. So I'm wondering: whether it's a choice to love, and I'm just always betraying the girl and deciding not to love her. And whether I should just keep on stumbling on girls that I'm incompatible with, and narrowing down the criteria that are essential for me, until I find the one with whom I'd be able to make a decision to try and love for as long as I can.


>> No.22341207

there's no such thing; capacity for love only exists when your hormones first turn on because nature wants you to knock up some whore ASAP

>> No.22341223

I'd say he really put a hyper focus on the emotional state of existence , which is sort of cool when you are living a life filled with useful/meaningful labor that generally disregarded emotion at all. However, that focus has become an ouroboros of creativity without exit. We live in this period of irony where our very hyper focus on solving emotional issues is the root of our emotional disconnection whereas if we reverted to a simpler mindset/lifestyle we would, as a whole, find ourselves more emotionally fulfilled

>> No.22341231

Well there's love that you feel for your friends. Like you want to hang out with them just because it's fucking great to just spend time with them.
Isn't that the goal to strive for with a woman, in the end? To find a friend that you like hanging around with and whom you could have sex with, so that you can make a decision to hang for a long time, at least until you've raised your kids or something.

>> No.22341240


>> No.22341286

>To find a friend
no. the tomboy fantasy is just a fantasy. Every woman is a rake.

>> No.22341330

>Is it supposed to relax you
Not for me. It is physically demanding and it puts a toll on me.

>> No.22341339
File: 2.49 MB, 1494x7914, memeticconspiracy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's over for the international fascist cabal. And their memetic chaos magic conspiracy.
Pic has all the evidence, no commentary needed. The evidence speaks for itself, as it should.
>Rommel, you magnificent bastard, I read your book!

>> No.22341341

I do not agree with this therapy spiel. Many can work this shit out on their own without bringing in outside observers who may not be trustworthy. He can take secrets to the grave if he please. The real goal is the elimination of the negative activities. He may not need someone else to tell him to do that.

>> No.22341347

someone who wont commit suicide within the year

>> No.22341425

I'm so tired. The contractor left me on a job, knowing I'm low experience in the trade. Not to mention the contractor himself is always absent, late, disorganized. He didn't leave me enough paint to finish even half the job. I made some mistakes and the client is pissed. I'm showing up on time and doing my best, but I dont have the necessary experience to take on this project alone. It just makes me feel like shit when I put so much time and effort into something I can't achieve.

>> No.22341429


>> No.22341452

>started off on the right foot
I always found this euphemism confusing because most drill procedures call for starting with the left foot.

>> No.22341462

pics or gtfo

>> No.22341512

Don't let him blame you for his failure. That will set a bad precedent. Otherwise, just cope and seethe that that is how it is working for other people. There are large aspects that are out of your control.

>> No.22341525

Nah I just got off the phone with him. He's pretty chill about it, explained why he was gone all day. It was more like he was apologizing to me so thats cool. Still feel like shit about messing up tho.

>> No.22341529

I love you fags

>> No.22341530

I was literally you this time last year. Everything finally came together and now it's all going right. I'm happier than I have been in a long time. Just stick it out and work on long term goals.

>> No.22341553

I am cursed. I understand that being born into poverty is a common phenomenon but it feels like God has a personal spite against me. ANYthing I do, I have to exert thrice the amount of effort compared to others. From acquiring skills to getting hr roasties to invite me to a fucking job interview - I better invest THOUSANDS of hours to just not suck and I better send just as many CVs just to get a job that doesnt pay well. I am devoid of any natural talent. I am unlovable. I dont even think God hates me, I dont matter that much to him. He's indifferent. Fuck this gay earth. Did I ask to be born? Fuck you, God. You dont even talk to me anymore. I need you and you abandon me. Dont even feel your presence in my chest anymore. Fuck you then.

>> No.22341557

Just let it ride. It's not the last mistake that you will make. The next job will have a new customer. Just do better.

>> No.22341558

Yeah, you're all right most of the time, too.

>> No.22341592

I failed again, like always

>> No.22341597

Maybe my brain is busted, or I'm being a bad person, but cheaters in games don't bother me. If anything they give me a positive experience of laughing at them or observing their curious tricks.

>> No.22341605

Here's the line: "I'll watch a few rounds first so I can see how you cheat"

>> No.22341645

I think I know why you hurt, why you feel that something is missing, why you can’t feel at ease.
You’re searching for something. I think it is something like sincerity, true life.
I search for it, too. I hurt. I feel that something is missing. I cannot feel at ease.
I don’t have any solutions.
I think it is our task, in this life, to seek. We will search.
I do not know whether we will find.
I think we will catch glimpses, receive hints. We will try.
And sometimes, we may succeed, but so far they have only been fleeting moments.
No longer than, say, 3 seconds.
Where I understood, where nothing was missing, where I felt at ease.
We will search.
That is what I think we must do.
And I think that we must try to accept that.
We can rage against the hand that was dealt to us, this thankless impossible task.
But I don’t believe it will do us any good.
Practically, I think there is little to be done differently.
Life. Search. Seek those moments. Try to cultivate them. It is a difficult task – I could perhaps count the number of times I’ve succeeded momentarily on one hand.
I’m sorry. I empathize. I am trying to connect – frankly, I want to help you. I want you to know that I understand. Or, at least, to know that our personal battles may not be so different. That we are not totally alone. Because there is some comfort in that, no?
how many times has something like this been said by the way?

what's the value in restating it?

>> No.22341795

It reminds me of a german song.

Ich glaub das ich weiss jetzt warum du geweinst hast
Du hast dieser Zukunft gesehen
In der wir uns verlieren und niemand mehr retten
Und ziellose Wege gehen

>> No.22341808

good on you

>> No.22341826


>> No.22341834

There are only two types of women whose works I actually care to read. The first are female mystics, the second are medieval japanese court ladies.

>> No.22341863

It was about a young man. I assume.
He was once a missionary. He wanted to prove something. He wanted to be powerful. He was relatable. He wanted to be offended, and take extreme offence and show no sign of harm. He thought that he could in some way conquer others by taking extreme offense and showing no harm. For example, laughing while being drawn and quartered. He wants to prove to others that his God (he himself?) is superior. That his God is gentle and good and perfect and forgiving and loving and that to follow him is the sole supreme good, and that even during the most egregious offenses – spiritual and body – he would be able to countenance, withstand, remain in faith, remain in belief of a Good benevolent loving God, and that by withstanding such abuses, such offenses, he could win over the most difficult convertees. This was an objective of his. He thought it was trivial, in a way, to convert simple weak minded fundamentally uninterested people. So, he sought out this city, this people, to be converted. He learned of them from a half-blind missionary/monk. He (the author) from from Grenoble area – mountainous south western France (the story indicated that he had experience with cold winters in his youth). When he was young, he was a missionary. Of sorts. It was a bit vague, his youth, his relation to his father – maybe I should revisit that point. Anyhow, this old missionary at one time told him of this hardened, difficult city. Evil people. And thus, being in line with the (admittedly) stubborn author’s belief that it’s best to convert the hardest. (He wanted to prove himself. He wanted to withstand the greatest offences. The greatest pain. To take it better than anyone else. And in doing so, he thought he would prove that his God was superior, and that in proving that he would obtain great power. Something like that.) So, he goes to the city. It’s in the desert. Algeria. It’s very cold at night, but that’s nothing compared to the heat of the day. It would be an understandment to say that “heat” was a recurring theme of this story; rather, it was pretty central to the narrative. Heat. And the city was made of salt. Dryness. Thirst. Salt in wounds. Dark. Lances of heat from the sun. Hot. Angry. Hateful. Evil. Sun. So, he goes to this city.

>> No.22341869

And – before I go any further – let’s recall that the title of this is something like “Crazy, or lost renegade?” or something like that. The narrative is flowing. Stream of conscious. In large part at least. The language is beautiful, and this is a translation. Either the original is beautiful, the translation beautified the original, or both are beautiful. Either way, the translation conveys beauty in language. And, Camus is a genius. I don’t know what to say much beyond that. Except that earlier, when I was urinating, I was thinking about him, and that I’d read that he had rejected the label “existentialist”, and how I thought that that so missed the point, and that it was sad that they would ask them that, “they” being what I can only assume are midwit intellectuals/reporters/academia. Whether or not he identifies as an “existentialist” is entirely uninteresting. I am more curious about how he lives. He does he exist? I was thinking that I would fancy watching an interview with him. But I wouldn’t want to hear the questions that I’d expect to hear. Academic questions. Questions about his peers, his relation to them. I would rather just observe him. Observe him have a normal interaction. He strikes me as a terrible interesting person, gifted in the way of language. Of course, I admire him, and I appreciate his general “takes” and aesthetic. To me, he “gets it”. Apologies for the meandering thoughts – back to the story. So, this motivated missionary. He goes to this city of salt and heat. It seems he is quickly taken prisoner/slave/captive. They bring him to a main circle. They “sentence” him, in some sense. He is then confined in a house of salt. A large building. No windows. Entirely dark. He is thrown food occasionally, in the way that people feed chickens – i.e., scattering grain on the ground. And he is given salty water. It is a mind-weakening experience for him, it seems. He is in there for a long period. Eventually, the locals come in, and they perform a ritual. I don’t remember the exact order (of escalation) of the rituals that are performed, but in short: they are dark, intense, he is often harmed, he is often made to face the wall, there are occasional scenes where the sage/wizard/shaman screams while he has sex with women, women who have tattoos on their facea.

>> No.22341879

Most important, and I mean that, these acts are all done in offering to a “fetish”. This fetish is only once loosely described – a “double hatchet face”. And I think that was it. But, we assume it is some sort of savagesque face. This is the God of the locals, and it is in contrast to the God of the missionary. The author comes to understand that the God of the locals is a god of hate. Of malice. This is, of course, in opposition to the God of the author, which is the Catholic God – one that is God of goodness, etc. Over a period of time, the author is subject to pretty severe degradations and pains. For example his tongue is ripped out, and he is beaten in the face with wet salt-soaked ropes. So, withstanding this abuse. This difficulty, and faced with only the fetish, the author faces a conflict. He experiences great pain and depravation. And clearly the locals are attempting to “persuade” him to love the fetish. This God of pain, of evil (as perceived by the author). So, he is in a weakened mental state. (I don’t say that to necessarily weaken the authors subsequent philosophical position.) But, basically, he comes to love the fetish. It happens quickly. He kisses the hands of his captors. He rejects the traditional Catholic God. He loves hate. He wants to stop or kill anyone who gets in the way of hate conquering. He comes to realize that hate is true, hate is an effective leader, hate is sound. Pain is real in a way that pleasure isn’t. Something like that. More forceful, deeper, of course – this is Camus, and not me. That pain and hate are real. And that one day pain and hate should come to conquer the world and produce a single world of pain and hate and salt and heat. And he was angry about anyone who would intercede in the creation of such a world. I.e., Catholic monastaries.

>> No.22341885

And so, this author has been telling the story from the position of his waiting in an early morning, near traintracks, on the run, having recently escaped. He recently heard that a European army was coming to the town. And that a missionary would be preceding their arrival by 2 days. He was hidden away and eavesdropped at the time of this arrival and the speaking of this information. So, hating that the Catholic missionary might delay the world of hate, reject the fetish, he manages to escape (curious that he didn’t do this sooner). He steals a gun. He is camping out, waiting for the missionary. The missionary comes. He shoots him. The people from the town arrive. He is seemingly quartered and salt is shoved in his mouth (i.e., he is violently killed); however, the narrative gets fuzzy at this point. What’s great is that at the end, it recalls the title, and it’s really unclear what was real and what was illusion. It’s pretty much unclear whether the author dies in devotion to the Catholic God or the fetish. Keep in mind, this is written by Camus, who I have read is described (in some way) as “anti-Catholic”. (Though, frankly while I can appreciate that someone like him would dislike the sociopolitical body that is the Catholic church, it’s somewhat hard to believe that he would dismiss the idea of God as evil or laughable.) So, it’s a pretty interesting read. I thought it was beautiful. I enjoyed the writing. I enjoyed the fuzziness, the fluidity of the narrative. I enjoyed the feeling of being unsure what is true, what is allegory. I enjoyed that the protagonist was relatable, in some sense. He was a stubborn person who wanted to be seen as superior. Who can’t relate to that? Surely I can.
>this is what i do on a friday. i get high and i read short stories and then i write my stupid thoughts and them and then i post them on an anonymous eel fat rendering forum

>> No.22341906

Alone for a year after dating for years ever since I was 13. It's such a weird feeling to know everyone I ever loved is probably in bed with someone right now. I have no clue as to why I stopped dating. I just didn't feel like it anymore and spent a whole year in my bedroom, alone. I don't feel anything. To others I say I'm waiting for the right one, but I'm not looking. I don't want to meet anyone nor do stuff.

I feel like half a human being. Like somebody flipped my soul over and removed everything that made me enjoy someone's company. I wouldn't see the point in dating even if a very beautiful woman came at my door asking to hang out tomorrow. Everyone is so obsessed with love and sex and I'm just there, sitting on the periphery. I see people dating and breaking up for the stupidest reasons— I was one of them, before— and all I feel is mental fatigue. Why am I even thinking of all of this? Because I remember that the happiest I ever was was in her arms. Why don't relationships last? I'm tired and sad that I probably will never live something like this again. Nothing is permanent, so why bother?

>> No.22341931

I suspect the feeling of want will wax and wane. Obviously, you're in a period of uninterest. It may last your whole life. But, I would advice against overly embodying this feeling. I'd roll with it, enjoy your time alone (God knows I do), but remain open to the possibility that you may one day meet someone who makes you feel differently. It seems possible , and nice - I'd advise against closing off to the idea entirely.

>> No.22341995
File: 149 KB, 400x600, 228969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The bravery required of US border patrol agents in defending against cartel skin-flayers I see in rekt threads is something I don't know anything about but I am rather thankful for people doing that job. Defence against savagery like the Greeks and the neighboring cannibalistic Dacians probably requires the kind of traits civilians would deem unhinged or mentally ill like turning into a sadist or sociopath if you survive enough shit. Or maybe you just need to be an alcoholic like Martin Sheen in Apocalypse Now.

>> No.22342037

There are two main risk when it comes to organized religions: Understanding and Obedience. And to illustrate, we will use Catholicism and Protestantism, respectively.

Here we find no larger church of the Christian faith than the Catholic church itself, heavy with its traditions and rituals. Now, a great risk is then those who have obedience of these things, of the many practices, customs, and codes, but no real understanding: Their faith is just rote, routine, no more mysterious than a chemical or mathematical process wherein if one does these things, therefore, one finds salvation. It is a great and terrible risk.

Conversely we find its younger, livelier long-lost cousin, the Protestant. Eager to talk all about faith, this is someone who has the energy within them, but sadly not the obedience. There is no great tradition in place, no set system or rules, if fact a great many churches are sub-churches of bigger churches that continue to fracture indefinitely. There is no obedience, as scripture is interpreted and re-interpreted time and time again, endlessly justifying whatever the interpreter likes to achieve their ends, not the God they worship. Another great and terrible risk.

Be wary of these things, it is neither acts nor faith alone, but a balance, faith that results in action which in turn feeds faith -- ultimately, the grace of God and God alone is the judge of heaven.

>> No.22342063

The RCC does their own interpretations. It is just that they have a bureaucracy in place with the lictors, etc. to keep everything in line. There may be no individual interpretation, but there is certainly evolving interpretation on the institutional level.

>> No.22342069

Ive never heard of cartels fighting border patrol. They are too busy fighting each other and the Mexican authorities.

>> No.22342073

I'd wager they deliberately avoid antagonizing any American elements so as to prevent a causus belli for actual US intervention.

>> No.22342079

Remember that time they kidnaped a bunch of niggers and then publicly apologized?

>> No.22342091

I was told they pay 80k a year (you don't have to work the whole year either), they're understaffed and brought in NGs, you don't have to enlist, and that their mortality rate was higher than almost every other major agency by someone working down there.

>> No.22342101
File: 141 KB, 633x758, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nth day without adderall
>sat down and read one (1) page in 3 separate instances before getting distracted
>ate a whole bag of spicy cheetos

>> No.22342113

Must be the heat. Cartels don't touch whitey. They know better: they work for him

>> No.22342173

Drugs borrow X from tomorrow.
Adderall - attention.
Others - happiness, energy, optimism, love.

>> No.22342179

the candle isn't even burning bright enough to see with, if it burned twice as bright it would at least be useful for that half-life.

>> No.22342194

I hate people who derive their whole egos off of feeling smarter/superior to other people. I'm in some group chat and I said something about how I like media where it's less about the ideology and more about the morals, and that I'd give my kid veggie tales to watch. After someone responded "yeah pushing thoughts on your child is stupid. Almost as stupid as those people who believe dinosaurs are fake and the earth is only 5000 years old." It was a total nonsequiter and I could tell she was just saying it to get at me because I am Christian... even though I don't think the earth is 5000 years old or that dinosaurs are fake. She does that all the time... even if someone doesn't believe in dinosaurs why do you care? To feel some sense of supiority over them? You aren't better because they're wrong about something, no one is immune to holding wrong beliefs. So what? It drives me up the wall.

>> No.22342197

I mean, I'm drunk and high and smoking a cigarette. I've got a full mortgage on happiness. I won't argue, just saying.

>> No.22342198


>> No.22342199

they do this precisely to get a rise out of you and you give in. just ignore, or ideally laugh and move on, you make things worse by doing exactly what they want you to do

>> No.22342207

people with stupid beliefs deserve to be mocked for their stupidity. Earth is 5000 years old hahahaha they actually believe it hahahahha

>> No.22342210 [DELETED] 

I am a she too the gender is unrelated. I just can't stand when people do that shit...

>> No.22342216
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>> No.22342219

You are talking with nigger neckbearded redditor atheists. Just stop talking to them and find a better group chat. Normal people won't go out of their ways to fuck with you unlike those tards.

>> No.22342222

That's exactly what I did I just said God made dino bones to inspire us to make dino shaped nuggets. I'm not gonna get start a fight but she definitely makes passive aggressive remarks at me in particular and its so frustraiting...

>> No.22342235

Confront her you fucking pussy.
Imagine being such a pussy that you come cry about a girl being mean to you online to your internet friends hahahaha

>> No.22342238
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>> No.22342245

I want to have online friends. I got a discord but I never use it, how do you people use it to get friends?

>> No.22342261

I don't feel like it, what am I going to do? "hey fuck off". Some people do it in such a way where calling them out makes you look crazy. More likely I'll just leave at some point. It just left me feeling frustrated and angry.


I mostly made online friends through a shared activity. Most of the servers I'm in are for drawing, I posted my art on /ic/ and just clicked on discord links when they were available. Just find a niche and join it

>> No.22342264

I will pay you $5000 for a night, airfare included, if you're interested and you can verify that you're a biological female

>> No.22342267
File: 70 KB, 640x909, 1689629950490057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will always be a real woman. You have a womb, you have ovaries, you have eggs. You are a heterosexual woman nurtured by society into an exemplary of nature's perfection. All the validation you get is sincere and candid. Behind your back people compliment you. Your parents are proud and appreciative of you, your friends smile at your beautiful appearance behind open doors. Men are utterly delighted by you.

>> No.22342276

I'm married

>> No.22342280
File: 82 KB, 384x281, 1689332639794986.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stupid cunt, roast beef bitch

>> No.22342292

You need to fuck her in the ass hole

>> No.22342309

Let me fuck your husband in the ass hole

>> No.22342313

Unironically a tranny

>> No.22342315

Explains why it turned down my offer for sex. I would've negotiated up to probably $25k.

>> No.22342319

Fuck man, I'm a cute skinny blonde guy and I'll do it for 25k

>> No.22342326

$25k isn't shit anon, I doubt you can even buy a decent used car for $25k these days. What would you do with my $25k? Wagecuck until age 63 instead of 65?

>> No.22342328

>mortality rate
It may have been his job role for the CBP itself, he was some kind of scout in a tactical unit, showed me a pic of some semi-auto DMR with a big scope on it, looked like an AR receiver of some kind.

>> No.22342330

>get fucked in the ass once
>save 2 years of wagecucking
Well cut my balls and call me a sissy, this hole's open for business

>> No.22342499

For you anon we'll start negotiating at $50

>> No.22342531
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>> No.22342598

Nigger a 2015 corolla is less than 15k

>> No.22342680

I experience many intense emotions throughout the day, and I am an absolute coomer most of the time

>> No.22342700

What you said makes want to sign up desu

>> No.22342760

how do I know if I was molested

>> No.22342763

I hear this place as a noisy cafeteria

>> No.22342769 [DELETED] 

holy shit this thing rules

>> No.22342796

It's a tough calculus. All memories are just chemical storage, whether they be true or false. Evidence or confession are probably better cues than anything else. A lot of this hinges on whether it was presumably a stranger or someone in regular contact with you and at what age it was. Either way, don't let it eat you up, turn you gay, and repeat the cycle by becoming a molester yourself.

>> No.22342798

Yo can I say nigger here

>> No.22342800

I am sorry that I clocked you at the bodega.

>> No.22342804

Ask not for whom the knee grows. It grows for thee.

>> No.22342808

"Repressed memories" do not exist. You would already know.

>> No.22342817

>You would already know
How about the inverse? What if he thinks that he was molested but it is just his imagination?

>> No.22342823
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>> No.22342825

Fucking tired of having pussy friends who worry about me stealing their girlfriend. There are 3.5 billions women on the planet, I'm struggling with depression and slowly going insane with religion and they think I'm going to be interested in their ugly ass, overused roastie girlfriend. Niggers really love projecting their insecurities on others. Why would I even look at my bro's girlfriend that way? And they all say my ex is good looking. It's like they're openly admitting they would break the bro code for some pussy. One day I'll just disappear from their lives. I hate these jealous, insecure, literally-looking-like-they're-out-of-reddit fat fucks. Actually I'm going to delete them all from Snapchat right fucking now.

>> No.22342830

Fat friends are the worst friends. Only chads are worth befriending.

>> No.22342832

Drinking alone has been making me feel melancholy. I think it's time just to quit. Itsgonna be hard to give it up

>> No.22342836

Both my older brothers claim to have been molested. I'm personally a very hyper sexual person and have been from a very young age by a cousin. I suspect I was too, but was either too young to recall or repressed the memory. I must have been no older than 5 if it happened

>> No.22342840

Yeah, totally unironically. You really get to learn how the digestive system works during fasting cycles. We live so fat and easy that we lose track because we never have the standard cues.

>> No.22342879

No because then your chad friend gets all the girls :/

>> No.22342918

My friends are all drug addicts.

>> No.22342997

the older I get the more I ask myself why i'm so fucking stupid.

>> No.22343099

Should I tell people I’m not a tarantula? I’m not one, obviously, but should I tell people that?

>> No.22343110
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>fastfood worker lady complimented my last name

>> No.22343129

Around others I always feel inadequate. Naturally inferior, guilty by nature. No matter what I'm doing a testament to my insufficiency. Mostly I'm repulsed by my desperate pathetic need to never offend, to ingratiate. Which leads me to act like an alien, and to seek the quickest end to every conversation. I naturally am at ill ease so that i can't take anything lightly. Never form a genuine, authentic bond. I feel as though others are waiting for the first sign of opportunity to get rid of me. When i was living out of my car I was less comfortable but more happy
In an apartment i feel suffocated by the sense of other people around me, aware of my movements, become paranoid about making noise. Every single tiny movement contains the possiblity to offend, to be perceived, or judged. Maybe this time you accidently left a cabinet door open to the annoyance of your roommate, or your bathroom habits secretly infuriate them. Or they feel you are excessively using the kitchen space. So many possiblities to offend.
Totally alone out in nature is the only place i ever feel really free and comfortable, except when im reminded of these deficiencies though usually it's the presence of others that reminds me.

>> No.22343137

But then i become aware that this hyper awareness itself becomes a cause of annoyance.
As a person always on edge, unable to relax, by emotional contagion equally annoys and puts others on edge. There's no escaping it.

>> No.22343139

take up an individual sport like skateboarding or parkour. You will naturally attract people that want to do it with you and the friendships will be, for the most part, real.

>> No.22343185
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How do I stop being convinced by every book of philosophy that I read?
I can read one author, believe him, then read another who directly combats him, and believe him too.

Is philosophy just roleplaying?

>> No.22343198

Those philosophies are all competing for universality, while many cases deviate from the norm where the philosophies aim to achieve some sort of goal. There is no perfect philosophy that works universally well for all cases. A lot of these dudes spent their careers formulating philosophies to solve their own personal problems. Keep that in mind. They are not gods viewing from without the sphere.

>> No.22343203

>open book to read
>read 2-3 paragraphs
>close book
It's another one of those days

>> No.22343205

Would that be effective?

>> No.22343206

I have about 31 books on my kindle on read.

>> No.22343226

I just woke up and started seeing all lights double, can barely read anything, im scared

>> No.22343235

go drink some cold water and breathe for 30 seconds, then try to analyze the situation and determine if you need to take some kind of medical action

>> No.22343355
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I hate hate hate wage slaving. I fell for the learn to code meme and spent shit tons of hours learning to do that but I'm still dog shit at it. Meanwhile, my brother happened to meet some crypto whales and get in with them so now he's basically retired in his twenties. He always has this smug ass look on his face whenever I see him. I think about killing myself everyday because of how much of a failure and disappointment I am. Years of wage slaving and all I have to show for it is a car I'm still paying off to get to and from work and a pitiful amount of savings. I fucking hate my life

>> No.22343450

>paying off
Why didn't you just buy a used car from the 90s or early 2000s for like $1000?

>> No.22343502

Because I did do that and got tired of it having problems, so I bought a more reliable used car

>> No.22343638

Damn I might have just overheard a friend of my roommate talking about me. I heard "living like a hillbilly. It's not right. He's a creep"
Welp I'm fucked now they'll just find some pretext to throw me out, i feel it.

>> No.22343649 [DELETED] 

Next thread

>> No.22343655

Carpet statements and poetic exaggerations don't hold any value when applied to a separate and unique person. I've known what is called a proper love with a woman, and it wasn't a stuff of fantasy; just two people who liked spending time with each other a lot.

So I refuse to allow for your cynic hypothesis. Just because you've chosen to see women and love as such, doesn't mean that the world works like this. It takes a lot of work to find a person that you can love for a long time, and your hypothesis doesn't allow for this work. It's an excuse to be lazy.

Fuck you and your hubris. Good day.

>> No.22343674

Next thread

>> No.22343847

>I've known what is called a proper love with a woman
you've known only delusion and yearning

don't use that word. you don't know what it means

>> No.22344010

Yes outlook as roles of cognition

>> No.22344144

What the fuck?

>> No.22344247
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I feel the same way.
I call it Kid Gloves for Christ.
I love the monastic chants and the grandiose cathedrals. However I have NEVER met a Christian who feels the same way. Not even a Catholic. Only Mormons. I meet Christians in tool shed or worse bahaus chapels as they sing bar skank love songs for their long hair hippie rocker Jesus. Im sure Jesus is seated at the right hand of Ed Hardee and Guy Fieri. Every single time a Boomer talks to me about the Bible they ignore the literature of it everything but the rote rule. Lust is fine! This is America! Oh abortion is evil! Yeah creme of the crop here. Cream of the crap indeed. There is no theology or sunday school for being likeable.

>> No.22344263

Francis Chan speaks this way about "knowing God".
There is a subtext here. This tone is just off. There is a clear cut off from cultural continuity. It is the same words. It is the same book. It is a different people entirely. That is alien. The faith is the same franchise but you don't go into a store where everybody knows your name just for the milk and eggs.
Korean Christianity is weird inherently.
What Christendom is is supposed to be a mystifying mystery not an obvious overt ethnic cult capture by Jewish hegemony.

>> No.22344283
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Language itself is inherently ethnic. Ethnolinguistic groups allow for language to be meaningfully interpreted.
English for the English.
Indians among Indians.
Every indigenous language calls themselves "the people" but is called a derogatory exonym that the outgroups forget is derogatory.
The Pascua Yaqui are called Papagos by the Hispanics and therefore Anglosphere. They hate that name. The Popes who colonized the Americas declared it open season on "pagan slaves". You would not like to be called these things. Weird when you find yourself the outlander in your own brood like an excommunication by virtue of preserving communication itself.
Get to the Bach of the class, Jésus McMohammad it's time for Mumble raps for my nigga Jesus Christ G of G's