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File: 240 KB, 548x794, Bundesarchiv_Bild_183-W0409-300,_Bertolt_Brecht.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22336077 No.22336077 [Reply] [Original]

i hate bertold brecht so much bros, its unreal. he is, and thats actually insanely hard to do, worse than thomas mann.

in my eyes brecht is talentless hack who shovels his sick ideologies into the mind of the people. i really wish hitler would have killed him.

>> No.22336094

>who shovels his sick ideologies into the mind of the people.
like every other artist in history. at least brecht is honest and upfront about it. cope and seethe

>> No.22336104


>> No.22336112

I don't even need to hate. His work is only read by acting school pseuds. Not even bourgeois Marxists bother with him anymore.

>> No.22336120
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>that boomer that posts brecht quotes on social media

>> No.22336125

>hating funny songs and poems about man's inhumanity to man
I think you're on the wrong website m8

>> No.22336165
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i am from germany. you have to read him in school. its so fucking over.

>> No.22336174

Der Fuhrer sagt “der kommt der letze winter.” Der Fuhrer sagt “du musst marschirr!”

>> No.22336177

no you don't

>> No.22336180

Both 1931 movie versions of this play are great. The ones with Albert Prejean and the German one with Lotte Lenya and the other Brecht regular who’s in all his things. He plays the street vendor.

>> No.22336181

Ernst Busch is the man’s name. I just checked.

>> No.22336231

>When German Communists threatened his safety in 1945, Bertolt Brecht instructed them to "Leave Jünger alone."
For this alone Brecht is more based than any of the meme authors /lit/ circlejerks

>> No.22336467

Why did he do it?

>> No.22336510

He's kinda big in Baltic states too. Most likely BC we've been kraut colonies for centuries. Lokal inteligentsya never relent staging of his plays, the insufferable provincials they are. I hate them so much its impossible.

>> No.22336514

Kurt Weill is extremely based so Brecht gets a pass from me too. Three-Penny Opera and Mahogany are enjoyable plays, try watching the German film version of 3PO

>> No.22336543

Weill went to Europe and scored Hollywood movies. There’s a good operatic shwasbuckler movie he did about a time traveler ending up in pirate times. I wish I could remember the name.

>> No.22336622

>time traveler ending up in pirate times
Where do we go from here?

>> No.22336690

Thomas Mann is definitely worse and one of the biggest reason is>>22336112. Brecht is fairly irrelevant but Thomas Mann is a truly pathetic author and the fact that both here in Germany and even internationally he's part of the holy grail group of German authors and a significant part of the curriculum is just a right stab to the balls.

>> No.22336718
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nicht deutsche werden nie den genius von heinrich mann verstehen

>> No.22336733

Da bräuchte man ja auch Übersetzungen. Glaube sogar die meisten deutschen Leser wissen nicht, dass Thomas Mann einen Bruder hatte.

>> No.22336734


>The film is notable as Weill's only musical written directly for the screen and for its anachronistic blend of history and contemporary (1940s) slang. At the time, the mock-operatic sequence, "The Nina, the Pinta, the Santa Maria," was one of the longest musical sequences ever created for a screen musical.

This is a trope I always loved about Weill. I like how in the Threepenny opera it is the 1800s Jack the Ripper times but Mack wears a contemporary suit and the music is all jazz. Also one of the events which happens in the story is the Queen Adelaide’s inauguration which happened in 1831.

>> No.22336808

I wonder what he would think of commie countries making him mandatory reading. On another note, it's also interesting how everyone but the hardliner ideologues dropped him like hot potato in central europe after communism ended and people were not forced to read him. Though regrettably it is those ideologues who hold most urban theaters in a stifling vice grip.

>> No.22336824

Couldn't tell you the name of a single thing he wrote.

>> No.22336847

talentless hack but this poem is pretty spicy

>Nach dem Aufstand des 17. Juni ließ der Sekretär des Schriftstellerverbands in der Stalinallee Flugblätter verteilen auf denen zu lesen war, daß das Volk das Vertrauen der Regierung verscherzt habe und es nur durch verdoppelte Arbeit zurückerobern könne. Wäre es da nicht doch einfacher, die Regierung löste das Volk auf und wählte ein anderes?

>> No.22336865

that has to be AI generated

>> No.22336869

no, you really have to read him here in school

>> No.22337162

ok, why do you think that?

>> No.22337177

because everything he wrote was bad (in my opinion). and i dont like his socialist and liberal attitude

>> No.22337244

Do German's not like Mann? Where is the hate for him coming from? He's one of my favorite writers.

>> No.22337271

germans suck his balls. its just me (op). i already made many posts and threads here about thomas. he is a fraud. the respect and fame he has should have gone to his brother heinrich. he is the true genius of german literature from the 19th/20th century

>> No.22337299

The far left hates him for being bourgeois and the far right for being a decadent homo. Everyone else likes him and he's considered one of the goats of German literature.

>> No.22337340

I've heard his brother is a good writer. What do you think about Mann's son as a writer?
>The far left hates him for being bourgeois and the far right for being a decadent homo
that seems to be true of all the modernist novelists lol

>> No.22337415
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The pinnacle of Verfremdungseffekt

>> No.22337431

>reads Barthes once

>> No.22337438
File: 486 KB, 1384x2048, ellul4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>One must not forget that in order to achieve engagement, art is as ephemeral as the event that inspired it. It can neither discern the essential element to attack in this society nor find a critical distance from it (in spite of theory, and we can't forget that Brecht failed to do this with Stalinism). Without critical distance toward the components of this world, technical art is incapable of symbolizing or lifting anything to a universal pane; it simply dissipates without a trace. One can no longer characterize this dissolution brought on by its own deficiency (and not by the absence of state support, which these revolutionaries expect). The Festival of Avignon of 1976, with its ridiculous choice of street performances, is a good example of "whateverism" that pretends to be engaged but is occupied in a screeching significance, in blather, in gesturing, in a false celebration, in true incoherence, but a real moneymaker killing committed theatre.

>> No.22337495

I feel like Mann was a great talent but he comes off more degenerate and icky than most out and proud degenerates do, plus his moralist turn after WW1 practically ruined his works thematically. Fucking Mario and the Magician might just be the most heavy handed work of literature I ever had the misfortune of reading. Anything he wrote after the Magic Mountain is borderline unreadable.

>> No.22338758

I live in an ex-commie country and we literally read Brecht in high school.

>> No.22339335

>dude what if you were watching a play and you were aware that you were watching a play
how does this hurt capitalism or whatever

>> No.22339349

Why do you guys hate Thomas Mann? I just got one of his books from the library and it's good.

>> No.22339389
File: 15 KB, 338x450, burton1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>[Brecht is] loathsome, vulgar, petty, little, nothing.


>> No.22339400

What is he so smug about?

>> No.22340516

Nah he’s based and you’re just jealous.

>> No.22340592

The thing like most about Brecht is that his greatest impact was destroying any interest regular people could have in theater and having something he wrote become a big pop song. There’s something so just about it.

>> No.22340739

Our schools had the decency to make us read Mann rather than him when we got to interwar literature.