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22334594 No.22334594 [Reply] [Original]

Are his works alright? Would you recommend them?

>> No.22334603

I like him, especially loved The Golden Bowl and really need to reread it soon. I drunkenly wrote some James dirty talk this weekend, I think I will soberly improve it and make it less blunt and more true to his style. Should be a good exercise.

>My dear lady, you are a hole, which is not to liken you to a vagina or reduce you to a function meeting a need—I realize this suggests function but what can we do, English just does not provide the verbiage required by this situation in which we find ourselves in—nor do I mean to liken you to a physical hole such as a hole in the ground; a hole in the ground can at the very least sustain my petunias or provide a suitable resting place for my spaniel; which is to say that you serve less of a purpose than a hole in the ground or most of the holes which one is likely to encounter in daily life or even the holes one makes for themselves in life which at the very least provides something akin to comfort–or perhaps familiarity; a gutter can be a comfortable place once you develop familiarity with that gutter but is itself not very comfortable, it is our familiarity with our respective gutters which we find comfortable; home is where the heart is; by which I mean: my heart is not with you and my gutter is warmer and more welcoming to my tired soul than you have ever been—which you provide nothing of resemblance; that is to say, you are a hole in the figurative sense, a void, the complete lack of everything and an overwhelming abundance of nothing; you are a hole.

>> No.22334714

I quit both the American and portrait of a lady like halfway through. It started out good and I was appreciating the writing, but then you kind of gradually realize how utterly pointless the story is…

>> No.22335290

No. Avoid.

>> No.22335460

hes great, best american fiction writer

>> No.22335983

Love him but I wouldn't recommend him. Not here.

>> No.22336011

someone post the 'shidding, that is too say, etc' meme

>> No.22337409

Not even top 3 lmao