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/lit/ - Literature

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22334122 No.22334122 [Reply] [Original]

New fag here
why is Nietzsche hated?

>> No.22334213

He was a basket case with the effrontery to tell others how to live their lives.

>> No.22334232

a view from outside is the only way to the truth

>> No.22334258

He's misunderstood by most, even academics.

>> No.22334291
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He btfo the prevailing rulers and their morality. He does what Stirner did with flair. Most people hold spooks dearly to their chests, and loath the free man who is that much closer to the legendary Übermensch

>> No.22334300

We're just being tsundere to be like him ^°^ Freddy a best girl

>> No.22334308

Nietsche wasn't a free man. He could only live as a fugitive from humanity, with the aid of a cocktail of drugs and medicines.
His life was more limited than the humblest of the plebs he derided.

>> No.22334319

>no, getting high on opiates and eating fruit and steak while thinking trees are nice on your walk before listening to some music and having a dance is not freedom or human across all classes
kek okay baby you live to your own drumbeat and your own truth

>> No.22334346

This is true. I’m one of the only ones I know to really understand him

>> No.22334350

Do you know the other guy or is that like crossing plasma ray guns beams?

>> No.22334353
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You appear jealous of what the man did with his freedom. Or am I mistaken and you are simply can't fathom what it's like?


>> No.22334361

It’s kinda like crossing swords (penises)

>> No.22334369

So... Only over Lou Salome's grave?

>> No.22334371
File: 26 KB, 271x320, Jung.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He spoke of yea-saying and lived the nay. His loathing of man, for the animal living by instinct, was too great.
>Hence his life does not convince us of his teaching. The 'higher' man would fain be able to sleep without chloral, be able to live in Nuremberg and Basel despite 'fogs and shadows.' He would desire wife and offspring, standing and reputation among his own group, innumerable commonplace realities and not least, those of the philistine. This side of instinct Nietzsche did not see - the animal urge to Life.

>> No.22334375

Didn't know Jung was retarded about Nietzsche too; he should have known he was being retarded considering he knew his followers were Jungians, one of the worst kinds of human animals.

>> No.22334383


>> No.22334387
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Too virile, too much sovl.

>> No.22334392

>You appear jealous of what the man did with his freedom
Endure a miserable existence as an incurable neurotic? Nope, not jealous at all.
Nietzsche is unconvincing for the same reason as Jordan Peterson: both of them are fuck-ups who can't come to terms with reality. They both failed at life.
>anime poster
opinion disregarded.

>> No.22334394

Not an argument.
Surrender accepted.

>> No.22334395

>Nietzsche living out Einstein's prescription for human happiness before Einstein can count
>anon seething about it on the internet where he watches Jordan Peterson videos
idk think i'm trusting the dead white guys on this one

>> No.22334396

>Too virile
>spurned women

>> No.22334397

Do you think “how to succeed” and “how to live” are the same question? Personally I’d say there’s an important difference, and while much can be said about the former, humans haven’t made much objective progress on the latter
>I got more money than my haters! They’re just jealous!

>> No.22334402

It's nice you took up Jung's habit of psychotic play time; I'm sure he's proud like he was of all his followers.

>> No.22334405

>Einstein's prescription
Did Einstein prescribe all those quack medicines they found in Nietzche's cupboards? He really strayed from his lane there ...

>> No.22334408

If you ever get near an argument, be sure to let us hear it. Meantime, cope moar.

>> No.22334412

>oh no they sold opium in different flavours!
are you thinking of the children Nietzsche's hiding somewhere?

>> No.22334416
File: 123 KB, 963x1200, 318CB4C8-7B25-4472-A25A-EB9D53DA54DF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jung is the biggest pseudo-intellectual of all time. I was tempted to say Peterson is, but he wouldn’t be here without the original pseud. I read the Modern Library Basic Writings of Jung collection and was appalled by how he just makes shit up and then basks in his word salad bowl of dung as if he has insight into the nature of the human. Nietzsche btfo’s Jung before he even starts.

>> No.22334418

>Do you think “how to succeed” and “how to live” are the same question?
As long as you don't try to define success objectively (e.g. making money,) then yes.
Nietzsche failed purely on his own terms. He wasn't a superman. In fact he could barely function as a human being.

>> No.22334421

>the children Nietzsche's hiding somewhere?
Shit, I hope not. Syphilis is hereditary.

>> No.22334423

I just wanted to compliment you on your adherence to tradition. I didn't know this was some weird masochistic sex thing for you, but it does check out, considering the whole Jung thing. Good luck with that? I think there's an app now.

>> No.22334426




>> No.22334429

Yeah so is the brain disease he actually had.

>> No.22334443

>anon is hung up on man of steel level physical strength and mad that Nietzsche wasn't so much

>> No.22334446

Still not an argument.
Frankly, I thought you'd put up more of a fight.

>> No.22334448

Well once you Venmo me the going rate of a gay Dom maybe I'll get more into it, you know?

>> No.22334449

>immune system status: untermensch

>> No.22334450

no u

>> No.22334452

>Being this bad at German
You know "superman" is just a clumsily translated mountaineering term? It's like thinking all the Sherpas's first names are Sherpa.

>> No.22334453

Some kids made fun of me for reading Beyond Good and Evil on the bus this morning. One of them scoffed and asked "are you above the law?" in a facetious tone.

>> No.22334457

Sorry I only do ageplay sub power scenes with gentlemen able to act older than I am

>> No.22334463
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You keep pretending to know the man's mind, and what you really mean is his IBS. The man knew he had physical limitations. Peterson's is waling into an addiction.
The picture of pekora isn't real, the rabbit woman is.

>> No.22334466

>/lit/: bringing /pol/ and gay hustlers together over German philosophy since 2016

>> No.22334470

>The man knew he had physical limitations
Uh, and psychological ones. As his chronic insomnia attested.
>more anime shit

>> No.22334563

>let me list symptoms of inherited metabolic disorders and blame people for them
How low on the ladder are you that you thought that was getting you anywhere?

>> No.22334597
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I did not claim to be the rabbit woman.
Damn you're spooked hard with something.

>> No.22334608

because he wanted to be? how about you read something before you ask stupid questions retard.

>> No.22334612

This. For some reason a lot of people assume he was some sort of right winger, and they take his criticism on socialism as proof that he was also critical of communism, but something people always miss is that he never criticized Marx or communism. If Nietzsche were alive today he would be a communist. Capitalism is slave morality.

>> No.22334615

>He does what Stirner did with flair
stop depreciating the value of Nietzsche by invoking Stirner and the 1 word redditism that has formed around him.

>> No.22334627

You should actually read him instead of following the herd and basing your opinions off of what faggots on here post, faggot.

>> No.22334644
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I was just highlighting a basic aspect. I appreciate them both. No need to feel hurt.

>> No.22334657
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>If Nietzsche were alive today he would be a communist.
absolute goofyness.
>If something isnt x... it has to be y, right?
Only the goofiest interpretation would consider communism anything less then a slave morality of the highest order in the Nietzschean meaning of the term.

>> No.22334663

Everyone who reads Nietzsche understands him

>> No.22334675

What you understand to be "communism" is nothing but the Marxist-Leninist project of state socialism. This is not what Nietzsche was advocating. Nor, of course, was he an advocate of fascism. Pretty much the same thing when you look closely enough.

Nietzsche literarily (literally) described the übermensch as a cross between an aristocrat and an anarchist. An aristocrat without need for land ownership or servants.

>> No.22334680

If this were true, the state would have dissolved by now.

>> No.22334689

And its sum worth is as an overused meme. If just saying what people think is right is actually just what other people want them to think is right, that's something everyone already understands intuitively, but people filate themselves over their ability to state the obvious out loud. I have never seen anyone who invokes stirner go past this.
they are separate projects at their base. Their main overlap is that they both dont like how people think. And at that point, you could mention Augustine and Trotsky in the same breath as well.

>> No.22334707
File: 260 KB, 1200x650, Landsknechte.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the fact that you bring up fascism and assume I mean a particular bent of communism kinda implies you might be a direction brain.
An aristocrat can have land and servants if they want, or not if they dont. The essence is the ability and will to do as one likes, while here you are assuming a limit or necessary confines of what that is. A raider after going on an enterprise usually does exercise his power over others and areas, because they are all external objects like anything else.

>> No.22334725

No mention of his nominalism, his critique of Hegel, his critique of socialism, his critique of communism, his critique of essentialism, his critique of language, his critique of truth, his critique of religion, his critique of property rights, his critique of human rights, his proto-existentialism, his anti-egalitarianism. I’m guessing you haven’t read him.

>> No.22334747

>says nothing but lists off a bunch of nothings in relation to impressive sounding catagories which all come down to, as I said before:
"saying what people think is right is actually just what other people want them to think is right"

glad that cool sounding word games impress you anon.

>> No.22334795

Some anon posted that once and I thought it was funny, still think about it and chuckle occasionally

>> No.22334801

>"saying what people think is right is actually just what other people want them to think is right"
No you little retard. What other people want has nothing to do with his views on universals or his critique of them. What you are trying to say is more applicable to Nietzsche than it is to Stirner, funnily enough.

>> No.22334807

>Readers of Aphorisms. The worst readers of aphorisms are the authors friends if they are intent on guessing back from the general to the particular instance to which the aphorism owes its origin; for with such pot-peeking they reduce the author’s whole effort to nothing; so that they deservedly gain, not a philosophic outlook or instruction, but-at best, or at worst—nothing more than the satisfaction of vulgar curiosity.

Nietzsche already btfo anyone who used his life to discount his philosophy. I recall him making a point of saying that he is not an example to be followed but can’t remember the book it was in.

>> No.22334809

Nietzsche was a retarded christcuck

>> No.22334810

>I read the Modern Library Basic Writings of Jung collection and was appalled by how he just makes shit up and then basks in his word salad bowl of dung as if he has insight into the nature of the human.
You didn't read Jung. You've read disconnected essays and have zero idea of his work. Maybe Peterson is about as far as you can understand, kek.

>> No.22334811

>What other people want has nothing to do with his views on universals or his critique of them
It does, but you are too dense to get my meaning. That the nature of the abstract is a permeable one that is molded by actors for more concrete objects.
which isn't exactly a revolutionary one.

>> No.22334812


>> No.22334827
File: 204 KB, 1493x1237, 1291AFB1-8A2D-4FB7-9C8C-66F3DEC63005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Unique and Its Property is freely available on the internet. Don’t reply to me.

>> No.22334830

It only implies that I try to help teach

>An aristocrat can have land and servants if they want
So? Not the point. The old fashioned slaver statist aristocratic royalists depend on their crutches. DID YOU EVEN READ STIRNER OR NIETZSCHE? Doesn't look like it.

>> No.22334831

Stop deprecating Stirner by invoking Nietzsche and the catalogue of spooks that have developed around him

>> No.22334832

You aren't much of a reader, I see.

>> No.22334836
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>> No.22334837

You are a retarded nigger

>> No.22334860
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See >>22334644

>> No.22334865

Frankly, there is no basic aspect shared by Nietzsche and Stirner.

>> No.22334867
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>The old fashioned slaver statist aristocratic royalists
again, you are bringing up particulars and slinging terms. communism inherently imposes limits to ones will by its communitarian nature being first instead of will. pre monarchal tribal aristocracy is anything but. people by their strengths resources and willingness rising to heights and gaining retainers and lands by their might and fall likewise. thats what áristos, elite, means.
>Not the point
its exactly the point.

>> No.22334872

Pedantic hair-splitting. Yes, Nietzsche wanted to erect new ideals for humanity. Stirner wanted to tear down ideals. If you don’t see how these two modes unify, you are a nigger.

>> No.22334874

>if you don’t see how black and white unifies, you are a nigger

>> No.22334876
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>> No.22334881

That’s not what unity of opposites means faggot.

>> No.22334882

I am sorry I broke you with a sentence, meme man.

>> No.22334885

Shut the fuck up

>> No.22334888

Intellectual arrogance. People who wouldn't be fit to comb his stupid mustache like to read "a" thing he said that they can't abide and then throw the entire man out the window. Also, Hitler liked him, and hippies into Buddhism didn't.

>> No.22334892

Don't talk to me like that you stupid fucking faggot

>> No.22334894
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>shut the fuck up
Ok, since you asked nicely, I’ll keep talking.

>> No.22334923

>zoomer "humor"

>> No.22334930

>VT shit
even worse honestly.

>> No.22334984

>communism inherently imposes limits to ones will by its communitarian nature
yea. we didn't get into it.
you guys are having a hard time grasping the issues, so I let it go easy.

You don't know Pekora

>> No.22334999

Why would I?
It's a 3D avatar.
Design to squeeze you for shekels/japshekels

>> No.22335008

>The issues
what issues? I just said that it would be goofy to think Nietzsche today would be a communist, and that a belief in communism is essentially slave morality in his conception of it by its very fundamental systematic nature.

>> No.22335009
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>You didn’t read Jung
>Checks author
>Carl Jung

You sure?

>> No.22335010

Semi related to Nietzsche, but why the anglosphere has such a hard time understanding antihumanism? I've lost count of the times I've heard atheists or vegans calling themselves antihumanists because they don't think humans are special and therefor it's our moral duty to be the guardians of the world and take care of animals and the environment and so on. Don't they see the obvious contradiction in their way of thinking?

>> No.22335021

people of either of those proclivities, who aren't complete blithering retards who don't know the meaning of words, probably wouldnt use the term antihumanism. maybe anti anthrocentricism. and they would probably use humanistic sentiments to justify it.

>> No.22335022
File: 101 KB, 1090x813, Sneedzche.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He was pre-emptively btfo by Wagner. Though one must at least admire his tenacity in going on despite that.

>> No.22335033

is that Spengler?

>> No.22335038

your kvetching would be correct if christcuckery had some sort of renaissance, instead it died and brought the world closer to the last man

>> No.22335074

When a immoral oppurtunist ruins the lives of people biologically more superior to him but disadvantaged by external circumstances outside of their control, that's where the philosophy fails imo

>> No.22335398

You are so fucking retarded.
>and they take his criticism on socialism as proof that he was also critical of communism, but something people always miss is that he never criticized Marx or communism.
That's because neither Marx nor Nietzsche read each other, if they were even aware of each other. Nietzsche was writing at a time before Marxism took real hold on academic philosophy, and Nietzsche himself was a philologist.
Nietzsche would not have been a communist because communism is destructive to creativity apropos of its equalizing nature. Nietzsche would have disagreed with the very idea that a communist state is desirable at all.

>> No.22335434


>> No.22335441

Non-meme answer: Nietzsche is actually a good philosopher. The problem is that everyone who is introduced to him (notably all smug and probably lower tier educated) reference him as a way of saying they are right and everyone else is wrong without proving it because muh nihilism, muh neetchee said whatever I feel like is aktually important durduh and so on. Most of them also have probably never read all of his works and probably don't understand his works very well. As a result he is viewed as a philosopher more suited to angsty teens than a real one, which is unfair to him but a good characterization of his rabid followers.

>> No.22335734

Wym? I read for an hour or more every day..

>> No.22335796

>zoomers doing gay s&m shit through venmo
You're thinking of millennials

>> No.22335799

Nietzsche wasn't gay you fucking retard.

>> No.22335800

that's retarded. If that's what you think people's understanding of any philosopher is let alone Nietzsche you must be retarded.

>> No.22335807

>New fag here
was he talking about himself or Nietzsche?
fucking think.

>> No.22335812
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a forgotten comma maybe but you forgotten your brain is be.

>> No.22335815

>Yet another American anon completely mind-broken by binaries

>> No.22335828

Himself, which is why he's wondering why people hate on Nietzsche. Even he didn't think Nietzsche gay his own orientation wouldn't be relevant.

>> No.22335895


>> No.22335962

so when Anon says "Nietzsche wasn't gay you fucking retard." he's just being mentally ill?

>> No.22336017

>you're spooked hard with something.
Rabbit women will do that to you. I think we've all been through it.

>> No.22336022

the ubermensch is an impossibility. its a farce and cope fantasy character made up to have something to strive towards i.e. exactly the fucking same as christians chasing theosis and so on and so forth. its fucking idiotic and a waste of time and he proved nothing. all he did was "morality is a cope, heres a new cope by me! lol!"

>> No.22336044

>how to die on mont blanc in one easy step
>who needs a route or cable guide? lol reading the fucking manual is for pussies who believe in jesus

>> No.22336066

His works, if they are correct, point out unsettling things about the nature of humanity. No one wants to believe that polite society, with all of it's "rationality" and "equality", is just a protective layer of conscienciousness placed overtop our more primal desires that are still very real. We are the apex predator after all. We like violence and think we are better than other people. Also his dramatic style makes people mad, as it doesn't uphold polite society.

Other philosophers be like:
"Before I endevor to elucidate the errors of X, I will first mention that I am in agreement with X on many issues such as blah blah and blah. Furthermore, I do find X to be a smart man a good person in his personal life. Now , I am afraid, my fellow gentlemen, that I must now turn to polemics if we are ever going to get to the bottom of the errors that have plagued us since his time"

N doesn't do that type of bullshit lol. He basically calls you an idiot and then explains why you are an idiot.

>> No.22336067

coping hard as you are not able to see the truth?
it was an idea of an ideal, it's clear you didn't understand his work.

>> No.22336068

Not him but Nietzsche is one of the few philosophers you can say that about and support from his writings. Nietzsche exists in interpretation as much if not more than he does in what he actually says. Which is an achievement people like Derrida, Heidegger and Baudrillard struggle with over their careers to either maintain or disavow.

>> No.22336074

>He basically calls you an idiot and then explains why you are an idiot.
A fine discursive tradition since Kant and Schopenhauer first autismed the modern age of philosophy into shape.

>> No.22336173

>it was an idea of an ideal
just like the story of Christ. idiot.

>> No.22336179

One who looks to be great becomes it.

You have no hope of even stepping closer to becoming the übermensch. You're a neet that's all you will ever be.

>> No.22336192

cause no one's actually read him and he's popular and popular bad

>> No.22336195
File: 576 KB, 861x1454, 88.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In the Latin word malus (to which I juxtapose -) the common man could be characterized as the dark-skinned and especially the dark-haired man (‘hic niger est –’), as the pre-Aryan occupant of Italian soil who could most easily be distinguished from the blond race which had become dominant, namely the Aryan conquering race, by its colour; at any rate, I have found exactly the same with Gaelic peoples, – fin (for example in Fin-gal), the word designating the aristocracy and finally the good, noble, pure, was originally a blond person in contrast to the dark-skinned, dark-haired native inhabitants.

On the Genealogy of Morality Essay 1 Section 5

>(The same holds good for virtually the whole of Europe: to all intents and purposes the subject race has ended up by regaining the upper hand in skin colour, shortness of forehead and perhaps even in intellectual and social instincts: who can give any guarantee that modern democracy, the even more modern anarchism, and indeed that predilection for the ‘commune’, the most primitive form of social structure which is common to all Europe’s socialists, are not in essence a huge throw-back – and that the conquering master race, that of the Aryans, is not physiologically being defeated as well? . . .)

On the Genealogy of Morality Essay 1 Section 5

>...the slaves’ revolt in morality begins with the Jews: a revolt which has two thousand years of history behind it and which has only been lost sight of because – it was victorious . . .

On the Genealogy of Morality Essay 1 Section 7

>Perhaps pain – I say this to comfort the squeamish – did not hurt as much then as it does now; at least, a doctor would be justified in assuming this, if he had treated a Negro (taken as a representative for primeval man) for serious internal inflammations which would drive the European with the stoutest constitution to distraction; – they do not do that to Negroes.

On the Genealogy of Morality Essay 2 Section 7

>From old Florentine novels—moreover, from life: Buona femmina e mala femmina vuol bastone.—Sacchetti, Nov. 86. (good women and bad women need beating)

Beyond Good and Evil Section 147

If Nietzsche were alive today he would be a chud and definitely not a communist. Most of the stuff that is assumed about Nietzsche is right. He was a racist anti-semite and a right-winger. The reason why this things are not considered true is because after the second world war he became a very controversial philosophers thanks to the Nazis and Hitler. So (((academics))) and (((Kaufmann))) tried to paint him as a misunderstood philosopher that were not a right-winger so that he could be read in the west. The best way to determine if a someone has not read a page of Nietzsche is if he says that Nietzsche would not have been a right-winger in modern times.

>> No.22336204

>Nietzsche would be right wing
kek is that why he calls Germans basedboys afraid of their own fairytales?

>> No.22336214

Yep. The ubermensch is just another meta narrative. Nietzsche ultimately didn't believe his own cope about willing power and accepting vitality and living in the present and so on, so he had to come up with another, more lasting cope, something that would only come in a distant future. There's simply no way out of nihilism. All you can do is cope.

>> No.22336223

>his own cope about willing power
How is this cope? Life finds a way is pretty evident unless you're going hardcore anti materialism/empiricism

>> No.22336232
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Let us flex
May the gains be with you
And also with you
With #goals as it is with grindset

>> No.22336236

ok s4s, nice talking to you

>> No.22336237

>How is this cope?
If it weren't a cope, we wouldn't need an ubermensch. In thinking the ubermensch was a necessity to surpass nihilism, Nietzsche is tacitly admitting that the will to power of regular men is not enough to do it. It's just a distraction. Will to power is a way of keeping yourself busy not to confront nihilism. Kierkegaard was right. You either live to distract yourself or you confront existence. Nietzsche's cope is thinking humanity can distract itself with will to power until the ubermensch comes.

>> No.22336242
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>> No.22336251

>Nietzsche is tacitly admitting that the will to power of regular men is not enough to do it. It'
Uh, I think you're defining Ubermensch weirdly. You seem to think it's a superior being coming in the future. That doesn't plug into Nietzsche's nonlinear timeline. Ubermensch are constantly happening, because they're just people who want to climb the mountain of truth and help others up it. There isn't one truth at the top, because the Ubermensch is about the process it takes to constantly remount your search. It's not a future goal after which everything gets better, it's just basically being a bro about everyone's constant cope.

>> No.22336256

>Man is something that shall be overcome. Man is a rope, tied between beast and Ubermensch —a rope over an abyss.What is great in man is that he is a bridge and not an end.

>> No.22336259

I'll also mention you can find Last Men in every period of history.

>> No.22336264

Yes, an Ubermensch is the person who sets the hooks and rope ties to get shit up a mountain. Employ a translation dictionary. It's man's desire to be more than what we view as mere animals. Nietzsche also plays with Aristotle's theory that one is man or beast, calling such rope slingers, between man alone outside society (on the mountain) and animals, "philosophers" instead of either man or beast. It's kind of embarrassing to have to explain this to you.

>> No.22336282

>Ubermensch are constantly happening
Did you miss the part in Zarathushtra where he states there has never been an overman?
>Never yet hath there been a Superman. Naked have I seen both of them, the greatest man and the smallest man: All-too-similar are they still to each other. Verily, even the greatest found I all-too-human!
Are you trolling?

>> No.22336289

>Are you trolling?
Maybe? And you fell on it like a bitch kek.

>> No.22336305

>Why would something which is a process without end not have a final result yet
Idk maybe because that's also the book where Nietzsche says that the goal should be to live your life so you can say yes to the eternal recurrence of your self to the demon, implying the kind of goal it is could only really be approved by magic not by some future date.
>found I all-too-human!
>>>22336264 (You) #
>Are you trolling
No it's genuinely embarrassing you think that Nietzsche was telling people to wait for a literal demon to show up and test them for Ubermensch cooties.

>> No.22336309

I think you're confusing the ubermensch with what Nietzsche called free spirits. Nietzsche was clear that the ubermensch is something that has never happened and that it will come in the future.

>> No.22336327

He's clear the Ubermensch has never taken over the earth, but it's pretty clear he's saying it would take all of humanity stopping themselves from being sacrifices. Is that what you're talking about or do you have some reference other than
>Ich liebe die, welche nicht erst hinter den Sternen einen Grund suchen, unterzugehen und Opfer zu sein: sondern die sich der Erde opfern, dass die Erde einst des Übermenschen werde.
Because the future event in that is everyone being ubermenschen.

>> No.22336508

for namefagging on an image board

>> No.22336553

I found what you were talking about with your quote, and I think you know how out of context you had to bend that from the chapter being a railing against priests offering a great redeemer. It's a chapter about how the established religions are a grift for offering an ubermensch which never comes. That's why he says he wants to see the religious orders naked and winds up what they would look like naked with them offering a never coming future ubermensch redeemer.
I really hope you're trolling at this point because if you misread that chapter to be an argument against ubermenschen instead of against establishment grifting promises of such, you're retarded.

>> No.22336657

Yall are talking so much about the übermensch even though it was a small part of his philosophy. This tells me you don't really know as much about him as you would like to believe.

>> No.22336672

Being your personal best self is a lot of his philosophy

>> No.22336673

You know that to understand Nietzsche you need to learn between the lines, right? If you take his word literally you're never going to get him. It's honestly sad that I have to explain this to you.

>> No.22336674
File: 305 KB, 1448x2048, 17987C44-EAED-4855-A3C3-73BB0B91B07D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, but improving your English comprehension isn’t. Reread

Antisemitism is a spook and a crutch, you buffoon >>22334831
Finding the commonalities of the two isn’t bad or hard. Why are you so dumb?

>> No.22336688

Are you saying what you read between the lines of the priests chapter was something other than I described? Your "explanation" has made nothing clearer.

>> No.22336698

Why the unlucky numbers with the rabbit?

>> No.22336786

He is hated by the very people he calls out directly in his works, and they respond as predictably as ever to him.

>> No.22336866

I donno. But 4 and 9 are lucky numbers in Japan

>> No.22336883

Not aware of when this was written but anything Jung wrote on Nietzsche or Hitler after WWII is invalid. He had to denounce what he had previously given praise to because muh 6 gorillion.

>> No.22337070
File: 160 KB, 529x580, nietzsche_mystery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, but this is his genius. I believe he purposely lied in some places and it's very obvious too (when he calls Jews and women superior). It worked 100%, Nietzsche is the only man who managed to outjew the Jews.

>> No.22337076

He's not. It's just that he's PY101 tier

>> No.22337082

Meant to say PH. haha either way

>> No.22337135

backwards christfags who can't accept the death of god

>> No.22337166

Nietzsche is the perfect bait for pseuds, that’s why people always shit on the threads about him. It’s the perfect cope for people who think they’re hyper intelligent special boys in a world of sheep. Normally they’re people who read, at most, one of his books.. and maybe listened to some YT videos about him

>> No.22337249

What is a "YT video"? Mr. Special boy. I am sincerely asking. I do not know.

>> No.22337579

>I recall him making a point of saying that he is not an example to be followed
Uh, because he was an individualist. Like I said earlier, he was a failure on his own terms.

>> No.22337900

>But 4 and 9 are lucky numbers in Japan
>Anon refusing to be insulted by Japanese people sending him death threats
They're not, that's why they have second readings which allow you to not curse your baseball team

>> No.22337998

This criticism that he didn't live up to his philosophy and thus should be disregarded has always bothered me:
It isn't even true. It's made abundantly clear in Nietzsche's writings that he views art and creativity as the highest height that man can achieve, and Nietzsche was a revolutionary poet-philosopher - a true artist. He did accomplish his will to power.
>"His loathing of man, for the animal living by instinct, was too great."
He retroactively refutes Jung's critique when he said "I love the great despisers, for they are the great lovers"
This happens a lot when someone will decry someone as a hypocrite; what they accuse the person of not living up to is a misinterpretation of the accused's words - or it is a result of the person simply stuffing words in the accused's mouth. The classic example these days is Left vs. Right debates where one side accuses the other of hypocrisy because something they said contradicts their view of what (other side) is, despite the person never making any such claim.
Nietzsche also said that he was not an Ubermensch, nor was any man living at that time, nor that there would be any alive today. The Ubermensch is an ideal to strive towards, not something one already is.
The criticism boils down to the person imagining their own idealized version of what an Ubermensch is and then deriding Nietzsche for not living up to their own personal idea of what they think he should have been. It's absurd.

>> No.22338070

Here, this chapter is one of his best and in my opinion is the essence of his philosophy distilled in its purest form.

Key passages:
>What is great in man is that he is a bridge and not a goal: what is lovable in man is that he is an OVER-GOING and a DOWN-GOING.
>I love those that know not how to live except as down-goers, for they are the over-goers.
>I love the great despisers, because they are the great adorers, and arrows of longing for the other shore.
>I love him who desires not too many virtues. One virtue is more of a virtue than two, because it is more of a knot for one's destiny to cling to.
>I love him whose soul is deep even in the wounding, and may succumb through a small matter: thus goes he willingly over the bridge.
>I love him who is of a free spirit and a free heart: thus is his head only the bowels of his heart; his heart, however, causes his down-going.
>>Lo, I am a herald of the lightning, and a heavy drop out of the cloud: the lightning, however, is the SUPERMAN.

>> No.22338705

Lmao thinking that the current state of law Is anyones idea of good
Fucking npc brain