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22329527 No.22329527 [Reply] [Original]

What is your most favorite russian novel?

>> No.22329624

White Nights

>> No.22329636

I think they are good.

>> No.22329759

I’m almost done with Demons and the build up has been slow but very worthwhile

>> No.22329768
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>What are u think about russian novels?

They are good but at a certain age you realize french lit is overall so much better

>What is your most favorite russian novel?

Petersburg by Bely

>> No.22330194

Very depressing, I don't care if you call me normie but I don't read books that will make me want to kill myself.

>> No.22330274
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Came here to say Petersburg. Genuinely one of my favourite books of all time

>> No.22330330

The Idiot

>> No.22330386

Dostoevsky is not the only Russian writer

>> No.22330718

sell me on the book
what makes it so good?

>> No.22330753

I'll consider reading Dosto when Russia gets the fuck out of Ukraine and issued formal apology with restitution.

>> No.22330768

lmao imagine being like this

>> No.22330896

There's a really good passage in the Brothers Karamazov about why Russians are retarded and bloodthirsty and constantly stumble dick first into pointless wars out of insecurity towards the west.

>> No.22331308

Are there any good novels about average people in contemporary Russia? While I do love the classics they are getting a little samey to me with their religiosity and focus on the genteel.

>> No.22331323

>Making you depressed
I mean, Notes and Demons, kinda, but Crime, The Idiot and TBK are literal whitepills.

>> No.22331655

When I read it for the first time it was after I had first read a lot the major Russian authors. Petersburg felt like the culmination of it all. It’s been compared to Ulysses as it is a city-novel, I guess. Just give it a read, if you like Russian lit you’ll love it. Just make sure you read the original 1916 text, not the abridged 1922 text. You can easily find the 1916 text translated by McDuff in the Penguin Classics edition or the Ellsworth translation in the Pushkin Press edition. Personally I prefer the McDuff translation and I like the endnotes in that edition.

>> No.22332519

Crime has that oppressive slavic soul imprinted into it, it's like reading a detailed account of some deformed son of a raped gypsy prostitute dying of tuberculosis next to the open sewers in some Berlin slums.