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File: 20 KB, 346x350, Rene-guenon-1925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22323443 No.22323443 [Reply] [Original]

Is that Guenon guy the real deal or just a meme

>> No.22323510

He's actually pretty good. He gives you an uncompromising and all encompassing critique of all modern ways of thinking and ideologies (which is in itself very remarkable), and in place of that modern garbage he gives you a framework through which all religions and spiritual traditions could be comprehended and approached. I myself come from an Islamic background and I have my quibbles with some of his ideas, but overall he is one of the most worthwhile western thinkers to read and engage with.

Also as a sidenote I think although this board praises Guénon and Evola and Schuon ad nauseam, Nasr doesn't get the recognition he deserves. Since he had actually a scientific training (first a bachelors in physics and then PhD in history of science), he has the ability to expand the Traditionalist critique of modern science by actually engaging with the minutiae of the "scientific" paradigm, which makes him especially valuable.

>> No.22323523

>engaging with the minutiae of the "scientific" paradigm
Which is precisely why he's worthless. Guenon would never stoop to engaging with modern delusion. The primordial tradition is fundamentally different than mere systems of thought and thinking they can be compared makes you a hylic

>> No.22323541

This is the type of "wanna-be Guénonian" this board produces who has no idea of what he's talking about. Guénon gave refutations of modern philosophers and orientalists, and it's not that all Nasr talks about is modern science, which is in fact a small part of it, but a part that I appreciated.

>> No.22323549
File: 131 KB, 522x760, 7B90AA6A-6E5A-4EC7-BEE4-B1BFD61344C7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do you think about Blavatsky? Volume 1 of Isis Unveiled has some good critiques of modern science

>> No.22323555

>Guénon gave refutations of modern philosophers and orientalists
He said they didn't follow the primordial tradition which is the only refutation you need. He knew nothing about modern philosophy or science and didn't care to learn. He even lacked the ability to understand since he was so in tune with the primordial tradition.

>> No.22323585
File: 273 KB, 1862x375, PBUH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is so real that it's almost frightening

>> No.22324100

According to the prophet Anonymous (pbuh), Guenon (pbuh) is also a prophet of the Most Merciful