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/lit/ - Literature

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22320942 No.22320942 [Reply] [Original]

Post books which are bibles in their domains

>> No.22320950
File: 342 KB, 543x800, 28408-DEFAULT-l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would say Programming: Principles and Practice is more the bible for C++, K&R requires too much prior knowledge to be a bible.

>> No.22320954

Nevermind, a bit drunk, K&R is obviously not C++.

>> No.22320965

What do people use this book for? The language itself is dead simple, is it for optimization?

>> No.22320985

>It is so simple that nobody needs a book to know how to write it. Therefore it must be for optimization.

>> No.22320993

Yes I said that because it's true, people that learn to code from a book end up stunted.

>> No.22321004

>doesn't understand what a bible is
Are you one of those trad larpers who think he can live a full life in his parents basement?

>> No.22321006

You clearly havent wrote a line of C in your life

>> No.22321013

He clearly wrote Hello World.

>> No.22321017

if (x > 0) { return true; }

>> No.22321025
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Start with the Danes.

>> No.22321026

Hello World.

>> No.22321027
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>> No.22321029


There are no boolean variables in C, but nice try.

Anyway, OP, trying to find practical knowledge from the most pseudo-intellectual board in 4chan is a waste of time.

>> No.22321033

C23 has them

>> No.22321051

Closest thing to a bible for music theory (western) is Schoenberg's Theory of Harmony since it is the best distillation of everything western theory is built off of but in a practical sense The Complete Musician is closer to a bible. Schoenberg is ultimately too theoretical but The Complete Musician is too practical. If I really had to pick a definitive bible it would be The Cambridge History of Western Music Theory but that is more a very verbose bibliography and too autistic to be a bible.

>> No.22321055

Well, fuck me.

>> No.22321333

that's what you get for reading antique memes from the 70s

>> No.22321610
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>> No.22321616
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>> No.22321619
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>> No.22321635
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No tribalism, just facts.

>> No.22321638
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>> No.22321645

This is a valuable thread. Anyone know stuff on the Napoleonic wars?

>> No.22321646
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>> No.22321653

is there a pdf of the extra chapters yet?

>> No.22321668
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There is no better book on jiujitsu.

>> No.22321754
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>> No.22321763


>> No.22322050
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I hope you meant this for only the C lang, and not for CS in general.
This one is for CS

>> No.22322060
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A bit old now, but i spent a large part of my teenage years applying what I learned in this book.

>> No.22322065
File: 139 KB, 780x974, unix-network-programming.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And then I spent a large part of my college years applying what I learned in this book.
To this day, my college's network ops curse my name.

>> No.22322073

Well, since a bible is a collection of books, math's bible would be:
Rudins for Analysis
Munkres for Topology
De Carmo for Differential Geometry
Dummit & Foote for Abstract Algebra
Kunze for Linear Algebra
Enderton for Logic
Lang for Basic Math
Apostol for Calculus
Numerical Recipes for Numerical Methods
I don't know a Differential Equations book that doesn't suck unfortunately.

>> No.22322078
File: 11 KB, 203x250, see-mips-run.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you ever plan to take your programming to the next level, and deal with the computer below the level of abstraction of a programming language, this book is what you need.
The MIPS architecture itself may not be used anymore, but its principles live on in every CPU in existence.

>> No.22322081

c23 is a corrupted standard. I'm c89 only.

>> No.22322116
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You'd be surprised how many low-tier programmers lose their tiny little minds when they have to deal with pointers.
They end up stomping all over raw memory.
And then I get stuck fixing it because they're too stupid to even know what the problem is.
t. software archaeologist

>> No.22322294
File: 117 KB, 480x721, sicp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me it's pic related, in the canonical scheme form and not the javascript heresy.

MIPS might be being phased out but I still have to work with it every day. And there's a good chance you still use a MIPS cpu in your daily life without ever realizing it.

>> No.22322305

sicp only seems exotic because it was written in lisp. when you read the python or javascript versions, it's clearly a just another mediocre cs textbook.

>> No.22322330

So, where do I start if I'm a complete newfag to programing?

>> No.22322331

Garry's Mod

>> No.22322336

My experience was the inverse, I came up through lisp-like languages (MUSHCode, specifically) and found it the first really readable and engaging CS book I read.

>> No.22322341


>> No.22322414

OP already posted it

>> No.22322456

Donald Knuth is a disgusting human being because he was a bugman with liteterary pretensions.

>> No.22322534

the actual bible of food

>> No.22322565
File: 30 KB, 330x500, the dragon book.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related
Computer Graphics: Principles and Practice

>> No.22322575

So if a philistine wanted to learn a bit about music theory and history what book would he read?

>> No.22322649

i didnt go to school, i went to /lit/

>> No.22322881

How do I learn to not be a retard with pointers???

>> No.22322908

How about we expand our horizons, bunch of neckbeard hacker wannabes lol! Geology? History? Engineering?

>> No.22322965
File: 111 KB, 382x550, 9780199330881.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22322973
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>> No.22322982
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>> No.22323063

Learn about the actual nature of the machine.
Remember that C's original purpose was to be high-level assembly language.
If you don't have any experience programming that low-level, you'll forever be second-tier.
>>22322078 is one way to start.

>> No.22323176
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A masterpiece. A true, objective peak of mankind

>> No.22323241
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>> No.22324416

give me the x chapters pdf
don't fucking ignore me horowitz

>> No.22324422


>> No.22324430
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Based but not so based the homo just posted the gay nonHackett edition

>> No.22324435
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Surprised no one posted this yet

>> No.22324488

Lol retard

>> No.22324497

Morals and Dogma is the masonic Bible, so I heard
The Communist Manifesto

>> No.22324503

The Secret teachings of All ages = occult bible
Lord of the Rings = neckbeard bible
Catcher in the Rye = incel bible

>> No.22324512

This is actually a redpill not an investing guide. You're supposed to read it and see how investing works in a prosperous country and see that absolutely fucking none of it applies to today's magic numbers game.

>> No.22324552

A History of Western Music by Grout should cover the history aspect well enough for most people. This may cover theory enough for your needs since it sounds like you don't desire to learn theory itself and want a general understanding of the ideas? If so you would probably want to dig into music appreciation which has a very wide range of works for the non-musician including many entries by big names but I have little knowledge of that area.

If you actually want to learn some theory than best way to go is pick an instrument and find a suitable teacher. Piano is generally the best instrument for theory since it gives a great deal of room to explore/experiment with harmony, guitar is decent and certainly makes key changes effortless but needlessly obfuscates some things and is generally limited to two voices, sometimes you can get three. Use what the teacher recommends as a text. The Complete Musician is the best self study text I have found so far but not great, just better than most. If you actually want to learn theory I would just get a teacher, you will get through things much faster.

>> No.22324608

Read Crito a few days ago. Plato just deepthroated the state's cock, pretty cringe
>escaping the law is...LE WRONG
>trying to dodge an injust punishment is...LE INJUST
>doing injustice to someone that does you injustice is...LE WRONG
No wonder this guy became so big in the west, all the elites astroturfed him. He preached the perfect slave philosophy that keeps the plebs in check.

>> No.22324638

>software archaeologist

i can't code, but this seems like a job i would love if i had more than 2 braincells

>> No.22324690

no, imagine having to read ESL babble and try to decipher its meaning

>> No.22324774
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the bible of philosophy

>> No.22324818
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Any Seymour's book for homesteading
98.6 by Cody Lundin (SAS handbook too, but its too dry and autistic for me)
Ashley Book of Knots
The Grammar Book ESL Teacher's Course

>> No.22324829
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>> No.22324923

>The Communist Manifesto
Absolutely not. Das Kapital is absolutely it.

>> No.22324980

You're missing some.
You're going to seethe but, Stewart for Calculus I-III, no one uses apostol.

Hoffman and Kunze for Linear Algebra.
Arnold for ODEs, Evans for PDEs
Stillwell for Math history
Scrap numerical methods(lol), use Stoer and Bulirsch for Numerical analysis.
Follow up with Atkinson and Han theoretical numerical analysis.

Could have more but don't care so much to add. Your list is set for a pure math degree, I did applied math.

>> No.22325036
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I don't disagree, in the sense that it is comprehensive in it's coverage of techniques of the sport BJJ meta of it's time, but I think there is an argument to be made for Mastering Jujitsu.
It lists Renzo Gracie as the main author, but it's clearly actually John Danaher.
It gives you a very concise history of BJJ, alongside a full no-gi "game", including takedowns, leg locks. He even covers some self-defence stuff and striking.
I autistically acquired BJJ books as a white belt but I use more techniques from that book than any other. Even more impressive when you consider that it's about the size and length of a Goosebumps issue. Some of the techniques are still used by the New Wave guys in competition today .

>> No.22325365

Difference and Repetition is better

>> No.22325961

Just ordered it, thanks. If you have any other good ones let me know.

>> No.22325987
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>> No.22327234


>> No.22327266

the hackett translation is shit imo.

>> No.22327948
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George Daniels Watchmaking is up there but for more usual applications this is better

>> No.22327966

TIL Kant was a heembeast

>> No.22327978

Not that anon but what if I skip assembly and go straight to Fortran. Can I level up to C from there?

>> No.22327981
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>> No.22327985
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For the journeyman

>> No.22327986
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>> No.22328038


I was thinking of posting this a moment ago (great minds think alike?), but you seem to have sullied the idea by posting a few other lesser books, which is not the point of the thread. Mass replying, especially to validate lesser books on lesser subjects, is in poor taste. The point is to post THE BOOK for each field, if one exists, and in this case it's Maizelis (your first instinct is correct). Nimzovitch is a contender, but...

>> No.22328106
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The domain being God's domain (i.e., everything).

>> No.22328121
File: 434 KB, 770x595, Donald_Knuth_1965.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you stop being a bugman when you reach old age?
Also, how was he a bugman? the worst thing he ever did was attempt to make music:
> https://youtu.be/P-fFWBo9XYY
Otherwise, he's alright.
> Verification not required.

>> No.22328219
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>> No.22328925

That's just a book people like. Can you even call it a bible if it doesn't inspire mental gymnastics?
Check out the C language standard instead: https://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg14/www/docs/n3096.pdf
Now there's a document that demands exegesis. You get to quote passages by number and use terms like "pointer provenance" that don't occur in the text but are totally real, all the scholars agree. People have nervous breakdowns over this shit.

>> No.22329219

What do you have against Dvoretsky? It’s about the only book I can think of that’s useful to 2200+ players.

>> No.22329307
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>> No.22329544


The whole entire point of the thread is that you're supposed to settle on ONE SINGLE BOOK as the best work for learning a given field. Not three, not two. One.

The fun of the idea is in forcing the knowledgeable proposer to pick only one, which they will naturally have a hard time with.

>> No.22329554

do you know when the book was written? Are you stupid?

>> No.22329591
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>> No.22329592

Oldfag ITT
Or grew up with daddy's books
Either way nice rare

>> No.22329598

>McGraw Hill
t. Self taught math genius if I wasn't on meds and mom not letting me drop out thus wasting years of my life holding me back

>> No.22330743

It gets tedious having to fix old, crappy software all day, without being allowed to throttle the idiots that caused the problems.

>> No.22330745

No idea...I learned Fortran briefly in college and never used it again.
Why not just pick something that's still in heavy use, like C?

>> No.22330825
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>> No.22331418
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>> No.22331693
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An obvious example

>> No.22331699
File: 324 KB, 900x1200, race car vehicle dynamics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll post a few

>> No.22331700
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I would say this too

>> No.22331704
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>> No.22331706
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>> No.22331768

>The whole entire point of the thread is that you're supposed to settle on ONE SINGLE BOOK
The Bible itself is 70ish books.


>> No.22331826


>> No.22332233
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Really the whole series though

>> No.22332269

>all that programming and math shit
Who the fuck seeks a "bible" in any of these fields?

>> No.22332645


>> No.22332727

Which qualities should a bible have?

>> No.22332741
File: 1.48 MB, 1125x1371, 1527EF5C-8A3C-4F01-A409-AB8C2CD427FA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: bunch of software faggots measuring dicks

>> No.22332772
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Yup, and their little "continuation passing style" "terminal recursive" shit is no match to my JavaEntrepriseWebMicroserviceDependencyInjection-Foo.

Imagine their little dick shrivel when they have to present a report to their Product Owner xD
Your SIssyCuntPussy book won't prepare you for the acutal job of being a dev.

>> No.22332790

You're fucked in the head.

>> No.22332885

You think you know everything till Kant comes and puts you in a headlock of experience till youre bleeding theory from your eyes

>> No.22332898
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Hands down the GOAT

>> No.22332926
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Me? A Cnile? What a good one xD !

>picrel: Books you can gain money with
Don't forget devs, for breakfast it's always @Beans!

>> No.22332936

Is there such a thing as history of disease bible?

>> No.22332997
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bible of economics/socialism

>> No.22333017
File: 350 KB, 497x497, kjv_facsimile.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A quality Bible should have all what you may need if it were the last or only book you were ever able to read again.

>> No.22333026
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Guess what

>> No.22333058

All the CS related books in this thread are trash-tier
Maybe the Knuth Series could be called the "Summa Theologica of Computer Science", but we are yet to have a CS bible

>> No.22334124

What is the bible of botany and/or tree identification?

>> No.22334211
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>> No.22334719
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Ugh, Munkres for topology... and with so many other choices? Part of the problem with even making a recommendation from among them is that so much of learning and coming to terms with how to use it is tied up in analysis and differential geometry.
Hence, if I were to name a canon reference for basic topology, I'd say Mendelson (short enough that I could skim and say it passes muster), but really what you should read is Tu's "An Introduction to Manifolds."
> I don't know a Differential Equations book that doesn't suck unfortunately.
...seriously? As another commenter mentioned, Arnold is great for ODEs - it should be tied to physics problem-solving. The best PDEs book, if I may strike out beyond what's typically recommended, is Brezis - it alone comprehensives introduces PDEs both as an applied problem-modeling tool in the physics sense and the appropriate site for functional analysis.
It's true that there's a distinct lack of a good textbook for ODEs as taught to American undergrads, but that speaks to deeper problems.

>> No.22334756

He blew in here from /g/, their resident schizo
"YWNBAW" "Rust tranny" "programming socks" god stfu transition already and 41% yourself
Analytic Combinatorics, perhaps? If everything here sucks, what did you have in mind?

>> No.22334784

This I cant believe anyone in current year hasnt been living in a bilingual english-c++ household for at LEAST the last 25 years.

>> No.22334792

>no tribalism
>not a single non vegan food item on the cover

>> No.22335081

Those ideas of his became as big as they did because Christianity basically stole Platonism (and added a jewish guided oriental twist, of course). It's very obvious that even so called atheists nowadays have a a mindset introduced to Europe via Christianity, every single person who talks about "progress" owes that shit to Abrahamic eschatology.
It also doesn't help that Americans worship jews.
Hadrian didn't kill enough.

>> No.22335104

What about pointers do you have trouble with? Happy to help :)

>> No.22335140
File: 176 KB, 1000x1000, escoffier.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

picrel is the old testament
la technique is the new testament
and the french laundry is the quran

>> No.22335272

kys marketard

>> No.22335288

i prefer tao for analysis.
never heard of kunze, isn't the standard for linear algebra strang? i prefer axler though. Would you say kunze is worth reading if i've already been through strang and axler?

>> No.22335312

ANSI C is really old, and very well supported and has compilers on every platform from microcontrollers on up. It's canonical and unchanging. The book encapsulates that idea. So it's a different meaning of the term bible than say TAOCP

>> No.22335316

never heard of tu and brezis. thanks for the recommendations! brezis seems like he covers way more than just PDEs? What do I need to know before tackling him other than some basic analysis(rudin/tao), linear algebra(strang/axler) and some basic knowledge in ODEs and topology?

>> No.22335321

Bane of all the esls in this thread

>> No.22335326
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forgot pic

>> No.22335327

that's an rvalue you dumb fuck

>> No.22335440

>/lit/'s better at computers than /g/

>> No.22335450

I'd say brush up on your ODEs, but if you've made it this far, you'll probably be fine.
Learn analysis up through basic measure theory. Functional analysis is a realm where Heine-Borel won't be able to save you anymore, because your vector spaces are no longer finite dimensional. Even proving the compactness of a rectangle in an arbitrary Hilbert space involves diagonalization!
Baby Rudin is an excellent start, as is Axler's axiomatic approach to linear algebra. Funny enough, both those authors have well-regarded books on measure theory, although (not having read Papa Rudin) I'd be inclined to recommend Axler. In principle, everything you need is in Ch4 (right before things really take off in Ch5), but it will hit you like a train.
You're right, Brezis does cover a lot else - that's why I feel it's worthy of the "Bible" label, because it's thorough in how it both introduces and fleshes out two fields so closely connected in practice. (if not so obviously in theory)

>> No.22335457

Like most other things in C23 they're fantastically stupid and introduce more type headaches. Just use 0 and 1. Or better yet, bitwise flags.

>> No.22335470

I should clarify that it's a "user's Bible" in that it has everything you need to get started with PDEs with proper rigor. I'm not sure there's such a thing as the Dummit & Foote of PDEs - one subarea is a life's work.

>> No.22335517

Preferred alternative?

>> No.22335529

At my university this was literally referred to as "the Bible."

>> No.22335598
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>> No.22336330

thank you! I'll go over the first few chapters of axler's measure theory and then check if my ode knowledge is enough to understand brezis then

>> No.22336485

So what C should I stop at?

>> No.22336957

Now that I look back through, you might be better off covering Baby Rudin ch11 (especially if you've done everything up to ch8) - the main point is to familiarize yourself with measure-theoretic constructs before putting them to work. Axler might be a bit much work for what you need - you're learning enough measure theory for functional analysis, not taking a full course on it. For that matter, Brezis technically has "everything you need" if you're prepared, and Axler covers some of the same functional-analytic material. (he only introduces measure-theoretic probability at the end, opting instead for an exposition of basic functional analysis - that's actually why I like that book)
Good luck!

>> No.22337001

semi-relevant question
How to read the Bible in english language? How should I read thy, thee, thou, shalt and other words? Is it the same meaning as an example thou = them, thy = to, or what?

>> No.22337101

Thou, thee = you (subject, object pronoun) They are pronounced as 'thow' and 'thee'.
Thy and thine / thine = your / yours (possessive) They are pronounced like "thigh" and thine is pronounced with a little aspiration after it like "thigh"'hh'
Shalt is how they used to write shall for the second-person singular conjugation. it's pronounced the same as "shall"
If you are having trouble reading it, just use the nkjv, it's the same bible with these exact problem words edited to their modern words.

>> No.22337126

thank you very much for the simplified explanation.

>> No.22337164

>here's an identification guide with 200 pictures bro to organisms of little to no caloric or nutritional value, btw there are tens of thousands of them actually and one wrong move you get renal failure or worse but don't worry bro
Ignored all of your advice. I'll stick with Kino Ghan and Ritchie.

>> No.22337174

They use it to secure $250k a year jobs. Something a small fry like you wouldn't understand.

>> No.22337179

Isn't the typical C pay subpar?

>> No.22337183

this thread revealing lit to be a collection of software faggots is all time.

>> No.22337210

lol absolutely not

>> No.22337218

These days it's mostly embedded, right? And embedded doesn't pay that well, relatively, or so I'm told
There are also kernel devs and such but that's a smaller market

>> No.22337238

here in europe it does because it's harder and harder to find people that know anything low level and demand is still high because of all the iot things and automotive stuff and so on

>> No.22337356

Modern bibles don’t have that problem

>> No.22337546

Quite disappointing, actually, because I like the thread topic idea.

>> No.22337555
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>> No.22337567
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>> No.22337594
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This was straight up the bible of logic for 2000+ years.

Hegel's Logic was never a bible in the field because it's so difficult but arguably there is more to be mined there than in most any other text on how logic and metaphysics interact.

>> No.22337648

Thee, thou, etc. are singular.
Ye, you, etc. can be plural.
If you have trouble with pronunciation, look up an audiobook.

>just use the nkjv, it's the same bible
It's not, you illiterate lying mong.

Modern bibles aren't bibles and they introduce errors and contradictions. You're illiterate if you can't read the KJV and should get >>>/out/

>> No.22337737
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Based. My guide for my guy.

>> No.22337844


There are lots of people with two brain cells to rub together, who do something STEM related for their work, or once in a while simply for pleasure. Wanting a one-volume desk reference for your field is a very reasonable and common desire among such professionals and students (and the odd autistic hobbyist). Although such people will naturally have personal libraries, sometimes you want to refresh on that one thing from school or you just want to look up the formula/procedure and apply it. In such cases, a person has already learned the theory they need, they know it works and have at least a little understanding of why it works. So they don't need to go over that part again, they just want to look up tool X and apply it. That's one possible use of a "bible". Another is a comprehensive textbook instruction on a given subject, which just happens to be the best textbook in that area, which is what this thread is getting at.

The question is, pretty much by its nature, much more geared toward STEM in general, which builds up concrete, definite knowledge bases in the various disciplines. /lit/ related non-STEM fields are manifestly "squishier". I am not making a value judgment here, just observing that science and not-science have manifestly different literatures. This means that it's much harder (nigh-impossible) to come up with a comprehensive, one-volume "desk reference" for entire disciplines (philosopy, English (no, a dictionary does not count), history in general, etc). Unless you get much MORE specialized than STEM fields, the best you can do in these cases is an overview of "greatest hits", or else a very thorough glossary with maybe some review article type-commentary on any existing disputes. Even the Summa Theologica (a "bible" for catholic doctrine), although a single work, still required several physical volumes for its expression as far as its author was concerned. The humanities in general are much more WORDY and don't have the shorthand jargon built up they way STEM fields do. This is why History PhDs have such long page counts (commonly 500+), while math PhDs, say, are fairly short (Kaczynski's was something like 100 pages for example, maybe less).

>> No.22337943

certified banger

>> No.22337945
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>> No.22338260
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Picrel is THE book on the philosophy of science.

>> No.22338275
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>> No.22338355
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PPST would make a better /fit/ bible since it contains all of SS and intermediate and advanced programming as well.

>> No.22338356

Hmm fair enough. In that case, you're right about Maizelis. Nimzowich is a possible second.

>> No.22338523
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I accept your polite concession and I am happy that we are in agreement.

>> No.22338553
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>> No.22338593

The KJV does have a fair amount of grammar that now looks akward le shiny eyes.jpeg tho.

This doesn't man that I don't believe in the possibility of an antiquated style translation with more contemporarily comprehensible renditions.

>> No.22338595

Learning C to code is like learning Latin to write

>> No.22338629

Can anybody here justify their selection?

>> No.22338744

Where I work it's C89 plus a few restricted additions from C99 (fixed width types, mostly), nothing later. Too many platforms choke even on stuff like int8_t.

>> No.22338753

If you're a monkey, C probably pays less than PHP or Python. If you know what you're doing though, C is one of those languages (like COBOL, rarer instruction set assembly languages, and in some occasional cases Fortran) where you can get yourself into a position where you can name your terms and never be fired because you're literally the only one in the world who knows how the critical system you built works.

>> No.22338759

read the ESV

>> No.22338763
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You’re all skids who haven’t used a debugger in your goddamn lives

>> No.22338779
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>quiche eaters here can't even toggle a bootloader in from memory

>> No.22338799
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solid thread OP

>> No.22338815

> where you can get yourself into a position where you can name your terms and never be fired because you're literally the only one in the world who knows how the critical system you built works
these days companies actively work on spreading knowledge among employees just to avoid this type of parasitical behavior

>> No.22338819

lmao, no
0/10 economists would call this the Bible of economics

>> No.22338834

>If you actually want to learn some theory than best way to go is pick an instrument and find a suitable teacher. Piano is generally the best instrument for theory since it gives a great deal of room to explore/experiment with harmony, guitar is decent and certainly makes key changes effortless but needlessly obfuscates some things and is generally limited to two voices, sometimes you can get three. Use what the teacher recommends as a text. The Complete Musician is the best self study text I have found so far but not great, just better than most. If you actually want to learn theory I would just get a teacher, you will get through things much faster.

This. Especially the part about finding a teacher and following him, and playing the piano.

>> No.22338854

I think you might be the biggest shit head I've ever encountered on the 4channels

>> No.22338873

Lol you shouldn't trust anything that comes out of that wicked old skeleton's dust pocket, although I guess he does have a point there I'll admit.

>> No.22338953

KJV fags need the rope

>> No.22339006

Is this about programming in C or is it about programming forty years ago? If you were to start now, would C actually give you better odds than doing highly bespoke ERP stuff in Python or whatever?

>> No.22339197
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>> No.22339205
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powershitter's bible

>> No.22339510

why do the number of arrows increase

>> No.22339529

That's a good book but I like the other anon's suggestion about starting with the MIPS ISA. x86-64 is too complex and labyrinthine for a beginner.

>> No.22339536

If you get into archery you'll find that you accumulate those things over the years

>> No.22339638


>> No.22339802
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The bible for looking like a fat child molester

>> No.22339831

kino covers

>> No.22339837

you haven't read the book i can tell

>> No.22339923
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For physiotherapy, this is the best thing I ever come across, so I think it's worthwhile to add here

>> No.22340179
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I WILL reach my natty peak

Could probably add Bridgman as well

>> No.22340199

Based Knuth apreciator

>> No.22340217

It's still the best option for embedded

>> No.22340276

if you're writing kernel stuff or embedded code running on bare metal, you're quite often stuck with latin

>> No.22340310 [DELETED] 

Nihil pravorum est Latine in scribendum.

>> No.22340425

Is it better than Mastering Jujitsu bry Renzo and Danaher?

>> No.22340636

It is a rehash of the elite (tribal) nutritional consensus that has been regnant for as long as I have been alive, which is primarily averse to red meat and dairy. I understand it is not literally vegan, it is vegan + some allowance to nibble on small servings of poultry and fish.

>> No.22340669

>No wonder this guy became so big in the west, all the elites astroturfed him. He preached the perfect slave philosophy that keeps the plebs in check.
Plato is usually being ironic, but yeah, all the reptiles take him at face-value.

>> No.22340716

but this is pretty good. absent any real musical flow, however. it's a lot of jokes and allusions... reeks of programmer humour, honestly.

>> No.22340748

to be fair most economists are glorified spin-doctors for the prevailing religion

>> No.22340756

return x > 0;

>> No.22340763

#define true 1

>> No.22340767

i take it all back. It wears itself thin very quickly.

>> No.22340834
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>> No.22341346

That's the average /here/ experience aside from this board where people can usually at least type decently

>> No.22341360

Is the Linux-related content of the second edition worth it over the first edition?

>> No.22341379

that's the joke anon it's a paraphrase of a /g/ meme

>> No.22341439
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>> No.22341444
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>> No.22342509
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>> No.22342533

i will check it out thanks

>> No.22342538

>assumed it was a field guide
It is 1000 pages covering many thousands of species with nearly as many photographs as pages and provides the knowledge required to identify mushrooms without pictures which is more accurate since most mushrooms can not be reliably be identified solely based off of comparison with photographs.

>> No.22342551

does anyone have a suggestion for /fa/shion and style. technical/desgin/fabric is also appreciated

>> No.22342563

salmon shorts and white polo, strong jaw, 6' minimum

>> No.22342672

he means a book you mong, not what you wear when you're sucking off bros at the golf course

>> No.22342715
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To continue this since it really is a great book and probably the single most valuable resource for the mushrooms of the US and Canada. It relies on identification keys to narrow things down to likely species with the species descriptions including habitat, growth patterns, look alikes and related species, microscopic details of the spores and any other relevant details. ID by picture is nearly impossible (and generally a bad idea with mushrooms anyways) since the bulk of the pictures are b&w and only meant to highlight distinguishing features with the picture taken in a way that emphasizes that feature at cost of getting a good photo of the mushroom in question. The book is designed to force ID through knowledge and requires you to build the skills needed.

Teaches everything you need to know to reliably identify mushrooms and provides a fantastic reference to thousands of species.

>> No.22342745
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>> No.22342888
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>> No.22343124
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the final redpill

>> No.22343130

Smythe's Greek Grammar

>> No.22343350

>The language itself is dead simple
The rules for chess are simple, mastering them takes a life time.
The rules for C are (quite) simple, mastering them takes a lot of experience and thus such jobs command a huge salary (in the US)

>> No.22343713

If by jobs you mean stuff like compiler-engineering then no, It's not mastering the language that's the biggest ordeal, It's actually writing the fucking thing

>> No.22343863

jobs that use c/c++ in the U.S. are largely embedded and vidya industry and both those sub-sectors of tech command relatively lower salaries.

>> No.22343878
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Doesn’t make Basic Economics the Bible of economics, either Orthodox or unorthodox.

My submission for mainstream is University Economics: Elements of Inquiry. The Bible for non-mainstream economics might be Human Action by Mises.

>> No.22344041

Alan Flusser's Dressing the Man

>> No.22344050 [DELETED] 

it's funny cuz c++ is an absolute nightmare compared to modern languages. inb4 some quiche eating "real programmer" tells us c++ is easy as he writes yet another buffer overflow vulnerability into his codebase.

>> No.22344056 [DELETED] 

>dressing like cary grant will always be fashionable
>*tips fedora*

>> No.22344061

For general topology the Bible is Engelking, with runners up being Bourbaki and Dugundji. For ODE's there's Hart.

>> No.22344071

men's fashion was a solved issue centuries ago, so yes. you mongoloid

>> No.22344079
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Where my sax bros at

>> No.22344081
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>men's fashion was a solved issue centuries ago
uh ok

>> No.22344251
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>> No.22344438

He's right though. It's very important to understand when a group or when an individual is being addressed. This distinction is not clear in modern English bibles

>> No.22344496

This reminds me that I've already encountered a couple of books with "bible" in the title which were absolute rubbish. Some "homebaker's bible" to give an example but there are others. And I can't remember a single one which was worth its title.
Frauds' cheap trick.
But Ritchie's book is a gem (Stroustrup's too btw)

>> No.22345406

>homebaker's bible
Never heard of that one but The Bread Baker's Bible is is quite good and the closest I have found to a bible for bread, lacks the scientific autism so common in such books these days. The one thing it lacks is the dough handling/shaping of The Bread Baker's Apprentice but it is only lacking in comparison to the Bread Baker's Apprentice.

>> No.22346151
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What about the X of bibles?

>> No.22346774

How about an economics book not written by a jew

>> No.22346971

post the real bible of economy then

>> No.22347145

it's a well-known fact that C/C++ work pays much lower than webshit on average, even though objectively it is harder. maybe at the upper echelons of critical system engineering you will get the big bucks, but that is more of a factor of the employer rather than the language.

t. FAANG java dev

>> No.22347195
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>> No.22347672
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Best book to do the work and understand the mechanisms

>> No.22347678
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what a weak thread lmao. needs life!

>> No.22347689
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can anyone recommend bibles on oceanography?

>> No.22347703
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bible is a collection of books

>> No.22347720
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Don't forget AO too

>> No.22348572

my dad talked to me about a book about russians trying to reach the north pole in submarine but I don't remember what it's called, nor the nationality of its author (there may not have an english version of this particular book)

>> No.22348610

Nah, it recquires too much previous knowledge and certain topics are not very concise. But I have noticed this pattern in multiple electronic books so I guess its a EE tradition

>> No.22348623

Complaining that it assumes math is about the same as complaining it assumes language.

>> No.22348630

ironically it also wastes a lot of time on basics that are useless to practicing engineers, it's really only good for the tricks

he didn't say it assumes math and frankly one shouldn't assume that engineering students even have a strong grasp on arithmetic

>> No.22348663

>he didn't say it assumes math
Math is all it assumes and the required math is a first year class for most every EE program.
>frankly one shouldn't assume that engineering students even have a strong grasp on arithmetic
Which is why most every engineering program/degree starts with math and most schools will not even let you test out of the math requirement. The entire field requires a good foundation in math and you will not make it through your first year of a degree without it.

>> No.22348668


SICP is more important.

>> No.22348675
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written by jesus himself

>> No.22348676

Im not talking about math. I remember the transistors and transistors circuitry part being extremely hard to navigate without the guidance of a teacher.

>> No.22348689

>The entire field requires a good foundation in math
i'm a senior EE and i do not know how to do integrals except numerically, i genuinely do not know what a differential equation is

>> No.22348690

If you had problems with the transistor shit you did not have the math or you did not do the math. It is all there.

>> No.22348691

I had this.
I got filtered by Adobe thoughever
Every time I troubleshooted with a long read through a web page explanation I immediately forgot it but then here's the kicker...
The sonofabitch devil's breath...
The Freddy Kreuger Spooker...
New update and subscription notice and UI change WHAMMO WE FORGOT TOO LOL
What you wanted stability and consistency?

>> No.22348743

Calc is going beyond a good foundation and not really needed for most EEs in the modern world, hence your being able to make your way to being a senior without learning it. In the analog days it was far more important and was a requirement of the degree but these days it tends to be only required for certain specialties, my father had to take calc before he could even enter the EE program, I just had a semester long math class that was mostly a rehash of trig and algebra from high school and the algebra was mostly an exercise in solving equations.

>> No.22348795

Music notation, not music theory.
There's also Gardner's Modern Music Notation

>> No.22348887

what's this one for?

>> No.22349034
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Fun read very much enjoyed it

>> No.22349039

Noooo! Not the Satanic Bible!

>> No.22349041

Yeah, I was drunk posting, surprised it took a week for anyone to say something.

>> No.22349042

>he needs to read a book on how to be sad

>> No.22349045

Means to do continually
All the others are inconsequential

>> No.22349073

Thanks Osama

>> No.22349089

Fellow drumchad. This book, a pair of sticks, a pad, and a metronome are all you really need. You can even go through this book with your feet if you wanted.

>> No.22349320


>> No.22349733

Little known fact that Braveheart was infatuated with Hegel an his logic.

>> No.22350368

Just use a modern translation

>> No.22350488
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>> No.22350529

I'dd add Ahlfors' book for complex analysis

>> No.22350802 [DELETED] 

Yeah I don't understand how they can believe this 'consensus' other than mindless faith or corruption, but just understanding a little bit about the body and nutrition basically tells you they're wrong and clearly reaching hard to stick to dogma that predates the weak and pesudoscientific validations.

>> No.22350863
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Real chads know this one

>> No.22350874

Does it actually teach anything that can't be learned just by reading the man pages?

>> No.22350877

He goes into way more detail in this book than the man pages. This book goes over explanations on how different features of Linux actually work, compared to the man pages which just describe how to do the system calls.
Also, pretty easy read, builds up from the beginning.

>> No.22350969

It's so based how they dressed like this and had so much social fluff yet were far more masculine, violent, and raw than any impotent pansy alive today. As the sword tells.

>> No.22351195

Based thread

>> No.22351606

You are a moron that can not see past your bubble.

>> No.22351636 [DELETED] 
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>> No.22352230
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Gray's Anatomy. Really wish there was a version that was updated/medically accurate but maintained the original engravings, although I realize that's contradictory.

>> No.22352261

Is there something like this for mma

>> No.22352315

k&r requires zero prior knowledge. begone, pseud

>> No.22352451

>Advice from the man who was worse at finishing projects than John K

>> No.22352473
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>> No.22352500

I did. See >>22343878

>> No.22352656
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MGTOW bible

>> No.22352667

Go assembly or go bust

>> No.22353066


>> No.22353070

I want to build a car. Should I read this?

>> No.22353072

Any botany chads have a Bible?

>> No.22353075

DK what's that flower and tree

>> No.22353335

how the fuck'd you figure that one out?

>> No.22353344

saw it mentioned on /theredpill years ago

>> No.22354235

The bible of incel chuds

>> No.22354338
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>> No.22354758


>herp derp le 19th century text is badly outdated durrrr *masturbates*
Human anatomy hasn't changed since the 19th century.

>> No.22355099

Neither have the laws of physics, and yet

>> No.22355679


VERY piss-poor comparison. The general understanding of which body parts are which and what they do in general (as opposed to medicine as-such) hasn't changed much over the interval in question. Our understanding of physics as such and medicine as such have of course changed significantly over the same interval. If it (Gray's Anatomy) were that backwards and off-base then they wouldn't keep reprinting it. Clearly it retains value as more than a document in the history of science. You also obfuscate the difference between physical reality and human understanding of it.

Anatomy (stamp collecting) did not an intervening game-changing period a la quantum physics/relativity. Physics did. That's the difference.

>> No.22355730
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The Bible of Catholicism

>> No.22355859

Good thread we should do these every once in a while
Infophile paradise

>> No.22355979
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>> No.22356678
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>> No.22356789

it's the Chudonomics bible

>> No.22356794

And yet Newtonian mechanics, invented in the 1600s, are still used for the vast majority of calculations done for machines on Earth

>> No.22356808

Every time I've listened to this guy speak, I've thought his IQ is lower than 100. What gives? Why do people seriously read him?

>> No.22356842
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I could always shift this one when I was book dealing.

>> No.22356846

...and this one was money in the bank.

>> No.22356849
File: 52 KB, 600x837, metric.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Add image this time

>> No.22356964

>spends years compiling and lavishly illustrating a manual that functions as both exhaustive practical guide and definitive anthropological study of its own field
>doesn't know zeppelin bends (the best bend) exist
I also enjoyed the part where he opens his book by writing about how learning to read is bad

>> No.22357125

heckin based right wing black man

>> No.22357449

Does one read this straight through or just reference it? I bought a copy but without context to apply the ideas I forget them almost immediately.

>> No.22357457

How do I get sight-reading down? I'm taking zoom lessons from a friend, he says I gotta focus on sight-reading asap.

>> No.22357505

>You also obfuscate the difference between physical reality and human understanding of it.
No, that was my entire point

>> No.22357665

>Plato is usually being ironic
How can you tell?

>> No.22357927

Just time and practice
Eventually you’ll be able to read it instantly
Happens quicker than you’d think

>> No.22357979

Based. More people need to know about Ray Peat and the whole endocrine system disruption epidemic. Explains all the postmodern sodomic phenomena.

>> No.22357995

I have to admit, Crito was the worst out of the tetralogy. Phaedo will always remain a masterpiece though.

>> No.22358162
File: 122 KB, 813x1218, chaos theory.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shan't be letting this thread die, me.

>> No.22358169
File: 543 KB, 500x412, euclid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]