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/lit/ - Literature

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22320379 No.22320379 [Reply] [Original]

Most controversial book you’ve personally read?

>> No.22320386 [DELETED] 
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>> No.22320387
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I just like the singing and community personally it reminds me of home

>> No.22320388

Henry Darger

>> No.22320535
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I've read the book of mormon, dianetics, mein kampf, and quite a few anti-semitic texts. not sure which of those is the most controversial, probably the book of mormon really.

>> No.22320541

I read the Peter Sotos archive every time it pops up here and it’s always so fucking vile and I hate him more than I had before.

>> No.22320545

you know what book makes me feel that way? fucking ecce homo by that narcissistic rambling reddit prick

>> No.22320555

120 days of shit eating

>> No.22321778
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>> No.22321819

Harry Potter 1, 4, 5 & 6.

>> No.22321821

I guess American Psycho, even though I hated it.

>> No.22321830

Either Naked Lunch, American Psycho or Lolita. Yes, it's all quite vanilla lol

>> No.22322546

this book is hilarious in that it has a detailed description of the JFK assassination with a sequence of events, names, and motives. down to building owners and stuff. he was assassinated shortly after by a man who at some point before was rejected from the party for trying to spread communist ideology in it. that man served I think only 13 years in prison for the assassination.

>> No.22322712

Atlas Shrugged is probably the most controversial book I've read.

The Iliad and The Odyssey, but that's more because of differing ideas about translations than the books themselves

>> No.22322721

Atlas shrugged is more boring than controversial

>> No.22322773

Recently Virus mania. It refutes germ theory. More recently, a book about the new german medecine. It postulate that most diseases have a psychological cause, especially cancer.

>> No.22322880

Yeah thats the main part I always remembered his exposing the JFK mystery. Not surprising they had to kill him and Malcolm X.

>> No.22322886
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>> No.22322969
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Absolutely Based

>> No.22323239
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More like this.

>> No.22323496
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>> No.22323508

Mein Kampf
Might is Right
The Selfish Gene
The Contagion Myth
The Coiled Serpent: A Philosophy of Conservation and Transmutation of Reproductive Energy
Beyond Good and Evil
The Bible

>> No.22323609
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Guess I'll make a collage since my camera went to shit

>> No.22323610

culture of critique is a very no-no book.

>> No.22323615
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>> No.22323620

pretty impressive, this has all of the taboo books I've read in it and many more.

>> No.22323634

What is the most controversial book unrelated to politics or religion? It seems all controversial books boil down to
>has different belief/opinion than me
>edgelords being edgy

>> No.22323643

books relating to ethnicity.

>> No.22323644
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You appear far well read that I am. Any recommendations?

>> No.22323650

I saw a guy reading this on the subway get off at my top and we made eye contact. He knew I knew.

>> No.22323654

why did they kill malcolm x

>> No.22323723

Mein kampf of course

For economics:
>Hitler's National Socialism - Rainer Zitelmann for economics
Feder is also fine but that's more the general ideal to strive for while Zitelmann's book is more of a whole bunch of quotes from Hitler to reconstruct a large part of his worldview.

For Ideology:
>National Socialism: Its Principles and Philosophy - Carlos Videla
>The law of blood: thinking and acting as a nazi - Johann Chapoutot

Other than that just read in the area that seems personally interesting to you. You can focus more or less on the war, Jews, economics etc as long as you know the core. Pretty important is knowing what they mean when they talk about life laws/natural laws. Something you come across fairly often and really makes up the core of the ideology but barely any book really explains or even acknowledges it much. desu some of the books I posted are pretty bad as well like Griffin (theories on ''generic fasicsm'' are barely worth getting into) and Mosse so try and stick (or even find but that can be pretty hard) to primary sources

>> No.22323746
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>Mein kampf of course
Read, several times.

>Hitler's National Socialism - Rainer Zitelmann for economics
I've read this too.

>National Socialism: Its Principles and Philosophy - Carlos Videla
On this list now, have it on pdf but have not yet opened it up.

>The law of blood: thinking and acting as a nazi - Johann Chapoutot
Downloading now.

Thanks, brother.
Picrel a favorite of mine.

>> No.22323784
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>> No.22323797

Pretty kino.

>> No.22323848
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These two, with American Psycho currently halfway into it.

>> No.22323940

He was both extremely influential and not too fond of Jews. A dangerous mix for those allergic to bullets and car crashes.

>> No.22324077
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Background to Betrayal - Hilaire Du Berrier
The Ordeal of Civility - John Cuddihy
The Ethnic Phenomenon - Pierre Van den Berghe
A Handbook For Dissidents - Dominique Venner
Pretty much anything by Ludwig Klages

>> No.22324093

does anyone know the name of some book that was basically instructions for forming and maintaining insurgent cells?

completely forgot about the most controversial books of all, books about making weapons and using them in various situations. there used to be something called the do/k/ument passed around /k/ that was filled to the brim with books on that kind of stuff.

>> No.22324287

my diary desu

>> No.22324647

bro is obsessed

>> No.22324654

Mythos of the 20th century. Only book to get shipped together with Mein Kampf to the german population.

>> No.22324917

"we want 2 live"
And anything else Aajonus Vonderplanitz has written or spoken
>raw meat is god-tier food
>viral and bacterial infections are detoxes , as are most "diseases"
You have to forget everything you know about health in order to accept and understand these concepts

>> No.22324935

See my above post
Any other books relating to "germ theory" and "terrain theory"
Also anything about raw food diets
See "weston price"
Anything that explains the negative side effects of injecting heavy metals into a body
Even the most "red pilled" folks seem to get upset when I explain to them that the common cold is the body detoxing itself

>> No.22326270
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>> No.22326285

The Sixth Political Theory probably

>> No.22326291

David Irving's Nuremberg: the last battle

>> No.22326562
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>> No.22326770

you read Laurence Rees?

>> No.22326870

Industrial Society and Its Future

>> No.22327185 [DELETED] 
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I'm reading this now, on the suggestion of this thread. I never thought I could hate them more, but yet I do and I'm only now getting on to the Federal Reserve.

>> No.22327477

What is Isaif

>> No.22328104

Uncle Ted’s Industrial Society and Its Future

>> No.22328286

no molicious in tension
why do ppl hate this guy?

>> No.22328346

Nigger lover

>> No.22328350

I can smell you from here

>> No.22328351
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>> No.22328353
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And you’ll do shit lol

>> No.22328391
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>> No.22328398

The Harm of Coming Into Existence

>> No.22328409

What's the best translation for this? I'm not a nazi and I don't hold any of the same beliefs as Hitler but I think it would be an interesting read. Is it an interesting read?

>> No.22328418

>Hitler was a tranny, a homosexual, a scat fetishist....

>> No.22328422

Thomas Dalton version. Don't be surprised if you start sympathizing with him

>> No.22328423
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The Ford translation is the most recent and accurate, it is not available on shelves. Archive.org has it.

>> No.22328478

I was very fond of the ford translation. there is a very good audio reading of it on archive that I also recommend. I also wouldn't conclude that you don't hold any of the same beliefs as hitler until you've listened to the mans own words. they don't teach you about hitler by showing you his speeches and primary sources. what you are taught is a narrative to justify flattening all of europes cities to rubble and forcing them to adopt the USD as a reserve currency, among other motives.

>> No.22328550

Have you read Hitler's Revolution by Richard Tedor? If so, how was it? I've had it on my list for a while now but not sure if it's even any good.

>> No.22328553

This is how I listened to the audiobook of Mein Kampf. Quibbling over translations isn't THAT important. Reading an older version like the Ford translation is fine. Just remember if the translation uses the word "kike", it's subverted. Hitler didn't actually use slurs like that. But even the gay translations are better than not reading it at all. Just listen/read with an open mind. You may be surprised. I think that 90% of people would agree with 90% of Mein Kampf, if presented without the context that Hitler wrote it. The only really controversial parts of the books of the (rational) anti-semitism and the focus on importance of biological race.


>> No.22328588

>I think that 90% of people would agree with 90% of Mein Kampf, if presented without the context that Hitler wrote it. The only really controversial parts of the books of the (rational) anti-semitism and the focus on importance of biological race.
To add to this, it's clear that the modern European states and the United States are set up specifically to prevent race-based national socialism from being possible. The material and social conditions imposed on the population by the elites are totally opposed to the values that Hitler espouses in his ideal race-based national socialist state:

1. Dilute the racial stock at all costs by using wildly unpopular mass immigration which has never been put to a public vote (this also helps to break down the working class by driving down wages)
2. Turn the military gay as fuck and useless
3. Make people fat and physically unfit (and let dog shit poison food be sold to people. This isn't as bad in Europe. America has some of the worst food widely available on Earth)
4. Keep people employed at the lowest prices possible and save retirement accounts for boomers and social security at all costs (keep boomers and market Jews happy).
5. Keep people from forming families or being invested in the future
6. Don't let people starve
7. Annihilate attention spans with constant distracting media (can you imagine an auto worker at the end of the day of work going to a meeting hall to stand in a packed crowd and listen to a guy talk for literally hours straight)
8. Make consumer debt as freely available as possible to both drive up prices by exploiting the high time preference of the average idiot (kept stupid by shit food, education, and lack of exercise) and to keep as many people as stupid debt slaves as possible.

>> No.22328608

The Book of /pol/, and I read it daily.

>> No.22328612

MK wasn't controversial, the nazis had to take the reichstag and force people to buy it

>> No.22328616

lmao go back

>> No.22328619

Pynchon's better

>> No.22328641

>To add to this, it's clear that the modern European states and the United States are set up specifically to prevent race-based national socialism from being possible.

They're not, it's just that capitalism usually doesn't line up with racial hierarchies

>> No.22328695

there is a huge disconnect between corporations free to pursue profit and the wants and needs of the populace at large. pharma is incentivized to make as much money as possible, that leads to very bad things all over the place. the military industrial complex is incentivized to make as much money as possible, that leads to very bad problems all over the world. scientists are incentivized to make as much money as possible, that leads to a massive reproducibility crisis. insurance and lending is baked into our social and legal structure and is reimbursed and protected financially by the government. everything is corrupt to the core.

>> No.22328704

My highschool gf had a copy of this next to her bed
Freaky bitch

>> No.22329251

I read an online pdf of Josephine Mutzenbacher.

>> No.22329273
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>> No.22329276
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Or this

>> No.22329280

They’re just trying to demoralize us. Not today, Pedro

>> No.22330379

most based dutchman. How did you get so based? Ik ben jaloers

>> No.22331565

After all this reading are you still fashy?

>> No.22331615

there are multiple books you don't go back from in that stack. some things really are irrefutable.

>> No.22331626

Not him but my first "red pills" came from reading official mainstream scholarly books nominally condemning fascism. Just remove the "....and that's terrible!" at the end of every sentence and you have a basically working recipe for volksgemeinschaft.