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22319150 No.22319150 [Reply] [Original]

How do you actually study Philosophy properly if you can't afford to go to University?

>> No.22319157

read the wikipedia entry for the books and get 100% of the actual information without the intentionally confusing boring ass rambling

>> No.22319160

Philosophy was killed by Christ's Incarnation. Study Orthodox Theology.

>> No.22319161

Read Plato and then skip to modern philosophers.

>> No.22319164
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Start with the Greeks

>> No.22319177

The universities don't own the information. 4chan /lit/ wiki has a philosophy project pdf you can google, if you really find yourself that interested. There are millions upon millions of intro philosophy books and you can even buy some at a reduced price. Why does OP insist on being spoonfed the information? If you're so ADHD you can't read an intro philosophy book start to finish (most intro philosophy classes at university don't) then watch video lectures. I am so tired of anons coming on here to get spoonfed. The information is literally free online. We could've used this as a discussion thread but it's just another slide.

>> No.22319195

Universities are indoctrination centers. No one has learned anything of value from them in the last 30+ years.

>> No.22319214

Did you go to college?

>> No.22319221

>you have to heckin be poor to know the truth
you already failed. consider a different major. like political science.

>> No.22319224

Have chatGPT take on the persona of the philosopher and then debate them.

>> No.22319282

If you want to be a philosopher you pretty much have to go to school to become a teacher at least. Pop philosophers just start writing I suppose. And pray for popularity. Reading and writing is a time-consuming enterprise. Some info is available freely, yes, but being paid to study in college and having access to university libraries and journals is also quite useful. Not to mention personal tutelage and such through college. And conferences. Cohort. Etc. This however is possible even if poor but if you're not willing to put in the work in school to get scholarships then you prolly won't be able to succeed anyway.

>> No.22319413

I’ve done this before, chatgpt is too stupid however and it gets boring

>> No.22319435

Yeah, it almost always hallucinates.

>> No.22319437

Like any philosopher before the internet

>> No.22319441

The study of philosophy has never been cheaper, the majority of the texts are free online. Project Gutenberg has texts all the way up to the 1920's and maybe even more modern ones than that, haven't checked in a while. Read the original material, spare yourself synopses and cliff notes. The question you should ask yourself is what you hope to get out of it? If you just want to study it for the sake of doing so then literally just start with Plato, if you want to be more thorough you can read some of the pre-socratics as well, sophists get a bad rap but the truth of the matter is that you and I are more susceptible to rhetoric than we like to believe. You can find no end of infographics showing you where to go next, like once you finish Plato, then move onto Aristotle, etc. This is just western philosophy, if you want to explore eastern philosophy then you can find sources showing you the order those came to us. If you want to get better at logic you can look up contributions to just that aspect, you can probably just skip ahead to thinkers like Boole honestly if your interest is that limited. Once you get to the modern stuff and post modern stuff things become more fragmented since it is closer to us. Hoped it helped.

>> No.22320550

read any 5 books and you've effectively completed a philosophy BA

>> No.22320568

Look up for the course list of a prestigious Uni for the major (in your case, philosophy) of your choice, look at the topics they cover and study what they're taught. Get books from libraries, buy them, whatever. Get a stable job along the way.

>> No.22320575

Also, I noticed the answers replies are less profound that it was the first I use them. Is it just me or do they downgrade the AI's codes so it generated a limited answer frame?

>> No.22320585

yep this. Books written by philosophers are intentionally verbose and boring, because knowledge is power and everything is occulted. Rene Descartes is case in point and he was in fact a spy. i will make a movie about it

>> No.22320655
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Don't. Get a job, experience life, then at 35-40 start reading philosophy (preferably later). I know lots of people who dedicated their 20s to philosophy - they seem smart at first but you soon realise they are completely one-dimensional people who can only view the world through their favourite philosopher's eyes. This is the kind of person you see on twitter who has made philosophy their personality and given themselves some cringe 'funny meme' philosophy handle. It's completely deranged and exactly not what philosophy is about.

There is no rush, you aren't ever going to make money from it, and you will engage with it better and more fully if you have lived life beforehand.

>> No.22320749

Stefan Molyneux had a great course on logic on youtube with multiple videos before he got banned and censored. I don't know where you can find it now. I haven't looked for it.
I think you really need to train basic logical principles first. It's the foundation you build everything else on top of, and most people don't know they need to understand it in order to learn how to think properly. Most people use fallacies to draw conclusions.
Once you have the foundation of proper logic, you will quickly be able to analyze different philosophies and compare them up against each other based just on their premises, and you can then rule entire branches of philosophy out based just on premises, since you can axiomatically rule out why or how something works logically compared up against what you already know.
If you understand how to draw conclusions by premises through your previously established axioms conducted by basic logic, then you can read wikipedia articles on philosophy or any other matter and you'll be able to quickly grasp what it's about and if it's valuable or not.
For philosophy you really need a broad foundation of knowledge. It will help you draw parallels from different fields.
The broader your knowledge base, the more grounded your conclusions will be in any matter. But the foundation of basic logic and a knowledge of fallacies still remains. It's the most important aspect.

>> No.22320825

Sorry, that's not possible. You cannot learn about philosophy unless you go into lifelong student debt, so you can attend classes on LGBT history and critical race theory and then be told that Plato and Kant have been canceled due to being white men.

>> No.22320828

>waste half your life living clueless before getting a clue
Terrible advice. Fact is you're a either born with a desire for truth or you are not. Op is obviously not, and you're obviously deluded