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File: 246 KB, 1241x1754, William_Hope_Hodgson_The_Night_Land_0000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22318010 No.22318010 [Reply] [Original]

/v/ shills this guy but Is he right? Is dark souls really connected to the night land? Also is the book actually anu good or is he just exaggerating

>> No.22318014

I forgot the link fucking retard


>> No.22318039

I highly doubt it. Dark Souls draws more heavily from your typical western fantasy and Berserk.

>> No.22319238

Esl chad kek

>> No.22319319

Dark Souls retards believe that Dark Souls contains the entire human culture and history. They're the jojofags of videogames.
To the subject, no, I don't see many similarities between souls and Night Land. The closest in vidya feel would be a classic roguelike like Dungeon Crawl. Similarly to the game, the majority of the book's plot is about a solitary warrior venturing further and further into the land of buttfuck horrors to retrive a precious item (a gf), and then returning back to safety. LARGE chunk of the novels is just the main character walking throuhg the landscapes and managing supplies and looking for a nice shelter to sleep in, like a session of Cataclysm DDA.

>> No.22319346

I don't know how people can sit and listen to a foreigner butcher the English language. It's video, not wideo, you fucking cretin.

>> No.22319368

I watched the vid. Mexican lad is just trolling the dark souls community while talking about the book, hoping for reaction just like yours i assume.

>> No.22320642

How many languages do you speak, mutt?

>> No.22321098

I'm English, so I only have to speak English, sub-human.

>> No.22321422

No greek, no latin, not to mention any other important lit languages. Eternal anglo spotted. Ngmi.

>> No.22322089

this is obviously a crock