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/lit/ - Literature

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22316809 No.22316809 [Reply] [Original]

When did you get over your philosophy phase?

>> No.22316812

Never, but you'll get over your christlarp phase when another religion becomes trendy

>> No.22316911
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Getting over it, anon you rapscallion you.

>> No.22316951

I think I'll never stop reading philosophy - but it doesn't mean I will reduce the world or my life to it - I'm well aware of the richness of people that are / were black-labeled by philosophers for not sharing their reductive views.

>> No.22316953


>> No.22316956
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i got really deep into Schopenhauer and pessimism, im still a pessimist but i hardly ever read philosophy mostly cause the vast majority of it is academic gobbldy gook.

im in my poetry phase now

>> No.22316963


>> No.22316974

The overarching culture of history is Christian and you fell for a 20th century trend

>> No.22316983

All you people are so generic and boring

>> No.22316985

I simultaneously read philosophy, french poetry, theology, mystics, history, anthropology, ethnology and mathematics, am I doing it right ?

>> No.22316991

when I realised its a literal waste of time
Most of it is platitudes and posturing besides the essential stuff which is already known

>> No.22316998

the two are not as disconnected as one might wager.

>> No.22317003

I'm sure you find more satisfaction in pleasing yourself to pics of male family members I assume?

>> No.22317011

Im not interested in having a good time for its own sake
There are things I prefer to do that are conductive and not conductive to something greater and I pick and choose
Im maximising while minimising
Also Im not homosexual even

>> No.22317018

like a week ago

>> No.22317038

When I came to the conclusions I found to have sufficient evidence for correctness, by my own standards.

>> No.22317043 [DELETED] 

When I was 19 I realised that there was no point in reading literature and that instead I should focus on reading literature with the occasion history book which I regretfully read
Let's just face it, reading non-fiction is a waste of time, only literature is worth reading
I respect those who study philosophy

>> No.22317080

I'm sure you're very unique anon.

>> No.22317087

Philosophy is implied in theology THOUGH

>> No.22317102
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Getting over philosophy is a philosophy in itself, you hypocrite.