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/lit/ - Literature

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22316124 No.22316124 [Reply] [Original]

I think my personal favorite is one anon calling a bunch of other anons “qualianiggers” in a consciousness debate thread. The niche term + crude insult dynamic always gets me giggling.

>> No.22316139


>> No.22316151

I called a poster that I knew was black the n word. Felt fantastic the rest of the day.

>> No.22316162

If you guys really think this stupid shit is funny you're in too deep. Get a real hobby

>> No.22316166

this was ironically funny but i'm laughing at the guy who actually typed out:

>If you guys really think this stupid shit is funny you're in too deep. Get a real hobby

>> No.22316168 [DELETED] 

Why can’t you say nigger now, nigger?


>> No.22316190

I don’t know what influence you have to be under to think that finding humor in certain lit posts remotely takes up the amount of time normally given to a hobby.

>> No.22316276

Hylics is always going to be a favourite of mine.

Mouthbreather used to be pretty big on /r9k/ back in the day, with entire threads devoted to it. It's a shame that's since fallen out of use.

>> No.22316353

they are out there

>> No.22316358

Stupid shit, I sometimes ask anons if they are women to mess with them. Sometimes I also ask anons who I think that are women if they are women too.

>> No.22316360

>real hobby
What constitutes a “real” hobby?

>> No.22316368

>esl brags that he trolls anons by asking if theyre women
This board is Hell.

>> No.22316378
File: 531 KB, 750x817, f-gardner-sick-burn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22316379

You've probably never touched a crescent wrench, hooked up with the bar tender after her shift ends, painted a Warhammer 40k figurine, won a boxing match, built a computer from parts you bought online so you can play RimWorld with a bunch of mods, lost a boxing match, been inside your local Freemason lodge, collected a stamp, changed a tire, milked a cow, caught a wave, volunteered at the Salvation Army soup kitchen, crashed a dirtbike, or played Ultimate Frisbee in a league and won a championship and get a nice photo op with the local selectman who came to watch, have you? Don't talk to us about real hobbies.

>> No.22316384

>Chad knocks the book out of hand and says "and that's the bottoms dream"

>> No.22316411

that book is gigantic your joke doesnt make sense it's bigger than one of those giant dictionaries that sit on that podium thing at your library
you are a tourist

>> No.22316417

I need to leave actually

>> No.22316419

This one right here:
Fucking brutal.

>> No.22316422

Yeah it's getting late
See you tomorrow?

>> No.22316424

that is p funny thx i'll remember this come promotion time you did good kid

>> No.22316426

An underwhelming stream of banalities, anon.

>> No.22316427

this made me lol

>> No.22316431

Nigga went awf

>> No.22316434
File: 47 KB, 987x675, 5022985.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did you use caps lock or hold down shift lmao
how did you read that list and take it seriously? a crescent wrench? hahaha

>> No.22316443

When you take a step back, the word pseud is amusing because you always get the sense that anons who use it are self conscious and worried about their own image of intellectuality. It’s like watching a group of hipsters accuse one of their own of being a hipster

>> No.22316445

ppl still wat to larp as intellectuals? yikes

>> No.22316449

You must be new here

>> No.22316457

>crescent wrench
Are for idiots and hacks who don’t know what size wrench they need
>painted a 40K mini
That’s funny you say that, I’m working on lamenters right now. I was assuming you wouldn’t count that as a “real” hobby
>hooked up with a bartender
That’s fair, generally I don’t hit on bartenders it’s bad form imo
>lost a boxing match
I don’t box, all the bones in my right hand were shattered. Did BJJ for like 2 years tho if that counts
Why would I want to worship satan
>changed a tire
What? Everyone has done this
>collected a stamp
I collect antique watches, not super seriously but I have some cool ones
What in the fuck are these examples? It was a simple question. Personally I’d say a “real” hobby is something that creates and doesn’t just consume. Like watching movies isn’t a hobby, but discussing them, or collecting them, or making them could be. Just my personal definition though

>> No.22316467 [DELETED] 

Fuck of with these worthless threads. You have to be 18 to post here. Go back to wherever you came from

>> No.22316476

The board is dead and it’s in your own interest to come to terms with that. I’d love if this was a thriving community of literature discussion but it’s not. Not at all. We are here because we can’t leave

>> No.22316483

>What in the fuck are these examples?

>> No.22316486

I typed a period after each letter, let the autocorrect on my iphone capitalize it, and then deleted the periods, you stupid fog.

>> No.22316491

>esl blathering and spam
>actually clicking all of those
jfc go to bed

>> No.22316506

>crescent wrench
really dog

>> No.22316507

Did I get pasta’d? Fuck man… I’m going to bed

>> No.22316750

>noo you can't shitpost on 4chan this is an intellectual website
Pseud wordcel

>> No.22316819

Boring 20th-century boomer shit like this is why literature appears to be on its deathbed.

>> No.22316825

reflect on your need to respond with this boring effortpost

>> No.22317142

no but ultimate frisbee and a local selectman lmao bro cmon