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22315548 No.22315548 [Reply] [Original]

What’s you guys opinions on how the most recent Horror’s Call books are compared to the earlier books? For me I actually liked Horror’s Call Adventure the most. I loved how it felt like a throwback to the original stories and had the original cast of Pete, Johnny, Mark and Sam again and almost all of the endings were surprising and just as trippy as I’d except from this series. It also confirmed my head-canon that Mark and Johnny were gay. At first I was wondering if I was reading too much into that since I myself am gay but it looks like I was right about them. It was what I always assumed and I also liked all the Easter eggs in the book.
I thought Call of the Machine Elves was pretty damn good too. I liked how it was like Groundhog Day but horror which is a cool concept. F Gardner seems to excel with coming up with weird plots and he certainly doesn’t disappoint. He never misses.
Also getting the elephant in the room out of the way, yes Kabbalah of the Crocodile was bizzarely antisemetic and is probably the weirdest book in the whole series now. That being said Horror’s Call is probably still the best ongoing series in fiction that I am aware of. I have mixed feelings about the other new ones I haven’t mentioned but they were still somewhat good. Horror’s Call Adventure and Call of the Machine Elves are the cream of the crop in my personal opinion and I’m looking forward to seeing what others thought of them as I’m aware F Gardner has a massive following on 4chan or at least /lit/

>> No.22315672
File: 178 KB, 1207x1920, call-of-united-airlines-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't have a following, Frank. You're just a sad little shell of a man, spam-shilling and same-fagging in a futile and desperate attempt to fill that void in your soul. There's something about being useless that slowly devours your humanity, and you know it.
Besides, the parody someone wrote of your work is at least ten times better than anything you ever shit out! Better yet, everyone can read it for free! https://files.catbox.moe/aw9gz2.pdf
How utterly pathetic that you and your lawyer daddy committed legal abuse to get it removed from Amazon. I guess you're not familiar with the Streisand Effect. Or with karma.

>> No.22315785

I don’t know why you hate F Gardner. Maybe someday you can be happy and successful.

>> No.22315798
File: 33 KB, 1594x480, f-gardner-DMCA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lawfare is a reason.

>> No.22315811

Horror’s Call was great. Gard actually took the premise of “what if gorillas are all fake?” and turned it into a feature length novel. He’s a genius. I haven’t read the rest yet but it sounds neat.

>> No.22315847

just a ripoff of the "birds arent real" Reddit meme
gardner is so reddit

>> No.22315910

That one isn’t one anyone really believes. The gorilla one is a conspiracy that actually has real believers

>> No.22315993

Where can I read these for free? I could only find Call of the Kappa on Zlibrary

>> No.22316087

name one
what a sadcringe lolcow

>> No.22316186

Bro did you really steal this from Ogden Nesmer? That’s pretty low even for you

>> No.22316188

OP here im trans btw if that matters

>> No.22316207
File: 353 KB, 1500x1053, f-gardner-weinermobile-before-after.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we know