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22312844 No.22312844 [Reply] [Original]

BAP just dropped a banger article on why any self-respecting right-winger should support God-Emperor Putin

Perhaps I spoke too soon in calling him an astro-turfed limited-hangout psyop


>> No.22312863

>/lit/ - Literature
i wouldn't need you to tell me this if i have a shit

>> No.22312870
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>> No.22312910
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>> No.22312915

>that link
fed honeypot trash
also not literature

>> No.22312922

I have read 10 volumes of the Marx-Engels Collected Works and I am a National Socialist. Why would I read some nigger blogger's nigger blog article about being a nigger and supporting/not supporting current Nigger.com (Twitter.com) niggery?

>> No.22312954
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>Listening to Twitterfags

>> No.22312955

>god emporeor putin

>> No.22312956


>> No.22312989
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>> No.22312991

He has to be getting off on being so blatantly gay while pretending to be straight.

>> No.22312992

He's not wrong.

>> No.22313019

Why do retards still read this dyel jew boy?

>> No.22313027
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pol was right again.

>> No.22313043
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>The enemy today is what I call onions globalism.

>The globalists’ aim is to destroy nations and local communities. To do this, they isolate and sicken the individual, especially through food, so-called medicine and all of the harmful chemicals we’re exposed to on a daily basis. The globalists want you to be fat, sick, depressed and isolated, the better to control you and to milk you of as much economic value as they can before they kill you.

>That's the Great Reset.

>In a Nutshell: Own nothing, live in the pod, eat the onions.

>Well, the best response to this, as Trump showed, is a strong politics of nationalism. But the nation is only as strong as the individuals who make it up.

>So that’s where the raw eggs come in.

>> No.22313054

The shilling for this jew is incredible.
Please leave /lit/ or I will spam all his thread with his dirt

>> No.22313058

getting goyim to eat raw eggs is pretty funny
Sure his jewish friends get a kick out of that

>> No.22313059

I don't need a fucking Jew to tell me why I should support Putin. I already supported him.

>> No.22313065

Oh, my VRIL. This is just like Avengers!

>> No.22313214

Please post his phd dissertation. I've heard it's pretty good

>> No.22313223


>> No.22313225

really SUS link
do not click

>> No.22313230

It use to be commies shilled for Russia back in the day when they were commies, now right wingers shill for them because they’re heckin trad and fighting the libs. The propaganda department said Zelenskyy is a gay satanist?! Baaaasseeed!!!

>> No.22313240
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>t. become a Red to own the libs, like Yockey

The Berlin Wall falling settled nothing. Hungary & Czech 'uprisings' were stage managed and agitated for by Moscow. Being so converged that you put your head in the crocodile's mouth is total demoralization. Pinko ComIntern front groups (muh 'globohomo', muh globalists) and ex-Trotskyist NeoCohens that will only slap fight them are the enemy you know. Putin doesn't want to save you, and Xi would outright ethnically cleanse the Lower 48 to ease his 2 billion + population issues.

>"Now it seems like we are in the same critical period as the “horses were drinking water in the Yangtze River" days in the revolutionary era, as long as we resolve the United States problem at one blow, our domestic problems will all be readily solved. Therefore, our military battle preparation appears to aim at Taiwan but in fact is aimed at the United States, and the preparation is far beyond the scope of attacking aircraft carriers or satellites." — Defense Minister Gen. Chi Haotian (2003)

You're in the timeline where chinamen whipped out a bioweapon and is getting away with it red handed; POTUS was bankrolled by confirmed KGB assets Armand Hammer and Leo Slizard in his early career and post- Perestroika central comitte documents show him making treasonous statements, "I'm with you, I just need to tell my voters back home we're against Russian human rights violations"; Shinzo Abe have sex = Archduke Franz Ferdinand 2. Russia is the 'good cop', China is the too big to fail 'bad cop'. That's the scissors strategy. Those apes out in the trailer trash hinterlands of eastern europe never had a Nuremberg for the tens of millions murdered or enslaved in labor camps, or ethnically cleansed in poplation transfers going and coming -- they're still fucking communist and they are going to try to bet the nuclear and worse farm if they have a good enough opportunity to do so. This >>22313027

>> No.22313242

>You have to eat all the eggs

>> No.22313248


Just wasted a minute on that article. I can't believe that there are people out there who think this guy actually has an Ivy League degree.

They are no doubt the same kind of people who think Elon Musk is a genius.

>> No.22313270

>now right wingers shill for them because they’re heckin trad and fighting the libs
Well.. yes… the global liberal order failing benefits both nations with conservative governments and also benefits conservatives in politically-divided countries. With every foreign debacle there will be more public pressure and general feeling in the zeitgeist that the USA (to just take 1 example) should just focus on being prosperous and raising living standards and improving infrastructure at home instead of trying to spread neoliberal lgbt globalism by force everywhere. This current debacle in the Ukraine hasn’t even reached culmination yet and you already see Senile Joe losing ground to anti-war candidate RFK jr in the polls, while both the front-runners on the Republican side have condemned the Senile Joe administration’s continuation of the war instead of pushing for peace.

>> No.22313295

Why did right-wing third worldism usurp western chauvinism as the big thing among internet rightists?

>> No.22313316

Because it's all about trolling the normies and being opposed to current thing, and Putin is the hottest ticket in town after he became public enemy #1 with that whole SMO thing.

>> No.22313329

Yeah so conservacucks like commies back then are just as willing to betray their country. So ready to betray your nation so you can have an authoritarian shove a boot up your ass, it’s pathetic. Russia invaded a sovereign country with its own culture and identity and they’re getting embarrassed throwing men into the meat grinder. US isn’t spreading anything by force, Ukraine wanted what it wanted and now they’re defending themselves from invaders. Russia just wants to expand for itself and believes it’s an existential matter.
>anti war candidate
You just fall for all the parlor tricks don’t you. 0% chance anyone stops what’s happening because it means Russia continues on to NATO memeber Poland. Things would only get worse if that happened. Conservacucks don’t care though, they’re willing to throw their country into the fire to get closer to a religious cultural monopoly. Fucking faggots.

>> No.22313330

They became convinced that they can't really win within the context of global liberal hegemony and so succumbed to the idea that multipolarism was the only way to weaken their foe at home, even at the cost of strengthening prospective rivals.

Basically revolutionary defeatism for rightists.

>> No.22313354
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why would you be a patriot when the conservatives parties of the west have conserved nothing and the politicians themselves have let millions of shitskins flood into the country to render you a hated minority in the future. There is literally no point in supporting america if you are far right. to see it fail is to see drag queen story hour fail, to see pro israel politics fail, why would you ever fight for such a nation

Its basically if i cant win, then let it die

>> No.22313359
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>And Putin at least says he’s Christian, he’s pro-family
Putin being pro-family is like Tony Soprano being pro-family, it's not clear which family he's talking about. He's a good family man.

>The globalists want you to be fat, sick, depressed and isolated
Well he knows his audience.

>getting goyim to eat raw eggs is pretty funny
Raw egg nationalism is out, raw egg brutalism from Brussels has new aesthetic possibilities

>It use to be commies shilled for Russia back in the day when they were commies, now right wingers shill for them because they’re heckin trad and fighting the libs.
They he was spells Germany as "Germoney" and Africa as "Afreaka" reminds me of black Maoists from the 70s who'd spell America as "Amerika" and Rockefeller as "Rockafella."

>I can't believe that there are people out there who think this guy actually has an Ivy League degree.
Even if he did, so what? Steven Pinker went to Harvard. I'm not over here nodding my head at the Harvard faculty and being like "oh ok whatever you say."

>Senile Joe losing ground to anti-war candidate RFK jr in the polls
The CIA in their mendacity set up RFK Jr. to be crushed in an election by a guy who can barely string a sentence together to finally put down the meddlesome Kennedy clan for good. That's why Brandon is running on the slogan "let's finish the job."

>> No.22313384

>BAP just dropped a banger article on why any self-respecting right-winger should support God-Emperor Putin
As a Russian russophobic "liberal" I support Putin.
He sends mostly slavs (who have negative birth rates) to slay other slavs while importing migrants from Central Asia (who, mind you, don't have to serve).
Not even BAP can provide such an elegant reason to vote for Putin.

>> No.22313399

Please make a list of the points in which you think he is wrong.
My only disagreement with him is about the trans stuff. I think it will be diminishing soon, much of it is a fad, in my opinion.
Everything else is correct, including predictions about the European populations, which are mathematically solid. It really looks like it's going to be replaced (i.e., become minority and therefore European interests will be rendered innefective by democracy, for non-Europeans will have more votes), at least in some countries, and most definitely in many of the more important urban areas, which is already happening in some cases. If euros and non-euros were a subspecies of rats in a lab, any competent scientist would agree.

>> No.22313402

>I can't believe that there are people out there who think this guy actually has an Ivy League degree.

>> No.22313421


Leftists and especially Maoists dropped Putin and Russia as the burning trash fire it is and China became the the new hot thing. But rightists can't stop sucking Putins dick because its "le based white christian" defender. It doesn't matter that its mafia state. The far right that has any startegic sense in them dropped it in favor of being NAFO, USA imperialism and Israhell shills. Carl Schmitt wins once again.

>> No.22313423

Guess his jewish mindset showed up. The real civilizationist nazi RWers are pro-Ukraine even if that means siding with libs in the meantime. Winning in geopolitics are good opportunities to ignore internal lib issues. Poland being very supportive of Ukraine now can ignore EU butfucked arguments about "Poland is le nazi".

>> No.22313425
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>Russia invaded a sovereign country with its own culture and identity and they’re getting embarrassed throwing men into the meat grinder.
Russia is in a quagmire and they (I'm talking about the people at the top) know it, they can't win on the original terms of overthrowing the Ukrainian government, but now that they're committed, they don't want to lose in such a way that the whole house collapses in on them at home. On a kind of similar note, there's a fallacy of people assuming that there is, like, any degree of inherent inertia at all in war. Look at the first few months, and if you assumed it would just go according to plan, man, no, wars never work that way. Sometimes the same advantages working in your favor now will still be in place six months from now, but that can't ever be banked upon.

>Basically revolutionary defeatism for rightists.
You know, it's interesting to read what Lenin wrote about that, because he didn't actually tell his Russian comrades to root for Germany to win. It's true in some narrow sense that one side is going to win and another side is going to lose in a war. But uhh... both Russia and Germany kinda lost that war? Russia collapsed first, then Germany. But he was a revolutionary and he wanted the whole European continent to have a revolution, and it was the respective governments at the time who were saying "if we win, they lose / if they win, we lose." But Lenin said: who's "we?" Your war is with all of *them*, not each other. It's weird for me to say this because I'm not a rightist, but the NJP types who are saying "no more brother wars" have a sharper or at least more radical political position than the pro-Russia rightists or anyone cheering on a particular government.

>Its basically if i cant win, then let it die
Well you're embracing nihilism. But if you do, I would just be creative with it. You can't just oppose progress, you also have to oppose tradition and basically everything that has ever existed, or will ever exist. "We unequivocally reject the idea of moving forward into a 21st century bright with promise. We're opposed to all fresh, new ideas and technologies that will transform the lives of Americans. Nor do we believe in America turning back to traditions and values and God, all of which we oppose. What are we, chumps? God presents the biggest threat to the homeland. Remember the Flood? We support a pre-emptive nuclear strike on Heaven. We are also unalterably opposed to a woman's right to choose anything at all. Indeed, we abominate life in all its repulsive forms. Children are not our future. The Nihilist Party will put people last, because people are stupid. Our slogan is: nothing works. It really does. Life is an infestation, choice an illusion. My fellow Americans: let's rush into the abyss together."

>> No.22313427

It was worse years ago where almost everyone thought that Crime was rightfully Russian(myself included). If anything the Ukraine war actually showed the way out of Putin cocksucking. Even in politics in the EU the far-right grew out of populism(which was always Putin-adjacent and if not even sponsored in some countries) of the mid 2010s and now wants a far-right EU as the further goal.

>> No.22313460

>Please make a list of the points in which you think he is wrong.
>My only disagreement with him is about the trans stuff. I think it will be diminishing soon, much of it is a fad, in my opinion.
>Everything else is correct, including predictions about the European populations, which are mathematically solid. It really looks like it's going to be replaced (i.e., become minority and therefore European interests will be rendered innefective by democracy, for non-Europeans will have more votes), at least in some countries, and most definitely in many of the more important urban areas, which is already happening in some cases. If euros and non-euros were a subspecies of rats in a lab, any competent scientist would agree.

Please tell me how Russia will allow a strong Europe ever again. There is literally no country in Europe apart from maybe Italy and Spain that would not go after Russian interests in the theoretical scenario that Europe is allowed to revive under Russian guidence. At least a country that has its own brithrate and demoghrapics intact should be lording of us.

>> No.22313465

When America and Russia inevitably die, I do wonder how long they will keep haunting the European mind. I can see it already

>even though the Russo-American world had collapsed completely, and was now fully gone, the image of two dark, violent, uncontrollable monsters, without any sort of coherence or humanity, would still haunt the European mind, and it was this ghost, an unreal nightmare, constructed in the dying gasps of two horribly unstable economic crony states, that they would project onto the whole world, with disasterous consequences

>> No.22313467

>Europe is allowed to revive under Russian guidence
Where does BAP say he wants Europe to revive *under Russian guidence[sic]*?
Did you read the article?

>> No.22313474

Can you tell me what is the actual realworld geopolitical teleology in his implication. He mentions some vague "ally with Finland or something and wait it out". You are actively naive if you think Russia will stop at eastern Ukraine. I come from a country where the actual high-level corruption is solely in origin from Russian interests and their collaborators here, so please don't tell me about le based Russia winning having any positives. The birthrates were already down during the last 2 decades of communism.

Honestly I was just starting to like BAP recently since he stopped being overly a Putin cuck.

>> No.22313477

Stop promoting youself here faggot.

>> No.22313484
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For those who don't know, the Woke Stazi just got Nate Hochman, the *Nate Hochman*! They planted a Black Sun, probably using AI deep state tech, into a video he allegedly made. Yet there is absolutely no evidence he was even remotely aware of the concept of "Black Sun" symbology, and he's in the record stating that.

>> No.22313492

I laugh at conservatives and even right wing extremists everywhere. They'll never stop falling for the based Jew, the based black, the based God -fearing Latino.

>> No.22313493
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>The far right that has any startegic sense in them dropped it in favor of being NAFO, USA imperialism and Israhell shills.
Well regarding Israel I think there might be a possibility here to cause Netanyahu / Likud a lot of trouble. I doubt these right-wing parties will do that, though. But Israel is a big haven for Russian oligarch cash and it's interesting to see this political crisis happening there now in the context of this war. More on that below.

>It was worse years ago where almost everyone thought that Crime was rightfully Russian(myself included).
Whatever happens, unless something really drastic happens, I think Crimea will likely stay Russian because they'll use tactical nuclear weapons if they're at risk of losing it.

>Even in politics in the EU the far-right grew out of populism(which was always Putin-adjacent and if not even sponsored in some countries) of the mid 2010s and now wants a far-right EU as the further goal.
These right-wing populist parties were also heavily sponsored by Israel. Case in point, the most pro-Israel party in Spain is Vox. Meloni in Italy. There was long cover story in The Nation (a left-liberal U.S. magazine) this year that a lot of the pro-Trump astoturfing in 2016 came from Israel including the email leak in exchange for Trump pardoning their spies and moving the embassy. The Russians apparently did hack the emails, but the Israelis have their fingers in a lot of cookie jars and got it that way and then leaked it, and the MSM made Russia into a scapegoat, really, because it has been taboo to criticize Israel. That's also changing. But look at the 2024 election in the U.S., Biden is the least pro-Israel candidate. RFK Jr. is 110% for Israel. But war has a tendency to accelerate things. Larger changes in the world move more quickly, but it's a contradictory process in how it happens. "Europe is collapsing" but it's also becoming more unified. Israeli meddling has been increasingly galling to Western liberal-minded Jews as well, because these parties will wink and nod at anti-Semitism to get people to vote for the pro-Israel parties to own the Jews.

>> No.22313499
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>"We unequivocally reject the idea of moving forward into a 21st century bright with promise. We're opposed to all fresh, new ideas and technologies that will transform the lives of Americans. Nor do we believe in America turning back to traditions and values and God, all of which we oppose. What are we, chumps? God presents the biggest threat to the homeland. Remember the Flood? We support a pre-emptive nuclear strike on Heaven. We are also unalterably opposed to a woman's right to choose anything at all. Indeed, we abominate life in all its repulsive forms. Children are not our future. The Nihilist Party will put people last, because people are stupid. Our slogan is: nothing works. It really does. Life is an infestation, choice an illusion. My fellow Americans: let's rush into the abyss together."

stealing this and using it my burger-punk short story thanks anon

>> No.22313505

You forgot to mention that Orban is literally the greatest ally of Jewtanyahu along with some of the other subtle pro-Russian EPP parties. Being pro-Israel or not has nothing to do with the Ukraine-Russia war support among RW parties.

>> No.22313519

True, this proves that "whuite supremacy" christians are retarded since Putin is flooding his country wirh immigrants and killing his own christian people in Ukraine. Kek. Truly the saviour of "white peoples".

>> No.22313530
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At this point I'm inclined to believe every right wing le trad redpilled and based e-celeb is either controlled opposition or retarded.
Every single one of these people sees owning the globohomo libs epic style as the most important thing out there and will oppose everything they support for the flimsiest of reasons. Never mind the fact that Putin is a shitty mafia boss who bombed his own people to get into power and who has spent the last year and a half chimping out in the most internationally embarrassing way possible - the blue checkmark people don't like him, so that means supporting him is the correct option, and to imply otherwise brings mutterings of Hunter Biden's biolabs laundering money in Donbass and funding child-bombing 5G vaccine nanobot factories or whatever the fuck.
I fucking hate the shitty valueluess hedono-nihilism the western world is submerged in as much as any of these people, but I also recognize that living under the rule of vatniks and chinks would be infinitely worse.

>> No.22313536

Yeah you have to be extremely dumb to want Chinese Empire over the London-DC-NYC empire.

Organized power always takes more than it deserves but ffs "the devil you know" is a valid expression.

>but the west allows gays and non whites to exist

Get over it lmao if whites r ze master race they can control those two groups...right?

>> No.22313555

The white masses are no match for the most intelligent 1 billion Chinese and Indians, not to mention the two hundred million or comprador Chinese diaspora

>> No.22313563

Literally the other way around