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/lit/ - Literature

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22312746 No.22312746 [Reply] [Original]

>buy and read dozens of books every year
>don't have the space for it
>put them in boxes, sell em later

>pirate and read dozens of ebooks every year
>have the space for actual bookshelves, since I finally bought an apartment
>nothing to put into bookshelves since they're all digital

I really want to buy a few fancy looking collections like the Discworld series and maybe some Lovecraft, just to put into my bookshelf and read in paper during a lazy october afternoon...
Are paper books a waste of money nowadays?

>> No.22312762

why do girls hug guys over the shoulders?

>> No.22312776


>> No.22312789

I've never been hugged.

>> No.22312828

Women should not be in public, should not be talking, should not be wandering around babbling about their drama and childish pseudothoughts

>> No.22312864

To keep them from crushing her in a too powerful reciprocal hug? Or so that hug goes around her waistline or ass?

>> No.22312887

It's either so they can press their boobs into you better or because that is how they hugged their dad.

>> No.22312890

>calling the discworld “fancy to put on the shelves”

cool editions of classics are usually cheap and pop up all the time. there are so many un-archived texts or books that you can’t even find online. the modern library system & big publishers control current lit you can buy. vintage physical texts and archived pdfs are the only way

>> No.22312897

>woman has a thought
>woman is a thot

>> No.22313051

I have a massive collection of real books and I bought 99% of them from thrift stores for a few dollars a piece.

>> No.22314192

if a woman can put her arms over your shoulders and hug you, you are a manlet.
women only hug real men around torso because they cant do it any other way.

>> No.22314209

Why the fuck do you guys make posts like these here? I come here to chill out and post about the books I'm reading and have read in the past. Not to cry over never having felt the touch of a woman.

>> No.22314252

I... don't know.

>> No.22314327

My penis is not around my shoulders though

>> No.22314336

because they're slaves to instinct thus unfit for a primary role in civilization. their understanding of social norms begins and ends at approval. she doesn't know why girls hug guys over the shoulders, she just noticed a trend and immediately leveraged it for attention.

>> No.22314427

I agree I wish this board was more heavily moderated. just go on /b/ or /pol/ or /r9k/ if you want to be a faggot

>> No.22314431

Why do girls hug guys over the shoulder though? Infact, what even is an over the shoulder hug.

>> No.22314479

inject the microchip into the neck

>> No.22314553

>their understanding of social norms begins and ends at approval.
This is how you can get people to believe or do anything.

>> No.22314558

So men will put their arms around her waist.

>> No.22314777
File: 279 KB, 500x889, Makeout-Position.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. manlet

>> No.22314784
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Neither is her vagina.

>> No.22314788
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The anons saying "there's no good reason" are most likely correct.
>what even is an over the shoulder hug.
I assume it means hug around the neck

>> No.22314813

Women are like birds you can train to do anything by giving them a little seed or nut afterward. A seed is the wider tribe's approval, and a nut is your approval (if you are a chieftain, high ranking warrior, or otherwise impressive "big man").

>> No.22314825

way to shift goal posts you dumb nigger

>> No.22314831

And in my experience, over the shoulder hug is either going in for a makeout or just a perfunctory everyday hug where they maybe want to smash their breasts against my pecs without getting in trouble.

In the makeout move, they like having their arms up around a big tall guy with their face angled up so they can melt into your arms. Despite what anon above says, height has nothing to do with it. If a girl has to go on tiptoes and be held by you that's all the better.

Waist hugs are more when a girl's seeking comfort, warmth and protection or feeling possessive.

>> No.22314863
File: 313 KB, 1500x1101, stock-photo-lovely-couple-kissing-and-hugging-on-a-sea-dock-449190451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a basement-dweller who has never been hugged around the neck by any woman. I have 9 inches on the average white woman in the US and it's never an issue.

>> No.22314866

>now /lit/ is using derogatory terms for short men
this place fucking blows now, i miss 2017 /lit/. this board has been overrun by zoomers.

>> No.22314869

>t. 5.10" brown lanklet who says he's 6'

>> No.22314870

tallfaggots aren't welcome here, /lit/ is a short man's board. fuck off tall normalfaggot. god i fucking hate tallniggers.
>BTW I'M 6'3
shut the fuck up retard, you're a dumb mexican whol's fat.

>> No.22314914

both pictures you posted are not hugs you dumb nigger. keep trying.

>> No.22314963

I buy nice copies of physical books I have already read to place in my bookshelf.

My bookshelf also serves as a place that reflects who I am, not just storage.

>> No.22315025
File: 31 KB, 602x401, hug3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you haven't gotten the point by now you never will.
>Election newfag bitching in an off-topic blogthread.
You have only yourself to blame.

>> No.22315040

>have been reading and buying highbrow LitFic, poetry, philosophy, and plays circa 2012
>have a personal library of 1,700 books
Feels so fucking good, bros

>> No.22315107

Women are basically stupid animals so she's probably talking about something totally innocuous and mundane, that she thinks is profound, like "bcuz we want u 2 hug us around the waste lolz:"

>> No.22315176

unironically same

>> No.22315426

last time i was hugged by girls was back in HS so 10 years ago.
I dont remember which way was i hugged, their hands over or under my shoulders

>> No.22315553

My wife thinks:
Over the shoulders = friendship
Under the shoulders = more intimate = romantic

>> No.22315563

Your wife is retard

>> No.22315572

your wife is a man

>> No.22315576

Every time I see someone on 4chan talk about their wife I wonder what in the fuck they are doing here

>> No.22315643

But you're not hardcover quality. You're the male equivalent of a beat-up paperback, which, unlike the female equivalent, means you are an incel loser.

>> No.22315658

Same boat

>> No.22315665


>> No.22315691

>anon thinks he'll still be attracted to his wife after a few year and devote all his free time to her demands instead of seeking escape into freedom of his youth
My longest relationship lasted 3 years, and even though we never lived together it was just convenience and habit in the end - zero physical passion, no spark in coversations, genuine animosity. I can only imagine how much worse it can get when your significant other stinks up the toilet with period sharts first thing in the morning. 90% of boomer BBQ jokes are about hating their lives and inventing bullshit to get away from them for a few hours (such as BBQ).

>> No.22315697

>hating their lives
hating their *wives*, kek. Not like there's much difference.

>> No.22315705

I envy guys who still like to fuck the same woman after years of seeing how the sausage is made

Seeing a strange woman's panties for the first time is still like being inducted into a mystery cult for me, but seeing a girl's pussy after dating her for 2+ years is like eating a certain kind of junk food too much and you realize it might as well be a piece of plain bread, you've killed all the magic completely for yourself

>> No.22315971

>I envy guys who still like to fuck the same woman after years of seeing how the sausage is made
It's all about convenience and instincts. A man will want to fuck a hole no matter how stinky it is

>> No.22316628

>Starts a thread with a picture of a woman.
>Picture gets more attention than the retarded topic.
>Therefore, OP is a Faggot.

This level of bait is criminal.

>> No.22316644
File: 51 KB, 709x595, 1689364887439829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're going to get books for showing off, for the love of god don't put scifi or fantasy on there. Don't even think about YA. Just put up some classics and books related to your profession.

I have an entire bookshelf of physical english translated Light Novels I'm saving to show to Mrs. Right.

>> No.22316648

I'll be brief, there's a girl

>> No.22316656

t. subhuman

>> No.22316663

I figure we can be subhuman together.

>> No.22316707

Hey, that doesn't mean you haven't fucked someone in the ass.

>> No.22316720

Why do you all whine so much like faggots? kys and stop talking about your pathetic lives

>> No.22316926

I'm the opposite. I am terrified to death of seeing a girl's panties and vagina for the first time. I can only tolerate it once a significant amount of time has been spent exploring it.

>> No.22316966

Women are horses

>> No.22316976

She actually thinks shes revealing something subtle
Theres a reason burning books has such strong symbolism, "baka"

>> No.22316984

>Giving up double underhooks

women really are pathetic

>> No.22317022

I'd say this is the classic mistake of posting an image more interesting than the OP, but in this case I think it was intentional.

>> No.22317186

If you don't value something, you'll lose it. Yes, my wife and I fight a lot. All couples will. Yes, you have to work hard to keep the romance alive. Yes, there's days where we hate each other. But on the plus side: she loves me and I love her. She knows me better than anyone on earth. She listens to my rambles even if she's not as racist. She makes an effort during sex. We make each other laugh every once in a while. And she's a great mother. Which by itself is like winning the lottery if you can find that one quality. Honestly I'm not perfect. I can be annoying sometimes. I can be unpleasant sometimes. So you have to look at your own faults too. I've done a lot of stuff in my life. I've seen a lot of places. I've achieved a number of things. But heaven is waking up on a Saturday morning with my wife and playing with our little 11 month old in bed