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/lit/ - Literature

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22310265 No.22310265 [Reply] [Original]

I would like to read an author's entire catalogue as a way to get back into the habit of reading. It's fine if his catalogue is extensive as long as it's fiction and not a complete meme. Who are some good candidates?

>> No.22310281


>> No.22310282

John Williams has a very small catalogue and it's all really good.

>> No.22310286

isn't he a meme? I've never seen anyone actually defend him on here
thanks, I'll take a look

>> No.22310290

Asimov, easily.
Scientology memes aside, L. Ron Hubbard is a pretty good SF author as well.

>> No.22310301

>isn't he a meme? I've never seen anyone actually defend him on here
because no one on lit reads, go read his books

>> No.22310307

>isn't he a meme
Yes. Don't bother.

>> No.22310311

Ivy Compton-Burnett

>> No.22310313

I've done this with a bunch of authors. The most rewarding was Joseph Conrad.

>> No.22310316

>tfw you write books before social media and internet becoming a thing, just so people on anonymous board can call you a meme

>> No.22310320

DFW fans have always been easy targets. That said, I love that little mf like you wouldn’t believe. To this day, reading IJ has the best literary experience I have had. Many of his essays are well worth reading, there are a bunch of sweaty interviews, audio material and even that movie with Jason Segel that you easily can dive into if you feel like it.

>> No.22310370

>To this day, reading IJ has the best literary experience I have had
What an embarrassing confession

>> No.22311011

What an annoying person you are. Form your own personality

>> No.22311295

Gogol's corpus is pretty short and his stylistic changes from Dikanka tales to Petersburg ought to be pretty interesting, in addition to the stories themselves.
Conrad as well, as said above

>> No.22311356

Gillian Flynn only has 3 books and a novella. Kinda lowly crime fiction stuff but I think she's good at what she does. Dark Places is my favorite

>> No.22311360

Hesse is interesting because most of his basic ideas and themes are already described in the first novel and can be found in the Glass Bead Game in the most extensive differentiation at the end

>> No.22311375

If you never read his stuff, read Good Old Neon.

>> No.22311378

faulkner, if you're any degree of interested in the american deep south and its culture

>> No.22311704

do not do this

>> No.22311855


>> No.22312892
File: 557 KB, 1400x1050, philip-k-dick-neon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one has brought up our Lord and Savior, Philip K. Dick?
With 44 novels and 125 short stories, you'll be busy for a while.

>> No.22312912
File: 224 KB, 1229x519, infinite-jest-pseud.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
