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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 215 KB, 1200x1600, Franz_Kafka,_1923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22309330 No.22309330 [Reply] [Original]

>I was ashamed of myself when i realised life was a costume party and i attended with my real face - Franz Kafka

>> No.22309356


>> No.22309357


>> No.22309415

every time i go into any normie place its like ppl get angry and start shunning me if i act like myself or the way i really feel, instead of stepping into the jovial 'hi hows it going' character

>> No.22309442
File: 18 KB, 540x159, tumblr_5df24376950d29cc6ca2872915a97f07_3a627298_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kafka is depression aesthetic personified. Maybe even more so than Poe.

>> No.22309447

Don't make fun of precious Kafka or I'll fucking kill you Anon!

>> No.22309481

Quite a few, especially philosophers. That’s why I like people like Kant, Nietzsche and Locke

>> No.22309486


>> No.22309488

Arthur Schopenhauer

>> No.22309545

he was gay

>> No.22309554

I heard of Nietzsche being an incel but not the other two.

>> No.22310489

New Testament

>> No.22310511


>> No.22310538
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>> No.22310539

This guy
Not this guy. Fuck him

>> No.22310540

Kafka was a womanizer IRL

>> No.22310548

Fernando Pessoa was thought to have never had sex with a woman and spent his life alone. It’s debated whether he made it with one girl, but sounds thoroughly incel to me. Phenomenal writer too. Sexual Transmutation something something.

>> No.22310550

> Phenomenal writer too
Are you capable of saying anything remotely original?

>> No.22310552

Kafka frequented brothels, had several girlfriends, was engaged three times. Respectable job, published in his lifetime, 6'0 and handsome, socialized with many bohemians in Prague at the time, described as charismatic and witty, traveled to foreign countries - not an incel by any means, he was just utterly fucked in the head by dominating father and controlling mother who held him at home until 32 or something.
Schopenhauer's bodycount was most likely in triple digits, he just hated women.
Every single one of those had active sex life, all were even fucking married I believe.
Probably the only incel in this thread, even though he seemed to have little interest in sex and disliked women in general, he still failed at courting an arthoe a decade and half younger than him and probably caught syphilis during his rare brothel visits as a young man - the cause of his later madness. Possibly closeted gay.

>> No.22310555

Kek. No. He liked women and had a few girlfriends, even a fiance a la Kierkegaard.. oh, right, add Kierkegaard to the list.

>> No.22310564

>Kek. No.
You write like a woman.

>> No.22310568

I guess one could accuse (you) of 'splitting hairs' here, but I rather like the ironic subtlety of these bold assertions. I think what I'm trying to say here is, based.

>> No.22310570

A simple google search reveals that you are wrong

>> No.22310576

What did you have in mind, faggot?

>> No.22310582

>>>22310511 #
>Every single one of those had active sex life, all were even fucking married I believe.
All were incels in their youth, and they all wrote incel characters.

>> No.22310584

Tiresome pleb 'rejoinder'

>> No.22310586
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>> No.22310590

>a simple Google search
Read a book, fag, then make up your own mind.

>> No.22310591

>Read a book, fag
Ah, something that you clearly have never done before

>> No.22310592

Old tolstoy

>> No.22310593

The Volcel King

>> No.22310596

Oh, really? Hmmm
I'm not the one consulting 'google,' retard

>> No.22310598

Oh, really? Hmmm
You’re simply making it up as you go along.

>> No.22310599

It's amazing how all these so called outcast writers were just pathological larpers

>> No.22310602

>Probably the only incel in this thread, even though he seemed to have little interest in sex and disliked women in general, he still failed at courting an arthoe a decade and half younger than him and probably caught syphilis during his rare brothel visits as a young man - the cause of his later madness. Possibly closeted gay.
he was so me bros...

>> No.22310606

Didn’t know this was some gay under-edited over-written stream of consciousness flash fiction thread. The question was “any good incel writers?” Fernando Pessoa is one. He pined after women, but always from a distance. His main biographer says that he very likely he never had sex. He lived his life alone and focused on his writing.
He created hauntingly deep ‘heteronyms’ throughout his life. He lived through his writing, dreams, and transmutation of energies. Is Pessoa’s writing not phenomenal? How about excellent? How about “good” like the thread title? What about hypnagogic? I’m sure this thread is close to your heart.

>> No.22310607

Post your secondary sources; pics

>> No.22310611

That's exactly what you find out after studying personal lives of all those "depressed incel core writers". Nearly all of them had more exciting, fulfilling lives (and more sex) than the average millennial/zoomer male. Bleak revelation.

>> No.22310614

>Is an incel
>Beloved by women
What are the prerequisites to be loved by women despite being an incel?
Usually they are unable to separate the art from the artist yet when it's kafka they eat his shit up.

>> No.22310617
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>Nearly all of them had more exciting, fulfilling lives (and more sex) than the average millennial/zoomer male. Bleak revelation.
Wow boohoo some fucking weirdo nerds were able to pay for some strange or pick up a bar skank once in a while. Having sex is not an achievement.

>> No.22310625

>Having sex is not an achievement
It wasn't during Kafka's lifetime, just a hundred years ago. Nowadays it's the leading metric of social worth, women have total control of the dating sphere and abuse the shit out of it. Just long on to any random social media and 90% of the content there is either obsession with women or some fembrained vapidity.

>> No.22310626

You spend most of your time online, don't you? People in the real world that matter couldn't give a fuck about how much sex anyone is having.

>> No.22310629

Kafka's 'advantage' was that he lived in an age where women were at the mercy of their own imaginations; now they tote little worlds of fake, thoroughly vulgar 'adventure' everywhere they go. Kafka didn't have to compete with telecomm, iow's.

>> No.22310632

>People who matter?
So about 1%

>> No.22310637

we don't sign our posts here

>> No.22310638

why would you concern yourselves with the opinions of lowlife trash who place value on the amount of holes your dick has gone into? I don't hold myself to the standards of low level minds.

>> No.22310639

He was literally me the prototype, now I just need to find an infected prostitute.

>> No.22310643

Makes sense honestly

>> No.22310649

I'm not the top 1% and never will be, neither will you. The people we're surrounded by are midwitted e-brains - either female or males groveling before the totem of great vulva. The conversation we're having right on wouldn't be possible in public sphere.

>> No.22310657

>groveling before the totem of great vulva
This is a construct entirely of your own mind. Touch grass, go outside and talk to people and you'll quickly realise we don't live in the gynocratic matriarchy that people on this site believe you do.

>> No.22310666

Not me though

>> No.22310675

It depends on the scope you're talking about. The reality we're living is constructed and maintened by top men, but the average sucker is thoroughly controlled by women - that wasn't the case in Kafka's world, not even as recently as 30 years ago I'd say.

>> No.22310683
File: 184 KB, 665x1024, 271694CA-A70F-4CE1-9ED0-3EADBCAAFA82.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forget about the masses of people you are describing. Cultivate yourself, both mind and body, and attempt to connect with people who share your interests. Work on any type of social anxiety you may have, perhaps this may call for medical intervention (I have no experience with psychiatry so I can’t say for sure). Then pursue women for casual sex or relationships, and if you utterly fail at this perhaps move to South East Asia or save up enough for periodic visits to ladies of the night. You cannot and will not change society. All we can do is to make peace with ourselves and the situation we find ourselves in. Pic rel

>> No.22310696

The confessions?

>> No.22310699

Anon, I spent 5 years in 3 commited relationships and had dozen casual experiences, turning down at least as many. I'm long past caring about women, just commenting on the social reality we're living in comparison to people like Kafka. Agreed with everything you've said btw.

>> No.22310701


>> No.22310735
File: 247 KB, 640x1441, 016E092E-6396-47AC-9E38-115BB7687C3A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just commenting on the social reality we're living in comparison to people like Kafka
I think the catalyst for this change was the 60s generation. Houellebecq talks about this. Also the ability to have consequence-less sex due to contraception, mass female education and employment, the fall of organised religion, no-fault divorce etc, and as of more recently deviant sexual ideologies and a general malaise about the fate of the world. Girls in their 20s have told me that they fear giving birth in a world with a looming climate crisis and a ‘fascist takeover’ just around the corner. Some that I’ve met now question their identity as women and are exploring ‘poly relationships’. Things aren’t looking good, and there is no chance of a change coming anytime soon.

>> No.22310901

You just know it all, don't you?

>> No.22310905

Kreutzer sonata.

>> No.22311294
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Pessoa was the real /lit/ incel and the voice of generation.

>> No.22311312

YOU spend most of your time online don’t you? My former manager had a thirst trap tiktok with thousands of followers and literally eloped with one of them. The average person is far more reliant on social media for human connection than ever before. 90% of conversations nowadays are conditioned by [popular thing]. How many times have you heard the word Barbie or Oppenheimer this week alone?

>> No.22311409
File: 113 KB, 1224x1222, 1674723927567419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

None of you niggers understand these writers.
So what if they were "social"? In literature we're largely concerned with internal. It is fucking gay to be a whiny faggot in front of people and no body accepts that so dealing with society is your obligation. Imagine expecting robotic "in line" behavior from writers. Oh no he talked with women that's he was a fake sadboi. Fuck off fag. Life happens and it isn't your fantasy and sometimes it put people into situations where they never want to be in.

You should be only concerned with literature rather than their personality. Caring about personality is peak normalfaggot behavior.

>> No.22311422

The hypocrite you posted fucked 5 different underage boys every week while larping as a tradcath and opposing gay marriage, kek.

>> No.22311428

Lmaoooo, dangerously based

>> No.22311570


>> No.22311681

It's entirely possible to counter the ways and means of one's own life's choices, anon. In fact, it's thoroughly Christian. A few thoroughly ignored instances of this on the other side of the spectrum include Quentin Crisp and Daniel Harris, neither of whom I believe were/are Christians; they merely committed the crime of refusing to stooge it up for the banal 'political narrative'.

>> No.22311685

Proof? You must have been one of the boys.

>> No.22311686

just like real life preasts...

>> No.22311687

Theodore Kazcynski

>> No.22311935

Why do you say Gogol is incel? He sometimes portrays incel or loser characters, but he himself doesn't strike me as incel.

>> No.22312026
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He never said that. As if one couldn't tell—it's corny.

>> No.22312037

>How many times have you heard the word Barbie or Oppenheimer this week alone?
babby's first viral marketing campaign?

>> No.22312091
File: 267 KB, 400x400, img-2023-07-27-18-33-21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kafka did not say that.
But I remember seeing a quote from him where he basically said he thought everyone saw him as a freak and a loser, juxtaposed with some lady saying she thought of him as a handsome, charming guy. Does anyone know what I mean? I can't find it.

>> No.22312342

Kafka wasn't an incel you fucktard. The true answer is that he was sensitive and women love that shit, but you need to be able to convey that well enough; most incels can't, plus they're resentful and bitter. They're not desirable by any metric

>> No.22312500
File: 13 KB, 278x193, mfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So basically all the big names are frauds other than Nietzsche and Pessoa? Is there truly no one else?

>> No.22312510

How do you convey sensitivity in a way females find attractive?

>> No.22312531

Not him but if you actually have to try to get women to even understand how. Women like men who can relate to them/understand them emotionally which is why so few men can get lots of women. Now sensitive does not mean weakness it just means being able to pick up on more subtle things. You still have to be courageous and have boundaries

>> No.22312552

Be thoughtful, polite, indirect, clever, distant. When at last an opportunity presents itself, strike quickly.

>> No.22312553

Gib examples plz. I'm a literal incel.

>> No.22312686

>missing the point this hard

>> No.22312701

Kafka was a handsome fucker who thought he was ugly

>> No.22312775


>> No.22312783

except that's exactly the point: none of the chatter is organic, nobody talks about this shit IRL. Maybe they do and you're trapped if you live in a flyover state with a bunch of hicks, but that's more on you. Should have become a faggot city-slicker poser rather than a faggot shitkicker.

>> No.22313148

You are a retard. A bitter one too. “City slickers” are the most prone to (current thing) out of anyone

>> No.22313186

>“City slickers” are the most prone to (current thing) out of anyone
most, not all—compared to bumfuck nowhere, where nothing interesting could possibly exist because it would pack up and move to the city.

>> No.22313188


New York IQ - 36th highest.
California average IQ - 45th highest.

But yeah, flyover states are STUPID

>> No.22313196

large nigger and spic populations bring the average down—doesn't take a genius (like yourself, lmao) to figure that out. Besides the fact that i'm talking about cities, and not states.

we're not even talking about IQ. The point is that local cultures can exist in cities due to density and draw that just won't anywhere else. if you're mad about retards talking about barbies movies, change groups—hard to do that unless youre urban. Not a contentious idea. Doesn't matter how many retards live in cities. Doesn't matter how many retards who talk about barbie live in cities. Get it yet?

>> No.22313202

be able to observe and share emotional nuances, the whole breadth, but not ruled by them, you have to be able to see but not necessarily indulge it all, honestly, its not that complicated, just be empathetic and have an above average vocabulary, a reader

>> No.22313488

So how does that refute his point?

>> No.22313588

I dont see it.

>> No.22313602

I fucking hate that whiny moaning prick

>> No.22313604

Lovecraft was a volcel. Mostly it was his mother's fault, he looked like his dad and his dad cheated on her so she was very abusive of him. She told him not to go outside because he was so ugly he'd frighten the neighbors.

In spite of himself he ended up getting married, but he chose to divorce her because she loved New York and he couldn't stand living in the vicinity of negroes. He chose celibacy over diversity and left her.

In a way it's a good thing he had that experience though, it's obvious it effected his writing. Who knows if he would have written The Shadow Over Innsmouth if he hadn't lived somewhere filled with foreigners he thought were subhuman.

>> No.22313613

>he chose to divorce her because she loved New York and he couldn't stand living in the vicinity of negroes.
Dangerously based

>> No.22313622

Don't listen to these women my man

Foid cope women find sensitive shit repulsive from a lowkey anxious looking sensitive man. They largely care about money, I can't blame them honestly. They mental midgets and bodily weak so they need security net for such things.
>Women like men who can relate to them/understand them emotionally which is why so few men can get lots of women.

>> No.22313655

>Schopenhauer's bodycount was most likely in triple digits
thought he was virgin

>> No.22313664
File: 7 KB, 268x188, download (8).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think people in this thread are confusing writing for incels with writing by incels. A total Chad, like Mishima can encapsulate the incel plight and an incel can write a book about a Chad with absolutely no incel themes. Being able to write about thiings outside of your lived experience is what being a writer is about. Granted, its difficult to determine which OP wanted but I would say either would be relevant to the thread.

>> No.22313748

>A total Chad, like Mishima
HAHAHAHA, he was 5' 3"

>> No.22313782

Bitches leave.

>> No.22313789

Not at all. Schopenhauer, despite his pretense of being some sort of Buddhist-tier ascetic and world renouncer, had two children out of wedlock and bragged about it to friends. His sister was so ashamed that he had impregnated some poor working class girl and then left that she implored him to help the child out of financially, though in fact the child died in infancy.

The only incel mentioned in this thread is Pessoa, and even he was courted by a qt teenager called Ophelia who he later turned down via a letter sent on his behalf by one of his heteronyms. Pessoa is one of the few reasons I regret losing my virginity.

WRONG. Lovecraft was probably volcel, or whatever, but he divorced primarily because his aunts would not accept that his wife would open a store in Providence which he would work in as her employee. In his letters, he expressed his desire to remain married even if their only contact was by letter, but she rejected the prospect outright because she needed physical intimacy not just a marriage which consisted of letter writing.


>> No.22313804

>had two children out of wedlock and bragged about it to friends.

>> No.22313806

>Pessoa is one of the few reasons I regret losing my virginity.
Y tho?

>> No.22314100

>not even being turned down by actual Pessoa

>> No.22314168

Not the poster, but a Pessoa-fag and the fact that he made timeless prose and had such a rich inner life someone might be willing to trade for “pussy bro.” Anything to write like that.

>> No.22314205

Honestly most great artist while probably not strictly incels, are almost always beta teir guys who aren't Chad. Chads and normies don't have the autism, introspection or artistic ability to make anything meaningful. There are some exceptions but some dude with a three digit body count probably can't make the next War and Peace or Lord of The Rings.

>> No.22314215

Yeah I think you’re right. The level of self-awareness/reflection required for writing, observing, and dreaming on the scale required to write at that level doesn’t naturally align with smashing gash. There have been exceptions though.

>> No.22314731

Chads also make shitty comedians

>> No.22314961

>There are some exceptions but some dude with a three digit body count probably can't make the next War and Peace
Big OOF, you fucked up hard. Tolstoy was literally a gigachad.

>I put men to death in war, I fought duels to slay others, I lost at cards, wasted my substance wrung from the sweat of peasants, punished the latter cruelly, rioted with loose women, and deceived men. Lying, robbery, adultery of all kinds, drunkenness, violence, and murder, all committed by me, not one crime omitted, and yet I was not the less considered by my equals a comparatively moral man. Such was my life during ten years.

Tolstoy, A Confession

>> No.22315083

bite the bullet

>> No.22315087

Ok the one guy I mentioned wasn't a complete beta but my point still stands. Also it's a self confession so he could be lying.

>> No.22315095

well, then there was (you) and then they broke the mold

>> No.22315100

>Also it's a self confession so he could be lying.
Kek, he had 13 children.

>> No.22315106

None of the great writers were betas. Name a good author and I guarantee he was knee deep in pussy. Even suicidal losers like Dazai and Mishima had bitches.

>> No.22315225

Maybe after they got famous but when your writing big brain works of art you either don't have time to deal with women or your a turbo autist. You also have to remember that getting pussy wasn't the achievement it is today since women were still either property or at least weren't liberated all the way.

>> No.22315410

Is sex really that great and meaningful and important? I never even really had a conversation with a woman outside my family or classroom (or WoW guild), never flirted or had a romantic experience of any kind. I don't plan to, nor am I particularly broken up about it, but the way some normalfags treat me like a space alien because of it is fucking obnoxious. Is it really so life-revolutionizing and fundamental as everyone's attitudes seem to imply?

>> No.22315421

Your unironically are gonna be a great writer.

>> No.22315436

only with someone you love, and even more so if done with procreation in mind. Otherwise it's glorified masturbation.

Casual sex is cool in the same way that smoking cigarettes is cool. It is, but also not really... but it still is (but not really (but what else are you gonna do?)).

Mishima was in my estimation a kind of self-hating narcissist and the idea of his own dick stabbing through his own guts would be his highest erotic fantasy (one beyond that of mere hetero-normies).

>> No.22315452

>getting pussy wasn't the achievement it is today since women were still either property or at least weren't liberated all the way.
This is responsible for many cases of anemoia in men and women.

>> No.22315571

Most people are hedonists that don't care much about anything beyond base impulses and fulfilling them, and sex is one the base impulse with the greatest feeling of reward. If you've already gotten this far and realized that you don't care much about it, it's more trouble than it's worth to go out and try to get it, unless you're planning to look for a prostitute.

>> No.22316195

>Is sex really that great and meaningful and important? I never even really had a conversation with a woman outside my family or classroom (or WoW guild), never flirted or had a romantic experience of any kind.
Sex is important because it's can be tied to positive romantic experiences, it shows that you are able to be physically close to someone and vulnerable and that you're desirable.

>> No.22316238

Is it just me or was Kafka really good looking?

>> No.22316248

In my mid 30s and incel.
I doubt I can keep it much longer, but I feel the experience has permanently affected my thoughts, but not in a bitter way. My writing's not so good yet.

>> No.22316480

Pessoa as said multiple times in this thread.

>> No.22316602

>even the most basic things are unattainable in this day

>> No.22317048
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This is our contemporary Pessoa.
Mark my words.

Also how the FUCK has nobody mentioned Antonin Artaud yet?
He died bragging that his body had never been touched by another person.
Absolute schutzo-chad.

>> No.22317051

>He died bragging that his body had never been touched by another person.
No fucking way. How? He was a famous artzyman and an actor. He was also chad in looks. He must be lying.

>> No.22317059

He didn't give a FUCK!
Actually he did and had an incredible phobia of the inherent filth involved in existence.
Schitzo volcels stay winning.
I am schitzo but my dice rolled the wrong way so I have endless admiration for Artaud.

>> No.22317061

dazai and mishima were terrible writers

>> No.22317212

What books do you recommend?

>> No.22317299
File: 35 KB, 453x600, images.jpeg-321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From Artaud?
I would grab this and then after that I would read Heliogabalus and Theatre Of Cruelty in that order.

>> No.22317520

most of them were outcasts at some point in their life, some posters apply weird purity tests where a writer doesn't quality as incel unless he was a kissless virgin his entire life, which is not what the term means

>> No.22317551

>which is not what the term means
What does it mean according to you?

>> No.22317590

Lovecraft was a confirmed virgin until the age of 31, had a brief marriage which broke down then he spent the rest of his life as a volcel
Friedrich Nietzsche has no documented evidence of ever having a romantic relationship, he was disliked by women and slept with whores
Adolf Hitler only had one confirmed romance which began when he was middle aged, and even then there confirmation he ever did anything sexual with Eva Braun, most reports indicate them seeming more platonic (Hitler was a published writer so counts for the list)
Emily Dickinson very likely died a virgin
Fernando Pessoa probably died a virgin, at best he fucked whores in brothels
Charles Bukowski was a virgin until the age of 24
Thomas Ligotti has never been married or had kids and as far as anyone can tell has never been in a romantic relationship
Ted Kaczynski seemed pretty incelish
Otto Weininger
Hans Christian Andersen seems to have been an autist who was hopeless at personal relationships, he was attracted to both men and women but failed to charm either, likely died a virgin
There is no documented evidence that Lewis Carroll ever had a romantic relationship, might have been a pedo
Jorge Luis Borges is rumored to have died a virgin, lived with his mother his entire life

>> No.22317616

Wasnt Kierkagaard a virgin who broke off engangement?

>> No.22317637

yes, he seems to have been

>> No.22317822

>People in the real world that matter couldn't give a fuck about how much sex anyone is having.
At my job I've actually normie guys go on full blackpill rants about women when the subject of relationships come up, it's definitely seeping into the real world

>> No.22317846

>Jorge Luis Borges
Who is that hapa bitch with him in photos?

>> No.22317916

Incel is slang for involuntarily celibate, which is to say cannot get laid even if they are trying. Philosophers who voluntarily remained celibate are just doing so because having a woman around is a sure fire way to fuck up whatever you are working on. There have always been social rejects for some reason or another but the idea of an incel movement is a new thing in so far as I am aware.

>> No.22317931

The incel movement is an insult that the establishment uses to tar and feather people. Most incels don't see themselves in a movement. More of a community of low status males.

>> No.22318598

Kek Kafka is such pseud garbage.

>> No.22318614

It's fake, basically pushed by a bunch of journalists to cope with the fact that they get ripped apart online all day. Sure there was a small group of legitimate hopeless losers on r9gay who were calling themselves incel initially but then butthurt journalists (also the epitome of total losers) blew it up and made it seem like something it was not, which is their life's purpose after all.

>> No.22319484

If you read your probably a virgin.

>> No.22319579

anon you are talking to a hole. sadly, lit is both bunkercuck and roastie central.

>> No.22320889

didnt emily get dickinsoned by her brother's wife? or vice versa

>> No.22320891

bros? i thought he was mysterious and more popular with the ladies

>> No.22320977

its as meaningful as you make it.
hollywood makes it seem like people who have sex lead exciting lives and are super deep but the reality is people who focus on getting laid all day are usually alcoholics and drug addicts and dont live very satisfying lives.

>> No.22321142

probably yes but that would still make her a virgin, 99% chance died without having a penis inside her

>> No.22321175

What this anon said. A lot of people just can’t accept that women are just as capable of evil and abusing power as men and desire just as much to do so

>> No.22322124

>popular with the ladies

>> No.22322293

The King.

>> No.22322820

Cope, the post

>> No.22322832

Nietzsche never had syphilis, there are medical documents proving that he never had it.

>> No.22322836
File: 107 KB, 1134x670, Morrissey (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You counting poets
Cos he borderline one and basically king of the incels

>> No.22322993

Nooooo anon.... Women are deep, and sensitive.... They can instinctually tell if a man is a good man, or if he's just pretending to be one... They have superhuman powers and only desire goodness, virtue, and other good things. How dare you besmirch their sweet name. Clearly you must be one of these incels, who are rightfully scorned by women for being bad people.

>> No.22323985

I dont know if this is true or not, but supposedly Kant would refuse to have sex, speak to women, or masturbate at all. They say he would go to sleep with an unironic 12 inch long erection that would make a very noticeable tent in his bedsheets.

>> No.22324022

Work at a cafe and talk to customers. Something a bit smaller, like a mom and pop, that will appreciate you providing a humanizing experience for customers. If you have a gregarious manager who you can imitate even better. I'm working at one currently and it's really helped me come out of my shell. Don't do the southeast asia shit or pay for whores. You will hate yourself and your problems will remain.

>> No.22324962

Quoran. Incel energy is high in that one.