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22309102 No.22309102 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone read these? Are they good or Urbanomics tier?

>> No.22309108

something about this guy i really don’t like

>> No.22309125

the summaries of the books sound f u c k i n g retarded but the covers and titles are so cool =\ also it's like 100 dollars for all three

>> No.22309165
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I was filtered. It's too hard for me.

>> No.22309180

>the covers and titles are so cool
Are you a woman or just a retard?

>> No.22309195

Bruh they're fucking cool stfu literally die and yeah if i have to pick i'm retarded fuck off or answer the questions

>> No.22309301

you voted for Hillary didn’t you?

>> No.22309343

this nigga name "slaughterdick"

>> No.22309352

I wrote in Hitler as usual

>> No.22309361

I have Foams but haven't read it. Looks decent as a history summary that you can speedread but beyond that probably not something worth checking out. Certainly not worth spending weeks chewing through the entire series.

>> No.22309403

not me but this

>> No.22309407

Peak pseud. Only next to NYRB, Verso and zer0

>> No.22309790

tf are verso and zer0?

>> No.22309857

I haven't read these books
but the covers look really deep and they're in black and white with sans serif text stylistically presented with a little
wait for it
at the end. So basically that makes them high art and they're photographed against a high art wooden background, the finest of floorboards, not real wood but scratched laminate flooring. Really, they're quite tasteful if you squint a bit.

what I like the most, is the bubble monster spawning out her duck legs, you might call it a cum child but I call it a bubble monster, and book 2 has a bubble monster on the cover anyway so you're clearly just wrong lol.

>> No.22309885


>> No.22310099

Still waiting for 2 and 3 to get uploaded online somewhere
Also Sprach Obelix

>> No.22310242
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Great read in my opinion and a very solid stand-alone theory.
The use of langue P. SL. practices is very much in tradition of Heidegger who is one of his main influences but with a more poetic inclination and that comes together very well in his magnum opus.
It's never a chore to read and each of the books despite it's length is a pleasure to read.

I don't know how the translation is but the original one in german is that way.
Suhrkamp used some different covers for the bindings than usual and they are kinda trash. Wish I got the hardback versions in retrospect but it wasn't that important.

>> No.22310296
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>> No.22310297

>Peter Slaughter Dick

>> No.22310412

Semiotext(e) is far above Urbanomic, Verso, and (S) Zer0.

>> No.22310424

What would that be?

>> No.22310518

Are you 80 years old? Lol