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File: 29 KB, 318x408, Ness, Patrick und Dowd Siobhan - A Monster Calls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2230861 No.2230861 [Reply] [Original]

Any children's literature recs? Preferably not boy meets girl or vise versa romane crap, please.

Pic related, I really enjoyed it.

>> No.2230874

> inb4 people post serious literature ironically in order to disparage it

>> No.2230884

Iron Giant
Redwall series by Jaques

>> No.2230885


>> No.2230887
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>> No.2230901


> mfw I found out Brian Jacques was dead

I have such fond fucking memories of Redwall man. Those books were great.

Anything by Garth Nix I'd recommend too. Pretty much all his books are him going "how can I do dense, depressing, and bleak fantasy / sci-fi in a way that's amenable to children".

>> No.2230908
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Captcha ate my face.

>> No.2230913

Phillip Pullman's stuff (the Golden Compass series) was like crack cocaine to my 13 year old brain. It was intense.

>> No.2230922

Don't remember how many there are or where I stopped reading, but I recall the Artemus Fowl books being pretty clever.

Also check out "Airborne" and "Skybreaker" by Kenneth Oppel (sp?) It's like Robert Louis Stevenson with airships.

>> No.2230931
File: 15 KB, 200x307, haunting of alaizabel cray.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking loved this book when I was little. Lovecrafty horror in a steampunky London.

>> No.2230933

The Animorphs series was addicting as shit when I was younger. I have all the books and I've started reading them to my 11 year old brother he's eating them up just as much as I did when I was his age.

It's also full of nightmare inducing things and the bloodiest battles in children's lit history.

>> No.2230944
File: 32 KB, 400x300, OHOHO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


God yeah, you want to talk about crack for a kid's brain.

> day of the Scholastic book fair
> shake my parents down for money
> buy nothing but Animorphs books
> mfw dem flipbook pictures in the corner

>> No.2230966
File: 28 KB, 200x299, 200px-The_Curse_of_the_Gloamglozer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seconding these, the Abhorsen trilogy by Garth Nix was excellent. Would also recommend the Edge Chronicles, the only real dud in the series is Beyond the Deepwoods which was the first one written. This is the first one chronologically and it's probably the best. Amazing illustrations too.

>> No.2230969
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Come on, guys.

>> No.2230970

Mortal Engines series by Philip Reeve

Its got some gay name in america, like 'The city that eats things quadilogy'

Good read. Has a little Boy meets Girl, but the girl has a hideous burnt face, and its not the main theme of the book.

>> No.2230974

OP here, thanks guys, keep the recs coming.
I feel like missing out for never reading much as child until Harry Potter.

>> No.2230978
File: 25 KB, 300x300, where the sidewalk ends.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shel Silverstein was an officer and a gentleman for trying to get kids into poetry.

>> No.2230981
File: 10 KB, 192x400, now here's my plan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2230983


>> No.2230988


do you have a working link of the story?

>> No.2230994

I've got via IRC #bookz, I can upload the .mobi file on Mediafire if you want.

>> No.2230990

The Little Prince

>> No.2230993
File: 9 KB, 175x287, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of my favourite books still. Read lots of horror as a kid for some reason.

>> No.2230997
File: 99 KB, 247x248, OH MAN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't know why that's as funny as it is.

>> No.2231005

Oh, wait, I also have the epub, here you go:
A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness

>> No.2231007

For kids between the age of say 5 and 10, Roald Dahl is the best shit ever. It's all just amazing stuff.

I liked Enid Blyton's "Barney Mysteries" and "Secrets" series when I was about 9-11 too, both full of posh people and mild gyppo discrimination but great stories too. Secret Seven and Famous Five were gay.

Those look amazing, I wish I had heard of them when I was younger. Might have ended up outgrowing them like I did with the Edge Chronicles though.

>> No.2231024

a wrinkle in time by madeline l'engle is pretty cool

that other one by her with the flying unicorn and the demons and the welsh guy hanging out with the precolumbian native americans, not so much

>> No.2231029

>Secret Seven and Famous Five were gay.
Really? What did you think of the Just william books if you read those?

>> No.2231042

I never read those, sorry. Well some of the Famous Five stories were decent, they just didn't seem as good to me after reading the two series I mentioned. I never could be arsed with the Secret Seven though.

>> No.2231082



>> No.2232702


>> No.2232720

The Neverending Story.

Anything by Garth Nix.

>> No.2232725

James Herriot if the kid likes animals.

Gordon Korman if you want humor.

The Great Brain. The Plant that Ate Dirty Socks.

>> No.2232727

Lloyd Alexander's Prydain chronicles

The Book of Ti'ana (it's the second Myst book, and excellent, but the first is short and not too bad).

The Book of the Dun Cow

The Wizard Children of Finn

For kind of a sci fi bent, Bruce Coville wasn't bad, and there was a good series called the Shadow Zone that went between that and horror.

The Slime that Ate Crestview.

>> No.2232728


I read the Never-ending Story as an adult and liked it. I enjoyed the movie as a kid, but the book is something else, really surprised me.