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File: 155 KB, 1024x771, wittgenstein1-big.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2230765 No.2230765 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.2230769


The world is the totality of facts, not of things.

>> No.2230767


The world is everything that is the case.∗

>> No.2230775


The world is determined by the facts, and by these being all the facts.

>> No.2230776

I wish we could live in a world where all philosophers looked as good as Wittgenstein and they were the people on the covers of the tabloids.

>> No.2230779


For the totality of facts determines both what is the case, and also all that is not the case.

>> No.2230782


The facts in logical space are the world.

>> No.2230783


The world divides into facts.

>> No.2230785


Any one can either be the case or not be the case, and everything else remain the same.

>> No.2230788


What is the case, the fact, is the existence of atomic facts.

>> No.2230789

I'm pretty sure this book was satire. The whole thing is written through circular reasoning.

>> No.2230790


An atomic fact is a combination of objects (entities, things).

>> No.2230791


They wouldn't strictly be tabloids anymore. Although I too would love a world where 'Red-top' meant 'Philosophy Paper' not 'Naked women on page three'

>> No.2230792


It is essential to a thing that it can be a constituent part of an atomic fact.

>> No.2230807


In logic nothing is accidental: if a thing can occur in an atomic fact the possibility of that atomic fact must already be prejudged in the thing.

>> No.2230811


It would, so to speak, appear as an accident, when to a thing that could exist alone on its own account, subsequently a state of affairs could be made to fit.

>> No.2230814

If things can occur in atomic facts, this possibility must already lie in them.

>> No.2230818

(A logical entity cannot be merely possible. Logic treats of every possibility, and all possibilities are its facts.) Just as we cannot think of spatial objects at all apart from space, or temporal objects apart from time, so we cannot think of any object apart from the possibility of its connexion with other things.

If I can think of an object in the context of an atomic fact, I cannot think of it apart from the possibility of this context.

>> No.2230820


The thing is independent, in so far as it can occur in all possible circumstances, but this form of independence is a form of connexion with the atomic fact, a form of dependence. (It is impossible for words to occur in two different ways, alone and in the proposition.)

>> No.2230827


If I know an object, then I also know all the possibilities of its occurrence in atomic facts.

(Every such possibility must lie in the nature of the object.) A new possibility cannot subsequently be found.

>> No.2230830


In order to know an object, I must know not its external but all its internal qualities.

>> No.2230833


If all objects are given, then thereby are all possible atomic facts also given.

>> No.2230849

Wait is this thread over?

>> No.2230855

flood detection

>> No.2230878
File: 9 KB, 360x252, BiggusDickus2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP is the object of this fictional conversation...

>> No.2230888


Every thing is, as it were, in a space of possible atomic facts. I can think of this space as empty, but not of the thing without the space.

>> No.2230893


A spatial object must lie in infinite space. (A point in space is a place for an argument.)

A speck in a visual field need not be red, but it must have a colour; it has, so to speak, a colour space round it. A tone must have a pitch, the object of the sense of touch a hardness, etc.

>> No.2230898


Objects contain the possibility of all states of affairs.

>> No.2232165


The possibility of its occurrence in atomic facts is the form of the object.

>> No.2232172


The object is simple.

>> No.2232219

Philosophy is so insular, how could anyone unfamiliar with the field get anything from Tractorish?

>> No.2232450


In which I make more baseless assertions that sound neat.