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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 252 KB, 601x322, Waldun_Abo_mutt_wrinkly_butthole_mouth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22307159 No.22307159 [Reply] [Original]

You cannot hide from the truth: Waldun compensates for having an Abo mutt wrinkly butthole mouth by posh-maxxing.
When will Waldunchuds give it up? I fear never.
They leave us no choice: we Waldun-skeptics must spam this image in every single Waldun thread until the end of time.
Our victory is inevitable. Gradually, excruciatingly, they will capitulate. If not publicly, then at least privately, in the sad, pathetic recesses of their frail minds.
Our picrel-spamming is too strong. They have demonstrated an allergy to truth; and now we must inoculate them for their own good.
Their pretension is the illness. Our unflattering picrel is the cure.
Let the haunting begin!

>> No.22307176

his paris vid was the last straw.
his ego must be checked hard.
i declare meme war!

>> No.22307214

our conditions for peace:
1) he must publish a video in which he shits on jordan peterson.
2) he must film this video in china.
3) he must begin the video by saying the words "My name is Robin Wu, I have an Abo mutt wrinkly butthole mouth, and I can't into symbolic logic".

>> No.22307338


>> No.22307404

..You guys are actually gay? I thought you were just memeing.

>> No.22307431

just watched half of that
he became even more insufferable
he urgently needs a reality check

>> No.22307443
File: 93 KB, 1857x373, Waldun as a creative writing teacher.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>failed stemlord
>failed poet
>failed professor
>failed dark academia fashionista
surely there's something we're good at, right, waldunchads?

>> No.22307535

Imagine being a student at the ENS, just turning up for a day of classes and studying, when you notice some shifty Asian-Australian with matted hair and affected clothes sneak past the gate. Later, seeing him stalking the halls, gaping at doorways and windows, muttering about Sartre and Beauvoir. It must have been harrowing. Thank goodness he wasn't with Jay and Jaidyn, he would have been wild then, maybe even sliding on the floor.

>> No.22307545

>Abo mutt
Did the brits actually fuck the abos? That's disgusting. Mexican and Brazilian natives are ocasionally cute, so I can understand them. But abos?

>> No.22307552

holy moly
>He then pulled the minority card and said you can't correct a nonnative speaker on their grammar. He said if we continued this line of thought he would have no choice but to report us to the universities diversity affairs office.
typical. this is ultimately what it's about, isn't it? the insecurity about Abo mutt wrinkly butthole mouth (AMWBM) and the attendant compensating hostility toward those without AMWBM. why can't we just talk about writing quality?

>> No.22307558

I feel bad for Waldun. I once posted my writing on here and got absolutely shat on, and for a week after that I was depressed. I don’t know how this kid didn’t kill himself yet

>> No.22307577

a well-studied characterization, and i hate that i understand it. i think the reason we hate-watch waldun is because we want the classy academia stereotype to be true, but are then disappointed by the reality, and then we see someone try to revive the initial romantic notion of it only to turn out to be fake, and this recapitulation embodied in a nasally-voice wannabe-white youtuber is just the sort of content this failed board deserves and deep down we all know it to be true. hating waldun is hating ourselves with an extra step, and so we should thank him for softening the blow of our indirect self-hatred by being the unwitting middleman.

>> No.22307582

>I don’t know how this kid didn’t kill himself yet
He should. ASAP.

>> No.22307587
File: 440 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot 2023-07-26 17.05.43.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if anyone wants to indulge in the unattainable dream of living in an idyllic academic setting without all the unpleasant and boring realities, watching this documentary is as close as it gets.

>> No.22307615

>i think the reason we hate-watch waldun is because we want the classy academia stereotype to be true, but are then disappointed by the reality, and then we see someone try to revive the initial romantic notion of it only to turn out to be fake, and this recapitulation embodied in a nasally-voice wannabe-white youtuber is just the sort of content this failed board deserves and deep down we all know it to be true.
Speak for yourself, dickhead. The stereotype and image you speak of is a childish fantasy that should have been outgrown by 14 at the oldest. Dead Poets society and all that bullshit. It's for kids. Wtf are you talking about? You(You), not everyone else, stop speaking for everyone on the board, like literature largely for the image of it. I'm here because I occasionally do read from time to time and want to talk about the content of it not the meta aspects of liking literature (extremely gay). Larping about that is probably one of the gayest things I can imagine in fact. You're literally playing dess-up but as a faggy college professor. I respect airsofters more.

>> No.22307654

thanks for the rec

>> No.22307730

Why would you feel bad for him? The only people that make fun of him are losers on /lit/, if you look at his youtube comments everyone is very supportive. It must be fun being a niche internet micro-celebrity, you get all the fame and support of being famous yet you dont get harassed all the time.

>> No.22307732

who the fuck is this melt

>> No.22307998

Oxfords better than Cambridge and a nice place to study

>> No.22308113

We have to somehow get Waldun into Oxford. Someone should start a Patreon or something to send him there. He can at least haunt the grounds if he can't actually gain admission.

>> No.22308144

if Ruby got in so can our Waldy

>> No.22308158
File: 21 KB, 640x640, cravendale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think Waldun drinks this

>> No.22308162


>> No.22308186
File: 29 KB, 500x403, 1643657198614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet Waldun will convert to Islam in a few years and will try to become a famous imam only to end up Islam's version of Sabbatai Zevi.

>> No.22308349

idk who he is but he seems like he would annoy me