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22307097 No.22307097 [Reply] [Original]

New translation. If you haven’t read it, well, sorry but you haven’t read the book.

>> No.22307228

>oн нe мoжeт читaть пo pyccки

>> No.22307242

New translations coming out if always comfy. Gives something attention again and creates an incentive to re-read and re-discover

>> No.22307277

Garnett forever. Get out of /lit/ retard

>> No.22307597

How are his other Dosto translations? Does anyone here speak highly of Katz's editions for any of his novels?

>> No.22307613
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>p&v exists
Literally why pay Goldberg Shekelstein for a (((new))) translation when the best possible translation is widely available

>> No.22307630
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His Crime and Punishment Norton edition was excellent.

>> No.22307641

What's so good about P&V if you don't mind me asking? I read both P&V and Garnett's translation for C&P and enjoyed Garnett so much more. The P&V translation seemed like something an ESL wrote it, and was very dry.

>> No.22307652

Dostovesky is a dry write in Russian, too, you goober.

>> No.22307800

Its lauded as the most accurate English depiction of the original Russian. This from native Russian speakers who have also mastered English.
If you think Garnett is superior, its because you were woo’d by her embellishments added because she misinterprets the original text.
Dostoy in Russian is renowned for his dry wit and intentional clunky prose. Garnette misses much of this completely, ie Marmeledov’s funeral dinner, intended to be comical as it comes off in PV is a solemn and more serious matter in Garnett.
If you think Dostoy is dry because of PV you are wrong in blaming in on PV. You think Dostoyevsky is dry. Garnett is essentially adding much of her own writing to the novels, you are essentially saying you prefer a later remake to the original film.

>> No.22307862

Why didn't they translate the title right? It should be "The Karamazov Brothers."

>> No.22307882
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I read this one (it was the cheapest in the bookstore)

>> No.22307922

The MacAndrew trans is not bad but that book itself fucking sucks. The formatting is cluttered and the font choice makes it difficult to read. Had this exact copy but dropped it in favor of the comfy vintage print

>> No.22308078

If you are alluding to Dostoevsky’s worst novels, then, indeed, I dislike intensely The Brothers Karamazov and the ghastly Crime and Punishment rigamarole. No, I do not object to soul-searching and self-revelation, but in those books the soul, and the sins, and the sentimentality, and the journalese, hardly warrant the tedious and muddled search. Dostoyevsky’s lack of taste, his monotonous dealings with persons suffering with pre-Freudian complexes, the way he has of wallowing in the tragic misadventures of human dignity – all this is difficult to admire. I do not like this trick his characters have of ”sinning their way to Jesus” or, as a Russian author, Ivan Bunin, put it more bluntly, ”spilling Jesus all over the place." Crime and Punishment’s plot did not seem as incredibly banal in 1866 when the book was written as it does now when noble prostitutes are apt to be received a little cynically by experienced readers. Dostoyevsky never really got over the influence which the European mystery novel and the sentimental novel made upon him. The sentimental influence implied that kind of conflict he liked—placing virtuous people in pathetic situations and then extracting from these situations the last ounce of pathos. Non-Russian readers do not realize two things: that not all Russians love Dostoevsky as much as Americans do, and that most of those Russians who do, venerate him as a mystic and not as an artist. He was a prophet, a claptrap journalist and a slapdash comedian. I admit that some of his scenes, some of his tremendous farcical rows are extraordinarily amusing. But his sensitive murderers and soulful prostitutes are not to be endured for one moment—by this reader anyway. Dostoyevsky seems to have been chosen by the destiny of Russian letters to become Russia’s greatest playwright, but he took the wrong turning and wrote novels.

>> No.22308151

Is the maguire translation of demons good? I want that one just becaise I like the cover.

>> No.22308244
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I'd rather read a mediocre book translated incorrectly into a good book than read it translated correctly into a mediocre book

>> No.22308374

What the fuck is the point in even publishing new translations? Also that cover is fucking woeful lmao

>> No.22308383

>Brothers Karamazov
Retarded take. The actual situation is that a great book gets mistranslated into something that's just not what the author wrote.

>> No.22308409

It reminds me of the newest Ishiguro book covers.

>> No.22308642

PnV is garbage though

>> No.22308972
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>> No.22309464

>unironically shilling for P&V
absolutely fucking retarded

>> No.22309517

you are mentally ill

>> No.22309685

Best 5 russian novels in your opinion?

>> No.22309723

War and Peace
Anna Karenina
Fathers and Sons
Dead Souls

>> No.22309729

Lolita was neither written in Russian nor written in Russia.

>> No.22309742

That's a Nobo Cough quote my bro

>> No.22309768

1. Demons
2. Anna K
3. Brothers Kam
4. Oblomov
5. We
6. W&P
7. Master & Margarita
8. The Idiot
9. Dead Souls
10. A Hero of our Time

>> No.22309772

It was written by a Russian, therefore it is a Russian novel.

>> No.22309985

>pv good
Thanks, I can go ahead and disregard every thought and opinion you have because you are a drooling midwit retard incapable of anything resembling critical thinking that isn’t just regurgitated talking points you’ve heard someone far more intelligent than you saying.

>> No.22309991
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monolingual amerisluts detected. go back to festering in your hole of ignorance, cretins.

>> No.22310001

If you talk like this in real life, no wonder you're on a Korean Basketball forum

>> No.22310006

same could be said of you

>> No.22310047

Based Demons enjoyer. Are you patrician enough to have read The Youngling too?

>> No.22310056

Salute for King Floch

>> No.22310092

He said top 5

>> No.22310097

Is reading it in another slavic tongue good enough?

>> No.22310108

Reading anything in the original is the best since you don't have to read a translation
but only a pedant or a dork would put someone down for reading a translation.

>> No.22310121
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>but only a pedant or a dork would put someone down for reading a translation.
amerifat spotted. I hope you suffocate in your own monolingual fat rolls.

>> No.22310149

boohoo nigga

>> No.22310152

You are an 80iq illiterate.

>> No.22310154

And yet, I'm not.

>> No.22310167

you are a subhuman amerigoblin. seek help. even 80iq africans know more languages than you.

>> No.22310199

And yet there's not a single thing you can do to prove that. Retard.

>> No.22310212 [DELETED] 

been to more international places than you've dreamt of and swooped more women from europe, south america, and asia (the original "language immersion" than you have stamps in your passport (if you even have one)
i hope that helps dork

>> No.22310266

There once was a plumber named Lee,
Who was plumbing a girl by the sea,
She said “Stop your plumbing,
there’s somebody coming.”
Said the plumber still plumbing, “It’s me!”

>> No.22310560

>> Post epub or pdf if you wanna shill about it!

>> No.22310563

хyй cocaл нe вкycный

>> No.22311737

Do you have sources from these native Russians that explain their reasoning? I'm not interested in simply appealing to what native Russian speakers say unless they can explain their reasoning. Nabokov was fluent in both Russian and English but many people take issue with his translations all the same. Either way, translation involves so much subjectivity on behalf of both the translator and the reader that I don't think you can ever truly choose one "best" translation. Even accuracy is, to some extent, subjective.

>> No.22311741

Put your trip on, sir faggot retard duncan

>> No.22313046

Yes it is good.

>> No.22313055

Oh yeah glad I went with P and V. Miss me with women being trusted with someone like Dostoevsky.

>> No.22313063
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>> No.22313068

>le epic reaction pic

>> No.22313073
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>> No.22313093

You know 50% of p&v is a woman right?

>> No.22313096

>responding to my post in less than 10 minutes
Oh so I made you mad mad huh midwit?

>> No.22313110
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Still 200% better than being fully written by a w*man

Thank God Peaver was there

You know, the best thing about not reading books authored by woman is that I know there is nothing on which I am missing out. I maintain that women *can* be good writers, but this capacity is relegated to a) children’s books and b) cookbooks

>> No.22313117

the holy trinity of cancer right here folks

>> No.22313120

>Obsession with Americans
I speak 3 languages already, Ivan. Sorry but I'm not wasting 400 hours learning Russian when Mandarin and Arabic are still ahead of the list.

>> No.22313121

2/3 so close!
Are you bothered by misogyny?

>> No.22313140

You're trying too hard, anon.

>> No.22313160

Garnett is best and in tired of pretending it's not.

>> No.22313183

wtf are you talking about

>> No.22313226
File: 52 KB, 469x598, 1672292007050883.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So has anyone actually read this new translation who can give an actual opinion on it? I read P&V a couple of years back and have been thinking about reading the book again sometime soon.

>> No.22313231

It's solid. Similar to Garnett but more refined and less Brit centered.

>> No.22313233

Aјдe eби cи мaтep, мoжe?

>> No.22313244

Might give it a shot then. The only thing is it costs about twice as much as a cheap Garnett edition, is too new to find in secondhand book stores, and might take some time to get to the libraries.

>> No.22313253

i'd drop in a request to your library, so few people do that it usually doesn't take that long

if you really want to reread it soon though garnett isnt bad

>> No.22313281

I've only seen reviews on reddit and everyone said it's pretty outstanding. I'll check it out when I can pirate it. The translator is jewish though if that bothers you

>> No.22313287

Go back to soiddit,

>> No.22313291

nah I think i'll stay
nothing you can do about it lol

>> No.22313294

You're a cucked fag lol

>> No.22314005

>> Any Links Yet?

Anons, post a epub...will ya.

>> No.22314025
File: 381 KB, 1280x847, dfuns 2023-07-28 051929.608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Katz v P&V
New is clearly better

>> No.22314034

Holy shit. The physical is PV right? That honestly reads so fucking bad. Katz just flows right through.

>> No.22314037
File: 336 KB, 1280x935, IMG_7586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes. can’t believe i ever read the p&v version. opening paragraph. the clunkiness…

>> No.22314331

Is the McDuff translation of TBK any good?

>> No.22314703

Still think P&V is Aesthetically Superior. The new one looks like dumbed down for retards. Perplexity>>Quandary.

>> Learn to Read, if you think it's clunky...you dumb retards

>> No.22314706

Also, Fateful Question > Crucial Question

It's a noble centered around Faith you dumb retards.

>> No.22314714

*faithful & *novel

>> kek, I'm RETARDED