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File: 147 KB, 609x1000, call of the wild by jack london.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22306780 No.22306780 [Reply] [Original]

What was your favorite book when you were ten?

>> No.22306787

Percy Jackson series

>> No.22306788

I didn't startbreadung until I was eleven

>> No.22306793
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Bangers, the whole trilogy. Unreal bangers.

>> No.22306878

I think I had finally aged out of re-reading the entirety of Deltora Quest for 6th time and was probably reading Mortal Engines or something, though I don't think I ever finished that series
sadly shortly after I discovered video games and only read assigned shit at school after that

>> No.22306880

I stopped reading books when I was 9

>> No.22306894

Lord of the Rings

>> No.22306898

This is one of them. I guess I liked Charlottes Web and 1984, too. Basic stuff. But I also read a lot of American history, art history, and stuff on welding, meteorology, and got my first taste of the ins and outs of music creation and it’s history as well. I also liked books on science too.

>> No.22306899

If manga volumes count as books then Berserk.

>> No.22307132

Is this really appropriate as a kid's book? It had some adult stuff in it

>> No.22307372
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>> No.22307379

Cirque Du Freak series

>> No.22307583
File: 170 KB, 258x387, Eragon_book_cover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22307586

are these wolves having gay sex?????

>> No.22307601

Jack London is the most well known American writer in the 3rd world country I'm from so I was surprised to learn that he was considered an irrevelant pulp writer in the anglosphere. Anyway probably something from Jules Verne

>> No.22307605

Hatchet by Gary Paulsen. Great boy scout tier adventure story

>> No.22307653
File: 184 KB, 646x1000, 2481282F-1A10-4E33-98CA-97968745A9CC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ranger’s Apprentice. The 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 7th were unreal.

>> No.22307791

hobbit or lotr, there was this kids book ive always wanted to find about some man on a sled being pulled by wolves who kidnapped children and i think he may have turned to a bat or something, there was definitely a bat in a dank cave in one chapter, dont suppose any anons know what this book is called, its a kids one.

>> No.22307865

Animorphs #20-22 aka the David Trilogy

>> No.22308003
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10 was actually the year I learned to read
Can’t speak to the first book I read myself but first one I really remeber enjoying (that I read rather then was read to me) was probably pic related
I’d pick one up at the Book sales my school had and read it non-stop blowing through a single book in a day
It was the first time I ever felt that fire about something I read myself.

>> No.22308031
File: 105 KB, 662x1000, RedWall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read nearly all the redwall books, but this one stood out the most. There were a couple tragic elements in it that my young mind hadn't come across before.

>> No.22308034

The Three Musketeers.

>> No.22308101

I had a lot of DK dinosaur books and the like as a kid, so probably one of those. I think the only fiction I had really read was Harry Potter. I had a box set of the Lord of the Rings but that's when I started to lose interest in reading for fun, despite being a good reader from a young age.
I missed a lot of YA fiction due to my faggotry. I'm looking forward to my son getting older so I can find a reason to read some of it now, in reading them alongside him.

>> No.22308117

That's awesome anon, I also have many fond memories reading this book series as a young shitlin'. The first three were pretty neat and I think that's all I was able to read before aging out.

>> No.22308124
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Absolute favorite YA series from that age.

>> No.22308761

I just remember violence and animal abuse.

>> No.22308775
File: 1.25 MB, 1076x1600, Matilda-by-Roald-Dahl-602302265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fav book was pic related for ages, but I think by 10 it was the tail end of that phase. Maybe the Thrawn trilogy afterwards?

>> No.22309261

one of the calvin and hobbes collections
probably there's treasure everywhere

>> No.22309373

extremely based

>> No.22309479
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>> No.22309485
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Fuck off, don’t bring my precious wolves into your gay fantasies

>> No.22309629

based take. Brotherband chronicles were pretty good too.

>> No.22309648
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This was the first book I borrowed from a library, I didn't understand everything at that time but it was fun.

>> No.22309707

this is a sinful cover

>> No.22309757

Jack London's novel "The Call of the Wild" is perhaps one of the most abhorrent little works ever to be put to the page. London's rapacious blood lust is insatiable, his greed for suffering grotesque. In a twisted mirror of theology, any good or benevolence to be found in this little book exists purely to accentuate and amplify the horrors waiting in store. His selection of a domesticated canine living in the lap of luxury, awash in innocence is a cheap and hucksterish ploy to capture the attention of an oblivious audience before subjecting them to an onslaught of masochism, luring unsuspecting innocents like lambs to the grisly slaughter. Like some unearthly vampiric entity, London's soul continues to thirst for fresh blood, and each new set of eyes which fall upon his vile words represent virgin flesh waiting to be torn asunder by him, their contents drunk greedily by his inhuman spirit. With each generation who read this work, who breathe life afresh into the graphic, nay, PORNOGRAPHIC descriptions of the bloody sufferings of the main character, Buck, London's grave is soaked anew in fresh offerings, the ground, like a bottomless well, always able to accept the new torrent. Thus, I shall cast myself in the roll of Van Helsing and drive a stake through the heart of this dead but still powerful ghoul. "I damn thee and thy sick machinations down to hell, that they may never work their devilish influence on another of God's blessed children who walk in the light of the sun and seek comfort and good society among men!" In short, I did not care for the novel.

>> No.22309769

journey to the center of the earth

>> No.22309820

When I was ten I was obsessed with dogs and I liked that the main character was a dog.

>> No.22309837

I used to like Jeronimo Stilton.

>> No.22311046

I would read anything from Jules Verne in the school library.
I remember shortly after I had read journey to the center of the earth I went on vacation with my parents and we went to a big stalagmite cave in southern Europe and I bought a bunch of different crystals there. It felt magical.

>> No.22311071
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This book genuinely sparked a lot of interest in mysteries and philosophy for me.
I loved every bit of it.

>> No.22311075

the hobbit, although i soon after discovered salinger, who became my ten year old favorite

>> No.22311127
File: 111 KB, 649x1000, 61Q3YdCXGML._AC_UF894,1000_QL80_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I grew up with an alcoholic abusive father after my mom fucked off and everyone always treated me like the black sheep, they blamed me for everything that went wrong even things I knew nothing about. Parents would tell their kids not to play with me, teachers would treat me like garbage, eventually I started acting out so they drugged me and I spent all day in a dream like state barely being able to think and move.
When the valars start harassing morgoth then eru tells them he created morgoth and thus morgoth is not a mistake because God doesn't make mistakes it was the first time in my life I felt I wasn't garbage
Then as an adult I understood. People create their own villains because they need their own villains and all the abuse I was forced to endure was them trying to force me to fit the role, they wanted me to become violent because they need violent people, they wanted me to become some sort of addict or to mug people or to stab someone with a knife, they weren't aware of it but they aren't really aware of anything because there is a higher collective consciousness dictating most of what we do

>> No.22311172
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the 42 original DragonBall books

>> No.22311176

Calvin and Hobbes comic

>> No.22311396
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>Then as an adult I understood. People create their own villains because they need their own villains and all the abuse I was forced to endure was them trying to force me to fit the role, they wanted me to become violent because they need violent people, they wanted me to become some sort of addict or to mug people or to stab someone with a knife, they weren't aware of it but they aren't really aware of anything because there is a higher collective consciousness dictating most of what we do.

I think you got it wrong anon, your dad was an asshole that projected all his problems on his surrounding that's why your mother probably left and you endured the abuse. Regarding all the people looking other way, that's what people do when drama occurs. Everyone is so busy with their own life they make sure to have excuses to not help people in need.

I'm really sorry to hear you went through all that shit in your life. I hope your now in a better place.