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22305607 No.22305607 [Reply] [Original]

Who was the most /lit/ Pope?

>> No.22305618

Pope Nigga

>> No.22305621

so this is what an actual functioning society looks like

>> No.22305941

weird how it's all white but he himself wants to make it much more brown

>> No.22305948

Hadrian VII

>> No.22305952

>spends all day on 4chan
>sees image of public transport that isn't a fight or absurd encounter for the first time
>"so this is what an actual functioning society looks like"

>> No.22305960
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Formosus is the most metal.

>> No.22306177

As a user of public transportation IRL, I can confirm that, indeed, the discrepancy between the vehicle in the aforementioned picture and its modern equivalent is one of deeply declined quality and sanitation.

>> No.22306190


If you guys haven't seen it, the Two Popes is a good movie

>> No.22306306 [DELETED] 
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spot the signs

>> No.22306327
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>most /lit/ Pope

Ratzinger/Benedict's got to be up there, right? The man is arguably the most interesting thinker of the entire 20th Century. It's especially intriguing how he started out as a champion of nouvelle théologie but then later in life went hardcore Trad, culminating in Summorum Pontificum.

>> No.22306333


>> No.22306347

Nope. There's a woman on the train.

>> No.22306472


>> No.22306641

I find it hard to respect Ratzinger as an intellectual when he deliberately covered up the mass child abuse cases left over from JP2's time. Also he avoided Atheists and Muslims intellectuals challenging him.

>> No.22306672

His humility in administrative matters is more admirable than his theology.

>> No.22306761

>Atheists and Muslims intellectuals challenging him
debating isnt becoming of a person of his stature

>> No.22306762

>I find it hard to respect Ratzinger as an intellectual when he deliberately covered up the mass child abuse cases
we dont know what he knew.

>> No.22306766

Pope Peter
>literally wrote part of the bible

>> No.22306771

I understand as head of a religion, he'd be risking a lot for very little gain however even before he took office, his academic work is very lacking

>> No.22306801

>his academic work is very lacking
96% of academics work is lacking. I would rather criticise him on the fundamental deficiency of his scholarly contributions rather than lack. That the man saw into the text of what was claimed as God's and was deficient to his sight.

>> No.22306830

of course!
i also found Karol Voytyla's (?) work on Kant and Scheler interesting, but I guess that almost every pope was /lit/ af. Ratzinger must still have a special place since the catholic revival of Thomism and the Leonine commission. Whoever is not fascinated by Ratzinger lacjs intellectual curiosity. I think that this is even true for atheists.
>t. was an atheist myself and still fascinated by Ratzinger.

>> No.22306832

I'm an atheist but he doesn't talk about the recomposition of proletarian consciousness as a new social formation across a mobility in post-fordism. The current pope *might* while raping boys.

>> No.22306833

take my (((gold))) , kind stranger. keep up the sjw mindset!

>> No.22306836

best candidate so far!

>> No.22306906

Geez Louise, atheists sicken me

>> No.22306912

raping boys is progressive af

>> No.22306944


>> No.22306971
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Popess Johanna

>> No.22307016

Pope Pius XI. He even predicted that feminism would lead to redpill/incel culture and Andrew Tateism:
> More than this, this false liberty and unnatural equality with the husband is to the detriment of the woman herself, for if the woman descends from her truly regal throne to which she has been raised within the walls of the home by means of the Gospel, she will soon be reduced to the old state of slavery (if not in appearance, certainly in reality) and become as amongst the pagans the mere instrument of man.

Other than him, Pope Leo XIII and Pope Pius IX are my favourites.
Benedict XVI was not a Pope. He was an arch-heretic anti-Pope whose only purpose was to give the appearance of conservatism in order to prevent more Traditionalists and their children from breaking away with the Vatican II sect. He was a liberal who admitted that the project of Vatican II had been the reconciliation of the Church with the world as it had become since the French Revolution. He must be absolutely rejected as a horrible anti-Pope by anybody who is Catholic.

>Summorum Pontificum
How are you still blind to the fact that this was nothing but a manoeuvre to stop the breakaway of more and more traditionalists from the horrific Vatican II religion? Maybe, MAYBE, you could be excused in 2007 thinking Ratzinger had had a genuine conversion to the Catholic faith, but today after he has expressed his unequivocal support for his anti-Christ successor Francis, who repealed Summorum Pontificum in most despotic fashion, who is there left still believing him? The Bene-plenists (who believed that his resignation had been invalid and that therefore he and not Francis was the true Pope) were clearly desperately holding onto a lie, in which the contradiction was palpable. And the Novus Ordo conservatives who denounced Francis for his departure with Ratzinger clearly had no answer to the fact that Ratzinger was Francis’ greatest cheerleader. Only the explanation which posits Ratzinger’s anti-papacy to be a distraction for traditionalists makes any sense.

The Sedevacantist alone, who traces the revolution back to John XXIII, has the consistent position. Neither the Novus Ordo liberals like Francis, nor the Novus Ordo conservatives like Ratzinger, nor the FSSP, nor the SSPX, are able to escape the contradictions inherent in their positions.

And I admit it: this position is likely to lead one to the brink of insanity, as it has with me. But the only other position is to abandon Catholicism, which is as unthinkable as committing suicide.

>> No.22307027

>Benedict XVI was not a Pope. He was an arch-heretic anti-Pope
uh oh a protty larping as a latin

>> No.22307048

modern scholars mostly agree peter did not write anything in the bible. some apocrypha are attributed to him though

>> No.22307061

>sneedevacantist blowing his stack about le arch heretic francis again
I don't get it. If the RCC is the one, holy, catholic, and apostolic church, why on Earth would you jump ship just because the head honcho sucks? Didn't you guys have popes who did way worse stuff, like hiring prostitutes or ordering murders? All you're doing is drawing the people who could enact change from within towards a breakaway group with no power.

>> No.22307076

Ratzinger, prior to being the Pope, did more than anyone else in the Church to try to stop the sexual abuse and investigate those involved but he was continually blocked. He ended up getting associated with it because the scandal broke during his time but he never protected anyone and worked a lot to stop the protection going on under JP2

I do agree his engagement with Islam left a lot to be desired. He just attacked it a lot and never really confronted it in an intelligent way. The War on Terror pope

>> No.22307077

yeah makes me think that breakaway trad groups are glowOps to d&c. Sedes cant even agree who was the last pope, some even elected their own popes, most just accept Pius XII because of correlation not causation.

>> No.22307105

>Sedevacantists are Protestants
Do you understand that the current Pope of the Vatican II religion openly praises Luther, has a statue of him in the Vatican, and believes in the Lutheran doctrine of justification which was condemned at the Council of Trent? Do you understand that Vatican II ecumenism is Protestant in origin since it presupposes that a common agreement on a “mere Christianity” can give unity to the baptised, a view which the Protestants had to develop since their lack of a central authority led them to innumerable schisms and doctrinal differences? Do you understand that the Vatican II insistence on the secularisation of the State was not only profoundly against the spirit of the Catholic Church throughout all times; but, if a religious origin is to be ascribed to it at all, it arises, among other things, out of the Protestant disregard of institutional Church authority in favour of the believer’s individual spiritual encounter with Jesus? Do you understand that the New Mass, apart from representing a democratic, liberal spirit, also was explicitly concocted in order to appeal to Protestants, and thus is virtually indistinguishable from the low Church Methodist liturgy, in fact being inferior in grandeur to the high Church Anglican mass?

Look, I’ve studied this issue for years since I converted and was baptised in a Novus Ordo parish. There is simply no way to get around the fact that Vatican II is a departure, a stark and irreconcilable departure, from the Catholicism of the past. Sedevacantism is hard to swallow. It has brought me to the brink of insanity. But it is the best of a selection of bad choices.
Three things disqualify one from the papacy: heresy, insanity, and womanhood. The Popes of the Vatican II Church are imposing a non-Catholic religion on society. They cannot be Popes of the Catholic Church.

>> No.22307119
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Argentina is full of Italian and German Chuds (Assuming this photo is old since he looks a bit younger but waddafakdoikno)

>> No.22307126
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Peter was not a pope. One or two twisted verses does not justify the sin of the Roman catholic church. So many cultists on this board, explains why none of you actually believe anything the Bible says, because most of it contradicts with your religion and your cult teachings.

>If the RCC is the one, holy, catholic, and apostolic church
Nothing about Roman catholicism is Biblical or in line with the Word of God. They even deny the validity and truth of scriptures and they're told only their priest class can properly interpret it.
They used to torture people for simply owning a Bible, that's how much the Roman catholic church hates the Word of God.

>> No.22307146

>enact change
That’s what societies such as the SSPX are trying to do. But their position is extremely precarious because they wage war against the Vatican II Church whilst paying homage to its hierarchy. At some point the contradiction becomes tough to handle, which is why so many Sedevacantists come out of Archbishop Lefebvre’s seminary at Econe. The SSPX sets up parishes in defiance of the local Vatican II bishop, refuses to accept the annulment decisions of the Vatican II marriage tribunals, and questions the recent canonisations of people like John Paul II and Mother Theresa. When the bishops Lefebvre consecrated grow old the SSPX is going to have to seriously look at consecrating new bishops, which might lead to their excommunication once again. The attempt to fight the Vatican II Church from within eventually engenders such cognitive dissonance that Sedevacantism starts looking like the only option.

>> No.22307149

why stop at Pius XII? Have you investigated every pope? Richard Ibranyi of Mary's Little Remnant believes the last pope was in 1130 because afterwards greek pagan philosophy became too intertwined with Christianity. that is the absurdity of the individualism of sedevacantism

>> No.22307270

Too many denominations to take any
prot seriously for more than a 30 seconds.
Lost Sheep with no shepherd
Led by conspiracies
and "check out this new thing" type thinking.
"hey check out my chick tracts"
" King James, himself used to read chic
tracts, King James used chic tracts as reference material when he wrote the bible!!"

>> No.22307295 [DELETED] 

>spends all their money on bottom surgery
>sees it bleeding for the open wound that it is
>"I am a real woman"

>> No.22307313

Pope St Gregory the Great. He’s the only reason we know about the lives of many of the early saints

>> No.22307319

The King James Bible is called that because king James the 1st/6th wanted Anglicans and puritans to stop fighting so he ordered them to work on a bible translation together

>> No.22307329
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It’s not about investigating the Pope. It’s about reading the signs of the times. Francis the man, JPII the man, Ratzinger the man — all of these are unimportant. If one of them died another would take their place. What is significant is the force which drives them, inspires them, and created them: that is, the revolutionary force of Modernity, which is identical to the force of Satan. This spirit is discovered not through the pedantic exegesis of their texts in an attempt to discover heresy within them, but by the integration of all these individual events and data points into a systemic whole. Why was John Paul II the first “Pope” in 2000 years of history to pray in a Synagogue? Why do they suddenly condemn the death penalty, even though it was always upheld as just? Why do they teach, in stark contradiction to the past, that the State must be secularised? Why are they feminists? These questions, and the thousands of others which could be raised, can only be answered by men who take the 50,000 foot view and look at historical events not as individual, decontextualised happenings but as symbols and expressions of a deeper spirit. Like John of Patmos, who watched with horror and amazement the events of cosmic history unfold before his eyes in the form of dragons and seven-headed beasts; of what importance to him were the particular material instantiations of these forces? It is only those who take the 50,000 foot view who will see the Vatican II Revolution as intimately linked with the Protestant Revolution, the wars of religion, the peace of Westphalia, Renaissance Humanism, Tudor enclosure and the end of the Feudal society, the Enlightenment, the revolt of the colonies, Freemasonry, the French Revolution, industrialisation, the creation of the market system, the rise of the financiers, liberalism, communism, socialism, nationalism, the two world wars, the myth of the Holocaust, the sexual libertinism and the detached nihilism of the 1960s. But this sort of perception requires a tact which most do not possess; the tact which allows one to go to the New Mass and see immediately the democratic, liberal spirit it presents immediately without need for an argument. It is this that separates the Traditionalist from the Novus Ordo Catholic: the Traditionalist thinks holistically, symbolically, and intuitively, like a prophet; the Novus Ordo Catholic thinks individually, legally, and pedantically, like a lawyer.

>> No.22307347

Did Vatican II truly broke the Churches back?

>> No.22307365

ok so its subjective gnosticism?

>> No.22307386

I don't know. This is just the conclusion I have come to from my 4 years in Catholicism.

>> No.22307430


>> No.22307449

After years and years of going back and forth on this, I’ve finally accepted that it’s impossible for me to be a Catholic. All my prayers, theological studies, contemplations, all come to naught when I walk into the local churches and am forced to experience the real world effects of Vatican II/modernism. It’s over. I just can’t do it anymore.

>> No.22307456

Also, no, there’s no Tridentine mass anywhere near me. We had it for a few months in our local parish and the faggot bishop squashed it even though attendance was through the roof.

>> No.22307474

Debates are for the birds, anon. We’re talking about a pope, not Jordan Peterson.

>> No.22307481

That image is from the late 20th century, so no.

>> No.22307522

What’s funny? I have come to this conclusion after 4 years of studying the Vatican II revolution. It’s not possible to reconcile it with the past.

>> No.22307590

Sheep without a shepherd scatter/chaos ?
Can't agree on much...a house divided.

>> No.22307595

this is donatism. are u there because its true or because of the aesthetic?

>> No.22307645

Theres only one place where latin mass happens in my country.

>> No.22307666

The new mass is an abomination. For one thing you can’t even be sure it’s valid, so you might be worshipping a piece of bread. For another, even if it is valid, it is absolutely destructive to your faith. It’s better to stay at home on Sundays and pray if only the new mass is available.

>> No.22307699

>it is absolutely destructive to your faith

>> No.22307703

>devil trips
>a valid mass is "absolutely destructive to your faith"
Begone satan

>> No.22307775

Pope Pius X on Zionism
"The Jews have not recognized our Lord, therefore we cannot recognize the Jewish people."

>> No.22307781
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The popes are antichrist.

>> No.22307782

Papist rapists

>> No.22307799
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>be NEET
>be saved by faith alone
ty luther

>> No.22307845
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Obviously only Æneas Sylvius. Any other answer comes from ignorance and retardation.

>> No.22308582


>> No.22309190

Was he ever referred to as Uncle Syl ?

>> No.22309710

Innocent VIII, father of 13 children including Christopher Columbus.

>> No.22309740

>she will soon be reduced to the old state of slavery (if not in appearance, certainly in reality) and become as amongst the pagans the mere instrument of man
this is not nearly as conservative as you think, chud, this is like arguing Islam is "bad" for being oppressive to women all the while the more enlightened and respectful Christian cultures tolerate a more Hollywood lifestyle... you have made "the status of women in society" your standard of evaluation, which ends with women's liberation because at all times in all places the winning side of the debate is often that more autonomy is good, and this is the collapse of Christian-normative morality, which is fine if you aren't larping as a tradcath

>> No.22310002
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Everybody who bitches about the current state of the Church would have lost their minds during the Arian Crisis, when the vast majority of the bishops were open heretics and Saint Athanasius the Great literally had to endure exile and threat of death for holding to the truth of the Trinity.

Just stick to what you know the Truth of the Faith is and keep going to Mass, and keep praying the Rosary. In the end, Christ will prevail, through the actions of His saints. It's happened before.

>> No.22310299

(((modern))) "scholars" (σχολή, -ης, η - - 1: idleness, 2: activity during idleness, study) also agree that the Gospel of Mark can be called "the written sermon of St. Simon Peter", as St. John Mark was a student and traveling companion of St. Simon Peter, who also won him for Christianity. Lots of interesting stuff to know and (((look smart))) .