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File: 138 KB, 1080x1084, 24daa3c1298bc36089461de75a4c4c9f6546cd7394ea92d29f73bdcbd253e881_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22305133 No.22305133 [Reply] [Original]

yo where would someone find visual themes that fit for their blog if said someone's ideas are leaning a bit on the schizo side
all the suggestions made by blogger and google are vanilla and boring as fuck

>> No.22305142


>> No.22305150

>said someone
learn to speak the language before you blog anything, ESL faggot

>> No.22305184
File: 25 KB, 560x307, image_2023-07-26_010529144.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>learn to speak the language before you blog anything, ESL faggot
t. ESL monkey from punjabistan or whatever the fuck it's called
check the fucking >pic rel and sit your fucking ass down pratesh

and im writing it in my native language you sub80iq braindead brown handed curry eating sisterfucker

>> No.22305234

LMAO i'm not complaining about the use of said, i'm complaining that said contradicts some you fucking monkey brained nigger. Like i said, maybe learn the language before using it you drooling shitskin mongoloid

>> No.22305266
File: 1.74 MB, 498x432, cat-what.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck is this retard even talking about
>"said contradicts some"
bro are you fucking high or do you have braindamage from the safe and effective™ juice?

>> No.22305303

you're so stupid it hurts. You're a pseud who uses language to sound more intelligent than you are, ignoring semantic content.

>said some one
is like writing
>this particular non-particular thing

you're a fucking idiot. Don't bother publishing anything you heckin based trad schizo. GPT could do your job. fuck you go back to tw*tter

>> No.22305318

hey, OP here (yes, I'm a girl (guy)). I admit my mistake and agree with your assessment. I'm gonna go kms now because that's what twitter users deserve.

>> No.22305351
File: 2.06 MB, 445x250, ForcefulTameDugong-size_restricted.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this newfriend who doesn't understand 4chan meme language is arguing about semantics with me lmao you cant make this shit up
also the fucking level of projections is comedy level
>you're so stupid it hurts. You're a pseud who uses language to sound more intelligent than you are, ignoring semantic content.
change it to 1st person and that's you

lmao arguing with autistic safe and effective™ customers about language

>> No.22305393

Just pick one and stay to it. It doesn't matter very much so pick 1 you like.

>> No.22305433
File: 136 KB, 694x336, Screen Shot 2023-07-25 at 7.33.09 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

time to stop posting, epic memester

>> No.22305540
File: 25 KB, 600x512, nick-young-confused-face-300x256_nqlyaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first time i've browsed 4chan was in 2010 or 2009 cant remember the exact year
why tf did you underline the file name?

>> No.22305571

that's pathetic considering you write like you're 13 years old and still come here for answers you could have gotten from google in five seconds.

your pattern recognition must be at truly sub-human levels if it's been 10+ years and you still stand out this badly

>> No.22306633

go to google images
then search using whatever words you want
all kinds of stuff will come back

>> No.22306954

>cryptic symbolism from your dreams

>> No.22307009
File: 62 KB, 385x458, image_2023-07-26_134818086.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pattern recognition? bro what the fuck is wrong with you? has it ever occured to your galaxy gigabrain that i've already searched on google and didn't find what i was looking for?
i came here to ask if someone knows some places that maybe dont show up on google where you could find themes that are not vanilla as fuck
you dont even understand the assignment at hand and all you do is show this attitude of superiority based on what? who the fuck are you? what have you done in this life to justify such an attitude? i bet you're a fucking 15 year old with a neck circumference thinner than my dick acting high and mighty on le anonymoose forum and i bet you're also an incel
>80 lbs limp-wristed virgins jumping at your neck for asking a question lmao
i'll break you in half on my knee irl
>pic is you

>> No.22307025
File: 627 KB, 1920x1036, ES2, Sheredyn, UE, Sisters of Mercy, et al (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'd have to agree with the early bird: >>22305142

but you kind of are not in the right place for visual art, this is a booknook for mentally challenged young men to roleplay as men who are educated,
it is home to religious propagandists too
who come here to recruit because they have nothing better to do

>> No.22307054
File: 49 KB, 491x371, 1658549579576406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well then, would his lordship be so kind as to point this humble peasant in the right direction?

>> No.22307099

probably here >>>/gd/

>> No.22307173
File: 1.64 MB, 300x228, sX78i.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you for doing the needful ser