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/lit/ - Literature

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22297879 No.22297879 [Reply] [Original]

I don t believe in love.
Is there a crime bigger than this one.
All this books and poems about the one and heart s chosen and all that.
i don't buy it. I believe in monogamy and you should be searching for someone and I think that this idea of true love has caused a lot of evil.
There is a reason the church was against literature.

>> No.22297914

The idea of true love isn't why that woman is fucking Leo. She's doing it because her Instagram pictures look better from the deck of a yacht.

>> No.22297927

I can’t believe people don’t realize that Leo is gay. I wouldn’t be surprised if all the models that bears for him belong to the same talent agency as him. Pure showmance. He gets the playboy totally straight image and the models get publicity. It’s an open secret that he and Lukas Hass were an item at one point. Lots of faggotry in Hollywood. Think of the typical drama school student

>> No.22297929



>> No.22297931

awful big neck on his "girl"

>> No.22297967

awful brain damage on this "anon"

>> No.22297969

she looks 29 anyway so not a huge deal.

>> No.22297971

I don't even believe women exist. All women are dudes. I don't know where children come from but birth is gay propaganda

>> No.22298058
File: 60 KB, 850x400, quote-don-t-depend-too-much-on-anyone-in-this-world-because-even-your-own-shadow-leaves-you-ibn-taymiyyah-61-89-22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The venom of a spider
Causing fevour, tremours,
Can kill with the smallest bite.

How much worse are you?
Who need only throw your eye
To cause fevour, tremours.

Once caught in your web,
How many flies would gladly die
From the smallest bite?

For the sake of public safety
You should be kept away in my home.

>> No.22298154

>For the sake of public safety
>You should be kept away in my home.

>> No.22298169

Romance and love is just a ploy to extract labor from men
Monogamy is also a sham; humans are polygamous and more specifically polygynous

>> No.22298186

Shes just a 19 year old child you sick fuck

>> No.22299473


>> No.22299608

Anytime these girls say this stupid shit, bring up Seinfeld and Woody Allen’s weird shit with 17 year olds and ask why Jews do it all the time, but only whites catch flak.

>t. 29 year old that gets heavy shit for dating 18-19 year olds

>> No.22299615

I’m sorry but that kind of thinking is going to kill you off but more power to ya I guess

>> No.22299618

Good way to get bitched out more in my neck of the woods

>> No.22299625

Who gives you this 'heavy shit'. I'm also 31 and my current gf is 20 so around the same 10 year difference but nobody has ever said anything or pointed it out to any of us.

>> No.22299628

He was literally diddled by his early agent. There's this video on YT where that agent is really touchy with him. That agent was later found to be guilty of molestation. No doubt that Leo is gay (probably due to that ever-present Hollywood predators)

>> No.22299629


>> No.22299632

>Monogamy is also a sham; humans are polygamous and more specifically polygynous
and by humans, i mean women

>> No.22299650

I'm being serious when I say that she's painfully mid. Indeed, she's on the verge of boggery - look at that fucking nose.
These people are retarded. She's capable of making her own decisions at 19, it goes without saying, and the same people arguing that she has no agency in the arrangement are the same Twitter feminists shitting themselves over the patriarchy.

>> No.22299673

won't someone please think of the israeli supermodel? we need to put an iron dome over her to protect her from leo's dick

>> No.22300265

You should clarify which type of love you are referring to but I presume that it's romantic love. In that case, romantic love is just a chemical reaction which propels us to breed and then it fades away. Have you ever felt excited about something but then the more you experienced it, the less exciting it became? It's the same mechanism.
Romantic love might progress into family love which is how we feel towards our family and pets. This is what people term as "pair bonding" but it doesn't mean that your relationship is secure. People change every seven years so the person you started dating might become completely different.
Anyway, romantic love is objectively true but it's not as depicted in most literature or other art forms.

>> No.22300428

is there a reason these women go out with leo? surely they must know he's not gonna marry them

>> No.22300433

They get paid for being his beard.

>> No.22300438
File: 98 KB, 898x1072, 1606865619615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>women get "liberated"
>instantly make hypergamy name of the game
>high status men play the hypergamy game
Be careful what you wish for, these are only the logical consequences of what you wanted. For 100 women on Tinder swiping left on 99% of guys, there's a Leonardo DiCaprio who sees all women over 23 as the disposable garbage they are.

When you turn yourself into a luxury commodity, you submit yourself to market forces.

>> No.22300443

When I was 18 I banged a few women in the mid-40’s. I’m sure these Twitter nobodies would still argue I groomed them.

>> No.22300454

I don't giv a shite about men, I don't giv a shite about women. I fuck whomever I want. If u have a problem with that get in line, I'll fuck u too

>> No.22300456

mirin, when I was 25 I was a 43 year old's boy toy for a couple months

>> No.22300481

Groomer. There’s no way that 43-year-old could’ve consented.

>> No.22300499

>projecting this hard