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22296396 No.22296396 [Reply] [Original]

Well, /lit/ how do you read? Do you read physical books, e-readers or PDFs?
(Audiobooks don't count as reading)

>> No.22296415

only physical and 99% paperbacks

>> No.22296418


>> No.22296423

Used to read physical books but then I turned 18 and became broke so I switched over to PDFs.

>> No.22296430

Hard copies, and pirated pdfs if I don't have/can't get a copy
E-readers are a jewish scheme

>> No.22296434

At the library

>> No.22296438

Physical for the hardcovers I want, and e-reader for everything else.

>> No.22296445

If I could I would never touch an electronic device again, alas, i'm poor

>> No.22296462

i hate pdfs and wish i had more paper books
i might need to get one desu

>> No.22296467

Physical and PDF, I enjoy reading regardless of medium.

>> No.22296471

Unless you’re a student or poor I don’t believe you. No one in this site’s age demographic goes to public libraries anymore

>> No.22296498
File: 162 KB, 723x666, 1575177481895.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only listen to Audiobooks, fight me nigger.

>> No.22296507

>I only listen
nothing to fight about, you are just not a reader, NIGGER

>> No.22296530

Mostly just ebooks. Usually on my laptop. But I do want to get a e reader.

>> No.22296539

I wish I could go to a library bro but I live in a shithole for now. I do like to take a 10km jog to a bookstore every Sunday just to chill out and look at books. I only buy like one or two a month because they are really expensive there.

>> No.22296556

pirated E-books on my Computer and laptop. Books are too expensive to ship them through the internet and there is no library in this nigger infested shithole.
I get my e-books from Libgen, by the way.

>> No.22296567

Plenty of Europeans here, mate.

>> No.22296569

Used kindles cost almost nothing.

>> No.22296703

Physical copies, paperback or leather (faux or genuine), of books that are easily found.
.pdf for expensive or hard to find books.

>> No.22296732

>Do you read physical books, e-readers or PDFs?

>> No.22296744

70/30 paperbacks to ebooks I'd say. There's no denying the convenience of an e-reader, and it has already paid itself back numerous times at this point. That said, I simply can't last for more than a book or two before I start missing the sensation of holding a physical book in my hands.

>> No.22296752

Just like your mother

>> No.22296774

Sync between Android devices and book reader, depending on where I am, and audiobooks while in transit or walking the dog (DGAF if the don't count)
I am not a fan of paper book fetishism, so I buy up to 5 paper books a year.

>> No.22297175

I prefer print. Ereaders are good for other stuff:
>out of print and otherwise rare
>stuff I disagree with but want to have on hand to better reference
>books that I'll probably read once and then never again

Libraries have never really worked out for me.

>> No.22297194

Both. It depends which format I come across the book in.

>> No.22297199
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I have over 350 books on my kindle and haven't paid for a single one. fuck authors and their """jobs"""

>> No.22297256

E reader because I have no room for 500 books. Maybe if I become a billionaire ill have a reading room

>> No.22297267
File: 1.37 MB, 3024x4032, IMG_0741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

E-readers are by far the best way to enjoy the medium.

>> No.22297304
File: 671 KB, 815x611, 1690107798282976.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I download tons of epubs, then if i really love a book i buy it

>> No.22297545

pdfs but I want to start getting physical books, less headaches

>> No.22297548

Do you guys pay for the pdfs...

>> No.22297561

God no

>> No.22297637

LMAO get with the times gramps. Unless you need an exact layout PDF is suboptimal on ereaders

>> No.22297685

The books were taking up too much space, but I couldn't get into reading on a screen until I got an e-ink device. The stuff is black magic.

>> No.22297718

Why the fuck is paperback keeping his arms down? He’s getting jabbed and he’s thinking he can pull some Prince Naseem bullshit? Unlikely. He’s built like a boat, his footwork is shit. He couldn’t slip Teflon. This guy is a clown and he’s arrogant and he deserves the knockout coming his way. What a bum.