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File: 622 KB, 1200x693, Homer_uči_Dantea_Shakespearea_i_Goethea_pjevati.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22294128 No.22294128 [Reply] [Original]

Why should one care about high culture?

>> No.22294135

'tis fun

>> No.22294138

Because rednecks aren't white.

>> No.22294144

elevated culture elevates you as well

on a side note, would Homer really be that thin?

>> No.22294250

the enlightened class that rules this world reads hard stem (not to be confused with pop sci and leftist onions) topics:
they gain fundamental understanding of this world and predictive power that follows, and use it to create trillion dollar industries such as nuclear, semiconductor, hypersonics, aerospace, heavy industry etc

the next class are simple skilled laborers:
welders, electricians, they earn more than humanities professors and they mostly read sports type entertainment and low culture

finally, the lowest class, the class that reads high culture:
(pseudo)intellectuals, who have no predictive power, no real jobs, who are found in welfare/nepotism sector (academia), popularity contests (politics), who gossip and scheme and lie all day, they are corrupt and parasitic
and their only goal in life is justifying their own existence to the other classes they parasitize

>> No.22294253

He was old and blind so yeah

>> No.22294270

and which one are you?

>> No.22294273

You shouldnt, unless you are highly cultured. Its in the name.

>> No.22294274

Socrates, Dante, Thomas Paine and Charles Dickens.

>> No.22294278

why do you care? so you can reply with ad hominem because you cant argue from principles?

>> No.22294292

why are you too embarrassed to answer?

>> No.22294298

good job anon, I want to give you a kiss on your penis, but no more.

>> No.22294308

not the anon who ad hominen'd you before but why do you believe that there's an enlightened class that rules this world?

>> No.22294309

>the enlightened class that rules this world reads hard stem (not to be confused with pop sci and leftist onions) topics:
>they gain fundamental understanding of this world and predictive power that follows, and use it to create trillion dollar industries such as nuclear, semiconductor, hypersonics, aerospace, heavy industry etc
Lol they are not the masters, they are just the house niggers

>> No.22294314

ad homs are statements not questions, mr. gooderperson.

>> No.22294327

aren't there statements inside questions, however? Am I not implying, with this question I just made, that anon's question was implying something about the anon he was quoting?

I am, however, a brainlet.

>> No.22294334

Because it has literary, cultural and historical value.

>> No.22294336

>I am, however, a brainlet.
ad hominem

>> No.22294341

how so?

>> No.22294347

personal characteristic, not argument from principles

>> No.22294358

can someone ad hominem himself?
>I am uneducated on mathematics, can you please explain to me what a proof is?
an ad hominem because of the "I am uneducated on mathematics" bit?

>> No.22294364

>can someone ad hominem himself?
yes, I know this because a redditor said you can't so obviously it's wrong

>> No.22294375

It’s Hesiod, Petrarch, Schiller and Marlowe

>> No.22294385

Now that's a clear appeal to authority you have right there, which enables me to use ad hominem against you, fucking faggot.

>> No.22294391

>appeal to authority
no, the exact opposite

>> No.22294392

im the guy you replied to
this would take too much effort to answer honestly and i dont know where to begin with
beginning from the start, chronologically, would take me 100.000 lines of text to explain
giving you the shorter version would require me to understand what you already understand and what needs to be explained to you

too much effort for no reward

>> No.22294397

>just trust me
principled argument

>> No.22294422

>nooo, you HAVE to convince random retards online! you HAVE to waste 5 hours doing it!
fuck off

>> No.22294429

don't leave

>> No.22294515

Industries do not function without people. Things do not have value unless they serve to make things better for humans. The questions of not merely how to make more things but how we should use them, what ethical purpose they might have for others, what harm they might cause, those kinds of questions are ultimately outside the remit of science. Blind technological growth without care for culture or for the human element is a fast track to civilisational suicide.
Just because something makes money now does not mean it is inherently worth doing.

>> No.22294523

don't bother, he's irrefutably right but it would take too long to type to explain

>> No.22294543

those cosmonauts they send on the international space station, they are essentially plumbers and electricians who are also trained as pilots and soldiers
i also watched a documentary about the possible planned moon base that is supposed to serve a function for the mars mission: not a single fucking ethics job
just like i said, the 3rd class doing its thing, trying to justify itself to the other 2 classes
>cant plan the mars mission with moralism tax! dont forget to pay the moralism tax! think about the muh ethics!

or think of it this way: a doctor, an engineer, and a humanities fag are stuck on a desert island
help is coming, but they will have to cannibalize someone to make it
there are a lot of technical problems to be solved for continued functioning on this island, and health is a big issue too

i say, they need to cannibalize the humanities fag

>> No.22294605

Why should one care about low culture?

>> No.22294623

You’re like a parody of yourself. “If there’s not a ‘job’ for it, it doesn’t exist. There’s no point in ethics because it doesn’t do anything. It’s keeping us from meeting our next meaningless technological goal!” Your scenario is amusingly absurd, I can’t imagine what engineering problems are possibly necessary for survival on a desert island, I should think physical qualities like strength might be more valued. But even so, life is very rarely composed of such zero-sum games and far more frequently requires cooperation. Isn’t it ironic that “health is a big issue” and the doctor’s solution is to kill another person? Without ethics there is only selfish pragmatism, which is not only a terrible long-term strategy but ultimately meaningless.

>> No.22294716

entertainment value

zero sum games is what parasites fear

>> No.22295504

It will furnish your head with beauty and give you an appetite for life.

He's a neet shutin lmao

>> No.22295702

The guy in red must be Virgil, the roman poet, the one who accompanies Dante

>> No.22295738 [DELETED] 

Taking seriously the atheist bourgeois revival of the greek academia is suicidal
The atheist democratic republic is a tool to base society on commerce. Individuals don't matter. What matters is companies, contract between them, and some way of judging if a contract is breached or not. And bureaucracy and academia become part of the ruling class, ie the mercantilist class. Ie the bureaucracy and academia fall under the entertainment industry.

The fantasy of the atheist is to mix, in their republic, 3 things
-the bureaucracy
-the education
-the entertainment
so for instance when you watch the products of Hollywood you get an education, when you get an education you become a better citizen, and when you vote you push for more education and more of Hollywood. In their minds all those 3 fields are the same.

atheists have been pushing the intellectual hype since their meme of enlightenment, hence why according to them all the poor should go to college
atheists have no critical thinking so they think if they dont understand something, it means it's deep and true, and they just parrot the dumb down version of the thing over and over (think of Kant and Hegel, ie The german question).
This was all academics before 2012, but in 2012 occupywall street happened and it's the first time that socialists knew they have a better market to tap than the proletariat after the commies killed themselves (and thus leaving socialists standing like morons, since according to socialists, socialism was a bridge from the classical liberal republic by bourgeois to communism).
The market is the young yuppies educated, not in maths, but in Bullshit studies, full of money, and completely fucking lost in life, doing retarded master like psychology, who will end up in a meaningless bureaucratic job and of course those ppl will be mostly roasties. So it's the perfect recipe
-women have no critical thinking and spend their lives spreading their legs, 10 years of casual sex, then they end up pregnant, so 10 years of raising some kids, then they get bored playing the helicopter mom and they go back to the cock carousel. This makes women desperate to feel virtuous, and they will always embrace what the ruling & entertaining class is telling them (no matter what kind of society they live in)
-the intellectuals in the bourgeois republic want to secure their republic, so the poor who vote really need to think there is an alternative to classical liberalism, and that's jut new liberalism, the 2020 variant is wokeism, but the proletariat is just fucked over since the communists themselves were unmasked as just another society full of control freak atheist bureaucrats who have fuck all idea on what to do, and they heavily despise any criticism
-there is also the jewish trend of pushing for self depreciation on whatever atheists consumed, any angle of the way of life after ww2 will be shitted on

>> No.22295743

atheists have been pushing the intellectual hype since their meme of enlightenment, hence why according to them all the poor should go to college
atheists have no critical thinking so they think if they dont understand something, it means it's deep and true, and they just parrot the dumb down version of the thing over and over (think of Kant and Hegel, ie The german question).
This was all academics before 2012, but in 2012 occupywall street happened and it's the first time that socialists knew they have a better market to tap than the proletariat after the commies killed themselves (and thus leaving socialists standing like morons, since according to socialists, socialism was a bridge from the classical liberal republic by bourgeois to communism).
The market is the young yuppies educated, not in maths, but in Bullshit studies, full of money, and completely fucking lost in life, doing retarded master like psychology, who will end up in a meaningless bureaucratic job and of course those ppl will be mostly roasties. So it's the perfect recipe
-women have no critical thinking and spend their lives spreading their legs, 10 years of casual sex, then they end up pregnant, so 10 years of raising some kids, then they get bored playing the helicopter mom and they go back to the cock carousel. This makes women desperate to feel virtuous, and they will always embrace what the ruling & entertaining class is telling them (no matter what kind of society they live in)
-the intellectuals in the bourgeois republic want to secure their republic, so the poor who vote really need to think there is an alternative to classical liberalism, and that's jut new liberalism, the 2020 variant is wokeism, but the proletariat is just fucked over since the communists themselves were unmasked as just another society full of control freak atheist bureaucrats who have fuck all idea on what to do, and they heavily despise any criticism
-there is also the jewish trend of pushing for self depreciation on whatever atheists consumed, any angle of the way of life after ww2 will be shitted on
-socialists mixed that with the infatuation of the atheists for (fake) introspection
atheists fucking love ''meta'' things, like in their cartoons (atheists love to watch cartoons) so like a cartoon talking directly to the audience knowing he is a cartoon (stuff like rick an morty and so on)

so there you have it, the desperate need of the atheists for public posturing, applying especially to the roasties, and huge control of the ruling class over entertainment (ie Hollywood and the academia).
The fantasy of the atheist is to mix, in their republic, 3 things
-the bureaucracy
-the education
-the entertainment
so for instance when you watch the products of Hollywood you get an education, when you get an education you become a better citizen, and when you vote you push for more education and more of Hollywood. In their minds all those 3 fields are the same

>> No.22295752

>high culture
what does someone get out of posting off-topic pastas?