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22293988 No.22293988 [Reply] [Original]

When was the last time you had sex?

>> No.22293993
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>> No.22293995

Last time I saw an off-topic post on /lit/

>> No.22293996

Why? I'm proud to say that I've never had sex in my lifetime.

>> No.22294008


>> No.22294011

I just had sex half an hour ago with my girlfriend Shirai

>> No.22294018


>> No.22294056

Could be tonight if you’re willing, anon.

>> No.22294068

A couple years ago I guess. She was nice. I liked her but I didn’t love her. She liked the person I could pretend to be. Then I started doing drugs again and figured there was no real point in continuing to try. I ghosted her. Didn’t feel bad about it since I knew she would be better off that way, but then she returned some stuff of mine she had, some clothes etc and I realized she would’ve been better off having never met me at all. So I felt a little bad about it in the end.

>> No.22294076

Some chick off Tinder a few months ago.

I need a wife.

>> No.22294081

Sorry to hear this, seriously. Hope you're both doing good.

>> No.22294096

A few yrs ago

>> No.22294113

february 2024

>> No.22294120

Idk about the girl. I’m sober as of like 2 months ago, but wouldn’t say “good”. For some people opiates really do fill that missing piece of your soul. For now though I’m trying to figure out if maybe the point of life IS having that missing piece.

>> No.22294121

That's how I feel with every woman I date. For a while when I was younger it was nice to prove to myself that I could be accepted by them and be normal, but that wore off quickly and now all that's left is the feeling of distance. I think it's honestly the worst pain, sadness, and anxiety I've ever experienced, all in one, when a girl really likes me in that way a woman can commit to liking someone and feel excited by them, and I can't reciprocate. I basically see women as children and it feels like I'm abusing or manipulating them when they like me. Of course if you tell them this they feel real emotions about it, which makes you feel more distant, and then try to fix it by loving you even harder in their straightforward actual loving way, which makes it even worse.

I tried multiple times to throw myself back in and see if I could heal myself or fake it until I make it and love a woman back but I just see them as such dopes. They want something to simple and so naive that I just don't believe exists, so I can't give it to them. All I can do is lie to them forever or leave.

At some point I wanted sex badly enough that I could at least focus on that. But sex is a mundane thing to me now and once again it makes it even worse because I feel like I'm abusing this naive loving person for her body, which she gives out of love and I take out of mere lust. This led me to disassociate from my own sexuality because I hate that I can "switch it on" in the heat of the moment and fuck a woman I don't love, while she fucks me out of love. Feels like raping her or molesting her or something. Even as I'm writing this the memories are coming back and it's making me feel that awful distance and self-loathing in my chest, the one that always makes me break up with a woman eventually.

I'd give anything to know what it feels like to love a woman so much that you aren't aware that you're loving her, just able to commit to it like they can apparently commit to any random guy they settle on.

>> No.22294126

You should read William James' Varieties of Religious Experience and Simone Weil's thoughts on "affliction"

>> No.22294146

About 2 weeks ago.

>> No.22294162

I've read a couple of books since that.

>> No.22294175

I’ve hooked up with many women but I’ve never completed the sex-act. It seems like I’m cursed and won’t ever actually get laid unless I get married.

>> No.22294181

Happy for you bro.

>> No.22294185

Last week

That misding piece is the curse of human condition and what drives people to do things. Hopefully not opiates from now on.

Sounds like you have some sort of detachment issues.

>> No.22294187

Fuck sake, this post is real.

>> No.22294188


>> No.22294191

January 2020.

>> No.22294193

What are they about?

>> No.22294197

I have never had sex

>> No.22294208
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"Solve et coagula"

>> No.22294249

I kind of know what you mean, have you considered tho that’s just how you think for all relationships?
Take a work relationship, you know what they want, it’s obvious. You give it to them so they fuck off and act how you want them to in return. Say something just polite enough to let them off the hook and go away.
But with a woman you want it to be real so you put more feelings into it, but still act the same way because it’s what you’re used to maybe?
>Don't ask for guarantees. And don't look to be saved in any one thing, person, machine, or library. Do your own bit of saving, and if you drown, at least die knowing you were heading for shore.
When I was younger I used to think “I just want one perfect thing in life, I just want one.. and when I see it I’ll know it” kind of a pretentious mantra, but I’m starting to move past it. I used to imagine I would have a wife and we would know and love eachother unconditionally.. but maybe it’s more like:
>go out of your way to marry someone
>she’s kind of a pain in the ass but she is nice
>you fight sometimes but she has your children and she’s not a bad person so you stay with her and build a friendship
>you’re old and wrinkly and finally really know eachother inside and out
>one of you dies and you realize at that point what it all means and whether it was worth it
>the other dies soon after

>> No.22294261

Two days ago. And with an other girl 4 days ago.

>> No.22294265

Willing to what, to pay?

>> No.22294281

I feel i could only love a cutie. Thing is, out of 40 girls i've dated, i've never dated a real cutie once. Best i had was probably a 7/10.

>> No.22294328

I feel you. I have a gf right now who's very sweet and loving and all that, but I don't really feel that I love her the way she does me, and I feel terrible about it. I have the same thoughts you do when we get intimate.

>> No.22294335

Jesus man

>> No.22294338

real cringe inducing

>> No.22294345

I became a wizard last year. Not desperate enough to pay for hooker. I just don't care anymore about it. The dying alone part is what bothers me.

>> No.22294348
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i'm a man of culture

>> No.22294353

I have a gf so it’s almost a daily routine

>> No.22294381

2018. It was the only time I ever had sex. I was 22. And no, it wasn't a prostitute. It was genuine, earned sex.

>> No.22294432

Every man dies alone.

>> No.22294444

>Last time
We read Oswald Spengler here, sir

>> No.22294445


>> No.22294454

about 6 years ago and if things go to plan I will be a chad gain by 2025 (I am fat)

>> No.22294456

7 years ago. I was 25.

>> No.22294461

I'm a virgin, never had sex. I'm a creep and there's nothing that can be done about it (I tried), I'm just different from the start.

>> No.22294475

Last week

>> No.22294484

Last week
As of 3 months ago I am a regular sex haver after 27 years of being a virgin

If anyone is wondering, it didn't affect my taste in books or my own personal autism at all

>> No.22294486

>"When Helen Lefkowitz said I was "such a creep" at Interlochen in 1956, her remark epitomized the feeling that females have always had about me. My attempts to understand why females rejected me and to decide what to do about it resulted in years of confusion. In 1961-1962, I tried to develop a theory of the creep problem. This theory took involuntary celibacy as the defining characteristic of the creep. Every society has its image of the ideal young adult, even though the symbols of growing up change from generation to generation.The creep is an involuntary celibate because he fails to develop the surface traits of adulthood--poise and sophistication; and because he is shy, unassertive, and lacks self-confidence in the presence of others."

>"The creep is awkward and has an unstylish appearance. He seems sexless and childish. He is regarded by the ideal adults with condescending scorn, amusement, or pity. Because he seems weak and inferior in the company of others, and cannot maintain his self-respect, the creep is pressed into isolation. There, the creep doesn't have the pressure of other people's presence to make him feel inferior, to make him feel that he must be like them in order not to be inferior. The creep can develop the morale required to differ. The creep also tends to expand his fantasy life, so that it takes the place of the interpersonal life from which he has been excluded."


>> No.22294501

Jannies this thread harassment against my kind

>> No.22294517

A prostitute, two years ago.

>> No.22294520

Men and women love differently because evobio etc etc, your job is to find a solid reliable woman and get her pregnant. I honestly think it's more natural in some ways for the man to (at least try to) have multiple wives but that's a whole different can of worms so you should probably just concern yourself with starting and providing for a family with a woman who will fill that role effectively.

I don't know quite how the evolutionary dynamics would have worked in terms of what got selected for, but clearly female mate-affection had some effectiveness in terms of the children's survival. It's working as intended, maybe you're broken in some way but I think it's more likely you just have unrealistic expectations. You would probably be best served finding your purpose in what you do rather than who you're with, until such time as you can have children who will then become your actual purpose.

>> No.22294538

You're projecting your male emotions and romanticism on women, who don't work like you do, at all. Women don't "love" men. Not like men love women, certainly.

>> No.22294557

Having faith and trust in someone different than yourself is one of the main parts of being a person. And you will get crushed at some point, that happens to everyone, but you can’t let it defeat you.
>What a laugh, though. To think that one human being could ever really know another. You could get used to each other, get so habituated that you could speak their words right along with them, but you never know why other people said what they said or did what they did, because they never even know themselves. Nobody understands anybody.

>> No.22294582

Faith and trust are for chumps...and people trying to rationalize their failures and mistakes after the fact. This idea that a woman has to be your best friend, your perfect sexual match, and also the mother of your children is an extremely modern idea that has proven its unrealistic nature time and time again. Our ancestors were much wiser to seek those three things at three different places rather than to force any poor woman to shoulder the burden of having to be all three.

>> No.22294593

I’m like that and have had sex before. I’m not a spineless retard however and established myself socially through actual violence. You can make normalfags too scared to try to mess with you and this flips a switch in their women’s minds that you are sexually viable. I don’t feel bad because of how they treat us.

>> No.22294595

six hours ago

>> No.22294596
File: 220 KB, 750x557, 6DC28FD6-59D1-4DA9-8E11-380B81F0432E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>For now though I’m trying to figure out if maybe the point of life IS having that missing piece.
>the missing piece

>> No.22294603

>if you tell them this
and that's where you fucked up.

>> No.22294717

Why does this remind me of Diary of an Oxygen Thief...

>> No.22294722

Enjoy your ban retard

>> No.22294723

shit...are you me? I've struggled with this exact thing of realizing "she's more into me than I am her and I don't know what to do about it. And the pussy is OK too, but I feel bad about that". You are my brother, man. And I feel your pain. This is some real shit that takes living to figure out. You're gonna make it.

>> No.22294727

Four Fours

>> No.22294760

About a month ago.
That being said, sex is usually pretty overrated, dawgs. Maybe it's because I have Aspergers, but I've never had GREAT sex. Never once. And I've slept with 6 women and gotten intimate (without PIV sex) with a handful more, so I've been around the block a little. Intimacy, being comfortable, sharing some interests, and being able to have a good time and be vulnerable usually feels better than sex to me, and if you can throw sex in there, it's a nice plus but sex is not the end all be all.

>> No.22294763

oh and also sex with women makes you homo. Think about it. If you want to not be a nancy boy little faggot, you have to have sex with men. Sex with women means you're gay.

>> No.22294820

I find women are mostly bad at sex. If they don't do things that are downright unsexy, they do nothing in addition to simply being present physically. All the pressure is on you to make every move and orchestrate things. It's like they think they are already getting an A+ just by showing up, but that's just not true. I feel jealous of all the guys out there who are pornsick and don't want a woman to have any agency at all, because all they need is to impose their porn fantasies on her while saying cringe porn jargon shit and they're satisfied.

I've only been with a handful of women who were positively sexy or in active control of their sexuality and it was a different world.

>> No.22294835

>they do nothing in addition to simply being present physically. All the pressure is on you to make every move and orchestrate things. It's like they think they are already getting an A+ just by showing up, but that's just not true.

This has not been my experience really. They're sexy and they do things, they interact... but, like I said in my previous post, I have Aspergers and niche tastes I guess, and for some reason it's still not enough. I think intimacy, sensuality, and bonding are more important than sexuality, sheer pleasure, and lust.

>> No.22294849

>thread has been up for 5 hours

>> No.22294852

Yesterday. Since I broke up with my ex last fall we meet up every once in a while and paint and have sex together. I’ve been infatuated with a girl at my work but I don’t think she thinks about me at all

>> No.22294854

2 weeks ago in a mental hospital.

>> No.22294862

I regret it :( It wasnt with my sweetie

>> No.22294864
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t.24 yr old virgin

>> No.22294865

madonna-whore complex
grown women are not (necessarily) retarded little puppy dogs, your ego is so massively inflated it turns into self loathing
also you obviously have detachment issues but you didnt exactly need to be told that

>> No.22294888

I want strange people to see how many times I had sex

>> No.22294911

A little over a year ago. After I lost my virginity I stopped being a weird freak about sex, and going long stretches without it doesn't bother me much anymore.

This is very much how I feel. I used to be a real Sap, and get way too attached and hung up on girls but now I just don't give a fuck anymore. When you are with women, you are alone.

>> No.22294913

Had dick sucked today
Vaginal sex approx 2 weeks

>> No.22294921


>> No.22294922

Haven't. I'm an old spineless cowardly fat virgin loser retard.

>> No.22295080

about 2 weeks ago

>> No.22295104

June 30th the day I left for sea.

My gf and I have sex probably 6 out 7 days of the week. Just before bed to help us sleep. we cuddle and embrace and it's very nice.

>> No.22295111


>> No.22295121


>> No.22295123

>June 30th the day I left for sea.
>left for sea
What? Are you in some kind of 19th century novel?

>> No.22295129
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Do you eat her pussy? Does she usually come?

>> No.22295133

This morning. This is a literature board. Reported off-topic.

>> No.22295135

he's making this all up anon, he is some fag incel who lives in the gutter

>> No.22295149

>he is some fag incel who lives in the gutter
Honestly if he actually lives in a gutter, then he has my respect. Most likely he just lives with his parents or something, parasitizing their good will, similar to myself.

>> No.22295158

two years
three days before i left living with the closest thing ive expierenced to true romantic love.

>> No.22295318
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>basically see women as children and it feels like I'm abusing or manipulating them when they like me.
I am pretty sure a girl liked me once, for a few months. It was a strange and disconcerting experience. I kept pushing limits and seeing how she'd respond to try and understand if she really liked me, what was causing it and how I could replicate this effect in other women, to no awail.

It all ended with her sitting in my bed for 2 hours as I pondered how exactly to proceed to sex from there while stalling for time. Couldn't figure it out, got bored and told her to leave. Never talked to her again. Looking back on it all it seems like a fever dream.

>> No.22295320

Like 2 hours ago

>> No.22295329
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A year ago with a prostitute.
I regret it but at least I'm not as fidgety around woman anymore.

>> No.22295349
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I work on a tanker ship
I don't eat pussy. we've been together since 2019 and I've never eat her out.

imagine believing the largest English speaking image board on the internet doesn't have sex having people on it.


>> No.22295362

>rejected from the beginning for being ugly and short
>gymcel and looksmax
>women I actually want won’t look at me, refuse to settle for the pigs and uggos who want me now that I’ve self improved
I’m probably going to die alone at this point.

>> No.22295365

Nine years ago.

>> No.22295376

unfortunately you maxed the wrong things for a short unattractive man. You need to max your bank account

>> No.22295385

>I work on a tanker ship
>I don't eat pussy
Yeah that adds up
No but really, why not? It's a great way to make your girl come.

>> No.22295389

>refuse to settle for the pigs and uggos who want me
There's your problem. You think you're the protagonist, but you're not.

>> No.22295393

it’s also hot as fuck. eating a girl out while she squeezes your head between her thighs is pure bliss

>> No.22295402

reddit tier take

>> No.22295407

that too. It's honestly my trump card because I have a little dick, so I've tried to use my tongue and fingers on pretty much every chick I've been with. That way, they come at least one or two times before I sheath my sword in them, and it makes the sex a lot more satisfying for both parties I think. Actually lol, I've been with a couple girls who said they weren't into foreplay and I almost started panicking....hooooo mama. By the way, have you ever been with a stinking bitch? I tried to munch on a girl who had a chronic fish stink (we stayed together for a couple months despite the smell), and it was difficult to say the least.

>> No.22295420

I’ve only really been with one girl and she basically had a perfect pussy. I don’t think I could do it with a girl that smelled

>> No.22295429

>I’ve only really been with one girl and she basically had a perfect pussy
Good for you, man. What'd it smell like?

>> No.22295443

I've got no money left. I've probably spent $10000 in total on prostitutes now and my savings are all used up.

>> No.22295452

>madonna-whore complex
This isn't really a "complex", it's a normal feature that applies to all men in differing degrees. It's only pathological when it's raised to an extreme power.
>grown women are not (necessarily) retarded little puppy dogs,
Yeah, but most are.
>also you obviously have detachment issues
Again, there's a difference between being detached and having "detachment issues." Sometimes the former is healthy.

>> No.22295531

I don't like it and I have a long penis that allows my gf to get multiple orgasms.

>> No.22295542

>I have a long penis
I'm seething right now

>> No.22295544

Yes I am. Just not of the kind of story I'd like.