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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 164 KB, 895x1100, GG0214_Faulkner_01-895x1100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22292467 No.22292467 [Reply] [Original]

*mogs every writer*
nothing personal

>> No.22292470

For me it's Cash.

>> No.22292509

His stream of consciousness was only good with the retard. There is little aesthetic merit in having intelligent characters speak through the disjointed clusterfuck of that style.

>> No.22292545

Poor man's McCarthy

>> No.22292624

>muh lugubrious effluvium

>> No.22293050

Based KEK one liner

>> No.22293058

This but the other way around

>> No.22294114

Adjectivemaxing, easy as.tgrrgm

>> No.22294315

McCarthy's poor man?

>> No.22294331
File: 175 KB, 400x400, 1686852843228883.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22295363

>chyeup this coffins a beaut alright
Jewel and his horse for me

>> No.22295384

never touched her i wanted to produce fucking music and she wanted sex EUGH what a fucking Cathcher in the rye.

>> No.22295835

I remember reading Sound And The Fury.
It sucked and I regret doing so. What an unbelievable waste of time!

>> No.22295855

Right. Every character should express himself like Literally You (an intelligent gentleman *tips fedora* like myself, heh).

>> No.22296273

Faulkner was a manlet.

>> No.22296275

You’re both a manlet and dyel. Sad!

>> No.22296278

Titling a novel with Shakespeare is HACK

>> No.22296282

>no replies for 4 hours
>manlet defense force replies within a minute when the obvious is pointed out
Don't you have any plateau shoes to polish for monday?

>> No.22296307

Cope, I just woke up. How much are you sweating trying to pick up your macbook air?