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File: 6 KB, 183x275, Nietzsche.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22292185 No.22292185 [Reply] [Original]

>He was an atheist
>He loved Jews
>He was a nihilist

What are some other signals someone has never read him?

>> No.22292195

He was an atheist, he was completely fine with Jews, he said himself he was a nihilist but aren’t we all? How do you grapple with these thoughts and not be a nihilist somewhat?

>> No.22292196

>he wasn’t an atheist
The only theistic part of his work that I remember is that part about Dionysus in Beyond Good and Evil. The rest of the time he pretty much just shits on religion.

>> No.22292198

Whenever i see a liberal leftist adoring him. Is the funniest shit ever, but these people genuinely exists; i've seen someone that had old Neetzsche tattooed in his forearm. The guy was the epitome of slave morality and ressentment btw, also labeled himself as an "anti-fascist"

>> No.22292202
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>> No.22292332

>The only theistic part of his work
"This counsel, however, do I counsel to kings and churches, and to all that is weak with age or virtue—let yourselves be o’erthrown! That ye may again come to life, and that virtue—may come to you!—” "

"And just behold, my friends! Here where the tarantula’s den is, riseth aloft an ancient temple’s ruins—just behold it with enlightened eyes!
Verily, he who here towered aloft his thoughts in stone, knew as well as the wisest ones about the secret of life!"

"Oh, just look at those tabernacles which those priests have built themselves! Churches, they call their sweet-smelling caves!
Who created for themselves such caves and penitence-stairs? Was it not those who sought to conceal themselves, and were ashamed under the clear sky?
And only when the clear sky looketh again through ruined roofs, and down upon grass and red poppies on ruined walls—will I again turn my heart to the seats of this God."

"They called God that which opposed and afflicted them: and verily, there was much hero-spirit in their worship!
And they knew not how to love their God otherwise than by nailing men to the cross!
Better songs would they have to sing, for me to believe in their Saviour: more like saved ones would his disciples have to appear unto me!
Naked, would I like to see them: for beauty alone should preach penitence. But whom would that disguised affliction convince!"

"With thunder and heavenly fireworks must one speak to indolent and somnolent senses.
But beauty’s voice speaketh gently: it appealeth only to the most awakened souls."

"The virtue of the pillar shalt thou strive after: more beautiful doth it ever become, and more graceful—but internally harder and more sustaining—the higher it riseth.
Yea, thou sublime one, one day shalt thou also be beautiful, and hold up the mirror to thine own beauty.
Then will thy soul thrill with divine desires; and there will be adoration even in thy vanity!
For this is the secret of the soul: when the hero hath abandoned it, then only approacheth it in dreams—the superhero.—"

>> No.22292344

>also labeled himself as an "anti-fascist"
There is nothing good in fascism, though. Old Neetch literally advised you to flee to the forests rather than wage-slave around. (Dawn, #206)

"It would be better to emigrate and endeavour to become a master in new and savage countries, and especially to become master over myself, changing my place of abode whenever the least sign of slavery threatens me, endeavouring to avoid neither adventure nor war, and, if things come to the worst, holding myself ready to die: anything rather than continuing in this state of disgraceful thraldom, this bitterness, malice and rebelliousness!"

>> No.22292356
File: 364 KB, 693x1000, richard-wagner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wagner criticised Nietzsche for being a godless, carnivorous sceptic and he was right.

>> No.22292359

>Wagner criticised Nietzsche for being a godless, carnivorous sceptic

>> No.22292361
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>He believed in WTP
>He was critical of the Jews (especially through the Abrahamic canon) but used them (their strong cultural tie) as a good counterexample to contemporary German degeneracy
>Well didn't he change his mind about the Overman in his last years?

>> No.22292362

>Noooo! The death of God is a tragedy because now there are not objective values!
Was Nietzsche a midwit? It didn't cross his mind that you don't need God to be a good person? As a matter of fact, if you are only good because you think God will punish you if you are evil, then, brother, you're a piece of shit and you were never good to begin with.

>> No.22292369

Wagner only read Human, All Too Human.

>> No.22292370

Define good person

>> No.22292388

>Was Nietzsche a midwit? It didn't cross his mind that you don't need God to be a good person?
"In England, every time you take one small step towards emancipation from theology you have to reinvent yourself as a moral fanatic in the most awe-inspiring way. That is the *price* you pay there. - For the rest of us, things are different. When you give up Christian faith, you pull the rug out from under your right to Christian morality as well. This is *anything* but obvious: you have to keep driving this point home, English idiots to the contrary. Christianity is a system, a carefully considered, *integrated* view of things. If you break off a main tenet, the belief in God, you smash the whole system along with it: you lose your grip on anything necessary. Christianity presupposes that humans do not know, *cannot* know what is good for them or what is evil, they believe in God who has privileged knowledge of this. Christian morality is a command; it has a transcendent origin; it is beyond all criticism, all right to criticism; it has truth only if God is the truth, - it stands or falls along with belief in God. - When the English really believe that they 'intuitively' know all by themselves what is good and what is evil; and when, as a result, they think that they do not need Christianity to guarantee morality any more, this is itself just the *result* of the domination of the Christian value judgment and an expression of the *strength* and *depth* of this domination: so that the origin of English morality has been forgotten, so that no one can see how highly conditioned its right to exist really is. For the English, morality is not a problem yet ..."

>> No.22292394

So he was a midwit then. I'm an atheist and morality isn't a problem for me, because I don't need a God to be a good person. If you do, then you aren't good.

>> No.22292398

What is a good person?

>> No.22292402
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>erm actually it's not atheism he's agnostic or some shiet it's like totally different
Brother, if you don't believe that Chris is Lord, you might as well be an atheist to me. I don't really much care if you've invented your own I'm not like other girls brand
Catholicism doesn't count btw

>> No.22292407

Chris Rock?

>> No.22292409


>> No.22292420

>I'm an atheist and morality isn't a problem for me, because I don't need a God to be a good person.
Translation: Christianity is so deeply stuck within you, that you don't even need a Yahweh-fable anymore to keep following its tenets. Equality, human rights, democracy, etc. Self-evident truth! Good!

>> No.22292422

>>He was an atheist
Lol stop trying to neg Freddy he believed in himself and everyone's a nihilist in love with Jews in some way in the West

>> No.22292423

yeah i think atheists forgot that people before/outside of Christianity don't inherently follow all the virtues that we today take as granted (help other people, help the weak, be kind, etc)
They do evil shit and are generally like animals

>> No.22292426

>They do evil shit
What is evil?

>are generally like animals
are generally adapted to the CURRENT CONDITIONS OF THE ENVIRONMENT.
Unlike spergs that believe that they had already found an eternal set of rules.

>> No.22292430

he was an atheist. having some vague spiritual feelings doesn't make you not an atheist, it just makes you slightly less retarded than the overtly materialist atheists. atheism is the absence of religion. by definition, agnostics and wishy-washy "spiritualists" are atheists

>> No.22292431

>are generally adapted to the CURRENT CONDITIONS OF THE ENVIRONMENT.
yeah, like animals
>What is evil?
the lack of good
>an eternal set of rules
that's exactly correct
you will notice that christian teachings are fundamental and unchanging and that's why they're still persevering and relevant even 2000 years later

>> No.22292447

>yeah, like animals
You are saying 'animal' as if it were something derogatory, you furless ape.

>the lack of good
That's as meaningful as "green ideas sleep furiously"

>you will notice that christian teachings are
They are not. But you do create a dysgenic Baldwin Effect with negative consequences for posterity.

>> No.22292452

>You are saying 'animal' as if it were something derogatory
well yeah, because humans are not animals
>That's as meaningful as "green ideas sleep furiously"
you asked, i answer
there's no cold just lack of heat, there's no darkness just lack of light, etc, you know the meme
>They are not
they are, though
no matter what country or time period, christian teachings are the same
animal fascist word
humans are not animals, animal mechanics do not apply. we don't have genes

>> No.22292464

Kill yourself monkey faggot

>> No.22292471

>there's no cold just lack of heat, there's no darkness just lack of light, etc, you know the meme
there are no humans, just a local decrease of entropy due to heat.
there is no good, just a dumb animal lacking understanding of its suboptimal heuristics.

>> No.22292730

Those are all true, but people who say these things typically neglect to factor in the nuance, because you're right, they don't read him.

>He was an atheist
Yes, in the sense that he rejected the notion of an absolute. This actually made him the most profound kind of atheist, since it entailed him rejecting the holiness of everything, including the study of logic and mathematics.

>He loved Jews
He did, at least in comparison to 19th century Germans, who he was very disappointed with.

>He was a nihilist
An "active nihilist," in his own words. In other words, he didn't possess the common convictions of the time he was born in. He felt no enthusiasm for the things that his fellow human beings felt enthusiasm for, and instead, he felt the impulse to destroy the world around him, hence the "active" part of the self-proclaimed label. In the same stroke, he understood that values come and go in cycles — when something is destroyed, fertile ground is always left in its place for something new to grow, and he knew that life had the tendency to grow whenever given the opportunity to do so.

>> No.22292738

Neech started postmodernism. Obviously they would like it

>> No.22292755

Maybe try to read him

>> No.22292759

If you want to criticize someone you should read him, at the very least.

>> No.22292771

talmud reader detected
obliteration protocol iniatitated

>> No.22292772

This is the person called Nietzsche a "midwit". Must be an elaborated bait or just someone that should be shot on sight.

>> No.22292827

>Must be an elaborated bait or just someone that should be shot on sight.
In most cases on this site, I think it's both.

>> No.22292857
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The*sts are trying to appropriate fucking Nietzsche now. Stick to your semen retention rituals.

>> No.22292859

everything i said was true and my actual belief
didnt call nietzsche anything, but you certainly are a midwit
pseudointellectual because you understood 1st grade biology and physics, then subsequently decided that it's good enough and no God is needed in the picture
go worship science

>> No.22292871

You should read Nietzsche first.

>> No.22292872

unironically semen retetion and world tree theism is probably exactly the kind of shit nietzche wanted.


>> No.22292875

>he loved Jews.

Did your dad fuck your brain out of your skull.

>> No.22292880

>signs someone never read nietzche
bro your a sign you didnt read the full post.

>> No.22292887

twitter roman statue avatar -tier interpretation of Nietzsche

>> No.22292892

cope and seethe MVNLET

>> No.22292909

>He loved Jews
Dawn, #205

"On the day when the Jews will be able to exhibit to us as their own work such jewels and golden vessels as no European nation, with its shorter and less profound experience, can or could produce, when Israel shall have changed its eternal vengeance into an eternal benediction for Europe: then that seventh day will once more appear when old Jehovah may rejoice in Himself, in His creation, in His chosen people—and all, all of us, will rejoice with Him!"

>> No.22292911

I am probably taller than you, hyporboriantraditionalist67

>> No.22292922

No i understand theres more to him than that. that even the weak should be able to use rhetoric to achieve their needs. Eternal recurrance and how the will to power trumps a will to truth that spinoza put forward.
But I refuse to be PoorlyReadNietzcheanLavaynist24

>> No.22292931

this has a double meaning. Anyone with knowledge of jews knows what "Jewels" they have to offer. that being said their destructive and manipulative presence forces people to adapt and overcome their own weaknessess.

>> No.22292937

lmao this is such an underhanded passage, nietzche really is a catty bitch and i love him for it

>> No.22292948

Og shitposter

>> No.22292969

This is a very ironic statement. The majority of people genuinely think it is inherently bad to murder or rape someone, even though it's what our ancestors did constantly to every tribe that pissed them off. Imagine being a small tribe of 50 people and not stealing another tribes woman and taking their belongings.... immediately you and your kin are stronger and better at survival.

Now we no longer life in tribes, we use different survival strategies, but that doesn't mean our way is more moral, just better.

>> No.22292973

People are dunking on you but you're not wrong. The fact that the world got secularized but we still believe in goodness and human rights prove that Nietzsche was wrong. The death of God didn't cause nihilism.

>> No.22292979

the world got secularized and you started sacrificing children, i'm not even attaching moral valence to this (i don't care) but it would've appalled the previous morality. your morals are now unanchored and you'll rewrite the past as necessary to justify them.

>> No.22293002

>The fact that the world got secularized but we still believe in goodness and human rights prove that Nietzsche was wrong. The death of God didn't cause nihilism.
That goodness IS nihilism. Why are foreigners flooding European nations, why do we spend so much on welfare for people that don't deserve it, why aren't we just conquering foreign nations and using them for some goals or purpose that will benefit us? Because of morality.

>> No.22293003

People are dunking on him because he apparently hasn't read Nietzsche outside of knowing the "God is dead" meme. Nietzsche was well aware of atheistic ethics such as Epicureanism. His problem was a deeper one thank "God dont real lol" but that scepticism and scientific development had made it unrealistic to ground any objective values.

>> No.22293008

They’re so ZOG minded they like Anything that attacks christianity

>> No.22293020

nice plagiarism from true detective

>> No.22293082


>It's a "/lit/ deluded manchild insults higher mind" episode

>> No.22293184

>The fact that the world got secularized but we still believe in goodness and human rights prove that Nietzsche was wrong
No it doesn't. He criticized English thinkers for committing the same error. "For the English, morality is not yet a problem" or something like that. In a properly atheist world, the will to power is all that matters, and "goodness" becomes aligned with whatever heightens it.

>What is good? All that heightens the feelings of power, the will to power, power itself in man.

>> No.22293199

>is actually a short brown DBZ mulatto latino

>> No.22293249

Nietzsche's respect for the Jews was basically saying that nationalist accusations against them were correct but that it was a merit of the Jews

>> No.22293283

or a homophobic latino groyper
many such cases!

>> No.22293315

Sounds based, you can keep your Judeo-Fagnerian christcope

>> No.22293319

secularized but what’s “good” is still within the Christian morality framework for vast majority of atheists, even if not in totality, e.g. charity, egalitarianism, the people > elites, turn the other cheek (“taking the high road…”), etc… Not to mention many “atheists” display pseudo-religious behavior all the time with or without realizing it.

>> No.22293328

Your leaders won't stop them and you feel so threatened you beg to be rescued from them. Not particularly masterful of you to cry over indigestion

>> No.22293331

You do realize, oh little larper, where Christianity comes from? You are aware of its genealogy I do sincerely hope

>> No.22293338

And what's the issue with that? Most atheists agree that Jesus was a standup guy. What we don't like are christians, because they are so unlike Jesus. His morals were never the issue. We don't like religion because of the things they did in the name of Jesus, but beyond that, there's no reason to believe in God in the modern world because we don't need a God to be good people anymore.

>> No.22293344

He shits on jews in the antichrist, the reason he dislikes christianity is because it is essentially too jewish/semitic.

>> No.22293349

Fucking hell get back to r*ddit faggot

>> No.22293354

Nietzsche frequently alternates between praising and criticizing the same target, in a way he is daring you to exegete him. He is constantly telling you that Christians are nihilists and their morality is rooted in ressentiment, but then we have Jesus, who is an obvious problem for the anti-Christian, Jesus who dies on the cross not vowing revenge but asking why he is forsaken and that his killers might be shown mercy. And this is a message lost on the likes of the early Christians, who allow only for Jesus to be the one son of the one God, according to Nietzsche, and indeed lost on church theologians who believe sinners writhing in hell is pleasing to the saints. They have reimposed their jealousy and ressentiment on the sacrifice and the tragic. It's starting to sound like a sermon, but Nietzsche is not looking to reform Christianity, he is interested in exposing its poor pedigree and its failure to understand its most important event, at which point the idol has been exorcized and Christianity is no more. But one has to be worthy of the deed, a strange concept to be sure. If for Plato philosophy is preparation for one's death, one's tomb, for Nietzsche it must be seen as preparation for God's death. If one is not prepared, he is not a real atheist, still a Christian!

>> No.22293366

>Your leaders won't stop them and you feel so threatened you beg to be rescued from them.
Have you not seen the amount of violent crime perpetrated against innocent people by these shitskins, you dumb nigger subhuman? There are brutal attacks everyday that thenmedia covers up. Girls or boys getting beaten and robbed because they're white. The media doesn't say a thing, and will instead attack white people. Try keeping, halfwit.

The democratic system is broken, the overwhelming majority of Westerners want immigration severely limited according to every survey and available data, politicians always pay lip service to it but as soon as they get in they never do anything, because they must obey the anti-white agenda set by the economic elite or they'll be taken out of office.

>> No.22293367

Anti-semites worshiping a dead rabbi as the heavenly king of the universe will never not be funny.

>> No.22293371

>Most atheists agree that Jesus was a standup guy.
You guys will take after a narcissistic jew who falsely proclaims to be the son of God and see nothing wrong with this... lol

>> No.22293378

>there's no reason to believe in God in the modern world because we don't need a God to be good people anymore.
If that were true you'd hate industrialization and advocate for anti-natalist policies for non-whites, but you don't so stfu.

>> No.22293400

This is all because you suck and are from a long line of suckers. I'm sorry nobody told you before. You are not morally or ethically superior for being defeated. Wellbeck has a novel about how in France you are all defeated by Islam without firing a shot, using the very framework of liberal democracy. That seems quite possible and likely preferably to having some sort of indigenous revolt led by the most sickly and feeble sheep carried into the halls of power to oppose them. The Gauls never overthrew the Romans. And the Romans never repulsed the Franks. But if you know your pokemon, French types take double damage from Algerian types.

>> No.22293453

He was a nihilist in some way, he tried to find a meaning. I think he should have become a based taoist, could have saved him

>> No.22293479

I don't care. It's obvious by the way you write that you're an idiotic redditcuck tourist who doesn't belong here. Go back, faggot

>> No.22293491

Seems like you're actually implying that whites are totally superior to nonwhites. You can actually see the cities devolving as a result of nonwhite forced immigration (that we never voted on and don't want). Seems like you're also admitting the white nationalist cause is correct, and admitting that the nonwhites coming here are just animalistic subhumans who have no place in 1st world countries. You're a shitskin. You will never be white. You belong in a 3rd world toilet, not in a white country.

>> No.22293497
File: 196 KB, 286x368, 1641011153744.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a japanese cartoon porn forum. Go to confession.

>> No.22293499

>shitskin cope

>> No.22293503

I'm not christian, you're just an unbearably autistic faggot who clearly belongs on redd1t with his wannabe clever tryhard replies. Pure cringe. Are you a tranny too? Kek

>> No.22293507

You're going for the gold at mental gymnastics here, the last weapon of those without claws. You really ought to read Nietzsche if you want to participate in a thread about Nietzsche. I'm not sure what you consider "the white nationalist cause" to be but if it involves ending immigration that's obviously never happening unless you turn Western countries into places people want to leave and I doubt you are willing to live like the Sudanese or Afghans do. You ever see the movie Finding Nemo? How filthy are you willing to make the fish tank? How much poison can you tolerate? You are not nearly as robust as you imagine yourself to be and will never be rid of the things you complain about.

>> No.22293510

The entire reason 3rd world garbage comes to Europe or the West is because Europe dominated so hard that it's basically the #1 place to live and can support these worthless brown monkeys who do nothing but collect welfare.

>> No.22293513

You ain't a real Hindu either tardlarper

>> No.22293518

You're the one who had no argument in the first place. You started rambling about french people being replaced by shitskins. Why is immigration never ending? Because you admit I'm correct and democracy is broken? So you're either not even white (lol) or you're just a defeatist cuck.

>> No.22293523

Traditionalism? Oy vey!

Why would i be hindu, you fucking idiot?

>> No.22293577

Oh ok so real democracy has never been tried and more liberalism will result in the success of your illiberal ideology.

>> No.22293830

I said democracy doesn't work, the will of the people isn't being obeyed. Whether or not it has been tried isn't the point, you pseud.

>> No.22294006

>the will of the people
this is really cute

>> No.22294209

>still thinks I'm arguing favour of democracy
Serious question, not joking: do you have a mental disability?

>> No.22294624

He takes after Schoppy. Half of Schopenhauer is him seething that the rest of German idealism needs to fucking read the books, starting with the dictionary and then moving on to Kant once they understand what simple words mean

>> No.22294832

You're assigning moral authority to "the will of the people." You are quite literally a demo-crat in its modern, non-Athenian sense. You would rebuild the very thing you're upset with from scratch, and then when it does the same thing again and you are loser again you'll still be crying that it was the work of evil enemies and not your own impotence that caused it.

>> No.22294838

you think the state is supposed to serve the will of the majority?
The jews are unfortunately as of now the real patricians of our societies. We have resentful slave masters ruling over us. We're fucked until there is some change in the power structure and this actually can be done if the "right" party comes into the scene like the NSDAP in 1932.

>> No.22294839

I confess I probably have to do this also.

>> No.22294841

Nietzsche believed in nihilism in the same way that you would believe in cancer

>> No.22294842


>> No.22294844

cancer actuallu does give many people a ggratitude for life so this is a very interesting comparison.

>> No.22294869

2016 was almost a decade ago it's time to move on

>> No.22294919
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>> No.22294935

The notion that Nietzsche would not have supported the Nazis is the biggest cope in the history of academia

>> No.22294940

uh oh don't look up who worked on that movie from before you were born they're not based and redpilled at all

>> No.22294950

I think Nietzsche would have been a neocon. He was despotic, but had a fixation with progress, and had a hardon for jews.

>> No.22294953

>he loved Jews
Losurdo should be a mandatory reading for whoever wants to analyze Nietzsche's political thought. This nigga equates Jewry to Socratism and then spends his entire career raving against Socratism (ending it with the Antichrist, in which Jews are essentially treated as the main virus-like vehicle of decadende), yet people still actually believe that he was pro-semitic because he thought that german nationalist antisemites were retards (a judgement which stemmed from his hatred for post-unification Germany, rather than respect towards the Jews).
The extend of sanitization that Nietzsche went through is truly insane.

>He was a nihilist
A thread died for this.

>> No.22294957

He didn't have a hardon for jews.

>> No.22294967

I think it actually makes some sense, considering that the nazis still abided to notions such as the one of "right" and "german nationalism". Its populist character is nowhere close to the kind of aristocraticism that should have been pursued by Bismarck.
I still agree with you in spirit. It's kinda funny seeing leftists and liberals believing that he would have not supported the nazis because of their antisemitism, and their support for extermination of the undesireables and eugenetic control of the masses (all things he explicitly endorsed both in public and in private).

>> No.22294978

>I think this 19th century German philosopher is most closely aligned with a random 1960s US political movement that has nothing to do with any of his works, rather than with the ideology that directly grew out of his own theories and which was supported by literally every one of his surviving German contemporaries.

>> No.22294994

I understand your train of thought, but I disagree. Consider Kaiser Wilhelm II - the German aristocrat par excellence. He initially dismissed the Nazis as "gangsters" (i.e., because of their populism, exactly as you say), but eventually he became an enthusiastic supporter. It was the same view taken by most conservative Germans of the time. Nietzsche's politics place him firmly in this camp.

>> No.22295138

Pharoh did nothing wrong

>> No.22295145

Niether moses.

>> No.22295151

move onto what. Your GF lolololololol

>> No.22295182
File: 379 KB, 542x567, Antiftwats.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you are gay

>> No.22295444

>Jews are essentially treated as the main virus-like vehicle of decadende
"Thus did the Will, the emancipator, become a torturer; and on all that is capable of suffering it taketh revenge, because it cannot go backward.
The spirit of revenge: my friends, that hath hitherto been man’s best contemplation; and where there was suffering, it was claimed there was always penalty.
“Penalty,” so calleth itself revenge. With a lying word it feigneth a good conscience.
Hath the Will become its own deliverer and joy-bringer? Hath it unlearned the spirit of revenge and all teeth-gnashing? And who hath taught it reconciliation with time, and something higher than all reconciliation?
Something higher than all reconciliation must the Will will which is the Will to Power—: but how doth that take place? Who hath taught it also to will backwards?
—But at this point in his discourse it chanced that Zarathustra suddenly paused, and looked like a person in the greatest alarm. With terror in his eyes did he gaze on his disciples; "

"To him however, who is possessed of a devil, I would whisper this word in the ear: “Better for thee to rear up thy devil! Even for thee there is still a path to greatness!”— "

(the tarantulas, i.e. the vengeful type)
"Inspired ones they resemble: but it is not the heart that inspireth them—but vengeance. And when they become subtle and cold, it is not spirit, but envy, that maketh them so.
Their jealousy leadeth them also into thinkers’ paths; and this is the sign of their jealousy—they always go too far: so that their fatigue hath at last to go to sleep on the snow."

(literally the next chapter, some other guys)
"And never yet could ye cast your spirit into a pit of snow: ye are not hot enough for that! Thus are ye unaware, also, of the delight of its coldness.
Ye seem to me lukewarm ones: but coldly floweth all deep knowledge. Ice-cold are the innermost wells of the spirit: a refreshment to hot hands and handlers."

They effectively ARE the best humanity can offer as of yet. They effectively DO what the 'inspired' ones do (just not cognizing it).

>> No.22295455

He literally calls himself a nihilist. He's just a special kind of nihilist.

>> No.22295460

Wilhelm II was cucked out of power by Jewish banking hucksters. What sort of aristocrat is that?

>> No.22295525

>He is constantly telling you that Christians are nihilists and their morality is rooted in ressentiment, but then we have Jesus, who is an obvious problem for the anti-Christian, Jesus who dies on the cross not vowing revenge but asking why he is forsaken and that his killers might be shown mercy.
yeah that's because low IQ people like Atheists are in awe of the first eloquent person who do something beyond mental masturbation and consuming bourgeois entertainment.
Those subhuman atheists dont give much shit about the content of the doctrine of the eloquent guy. Plus they have no clue if the guy spouts nonsense or not. They just love to hear story about the world to pass the time. This is why all the french rats in academia have huge audience... of their own species, ie bored bourgeois and halfwitted proles.

>> No.22295534

>This is why all the french rats in academia have huge audience... of their own species, ie bored bourgeois and halfwitted proles.
Plus int his special case, the moronic atheist fantasy, starting with the Nietzche's diarrhea, of ''''''being subversive'''''''''.
Atheists are so dead inside, the only way those vermin dream is through a self-aggrandizing messianic fantasy, where ofc they ''reluctantly'' help other people, because they are too smart for this world.

>> No.22295540

Two posts and you literally said nothing, just showed your resentment towards your betters aka atheists. Also why aren't you at church? Dumb larping pseud.

>> No.22295554

As if he is consistent.

>> No.22295612

>The fact that the world got secularized but we still believe in goodness and human rights prove that Nietzsche was wrong.
It mostly proves that normalfags are retarded, which I do believe Nietzsche also thought.

>> No.22295633

he can be a great leader if he wasn't so autistic

>> No.22295641

>It didn't cross his mind that you don't need God to be a good person?
There are no "good people." Nietzsche went completely over your head.

>> No.22295666

If jews are the best humanity has to offer, why is it that everything they touch turns to shit, like a nation of bizarro king midases? Decline and ruin follows them wherever they go.

>> No.22295680

they are the best at acheiving power?

>> No.22295682


>> No.22295687

>why is it that everything they touch turns to shit
"And this do I say also to the o’erthrowers of statues: It is certainly the greatest folly to throw salt into the sea, and statues into the mud.
In the mud of your contempt lay the statue: but it is just its law, that out of contempt, its life and living beauty grow again!
With diviner features doth it now arise, seducing by its suffering; and verily! it will yet thank you for o’erthrowing it, ye subverters!
This counsel, however, do I counsel to kings and churches, and to all that is weak with age or virtue—let yourselves be o’erthrown! That ye may again come to life, and that virtue—may come to you!—” "

"Yea, thou art still for me the demolisher of all graves: Hail to thee, my Will! And only where there are graves are there resurrections.—"

>> No.22295689

Where were they between Hadrian and Napoleon?

>> No.22295694

>I win because I lost
Uhh okay lol

>> No.22295701

>why is it that everything they touch turns to shit
Because the Nietzsche's point is not to HAVE some cool object/culture/value X, but to have an everlasting meat-grinder of re-installing a new X. An upkeep of the momentum. Becoming instead of Being.

OF COURSE, everything is gonna turn to shit. You included. But it is not you that is important in this scheme.

>>I win because I lost
No, Life/Power wins because you lose.

"Good and evil, and rich and poor, and high and low, and all names of values: weapons shall they be, and sounding signs, that life must again and again surpass itself!
Aloft will it build itself with columns and stairs—life itself: into remote distances would it gaze, and out towards blissful beauties—therefore doth it require elevation!
And because it requireth elevation, therefore doth it require steps, and variance of steps and climbers! To rise striveth life, and in rising to surpass itself."

"And this secret spake Life herself unto me. “Behold,” said she, “I am that which must ever surpass itself.
To be sure, ye call it will to procreation, or impulse towards a goal, towards the higher, remoter, more manifold: but all that is one and the same secret.
Rather would I succumb than disown this one thing; and verily, where there is succumbing and leaf-falling, lo, there doth Life sacrifice itself—for power!"

>> No.22295704

what scheme?

>> No.22295705

hahaha did I lose though.

>> No.22295707

>what scheme?
>>an everlasting meat-grinder of re-installing a new X
>>Becoming instead of Being
Heraclitean metaphysics, basically. Everything flows.

>> No.22295709

>Because the Nietzsche's point is not to HAVE some cool object/culture/value X, but to have an everlasting meat-grinder of re-installing a new X. An upkeep of the momentum. Becoming instead of Being.

But that's the thing, jews don't create new things, they distort old ones. They are incapable of true creation. They are cultural incels. The only choice they have is to either seethe against or try to emulate europeans, but they are completely incapable of detaching themselves from this dynamic, just like the moon can't decouple itself from the Earth or have any shine without the sun's light.

>> No.22295719


>> No.22295725

>jews don't create new things
Vengeful sublime ones do not create new things, yes.

"Should he become weary of his sublimeness, this sublime one, then only will his beauty begin—and then only
will I taste him and find him savoury.
And only when he turneth away from himself will he o’erleap his own shadow —and verily! into his sun.
Far too long did he sit in the shade; the cheeks of the penitent of the spirit became pale; he almost starved on his expectations.
Contempt is still in his eye, and loathing hideth in his mouth. To be sure, he now resteth, but he hath not yet taken rest in the sunshine.
He hath subdued monsters, he hath solved enigmas. But he should also redeem his monsters and enigmas; into heavenly children should he transform them.
As yet hath his knowledge not learned to smile, and to be without jealousy; as yet hath his gushing passion not become calm in beauty.
Verily, not in satiety shall his longing cease and disappear, but in beauty! Gracefulness belongeth to the munificence of the magnanimous.
But precisely to the hero is beauty the hardest thing of all. Unattainable is beauty by all ardent wills.
A little more, a little less: precisely this is much here, it is the most here.
To stand with relaxed muscles and with unharnessed will: that is the hardest for all of you, ye sublime ones!
When power becometh gracious and descendeth into the visible—I call such condescension, beauty.
And from no one do I want beauty so much as from thee, thou powerful one: let thy goodness be thy last self-conquest.
All evil do I accredit to thee: therefore do I desire of thee the good.
Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings, who think themselves good because they have crippled paws!"

>They are incapable of true creation.
The rabble is incapable of true creation. Because they are weak. But they are an entirely different category.

>The only choice they have is to either seethe against
"To him however, who is possessed of a devil, I would whisper this word in the ear: “Better for thee to rear up thy devil! Even for thee there is still a path to greatness!”— "

>> No.22295755

Nietzsche was an Ameriboo, why would he have supported the Nazis? 20th century United States understood him better than 20th century Germany, anyway.

>> No.22295787

Literally the opposite lol. He dislikes Jews because it lead to Christianity. The plethora of praises Nietzsche gives to Jews cannot be ignored in both his published works and letters.

>> No.22295794

This Nietzsche guy sounds kinda like Thrasymachus.... but Thrasymachus only needed like a few lines.

>> No.22295797

Explain please

>> No.22295803

>le bad Christians
Who are those exactly? And what percentage of the whole do they make up? And how can you be sure of that?

>> No.22295804

Nietzsche is essentially a combination of Heraclitus and the Sophists. He wrote as much as he did because he was dealing with thousands of years of Platonist drivel, unlike those guys.

>> No.22295808

>the will of the people
The will of the people is nonexistent you retard. There are no more citizens, only consumers, and you are one of them, appealing to some imaginary “le true will against corruption only I can see”

>> No.22296441

>Decadence is the best humanity has to offer
Give me a break

>> No.22296555

>He was a nihilist
Congrats. You didn’t read Nietzsche