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22290469 No.22290469 [Reply] [Original]

>woman writes about the human condition

>> No.22290483

when's the last time you got some pussy op?

>> No.22290485


>> No.22290487

taytay knows your pain
Make friends with your insecurities
Let’s take Swift’s music video for “Anti-hero,” a track from her latest album “Midnights,” as an example, although it is hardly the first time she has addressed her insecurities and flaws head on.

“It’s me. Hi. I’m the problem, it’s me,” Swift sings over a scene in which two versions of herself – which can be imagined as the private and public versions – meet.

They revel in taking shots until she is sick, run from ghosts of people she ghosted, smash guitars as they dance and even meet a third (giant) version who highlights her insecurities around being what she calls “a monster on the hill too big to hang out.”

The play and chaos ends with the three Taylors meeting together to share a bottle of wine and reflect as the sun goes down.

There is a peace found when her different personas come together, and the things she might not like about one are complemented by the others. I can be quick to fixate on the parts of myself I don’t like, but for me that scene perfectly captured the goal I am striving for: accepting the many facets of myself.

>> No.22290494

answer the question, the date of your most recent fuck
i mean you do fuck right?

>> No.22290496


>> No.22290504

impotently reddit

>> No.22290506


>> No.22290510

Just fucking do it, Kpop bitches will love this.

>> No.22290516

0 pussy losers
why don't you chat up some girls instead of making your joker thread every day lol

>> No.22290517

you have not had sex

>> No.22290519


>> No.22290520

i can't be reddit i'm a chudcel

>> No.22290523


>> No.22290524

This is the third time you've made this exact thread OP, are you feeling okay?

>> No.22290526

im not reddit, ur reddit!!!!1!

>> No.22290528


>> No.22290529

Your jokes are bad, anon. Women's insights into the human condition are also bad jokes. Want to see a magic trick?

>> No.22290532
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>woman writes

>> No.22290547
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>women live rent free in jokerposter's head

>> No.22290550


>> No.22290578


>> No.22290582

Your repeated posts mean you care and women have a hold on you. You have two options: 1. Stop caring, genuinely 2. Make it work with women, whether as a concept in your head or in your personal life.

Remember, your mind perspective is unique against everyone else's but especially against members of the opposite sex. They're not behaving and thinking the way they do with your own internal metaphysical conceptual points of reference. You're judging them as if they are, a common error people make. The sooner you understand and accept women for who they are (it's mostly biological, nothing you can do about it), the sooner it won't occupy so much of your awareness.

>> No.22290590

>trannies live rent free in every zoomeranon's head

>> No.22290599

>The sooner you understand and accept women for who they are
and who are they, anon? in your opinion, what characterizes the female experience?
Nothing, they are just robots who exist to adhere and adapt to the behaviour of men.

>> No.22290608
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>Can't get laid
>Decides to spam a nepali acupuncture forum
What causes such behavior?

>> No.22290622

This website is teeming with autism, perhaps as much as a half of the posters here is on the spectrum. Autists’ mind is the polar opposite of fembrain - he’s solitary, introverted, systematic, rational, sexually awkward, socially stunted. Woman on the other hand is entirely sexual, emotional, conformist, unburdened with introspection or principles. You can see why there’s so much misogyny on 4chan, the average poster can’t comprehend feminine behavior.

>> No.22290636

Not getting laid and doubling down on not taking accountability and blaming others

>> No.22290662


>> No.22290676

Women want to have fun, Cindy Lauper was unironically right. They want to enjoy life and the world and experiences. And they have a compulsion to decorate and accentuate their bodies. Because their ultimate goal when all is said and done is to secure a productive and driven man to ensure a stable life for themselves that lasts until their death. Who wants to be over 40 or 50 and still worrying about money or relationships?

>> No.22290693

el reddito

>> No.22290694

>Woman on the other hand is entirely sexual, emotional, conformist, unburdened with introspection or principles.
True, and they make it look so easy. Must be nice.

>> No.22290938

le petít reddít

>> No.22291099


>> No.22291580
File: 70 KB, 1012x251, Based...redditor incels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll break the thread continuity to say that even redditors know better than this.