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22284568 No.22284568 [Reply] [Original]

What books can I get my gf to read in order to "redpill" her? I'd place her as an establishment Democrat and want her to be as retarded and schizophrenic as I am.

>> No.22284575
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you're not redpilled you normie faggot

>> No.22284580

don't bother, if you're not alpha enough to just naturally convert her to hold any opinion you hold, she'll just think you're weird for forcing her to read retarded books
my gf is racist because I am racist

>> No.22284589

make lots of money and make her physically and emotionally reliant on you

then she'll agree with everything you say

no other way I'm afraid

>> No.22284596

Goyim big mad that he's not in the club, you're our fucking cattle goy.

>> No.22284599

You're not a schizophrenic, you're an easily influenced terminally online zoomer.

>> No.22284601

>he doesn’t have his woman making money for him while he NEETs

>> No.22284605

one of the biggest red pills is the first time you realize that women experience literally no disconnect between saying X when it feels good to say X, and completely betraying and contradicting X five seconds later when it feels good to do that. women like to "try on" male-centric morals and virtues like children playing dress-up, but they don't actually know what it means to set up a virtue as an objective principle for oneself and then resist the temptation to break it in future moments when it stops being convenient and pleasant.

so if you ask a woman what kind of guy she values, she will blab on and on for hours about how noble she is and how she sees through superficiality and only wants sweet genuine men and etc., etc., etc. then five seconds later she'll completely contradict everything she said. the key thing to understand about women is that they don't perceive any difference here. from a man's perspective, you are thinking "but she said 'i only do X' and two seconds later she did 'non-X'?" this is because the fundamental modality of male consciousness is erecting principles and trying to follow them - even if you're a shitty man, it just means you're shitty and weak at erecting principles, not that the FUNDAMENTAL modality of principle-erection is absent. a woman's fundamental modality is "doing what i feel like." to a woman, that behavior is completely consistent: in the first instance, she did what she felt like. then she did what she felt like again. only a man perceives that the CONTENT of the actions was contradictory, i.e., would be contradictory if performed by a man. but for a woman whose primary stream of consciousness is "what do i want to do right now? :) perhaps i'll wear a ribbon in my hair tomorrow, trala la!," no such contradiction occurred, or indeed is even possible.

>> No.22284606

Madame Bovary

>> No.22284619

Ask /pol/. I don't mean this in a fuck off way, they would just be more helpful.

>> No.22284626

As many people have pointed out (in this thread and others), you don't do it that way. You do it by being attractive to her. If she finds you attractive, she will adopt the values you hold. It's really that simple. I know this sounds like "men's rights" self-help crap but it's true. I've seen it over and over again, first-hand and second-hand.

You don't have to be a millionaire or anything. You just have to come across as someone who is more-or-less on top of things.

>> No.22284636

>and want her to be as retarded and schizophrenic as I am.
So an Engelsian Guattarian?

>> No.22284701

>Reeee! Why won't women fuck me!

>> No.22284707
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>> No.22284718

Absolutely atrociously edited book
Is there any readable copy?

>> No.22284730

he was clearly quoting your post, condensing it into a parody for comedic and persuasive reasons

>> No.22284733

>the /pol/tard ideology

Declinism is nothing but escapism

>> No.22284737

So women are naturally Hegelian? The truth of their action is the historically determined truth that is true in the moment, but not universally.

>> No.22284742


>> No.22284806

i think that its more important that your rrelationship is functioning, I think if your gf asks for them sure why not. But dont expect her to read your 100 book long Hitler reading list.

>> No.22284811

alpha response

>> No.22284826
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>What books can I get my gf to read

>in order to "redpill" her? I'd place her as an establishment Democrat
The Soviet Defector literature and memoirs like apostate 5th column faggots like Whitaker Chambers; other shit like how endemic Soviet espionage was by time of WW2 to the extent of infiltrating the Manhattan-fucking-Project itself. Won't make any difference without that context, or ComBlock occupying a super majority of narcotics traffic prior to the 'war on drugs' in the 80s, or Kissinger yeeting tech & capital to Red China with Bi-National Foundations. That said you'd be better off not trying at all and reminding her regularly that that's the party of KKK, FDR's Jap concentration camps ect. ect. pic totally unrel to GCHQ UK 'election fortification' gambits on Silent & Greatest Generations

>> No.22284830
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>nice is not a virtue
Water is wet, wilful women are a dime a dozen.

ding ding

>> No.22284832

It's meant to read as the voice of BAP himself, a barely fluent Romanian Jew.

>> No.22284927
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if you have a gf, you are the one needing the red pilll

>> No.22285068
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If you turn the heat too much, the frog will boil out.
Your plan is to get her to get into the habit of reading.

Start by offering her a book she will like, even if you don't.

Based on that, offer her a SIMPLE book to read but that is closer to your world. Anything that she would not spontaneously read, but that she CAN read and enjoy. Simple books about your interestes, worldview...
You have to read this one first and tell her "I think you'll like it" and MEAN it

Then, giver her a break, and do that again. Heating it up bit by bit.

It will take months or years, but at some point, you'll have to introducer her to "literacy". She'll have to read a long-ass novel.
When she does that and genuinely enjoys, it ? Congrats, you are on the right path.

Also, don't forget comic books. Reading stuff like the Brave New World comic could help greatly too.

Good luck, it's fun to share hobbies and perspective with the one you love !

>> No.22285254

>converting women
fuck her well enough and be what they call manipulative, controlling and toxic and she'll believe whatever you tell her

>> No.22285257

kek my ex hated that book

>> No.22285271

It’s funny having a Trad wife gf and watching these threads. Painfully obvious that none of you retards understand the nature of women and get all your knowledge of them from TikTok

>> No.22285294
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By all means professor, enlighten us!

>> No.22285334
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>tfw no enlightenment

>> No.22285344

This guy is autistic

>> No.22285346
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You could make an argument of physical inferiority to the point she literally is not capable of keeping track of time, but I think it would be better stated that females literally cannot accept accountability or responsibility, and second, most people are lazy and undisciplined in modern day. What should happen is she should be euthanized, and we just keep euthanizing those who cannot keep up societally, domestically, economically, and genetically, to the point it is no longer a problem. That is fair, yes?

>> No.22285371
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I despise the feminists and the incels, both of whom begin from fundamentally the same misogynistic starting point in evaluating Woman with the standard of the Man, and holding up the Masculine as the ideal. The only difference between these groups is the conclusions they draw from this common source. The feminist wishes to “liberate” Woman from her femininity and transform her — if not in body then at least in mind — into the man’s equal. The incel, rightly seeing this project as unattainable, throws up his arms in despair and declares that there is no hope of establishing a harmonious relationship between the sexes. None of them question whether it were wise to disembark from this stream that they both are floating on, which has led them into separate but thorny paths.

Now it is true that in a sense the man possesses a higher existence. He has the quality which Schopenhauer called objective interest, the ability to take interest in things outside of him, in truth, in the ultimate principles of philosophy. Man’s existence is fulfilled in the creative domination of external things; the bringing into his own possession of that which is outside of him and imposing system upon it. For the highest sort of men this expresses itself in philosophical contemplation; for the lower sorts, in craftsmanship, engineering, war, and the like.

Woman, however, is fulfilled primarily in relation to the man. Her greatest life project is her husband and children, and the home she manages and upkeeps. Even those saintly women who abjure the married life and become nuns do not thereby abandon their nurturing role: they become teachers, nurses, carers for orphans; in a word, mothers, not of one family, but of the greater social family.

Woman is the passive part of history; Man is the active. As a rule, the woman is what the man makes her out to be. In our own day we have made them whores through our own folly, our own concupiscence, our own egalitarian inability to comprehend distinction. We believed the woman when she expressed her desire for equality (or rather, when she adopted the feminism that had already been formulated for her by men). We did not realise that this expression of feminism was merely the woman’s act of coy rebellion, by which she sought to incite us to a vital reassertion of our masculine authority, so that she may experience the thrill of being put in her place (systematised), dominated, possessed, like every other object of Man’s love.

I have offered here a global analysis, but it is possible to apply these principles at the individual level. There is still hope for love, for marriage, for family, for virtue, even in our modern liberal world. But it must begin from the man’s individual conquest over his own concupiscence, and the finding of a woman young enough and smart enough not to be tainted by the illusion of equality.

>> No.22285384

I like your way of seeing, and especially telling, things.

Kind of a red pill, but I felt that way for a while so I can agree that inspirations are definitely not the same for men and women. Thankfully so.

"Behind every great man is a great woman" makes more sens now.

>> No.22285417

Yep, I actually love that quote. Even though people try to give it a feminist meaning, it is anything but feminist. The woman is the heart of the family, the man is the head. The heart corrects the head’s excesses and supports the head, but also in the organisation of the body the heart is subservient to the head. Thus “behind every great man stands a woman”. I believe this is what the Creator intended from the beginning when in the Bible he made woman a helper for the man, though I refrained from mentioning religion in my post.

>> No.22285418

So true.

>> No.22285466

>>Now it is true that in a sense the man possesses a higher existence. He has the quality which Schopenhauer called objective interest, the ability to take interest in things outside of him, in truth, in the ultimate principles of philosophy. Man’s existence is fulfilled in the creative domination of external things; the bringing into his own possession of that which is outside of him and imposing system upon it. For the highest sort of men this expresses itself in philosophical contemplation; for the lower sorts, in craftsmanship, engineering, war, and the like.
>Woman, however, is fulfilled primarily in relation to the man. Her greatest life project is her husband and children, and the home she manages and upkeeps. Even those saintly women who abjure the married life and become nuns do not thereby abandon their nurturing role: they become teachers, nurses, carers for orphans; in a word, mothers, not of one family, but of the greater social family.
There we have it, the pathetic propaganda of the beta cuck desperate to pass as alpha.
It's amazing how the preposterous fan fiction men have built over thousands of year to pass as better than women.

So instead of this crappy mental masturbation, let's look at reality. And you won't like it. 50% of the people are women and women are the capitalists of the sex market. ie they coast thru life thanks to all the orbiters giving them free shit and solving their daily problems free of charge.

50% of the rest is men and men live to compete for women and pay their rent and entertain them and pleasure them. men dont even want to be paid for all this lol. Men literally believes they are the stronger sex because they spend a life of suffering trying to please vaginas. They put vaginas on a pedestal and they suffer from this.

Men do this because they get depress and commit suicide if a woman doesnt acknowledge them. That's what drive people.
-women are not driven much because women peak at the age of 15 when they understand that no matter how awful women are, men will give them an easy life
-men literally live for women and the few who dont commit suicide are transparent to society

It's pretty fucking simple: women are hedonistic machines and it turns out that men are infatuated with it. And Men build societies to keep being infatuated with it.
99% of men make up spooks while they live to compete for women' attention, irrespective of the moral behavior of those women. It's women who give meaning and control the lives of all the men you will ever see in your life.
men seek to be valued by women at all cost.

>> No.22285469


All those men are cuckold sooner or later. As soon as a man values a woman, he will be cuckold. Society is based on men being disposable and replaceable by women & the ruling men. A woman has no problem replacing a lover, a husband or a father, especially when she does it for the kids, as opposed to doing it for her, which would be selfish from their POV.
Same thing with the ruling class. Men will serve them and they be happy to hear about merit or honor lol.

this is the truth about society that you must accept to go beyond it.

-1% of men try to find something else to value
-99% of this 1% go crazy in the woods becoming hermits and failing hard, making up retarded spooks, being a laughing stock for the men in society.
-the 1% of the 1% get good at meditation
-99% of those 1% of 1% confuse meditation with enlightenment
=>so 1% of 1% of 1% of men actually stop being coomers.

>> No.22285500

we all know that's true, but do you find current settings acceptable?
men can only go as far as providing an easy material life. depression and suicide rates are rising on women aswell, not just men.

do you see any feasible turn or just let it rip?

>> No.22285511

You can't beat nature. Men are eternal cucks.

>> No.22285520

>woman like being enslaved to reproduction!
woman have fought tooth and nail to supress their disproportionate sacrifice in child rearing; by joining the workforce, using contraceptives, killing the fetus, and soon with artificial wombs the final shackle will be kicked off as with a terrible howl of joy, the Woman runs into the woods apart.
Woman are "naturally" the more creative ones as your own logic they are the nurturers of life, and what better a creative project than the birthing and raising of a person. Men try to cope by building barns and carving statues but none will compensate for their biological alienation from the ultimate creative project.

>> No.22285530

but in current settings, women are more unhappy and suicidal than ever.
now both in younger and older ages.

so nature is to have women suicide or live tortured lives? what's the advantage? is this a birth control thing?

>> No.22285539


>> No.22285559

Stop thinking that you need your women to align with you completely.
You know who's gonna align with you completely? A man. With aspergers.

>> No.22285566

this dude has a fat girlfriend
they're the only ones who put up with this shit

>> No.22285631

I was aware of some of this stuff, but when I finally got my first serious long-term gf, I was amazed to see just how many little privileges women get. It was insane how much easier her childhood had been than mine, mostly because authority figures put special emphasis on protecting girls and making sure their feelings aren't hurt. I talked to her about things that were expected of me by authority figures growing up and she could not fathom it. It manifests itself everyday in the present too. Just going to the supermarket, employees are so much more polite to her. It's comical when I check out after her - she gets "Hi there! I hope you're having a great day!" etc. etc., then I walk up and get a silent stare while they scan everything. If she is upset in public, strangers walk up to check on her. I'm antisocial so I don't care for that kind of interaction anyway, but it's this type of thing in every phase of life. And this is a girl who is just slightly above average. I briefly had a gf who was well above average and she would just be given stuff for free all the time and it was impossible to go anywhere without strangers complimenting her "just to brighten her day."

>> No.22285780

jews mad that they will always be on team left

>> No.22285807

You're mad that you won't have sex

>> No.22286096


Don't bother you'll grow out of your edgy phase in a few years anyway

>> No.22286325

The sad truth.

>> No.22286356

My girlfriend doesn't agree with some things I say about the kikes. Am I fucked?

>> No.22286394

Have sex

>> No.22286499

>ComBlock occupying a super majority of narcotics traffic prior to the 'war on drugs'
Yeah, meanwhile the CIA was for sure totally uninvolved in the international drug trade prior to the modern "War on Drugs".

>> No.22287034

what an incel virgin… who hurt u

>> No.22287054

Ironically enough the fact that she at least publicly repented of her mistake and sought forgiveness places her fathoms above the moral abyss in which 90% of modern women fall.

>> No.22287056

A book of Camille Paglia's essays
She establishes women as uniquely important because they're lifegivers but does it in a way that can successfully convert Democrat women into being trad

>> No.22287075

Based intelligent trad perspective. I don't agree 100% but more and more we are missing trad posters who put any effort into their arguments or have much to offer in the way of substance besides larping.

>There is still hope for love, for marriage, for family, for virtue, even in our modern liberal world
I hope...

>But it must begin from the man’s individual conquest over his own concupiscence
Then this is step one I guess. It's just so hard most days when it doesn't feel like there is anything worth fighting for anymore. But we should try.

>> No.22287122

Being retarded and schizo isn't being redpilled, its being /pol/arised. Also, there is nothing based about a jew who thinks fascism is an individuals desire to "get bug"

>> No.22287134


>> No.22287150

Camille paglia is a hack
>She establishes women as uniquely important because they're lifegivers
No fucking kidding. There is no human life without men and women

>> No.22288481

That's a pathetic midwit trad trap seasoned with a touch of incelhood.
You are attributing virtue to men by default and that's laughable and probably homoerotic in nature.
Men by default are short term gratification idiots that usually just want to get their dick wet so they are more than happy to have sluts and whore around and they throw resources at them and by doing so they reinforce the whore behaviour among females that see it as a winning mode of being.
The average man is a slave of pussy and sex, even of ugly stinky pussy and of awful sex. It is his only reason of being literally, and the only meter to measure himself with other men.

>> No.22288757

Yeah same

>> No.22288920
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>> No.22289043

Pic rel is actually based. Anything schizophrenic or heterodox in regards to postmodernity is based in my eyes.

>> No.22290182


>> No.22290920


Evidence that Demands a Verdict by McDowell

>> No.22290951

Even then that doesn't make her much better or excusable.

>> No.22291122

Good post. What virtue looks like in a man and a woman differs. To say male and female flourishing looks the same is a satanic lie. May God bless you and your woman with a fruitful marriage

>> No.22291129

I guess you missed this part
>But it must begin from the man’s individual conquest over his own concupiscence

>> No.22291132

Alright I've stared at this pic long enough. It will now have sex with me.

>> No.22291140

>It's just so hard most days when it doesn't feel like there is anything worth fighting for anymore
This struggle shouldn't be undertaken for the purpose of finding a wife particularly but because it allows us to advance in the virtues and become like God. It also helps lift the blinders off our eyes so that our discernment isn't clouded by the passions. If it is according to God's will to grant us a spouse along this journey then glory to Him. But yes, on a more pragmatic level, how can you ask God for a virtuous wife yet you are mired in sin.

>> No.22291147

I watch Sam Hyde occasionally too

>> No.22291247
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LBJ made a deal with the CIA to Kill Kennedy.
otherwise LBJ would soon be in prison

>> No.22291256

gay too

>> No.22291280
File: 67 KB, 586x708, LBJ killed Kennedy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

George H. W. Bush led the hit-squad (trained to kill Castro) in operation 'The Big Event' which was the assassination of president Kennedy.

This was coerced bullied and Blackmailed by LBJ - AND - the top people at the CIA - namely Allen Dulles, who was fired by Kennedy because he tried to bully and coerce Kennedy with the 'Bay Of Pigs' operation in CUBA.

CIA tried to Force the President to order the military to attack Cuba so that the CIA could murder Fidel Castro, and take back the Casinos and sugar plantations that were formerly owned by American Businesses and organized Crime groups...

AMAZING Levels of CORRUPTION have covered this up for generations, and the same groups are STILL IN POWER!

>> No.22291326

idk, get her to read culture of critique, it's an interesting study on judaism

>> No.22291360

>condensing it into a parody for comedic and persuasive reasons
Seems more like a simple strawman oversimplification to me

>> No.22291447

Redpilled women are insufferable
Just get her to ilke nails and true crime and hope she stays out of your interests, trust me

>> No.22291640

Yes, and this goes against the messaging that women are 100% equal to men and should focus on themselves instead of being mothers that most liberal women believe, retard
She convinces women to retvrn to thinking they're meant for bearing children but in a female empowerment way

>> No.22291778

>You know who's gonna align with you completely? A man. With aspergers.
I know. I love my boyfriend <3

>> No.22291786

>You are attributing virtue to men by default and that's laughable and probably homoerotic in nature.
You are crazy, even though that fag you replied to is annoying.

>> No.22291793

This. I’m married and this is so true. You also cannot show your Tru self. Always posture as an ideal “man.” Stoic, reliable, emotionless. Show vulnerability and you’re fucked. Remember she is not the person you go to for emotional support no matter how much you want that. Get friends to do that. Also don’t rely on her for intellectual bonding or fulfillment either. She can’t be that for you most likely unless you’re also dumb as fuck then perhaps that will work out.

>> No.22291827

This is just weird feminine pride. This is what all the popular and relevant feminists say nowadays anyway and it’s just weird. Women and mothers and whatever are all really proud and scheming and worldly people. It’s just weird and pathetic. And Schopenhauer was a tard. Your whole thing about men ‘trying’ to impose themselves on the world through ‘systems’ is dumb and makes men dependent. Male thought is in conception. It’s conception that makes something male, it’s the continuous fulfillment of an idea. It’s not something that takes effort, it’s just thought. Why people move towards effort after they think is from guilt. There’s no little feel good feelings that you want to make up to fulfill your complete lack of substance that all of you have. Those things already exist in yourself, why do you have to lie beyond that. People try to feel good about something through effort because they’re guilty or trying to do some other little clever scheme out of pride. Women are usually completely devoted to men anyway, I don’t know what world people live in when they say it’s the opposite. Most of my experience is a girl completely financing a guys life and he treats her like trash because they both know deep down she deserves it and she can’t stand being alone or whatever. People are just pathetic and proud and always trying to do some little dumb thing to forget about it. Read Ibsen

>> No.22291830

>not the person you go to for emotional support no matter how much you want that
A man's emotional support is leaning on God and the sooner he realises that the better both for his worldly life and his soul. I got into an argument with an anon here recently who was saying that I was a beta for thinking that I can't show emotional vulnerability to a woman because supposedly a woman is dying for Chad to be vulnerable to her. When I asked him why that is the case he said because it satiates a woman's desire for power, conceding that she'll divorce him regardless.

>> No.22291910

Don't take relationship advice from Sam Hyde lel

>> No.22291912
File: 85 KB, 669x1000, TheCampofSaints.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give her the book The Camp of Saints and then show her this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yvkS735KTwQ and then convert to the one true faith Traditional Catholicism. Then advocate others to convert to Traditional Catholicism as well and then we reconquista our lands on the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. All false religions out.

>> No.22292323

center left establishment democrat is unironically the most redpilled ideology out there today. if anything she should be the one finding books for you to shatter your childish fantasies.

>> No.22292376

Just own her with facts and logic.

>> No.22292448

Where is this. Iceland?

>> No.22292513

100% God is the only one you can lean on I agree.man leans on God and woman leans on man.

>> No.22292560

It's only natural. Humans are fickle, women uniquely so. God will not judge your or forsake you because you pour your heart out to Him telling Him that you feel inadequate, weak and helpless. He will instead have mercy on His servant and strengthen him. It's only a very saintly woman who will not view her man with scorn for telling her that. But as Solomon says
>Which my soul still seeks but I cannot find: One man among a thousand I have found, But a woman among all these I have not found.

>> No.22292641

Chances are nothing in that text ever happened, that she poached it from Reddit or another tiktok, and she simply posted it to go viral.

>> No.22293432

this seems like a sad way to live. Never showing your "true self", I understand not being vocal some things but this mixed with saying you're married and don't even talk to her about emotional or intellectual bonding is depressing. Supposed to be your partner, and it's strange to hear something like that about someone you're close with.

>> No.22293477

Posturing and preening your whole life around the person whom you swear to share your world with sounds miserable. I was lucky to witness two strong, beautiful marriages as a kid. I know what you're saying isn't the only way to live. True love is in fact out there.

>> No.22294407
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>blah blah blah women are so great blah blah blah everything is men’s fault
It’s all so tiresome

>> No.22295591

Well put, a lot of men ignore that kind of social proof and power at their own peril. Being physically or even mentally stronger doesn't mean much when it usually just results in a stronger or smarter man socialized to bend over backwards like that. Also you touched on the passive ways that women exert social power, but when you consider active methods like feigning affection towards men or baiting men into making fools of themselves it becomes almost terrifyingly powerful.

>> No.22295603

>true love is in fact out there
shh don't tell him, you'll only make him feel more miserable

>> No.22295610
