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22283687 No.22283687 [Reply] [Original]

What books should one read to get out of depression? No holy texts.

>> No.22283695

Someone in this board said The World as Will and Representation and I'm reading it but so far the depression is the same

>> No.22283696

Book of Disquiet

>> No.22283698

you have to be 18 to post here

>> No.22283701

Books won't help you.

Get off the computer and do physical things in the real world.

>> No.22283703

But the pen is mightier than the sword

>> No.22283709

Stay depressed. Revel in it.

>> No.22283739

You just want to post twinks huh.
Why are boykissers like this?

>> No.22283741
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>What books should one read to get out of depression? No holy texts.
The Holy Bible

>> No.22283757

Honestly this. Read something fun like a Confederacy of Dunces if you want but go outside and get your body moving.

>> No.22283758

No books will ultimately cure your depression.
Build healthy habits.
If you do want to look for direction (I wouldn't say this is synonymous with an outright cure), don't dismiss holy texts. They are perfectly legit reasons people turn to them.

>> No.22283761

The Fountainhead

>> No.22283762

Books can help if they change your mindset and thought patterns, which are behind depression.

>> No.22283791

I will stay depressed until cute young girls give me the sex I am owed.

>> No.22283810

Thus spoke zarathustra really helped me.
Beating deperessio though is largely about actions such as hygene and excercise, speaking with your family ect. your not gonna cure it with a single book and I think its kind of the poinnt its lifes NPC filter

>> No.22283817

you ask for a cure
when presented, you reject it looking for something else that won't fully heal you

>> No.22283834

A pen wrote that saying, but I think a sword would win in a fight.

>> No.22284020

and who animates the mind that swings the sword
is not god,justice and reason simply the creation of the pen

>> No.22284067

Never been in a depression. But would understanding depression help ?
Maybe something like Man Search for Meaning ?
Or something like, like The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck ?
Or, more esoteric, like The Little Prince ?

>> No.22284071

sun and steel

>> No.22284493


>> No.22284496

>What books should one read to get out of depression?
10 hours of physical labour.

>> No.22284509
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A pen wielder could sweep the sword user and quickly go for a neck stab as the sword user is dazed. It’s not the size of the boat it’s the motion of the ocean.

>> No.22284511
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>10 hours of physical labour
Not at all faggot, I do 8 hours of physical labor every single day 5 days a week and i sometimes do over time all the way to 12 hours and there are days when i have to do mandatory over time and work on saturdays unexpectedly (very common). I fucking hate this shit so god damn much because im not paid enough to actually do anything worth while for all the time worked and im way to fucking tired and exhausted to even want to pursue new things.

So no, 10 hours of physical labour will absolutely not fix depression, if anything it will make it worse.

>> No.22284516

No son, you've discovered Alienation. Time to read Engels. I'd read Engels before I started manual labour, previously I was white collar, so my depression turned into a white hot electric lance of hate.

>> No.22284531

Read storm of steel if you’re inclined to looking inwards and how you react to things.
Read Ulysses if you simply want to see how people enjoy and live in a the world. If it’s good it will also make you want to go and walk about where you live as you silently LARP as Leopold or Stephen

>> No.22284683
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>> No.22284696

>Get off the computer and do physical things in the real world.
shit advice, the world is filled with filth and ugliness, the only thing i really want to do in the "real" world is inflict pain and suffering on everyone

>> No.22284710
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I meant to go on /fit/ but clicked on this board instead. Let me help you bro.

You just don't know love yet, anon:D

>> No.22284729

>No holy texts.
It's not going to happen then, buddy. You know what you have to do but you keep rejecting the only hand held out to you.

>> No.22284732

He said get out of depression, not driven to suicide.

>> No.22284734

>You just don't know love yet, anon:D
and i never will, hence why i want to inflict pain and suffering

>> No.22284747
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>> No.22284769

This. Only read Nietzsche and meanwhile go to the gym, go jogging and if you have free time play chess in that (other then reading Nietzsche). Get more then enough sleep, have a regular time you go to bed and wake up. Trust me when I tell you that you can't think yourself out of a bad state of mind. This arrogance is the downfall of high-iq thoughtful people. And remember to take full accountability - everything I proposed is for you to implement. But if you don't want to do better, then just do not listen. I do not care beyond giving you some basic advice.

Love from
Anon the Anonymous

>> No.22284773

Walk the dog.
Then read.
Then walk the dog again.
Then read some more and sleep.

>> No.22284774

Though question OP. I'd say :
- Into the Wild, John Krakauer.
I was obsessed with McCandless story in HS, I think it has some beauty on fighting bigger than self issues.

- La Promesse de l'aube (Promise at Dawn in English), Romain Gary.
It's an autobiographic novel, that is partly autofiction. It acknowledges hard truths of life, but always see the bright side. I think it's the one I recommend you the most.

- Candide, Voltaire.
A "philosophical tale". Actually has a good comedic value, and nice life lessons, although you need to think a bit further than the story elements.

- Some of Borges short stories have this flavor of "everything is way too big for us, so let's just live with it happily" that can help feel better. Even the ones that are a bit sinister in their ending can feel comforting when digested. I'd recommend the Aleph in particular.

However, I'll repeat what the others have said : reading can help you, but the problem seems deeper here. You seem filled with anger and exasperation from your work and resentment toward the world, and appear to be sad from this. I recommend you to find help, if you have no one to talk with, please contact a therapist. Not saying this mockingly or to be mean, it's said in the kindest tone my poor English can find. Things can get better Anon, even if it's true that sometimes, it seems almost impossible to achieve. I hope you'll be fine.

>> No.22284777

>What books should one read to get out of depression?

None. Keto-ish diet and nutritional know-how. in this thoroughly fucked environment will serve you better. Sure, being up to date on how the current state of affairs came to being is where it's going would help, but if you're Gen Z that's another decade of hard reading and right commentators to go.

>> No.22284781

Anything by Stephenie Meyer

>> No.22284791

Serotonin by Houellebecq

>> No.22284794

Serious answer: therapy, individual and group.

>> No.22284814

1. The Illiad and the Odyssey
Ideally listen to it as an audiobook while lifting or hiking
2. Beyond Good and Evil or The Will to Power - Nietzsche
same as above
3. Bel-Ami - Guy de Maupassant
Hilarious and high-energy
4. I Have a Special Plan for this World - Thomas Ligotti
Repurpose your depression into active malice
5. Sun and Steel - Yukio Mishima
former bookcel gets jacked for spiritual reasons

>> No.22284824

thats one way to change your life

>> No.22284848

this. go deeper in. feel all the bad feelings until it bores you to death. then move on.

>> No.22284913


>> No.22284917

Hell yes, king.

>> No.22284941

Her mouth around my dick will certainly cure my depression.

>> No.22285040

>posts pedophilia
>is depressed
>refuses holy books
I am assuming you see that these three thinga are the same - just you rejecting the moral duty of being human and hoping for an alternative duty that is as fulfilling as morals. Sorry chief - it's God or rebellion and rebellion is paid in misery and obedience is joyousness.

>> No.22285192
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>> No.22285329

Industrial Society and Its Future
>Industrial Society and Its Future
Industrial Society and Its Future
>Industrial Society and Its Future
Industrial Society and Its Future
>Industrial Society and Its Future

>> No.22285465

why Illiad and Odyssey? Have them in my bookshelf but have yet to start reading it.

>> No.22285473


>> No.22285611

>- Into the Wild, John Krakauer.
>I was obsessed with McCandless story in HS, I think it has some beauty on fighting bigger than self issues
McCandless was a selfish richboy who committed suicide with his idiocy. What "bigger than self issues" are you referring to? He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and only fought problems of his own stupid construction. The entire book is Krakauer pathetically giving glory to him. You'd have to be in high school to idolize that dunce.

>> No.22285623
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>> No.22285629

You should be writing or doing therapy.

>> No.22286081

I thought you guys were just joking that women fantasise about being raped until I read this.

>> No.22286648
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Hey anon, I've been going through a rough patch myself recently and have also been looking for things to help me feel better. I can't really suggest any specific books, since everybody is different, but I would suggest reading whatever books you know you will enjoy, as this is an easy way to take your mind off things while doing something enjoyable. Enjoy fantasy? Pick up and dive into a new book. That's really the best advice I can give you in the way of book recs

Besides this, as other anons have mentioned, there are many lifestyle changes you can make as well that can help you feel better. Eating well and routinely will do wonders for your energy overall health, and a little bit of exercise never hurts. Even if you don't have access to a gym, calisthenics (push ups, crunches, etc) and neighborhood jogs don't require any equipment and are a great way to stay in shape. Sleep is also important but easy to underappreciate.

Lethargy can be hard to beat, so try to minimize screen time and focus on hobbies or activities that you enjoy. One thing I found enriching was volunteering in my community. It can sometimes be helpful to talk to others as well, so try and socialize more/put yourself out there. This can be something as minor as striking up a conversation with someone in your day-to-day activities, or other stuff like joining a book club or going to the bar. There are plenty of apps which allow you to connect with people too for both casual and more serious relationships, if that is what you are interested in.

Finally, if you ever feel like you're in an emotional crisis or just want to talk to someone, check out your state's warmlines, or any third-party organization intended to help those in emotional distress. One group I have reached out too in the past can be called any time at 18004483000. They are very nice people. Of course, if you're having scarier thoughts, try the suicide hotline. Therapy is also a great resource. If you're in uni, they'll typically offer some sort of counseling service for free. Dont underestimate family either. I would suggest you hesitate in seeking out anti depressants, but this is a conversation between you and your doctor.

Good luck, brother. We all get a little sad sometimes, but you just have to take things one day at a time. Things will get better.

>> No.22286652

(Phoneposting so excuse the typos)

>> No.22287780


>> No.22288333

motherfucker don't you dare tell them that my livelihood depends on my self help books published under a pseduonym
if they find out that it's all worthless and all you have to do is be healthy with no hormonal imbalances and you can do this by taking a requisite amount of vitamin d, calcium, dietary fats with good a healthy insulin response then I'm fucking done

you motherfucker delete this post right now, they can't know the truth! they must not know the truth!

make it your gimmick

>> No.22288353

alt.suicide FAQ

>> No.22288374

>and there are days when i have to do mandatory over time and work on saturdays unexpectedly (very common).
>I fucking hate this shit so god damn much because im not paid enough to actually do anything worth while
Allow me to put this into perspective for you as someone who worked and left the work field as a manager who had dealt with someone crying over coming in on a Saturday and someone who once valued my saturdays.
You are already working and selling yourself for money: you are a prostitute.
What are you doing on a Saturday that you are not doing on Sunday and cannot be done on a Tuesday afternoon or Thursday morning? Did you have children? Are you a child? Do you have a girlfriend or a boyfriend who works in the finance or education industry who works a steady 9:30 - 3:30 and you think you deserve to have Saturday off so that you may spend time with them? Why does that particular block of 12 hours at the start of the day matter so much? Do you want to go clubbing? go out for drinks? Go to a sports event that only takes place on Saturday?
Well, sucks to suck. You're a fucking prostitute.

Days don't exist, they have names but a day is a fucking day and the only thing that differentiates them is that some people falsely assign value to them in the same way they falsely assign value to digital money in their bank accounts. This isn't an arbitrary system to live your life by like being diurnal that has real consequences, it's one out of seven, one of many in three hundred & sixty five.
You have to work a Saturday? Sucks, good news. You're missing all the bullshit that comes with a Saturday if you do your mundane tasks on another day, you miss the rush! oh what a rush!

Really, when you grow up, you realise it doesn't matter. You're a slave either way and all wage slaving is submitting. If you see working on Saturdays as something meaningful then you're already too far gone. If you work for someone and you have to work on a Saturday then you're there because that work needs to get done at some point and the arbitrary bullshit day system means that a Sunday is even less convenient due to limited trading hours!
You work a physical job, a labourer who works on projects with timescales that are always falling behind. You work in a state of permanent crunch. You are selling your time to others and you are rewarded for it.

If you really, really love Saturdays. If you just got to LIVE UP THEM SATURDAYS BRO then I would suggest not going in. Don't go, do your task, do your task that can only be done on Saturday and return before or after. Alternatively go self employed and have it suck your soul out through your spine when you inevitably still have to work a Saturday or leave the employment field forever where you really get to assign meaningful value to your spare time.

You rancid whore.

>> No.22288428

have u ever played shadow of the colossus

>> No.22288437

>have u ever played shadow of the colossus
u ever just read a sentence like this and the nanosecond your brain parses it in comes a flood of music?
yeah, that's what that post was, thx bud

>> No.22288438

You should put yourself out of your own misery and kill yourself.

>> No.22288562

just read the part about humor

>> No.22289123

Use this as motivation to go out and destroy the oligarchy.

>> No.22289125

Imagine being someone as pathetic as OP

>> No.22289128

>What she read
>All heady books she'd sit and prophesise
>(It took a tattooed boy from Birkenhead
>To really really open her eyes)

>> No.22290157

A book on the neuroscience of depression would help you hack your way out of it. Just read about how it works on a biological level - not understanding depression will keep you depressed.

>> No.22290185

>Into the Wild
you need to lurk more to learn what opinions you should have

>> No.22290200
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I read gay and furry romance novels for that

>> No.22290217

My bloomercore

Henry Miller
Tao Te Ching
I Ching
Bhagavad Gita
Conversations with Goethe-Eckermann
Van Gogh’s letters
Don Quixote-Cervantes
Letters to a Young Poet-Rilke
La Rochefoucauld
Wind, Sand, and Stars-St. Exupery
Memoirs of Hadrian-Yourcenar
Casanova’s autobiography
Cellini’s autobiography
The Tartar Steppe-Buzzati

>> No.22290333

Such a nice list. What do you like about Cellini’s work? I haven’t read it yet

>> No.22290380

It’s a surprisingly fun and educational read. Cellini was full of bravado and was pretty unaware of how he was coming across. He depicted himself as an Ubermensch. It gives good insight into art in the renaissance while being almost an adventure book that makes me laugh at times. Just a few things he writes about: regularly taking on multiple attackers and he always comes away victorious, feuds with popes, cardinals and kings, escaping from prison, defending Rome almost single-handedly with a cannon, saving an outdoor festival by firing a cannon at rain clouds, summoning demons, fucking a 14 year old girl, being accused of raping and murdering a young boy, cheesy quips throughout, among other things. At first glance most people wouldn’t think an autobiography of a sculptor/goldsmith is entertaining, but it’s a really fun and crazy book

>> No.22290388

I gotta read this shit. Thanks anon

>> No.22290413
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Hymns to the night and then you either kill yourself or become a schizo

>> No.22290707

Being and time.

>> No.22290757

so he raped a child?
So you want to read a book written by a child molester?

>> No.22290773

wholesome post

>> No.22290928

I know you said no religious texts but the Book of Ecclesiastes is actually how pointless everything is and how there is nothing new under the sun and god seemingly doesnt exist. Essentially its about pursuing god but you can replace that with the idea of the highest virtue or transcendence

>> No.22291000

Call me by your name

>> No.22291276

I found Siddhartha incredibly beautiful and uplifting. Have you read Demian? It's the only other Hesse any of my local libraries have.

>> No.22291284

so hot

>> No.22292182
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I got the right book for ya

>> No.22292220

>dude, just brainwash yourself lmao!
at that point it might be more honorable to neck yourself instead of coping this way

>> No.22292228


>> No.22292264

The world is repellent to be sure. There is the Japanese book about a nearly homeless day laborer called "a man with no talents" you might like.

Idk we need Maoist red army groups to join at this point and I'll be depressed until we have them

>> No.22292271

You are retarded that's so dumb

>> No.22292281

ok nub

>> No.22292317

>So you want to read a book written by a child molester?

Yes. Being a child molester is only a fraction of one's personality, and it doesn't make him any less interesting of a writer, you dumb fuck.

>> No.22292340

Damn, somebody made the effort to write this

>> No.22292355

Sun and Steel

>> No.22292377

Depression is a sign that your body is in bad shape.
> drink water
> shave
> bathe
> cook meat with greens to eat
> do your chores
> sleep
> cut out all the noise, the junk, bad people, drugs, and other shit.
> Get a job, any job, fuck retards on 4chinz, better to be a wagie and renting a bedroom and paying for your own shit than to deal with cunts just to get by.
> go to the gym to lift weights. Raising your testosterone will do wonders for your mind. Trust me, I've been through the same.
> mind your own business, stick to your hobbies. Its always better to keep to your own mastering your craft than to bother making friends aka future traitors. Lastly
> women are not worth it. The sooner you realize that its good to be celibate and single, the better

>> No.22292383

who are you quoting

>> No.22292384

nothing you read is likely to significantly help you. you need the opposite of reading, which is action.

>> No.22292415
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It feels like SSRIs is giving me whatever I imagine Parkinson's to feel like. A book never helped nor did activity. But if you can get rid of your mind as much as possible = less feels. Find books that annihilate yourself directly or teach you how to. You should get approaching belief in nothing after accepting it's endless suffering to be here

I am considering working in a hospice to see my community resting well and the joussance of ending it.

Whatever mental you have double it then double it again. You'll see how resilient you really are

>> No.22292437

the bibble

>> No.22292747

For some reason I kept reading this shut. Anyway in Corinthians it says to work work 6 days a week and rest on Sunday. In orthodoxy is permitted to do anything on sundays. So yeah days do have value you fucking retard.

>> No.22292756

Post body

>> No.22292765

prove it

Go on, prove that days have value.

>> No.22292773

incredibly based

>> No.22292784

the magus

>> No.22292889

I did but it was a long time ago. I remember liking the first half much better than the ending. I should reread it though because I think it went over my head. I’ve read 4 of his books and think Siddhartha is his crown achievement. After that Steppenwolf. It is a book aimed at the stereotypical passive pretentious litizen. N&G and Demian were both good but I thought they fell apart more towards the end. It’s been a while since I’ve read either so I just give them another go. Just like Demian it’s possible N&G went over my head too as I was much younger. I remember thinking it was about the duality of man, the passive intellectual vs the life liver. My impression was it had the chance to be sublime but Hesse stumbled

>> No.22292988

Absolute bitch made post anon. You are a little whore.

>> No.22293790

You're still a prostitute anon.
That fact isn't changing.