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/lit/ - Literature

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22283108 No.22283108 [Reply] [Original]

Let's establish a fascist literary canon. I was looking through Ezra Pound lore the other day and I found he wrote an article called notes on a fascist bookshelf. I hunted the article down and it was in some obscure Italian paper. I can't find it in archive or anywhere else.

> no philosophy, just literature.
>I'll start
> Mishima, D' Annunzio, Pound.

> Maybe classics like Plutarch and Homer. Thomas Mallory's Death of Arthur?

Off to a pretty good start with three heavy hitters. Anyone else have any recs?

>> No.22283121

Good thread, OP.
I'm on the fence about Mishima though, although I like his writings.

The problem with making a Fascist bookshelf is the scope. You have to first define the Fascist term - are you using it in a general sense for the spirit that influenced several political ideology, or a specific ideology?

>> No.22283171

Anything by Pierre Drieu La Rochelle

>> No.22283190

Fascism and NS are better movements outside of the intellectual. They have an almost religious, exoteric element to the movements, which is why they were more successful in continental Europe than either communism or liberalism
>inb4 was defeated!
Massively outnumbered, gave it a good crack considering the resources available, a few poor decisions sealed the deal and commies and liberals teamed up against them (the bigger threat, obviously)

>> No.22283238

Someone should start compiling a list so we can keep this going across several threads if it ends up picking up.

>> No.22283365


I'm down. (am op), lets also discuss- what maeks aw work fascist? It cant jsut be that it was made by a fascist author.

> Speaks to invigorating power of life- life affirming.

Ex. Kiyoaki Matsugae choosing to impregnate Satoko when she was bethrothed to the emperors son

Anything else?

>> No.22283369

You people always talk about fascism, never national socialism.

You realize this political shit is all cope, right? The only thing that matters is: white race, white race, and the white race.

>> No.22283395


>> No.22283403

What makes a piece of fiction fascist in nature?

What would make a piece of fiction communist or liberal or democratic, for that matter?

>> No.22283410

>which is why they were more successful in continental Europe than either communism or liberalism
Come on, now.

>> No.22283447


Thats a picture of the best friend of my high school gf. Is there a way to dm on 4chan?

>> No.22283478

>Arthurian Tales

>> No.22283535

you will just have to post it

>> No.22283547

TS Eliot
Wyndham Lewis
FT Marinetti

>> No.22283563

>IP: Mexico

>> No.22283577

Michael by Goebbels. It’s not amazing but it summarizes NSDAP

>> No.22283606

Forget all the recommendations ITT. Here's the start of a real fascist canon:
>Georg Hegel
>Arthur Schopenhauer
>Karl Marx
>Henri Bergson
>Gustav le Bon
>Georges Sorel
>Vladimir Lenin
And so on.... Basically following the thoughts of right-hegelians, continental idealists, and Sorelean socialists. It would be a mistake to see fascism as anything but one branch of Marxist theory

>> No.22283617

Was the article in English or Italian?
If it's in Italian tell me and I'll look for it. Maybe I can find.

>> No.22283620

I meant: tell me the title. What's the original title?

>> No.22283652


Im pretty sure it was in italian. I can speak italian and I was lookign for it.

Pretty sure the title is just notes on a fascist bookshelf.

>> No.22283689

Well they were. Communism was huge in both Italy and Germany (the places where it was predicted to take over) it turns out, European working classes preferred fascism and class co operation as opposed to antagonism. He'll, even in France fascism was more popular

>> No.22283704

Not really. Fascism refutes just about every aspect of Marxism other than its antagonism toward the capitalist class. If anything bolshevism had to adapt itself into a form of fascism just to function

>> No.22283710

If it was in Italian, then the title is not "notes on a fascist bookshelf", as that title is in the English language.

>> No.22283734

I am interested in a dialectical synthesis of the fascist state principle with the national socialist Volk principle. Evola's Notes on the Third Reich are quite good on this, and it's very short. I think he respected German National Socialism quite a lot, but skewed toward Fascism as he was more of an aristocrat and didn't care quite as much for the truly socialist elements of the NSDAP regime (which, as he notes, were incredibly powerful - within 10 years it basically effected an actual "communist revolution" and created the beginnings of a full-fledged post-class Volksgemeinschaft). Personally I am the opposite, I skew a little more toward the socialist side.

But the general point is that a synthesis of the two would be interesting. The NSDAP state was too headlessly polycratic and reliant on Hitler, but that could have just been a function of its unique historical circumstances. I wonder what Hitler himself thought about who should succeed him. Surely he knew nobody else could be a living lightning bolt like he was. Mussolini had the better idea here, as he knew very explicitly that Fascism had to outlive his personal influence over it.

>> No.22283782
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Camille Paglia
Walt Whitman

>> No.22283785

>>no philosophy, just literature.
>can't read

>> No.22283787
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Can we please include Lotr?
It doesn't have to be considered high literature, just a state approved fantasy story. The Nazis themselves asked Tolkien to prove his Aryan birth to publish it in Germany, but Tolkien, though being able to prove it, rejected them in a letter.

>> No.22283803


>> No.22283816

Typical anglos. So boneheaded and proud didn’t even realize the Nazi government was far closer to his view of the world than the American consoomer world his country was ushering in

>> No.22283827

Exactly, Tolkien's loyalty was to Britain.

>> No.22283833

This is a good post. I'm not sure we saw the full potential of the NSDAP. I too, am curious about who would've taken over the leadership. Perhaps things escalated too quickly to even consider a post Hitler third reich

>> No.22283841

>I can't believe he felt loyalty to his own country
>I'm a nationalist, btw

>> No.22283844

Every white nation is thoroughly dominated by anti-white interests and race traitors, there is nothing contradictory about suspecting established governments of being taken over by hostile groups.

>> No.22283851

I'm going to buy a copy of Mein Kampf and scribble a transcript of Ann Frank's diary into the margins and submit it to my local art contest.
>Might take a while, pic when I get started and finish.
Or should I hire a lady with nice handwriting?
Girly handwriting vs the anxiety ridden scribbles of someone afraid their going to be killed? What's your take?

>> No.22283926

i sure hope you're not planning to do it in english

>> No.22284140

>What's your take?
This is a trite idea for an art project and you should use your time to make something better

>> No.22284166

This is the problem right here. What do you mean by "fascist"? I was going to include books on the Jewish Problem because I think it is crucial, especially on the topics of media, mass culture, art and national community.

Here I would include the following:

Jenji Kohan and the Jewish Hyper-Sexualization of Western Culture by Brenton Sanderson (Occidental Observer)

“Modify the standards of the in-group”: On Jews and Mass Communications by Andrew Joyce (Occidental Observer)

The Culture of Critique Series by Kevin Macdonald

Also work by Frank Salter (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R8qcK-jx6_8&t=375s))

Again I know OP asked for a literary canon. But I'm not really sure what qualifies as "fascist" in the literary sense. There is a book I remember seeing (The Poetics of Fascism: Ezra Pound, T.S. Eliot by Paul de Man) but I haven't read it yet. Can anybody confirm whether or not there is such a thing as fascist literature?

>> No.22284212

I should also like to see (as a subsidiary to this) a canon that deals seriously with the Jewish Question. And this should include material from philosophy and the social sciences (like https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/social-institutions/ or https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/shared-agency/ or https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/nationalism/ etc; these look like good places to begin an inquiry) as well as serious academic work on the nature of Judaism as a cultural and biological collective.

Separation and Its Discontents: Toward an Evolutionary Theory of Anti-Semitism by Kevin Macdonald should be included as well as work from political ethology.

I'm just recently taken an interest in this topic. And it is vast and manifold. And worth exploring I think. I'm willing to include in this canon poetry, novels, and even art like paintings, etc.

Any suggestions?

>> No.22284223
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Have you read Verbeeten's Politics of Nonassimilation? Or pic related, Sombart.

>> No.22284254

No I’ll definitely check it out though. Thanks!

>> No.22284815

When people observe Jewish behaviour patterns, and become frustrated by those surnames constantly popping up, yet don't study the social sciences and develop a model to explain the pattern, then they default to a basic "cabal" model. I would recommend people look at the work of Walter Lippmann and Norbert Weiner. These two men's writing are the basis of game theory which would inform US psychological operations throughout the 20th century. Gene Gebser's work on worldviews offers a more in focus view of how Jewish power actually functions in the individual Jew structurally.
The way they did it was based on the framework of engineered worldviews (such as that worldview that the CIA attempted to create with the congress for cultural freedom) and setting up structures of discourse with which to use these worldviews to their advantage. With this understanding it becomes obvious that an ethnic worldview would govern behaviour in predictable ways. While there are at least two factions of Jewry, we can study (Pew research has provided great polling on Jewish opinion) what it is that they hold in common (most Jews consider being Jewish the most important thing in their life) and what the content of their identity is (most Jews say that being Jewish involves remembering the Holocaust). It makes sense then why they act the way they do, and the three authors above explain how it is that they could act autonomously yet still end up contributing to their group interest.

>> No.22284822

As an addendum, Adam Kats elucidates the significant of the Holocaust myth for Jews and why it makes they the way they are, although studying Eric Gans's work first is best to get a full understanding of what he is arguing.

>> No.22284837

> lust provoking image
> let's start...
The porn is part of what you are proposing?

>> No.22284874

Jouvenel - on power
Veblen - theory of business enterprise
Schumpeter - capitalism, socialism and democracy
Carl schmitt - crisis of parliamentary democracy
A. James Gregory - faces of Janus
Anthony Smith - the ethnic origins of nations

>> No.22284928

Why are you so opposed to the beauty of the human form? Didn't your God make these curves and make it so I like looking at it.

>> No.22284967
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Good thread

>> No.22285177

well, it might be appunti su una libreria fascista then...

>> No.22285401

What are the elements of fascist thought we might see come through in a work
the value of Life was already mentioned, so perhaps reproduction and family too
normative value of hierarchy is a big one
submission of individual will to a collective aim is a big one
What else?

>> No.22285423

Glorification of virility and strength of character.

>> No.22285441

Fascism is would lead to more organized power over me.

Can't support it. I'm an individualist.

>> No.22285454

That's like saying having a family leads to people having influence over you because you have responsibilities to care for them. It also changes and enriches your life in ways the "individual" can't comprehend, and the individual ends up spiritually impoverished and dangerously isolated when alone.

And on top of that, "individualism" was really just a front for lowest common denominator collectivism. You are still part of a state structure, it's just a decentralized deep state that knows how to swamp you in lumpenproles and drag you down to their level, and drown you a millionfold out if you ever try to dissent against it. Modern "democracy" has nothing to do with the Greek polis or Italian republican democracy, it's just a mass ruled by people who know how to churn the sea of mass in ways that benefit them.

>> No.22285455

The Bible.

>> No.22285495
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>> No.22285519

>Wants to create a canon Fascist literature
>Actually creates a canon of intensely gay literature
Common fascist L

>> No.22285580

The problem is that right-wingers want to consider anyone and everyone who has any sort of reactionary sentiment “a fascist”. Mishima wasn’t a fascist, for example. He never endorsed fascism. The inability to be nuanced does all these people a disservice.

>> No.22285592

Despite being a fascist who argues for an expansive definition of fascism, I agree, OP should probably widen the name to a different catch-all. Reaction is also wrong because some reactionaries are "mere" conservatives and thus the term doesn't capture fascists and national socialists, let alone national syndicalists and left-wing national socialists like Rohm or National Bolshevists like Niekisch. But right wing is a bit vague and muddled too.

So what's a good term? Third position maybe?

>> No.22285675


Celebration of the human body is fascist. Although to be more "in line" with the propaganda tenants of fascism I should've posted a bodybuilder aryan man as well, BAP-esque. But I'm too horny ~~~

>> No.22285679


The respectable counter argument to fascism. Completely understand that.

>> No.22285681


I'm down for third position. But to give it a more enticing spin it should probably be "third front."

>> No.22285694

Monarchy >> Aristocracy > fascism

>> No.22285696

Feminism is a right-wing conservative ideology

>> No.22285763
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>> No.22285810

Least obsessed /pol/fag

>> No.22286237

How about you finally have sex instead lmao

>> No.22286354

This is an excellent remark. I’ll look into the work in question.

One of the difficulties I’m having with the Jewish question is the fuzziness of it all. And this has to do with considering their mental states (things like values, interpretations, knowledge, understanding, beliefs, etc) In my view, any way to obviate the need to factor in mental states like intentions will go a long way in giving the Jewish question a strong technical foundation. Like it’s highly unlikely that Jewish artists or pornographers intentionally set out to demoralize or otherwise harm the host population. Not to mention the mental states of the victim population (are they really demoralized, and if so to what degree or in what way and how do we ascertain this, etc). And yet it is undeniable that there is SOMETHING there. But, again, it’s fuzzy.

I just started on this problem, but to mind if we can take their intentions out of the equation we are still left with the bare facts of their behavior. Like markets. It doesn’t actually matter (or shouldn’t matter) your intention in purchasing something. All that matters (from the technical perspective) is the bare fact of your purchasing it. So ethnic groups can behave in all sorts of ways. What matters is not their intentions. But the bare facts of the behaviors themselves.

Nevertheless the use of myths to shape the behavior of individuals is interesting. Because it means they are going to act in a fairly uniform way (when we take into account all the different circumstances in which they are acting). And the myth is the rationale. So Jews need to work hard to change the host country’s immigration policy to prevent another holocaust, etc.

To mind it is crucial to treat the problem respectfully. Too many individuals use it as a platform to vent all their frustrations. So they don’t stop to really consider what we are looking at. Again to do so will require a considerable amount information from all kinds of disciplines. And a need to detach oneself from any particular outcome. It might turn out to be a dud. Doubtful. But still possible. We should be open to that. All the same (because of the kind of questions it raises in social sciences and economics, and because of the high probability of its possessing great explanatory value) the Jewish problem is well worth pursuing in my view.

>> No.22286482

Reading de Gobineau carefully has allowed me to give an explanation to fascist antisemitism and his books were allegedly read by Hitler. Gobineau was not an antisemitist but he gives a precise definition of the term: any people that resulted from the mixture of a white people with a black people has to be considered as Semitic. So a Semite is anyone who is either black and white or the speakers of the Semitic language group and it is not unreasonable that they are an originally indo-European people that changed considerably after generations of mingling with black people. But it goes further than this. To Gobineau, there are no pure whites left and the Germanic race to him is heavily affected by Celtic and Slavic admixture who's nature, to Gobineau, is caused by the combination of a white people with yellow/Finnish/Turkish/Mongol people. Hence, there being no pure whites left since late antiquity, the main racial antagonism then moved on to an antagonism of the Mongolized Whites (the Germanics) against the Africanized Whites (the Semites). Hitler, as a German, recognized this, and decided to fight on the side of the Germanics. I know this sounds heavily shizo but if you study it a bit deeper it might start to make sense.

>> No.22286949
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I agree I think speculating on the intentions of individuals is extraneous and just makes a good argument look weak. It is conceptually possible and I'm sure not uncommon for Jews to act in the conscious interest of their group to intentionally destroy the West, but ultimately it isn't necessary to the Jewish question to argue that. Growing up being told of the Holocaust makes certain fact and lines of thought impossible and uncomfortable for Jewish people. These mental blocks (which are present for every national group) will guide people into what we understand in a colloquial sense as being a national temperament (at least in part). Moreover, the fact that their particular myth is one in which a majority group defines itself as the center and targets marginal minorities for punishment makes the very thought and existence of such a central majority a source of anxiety. People make fun of "intergenerational trauma" and how the trauma of the Holocaust supposedly affected Jewish DNA, but I actually think there is a kernel of truth to it. Here is a Jewish person explaining it simply (pic related): https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cbc.ca/amp/1.6438426
It makes sense then that one would use whatever power you have if you were for example in the media, to suppress national consciousness in the public sphere, and the spread alternative narratives in its place if such a consciousness gave you an unconscious discomfort and anxiety. We can also see nepotism in light of personal anxieties: if you are a minority population that sees your identity and important of course you are going to give preference to your co-ethnics and of course you will love the idea of diversity.

>> No.22287015

Same fag

>> No.22287964

Another problem is that when people talk about Jews and the media or Jews in finance etc, and how Jews dominate certain industries they don't provide proper context.

For instance. In order to SEE that Jews dominate the media it isn't enough to simply show all the Jews in the media. You need to show all the Gentiles too, otherwise I don't get the immediate perception of the PROPORTIONS. Which is absolutely crucial.

It would also be useful to SEE how Jews concentrate in certain industries (like mass communications and the media) and not in others (electrical engineering). But typically the focus is on a few key industries. Again without proper context. So we are left wondering if there really are a lot of Jews in the media or finance as opposed to say Jews in plumbing or civil engineering.

So there needs to be a better job of actually showing proportions and concentrations in particular industries or institutions vis a vis Gentiles.

I like T.S. Eliot's idea of religion as the source and heart of culture. And I think we we want to understand Jews as a culture and Jewish contributions to Western culture we need to have a firm understanding of their religion. There must be something about their religion and its manifestation in their customs, norms, behaviors, etc that is contributing to the problem. For instance, pornography. I was completely baffled by Jewish rabbis and other religious Jews being involved in pornography and prostitution. Any idea what is going on here? I simply can't imagine Christians acting like this. It's completely odd. And it reminds me of an article I read on Orthodox Jews and criminality (https://www.theoccidentalobserver.net/2013/08/10/ultra-orthodox-jewish-ethics-gaming-the-system/).). I honestly have never encountered a situation where an "ultra religious" people are organized into something like a crime syndicate. It just completely challenged my idea of "religious people" and "religion." This ethical system must also be at work in shaping Jewish behavior. Especially in traditional societies.

>> No.22287971

Ultimately though Jews are exemplary of the failures of multicultural societies. You have distinct national groups competing for control over the institutions and resources under the aegis of a single state. Jews are described as highly adept at this kind of competition. And it is this basic pathology (a break in the cultural and racial integrity of the host society) that leads to the formation of reactionary nationalism on the part of gentiles. Just look at the financial sector (https://www.theoccidentalobserver.net/2010/05/02/kevin-macdonald-does-jewish-financial-misbehavior-have-anything-to-do-with-being-jewish/).).

At a certain point it seems to be that it is simply easier from groups like Jews to use and abuse the host population and to act recklessly or engage in extensive criminality because they do not belong to this national body and are not invested in its well being. In the US the Anglo-American elite was invested in the well being of the national community because they were themselves a part of the body.

>> No.22288158
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naw but it's fun to think about

>> No.22289422

bump for interest

>> No.22289428

Tale as old as time desu senpai

>> No.22289438

Yes it is, just like the Republican party in the USA appeals to "nationalism" while really being a traitor to the nation. Nationalism doesn't mean unconditional support of an awful government, otherwise it would make sense to volunteer to fight in Ukraine if you're American.

>> No.22289447

>Muh republican muh USA politics
shut up you retarded faggot.

>> No.22289468

You are very retarded if you can't understand the point of that analogy. I am not American. The good will in me wants me to explain further that it's just an analogy, proving that unconditional support of whatever local political party has the current monopoly on "nationalism" is silly. But the vast majority of me is so disgusted by how stupid you are if you need this explained for you that I don't want to reply.

Genuinely, I don't understand why people like you exist. You have too little soul to fill out your brain or something. Kill yourself and reincarnate into a plant like you were meant to.

>> No.22289541

Considering that fascism is under the umbrella of third position, it could work but then it would be a "third position literary canon." instead. It would be a nice thing to see, but I wonder about fascist/3P literary critique. I wonder if we could create one to sit up there with feminist, marxist, etc. critique.
Anyways, if that is done, someone should be cheeky with the chart and put in someone playing the violin.

>> No.22289647
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found the perfect list