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22278808 No.22278808 [Reply] [Original]

>be we
>get invited to housewarming party
>we bring a golden figurine (that allegorically symbolizes the fixed principle of the polar world axis to be planted in the center of the house to protect its inhabitants from the titanic forces of indefinite manifestation) as a thoughtful gift to show our congenial acknowledgment and jovial good-will
>ring the doorbell
>we are hiding the gift inside our left pocket of our thrifted 100% tibetan-yak-wool plaid pants (it is metaphysically significant that one only ever uses the left and never the right side for chtonic matters of concealment or any other subterranean activities)
>a gigastacy carrying 2 (two) admirably large regenerative apples of Hesperides in front of her lunar dress and her QT 3.14 but mid friend open the door
>we briefly imagine her sitting on the cosmic eggs, giving birth to the demonic serpent Shesha/Ananta and churning her seas but we quickly regain our composure

>> No.22278810

>without saying a word she begins to examine our intricate but tastefully elegant outfit until suddenly her eyes appear to be statically glued to our left pocket
>we are instantly reminded of Beowulf and the symbolical immobile treasure that is attached to the protecting serpentine dragon but then we keenly realize that she must have mistaken the figurine in our pocket for a vulgar display of indecorous masculine verticality
>she starts pointing at the origin of our misunderstanding, drunkenly gesticulates and then unexpectedly demands to be shown the phenomenal representation of our presumed extraordinarily well-sized active virility
>we decisively proclaim our disagreement with the inquired demand
>she stoutly restates her previous arrogation, now louder, crying out loud repeatedly for everyone to hear so people start to congregate around us like the cows that gathered around Indra after he freed the waters of infinite potentiality

>> No.22278813

>she accuses us of indecency and behavior unworthy of an universal man
>we now find ourselves in an impractical dilemma
>it is impossible for us to reveal the hidden figurine in our left pocket because it would ruin the genuine spirit of surprise for the recipient and organizer of the party (Traditionally, for an interpersonal gift to function properly as a sign of ritual kinship in the Traditional sense like the fur coat Temujin gave to Ong Khan it must definitively be delivered one-on-one and not unrehearsed)
>we decide to swiftly remove the figurine on the sly by reaching around our back with the right hand, pulling it out of our left pocket and then concealing it behind our telluric behind

>> No.22278815

>we now stoically pull down our pants with the left hand while keeping the gift hidden from sight in our right behind our back to prove our innocence and uprightness while at the same time avoiding ruining the gift because we pay great importance to our recognition as a virtuous and honorable man of truth and god
>we are trying our best to resist earthy biblical temptation and remain calm and concentrated like the lord himself dwelling on icy vulture peak
>everyone is laughing
>we remember that the feeling of shame is produced by Vedanā (the 7th Nidāna) after having passed through multiple other Nidānas ultimately caused by ignorance, that one-eyed Iblis' biggest sin was the mistake of the "I" and that metaphysically speaking, the One is laughing at itself

>> No.22278818

>we tactfully end the sociable interaction by focusing our supra-personal intellect on the eternal fire-heart, turn around 360 degrees and leave the party and our pants without saying another word
>we quickly but not hastily return to our car (a german Opel with the Traditionally significant logo of a masculine olympian lightning bolt that is encircled by the transformed wuji or expanded kha, the symbol of nonbeing, emptiness and the primordial essence)
>we resolutely calm our nerves and thank our favorite authors (PBUT) for once again having saved us from an unfavorable situation

>> No.22278823
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>> No.22278830


>> No.22278833

I appreciate this thread

>> No.22278845

>kinda sucks, kinda doesn't
>be again
is this what I pay taxes for?

>> No.22278848

I appreciate the use of the spiritually fraudulent royal we.

>> No.22278857
File: 148 KB, 784x1390, BDA1F794-82C3-4C56-988D-D73C3A8886C9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, but you can escape the cycle with enough crump points.

>> No.22278866

tell me more. what is "crump"?

>> No.22278899

don't encourage the trip fag, if you ignore it, it will go away

>> No.22278913

Holy shit, crumping actually works.

>> No.22278922

Anti-crump = anti-Tradition

>> No.22278928

Incellectual friend of Žižek and chronicler of Dimes Square

>> No.22278936

It seems the Kha has aligned once again for these strange numerical identities to coincide with each other.

>> No.22279233
File: 47 KB, 478x234, 87574887478.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
