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22276461 No.22276461 [Reply] [Original]

>Book of Daniel
>written in 2nd century BC larping as a story from 6th century BC
>"prophecy" is completely accurate until it starts talking about events supposed to occur after the date of composition
>predicts a war between the Egyptians and Syrians that never happened
>says Antiochus will die in Palestine when he died in Persia
This unironically ruined the religion for me. And that's not even the worst thing in Scripture. How the fuck do Christians even cope

>> No.22276480

Consider this, if Daniel was correct in all of his predictions, even if just coincidentally, and nothing else was changed, do you think academics would date the book after those predictions take place or before? Have you considered he got most of them right except the last one, and secular academics decided to date it after those events because of their own biases?

>> No.22276488

Have you considered that the Macedonian conquerors buck broke these same seethimg writers so badly that their great grandchildren started worshiping Dionysus, the murdered wine god and son of Zeus who defeats death? Uuhh I mean Jesus son of Yahweh.. who is still technically one God so it's 100% kosher also there's this holy daemon that God sends into his bacchants but that's totally not hellenistic paganism either

>> No.22277398

It’d be awfully convenient that he was right alllllll the way up to the very end. The rational answer is that it was written in 164 BC and Daniel is about the Maccabees and Antiochus IV. Even Porphyry was BTFOing Christians on this point millennia ago

>> No.22277444

Holy cope

>> No.22277972

Now you see why they burned Porphyry’s works

>> No.22278002

Daniel is based though. Do you even dream?

>> No.22278012

Yeah, its awfully convinient to get 2 out of 3 guesses about future world events correct. Truly impossible and never done before. I don't care what pseudointellectual you looked up to when you were 13 because his wikipedia article was full of gotchas.

>> No.22278021

>God isnt real so that must mean the predictions were fake and took place after the fact
>The fact that these predictions were fake proves that God is a fraud and not real
What is circular reasoning, Chet?

>> No.22278036

Two out of three? Lmao. All of the Daniel 11 is completely accurate about Alexander the Great, the Diadochi, the Ptolmaic and Seleucid Kingdoms, the coming to power of Antiochus IV, the death of Onias III, etc. But then we see that Antiochus IV’s death is modeled after Gog of Magog in Ezekiel 39:1-2, 11—the fact that in Daniel 12 all of this is said to take place 1,290 days after the abomination (which happened historically in 167 BC) is the ultimate debunk. 1,290 days after 167 BC is 164 BC, and that is the year it is SO clear that Daniel was written, and then Antiochus IV died in late 164, a bit after Daniel was written, proving Daniel 11:40-45 to be a false prophecy, and that he was not Gog

Your copes were first fielded by Jerome over a millennium ago, and they were just as sad now as when Porphyry BTFO Daniel

>> No.22278042

God can be real and “Daniel” wrong

>> No.22278119

False. Daniel is so based that God wouldn't let him be wrong even if he was originally.

>> No.22278181

>Christian ‘arguments’

>> No.22278205

Biblical day = year, which = 360 real days

>> No.22278273

you reject God, so your arguments aren't even ape-tier

>> No.22279551

>This unironically ruined the religion for me. And that's not even the worst thing in Scripture. How the fuck do Christians even cope
by accepting that its not meant to be taken literally and embracing astrotheology

>> No.22280748
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This is irrelevant for the simple reason because Daniel 11:40 clearly says, "And at the time of the end," referring to the end times.

See Daniel 12:4,
"But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased."

And Daniel 12:9,
"And he said, Go thy way, Daniel: for the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end.
10 Many shall be purified, and made white, and tried; but the wicked shall do wickedly: and none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand."

This is clearly referring to the events that John saw in the Apocalypse. Just look at how the book of Daniel ends, and compare it all to the book of Revelation. Compare Daniel 12:9 to Revelation 22:10. So whether the last bit matches the history of Antiochus isn't relevant, since Daniel 11:40 clearly begins by saying that what follows is going to happen at the "time of the end" or the "end times." So it will happen, in fact, it's one of the prophecies of the Bible still to come. We will eventually witness it ourselves, possibly even in this lifetime, unless the Lord tarries.

>> No.22281408

11:40-45 is the passage from which comes most of the retardation, and the one obviously taken by OP. The time of the end can very well be about Antiochus. It is the end of a long tirade about him and his predecessors, which may just be past history. It is a complete non issue seen as a recapitulation of his reign, with his fights with Egypt, his occupation of Jerusalem, his trouble in the East and North keeping him in those regions where he dies.
If anything it's the opposite of what OP is implying. The apocalyptic parts are the relevant and accurate bits while the biographical parts about the life of a Daniel in Babylon are dubious, or were distorted memories from four hundred years of oral transmission.