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22275729 No.22275729 [Reply] [Original]

“I think I’ll go to the library today and see what they have”

>literal army of homeless people posted up in front of and inside the library

This problem should be fixed

>> No.22275732

American people problem which means not my problem

>> No.22275765

Literally anyone with an AR15 could solve this problem.

>> No.22275771

that’s how it is here in san diego. we got a beautiful new library not long ago and it’s basically a homeless shelter now. i’ll walk by later maybe i’ll take some pics.

>> No.22275773

You think the homeless white girls have ever been blacked for drugs!

>> No.22275805

The cause of America is in a great measure the cause of all mankind.

>> No.22275813

>literal army
There you go, problem solved.

>> No.22275818

You're not going to like the sound of this. But the solution is to impose a heavy tax on any vacant home. That way, landlords will be forced to fill up their homes quickly, or lost money. Which will result in them lowering their rents down to actual livable amounts.
This, over the course of a few years, will restore the lower class somewhat, as people are able to house themselves with lower income jobs. Once the more functioning homeless are now working and in homes, then you can take the dysfunctional homeless and put them in proper homeless shelters, paid for by the taxes of all the people you just housed.
And anyone who is too dysfunctional for the homless shelter will either find themselves in jail after they commit a crime, or in an insane asylum when their violent schizophrenia is diagnosed.

It's not a fast solution, but it should work out in the long run.

>> No.22275864

Good theory but all I heard was landlords are forced to rent to niggers who will trash their apartments and get off scott free since niggers dont have credit anyway.

>> No.22275956

>waaaa I can't get a book and read with homeless people around
You sound like a low-T faggot. Most libraries have online databases that show their collection. You can even place your desired book on hold then pick it up. You'd spend less than 30 seconds in your terrifying homeless-infested library and then can go home to mommy's house and have her make tendies for you while you post on the Chan and once again fail to read the books you pretend to like. Go talk to your congressman about your homeless problem or research the causes of it in your area and work to address it if you actually care. Or you can surf the wave like me, a Chad, and exist as an Apollonian demi-god amongst the hoard. But you won't and can't because you've never lifted a thing besides a game controller and are cripplingly scared of the real world. Pathetic.

>> No.22275962

are there any nicer libraries around here?

>> No.22275992

Hey everybody get a load of this faggot lol


>> No.22275993

If they don't want to fill all their homes, and they don't want to pay the tax, then they have the option to sell their property entirely. The point of the tax is to stop hoarding of property. To actually put it into a fair market. If the landlords can't handle the tenents, then they can sell to someone who is up for the challenge.

>> No.22275995

i’m sure some of the smaller ones are better but i wouldn’t know i haven’t gone to them. probably have to go all the way to la jolla

>> No.22276045

they aren't homeless because they can't afford houses. They're homeless because they're schizo drug addicts.

>> No.22276089

I hear you but then just ban renting like theyre doing here in clearwater fl

>> No.22276092

Homeless people are a mixed bag. A lot of them were normal people before they lost their job and/or home, and then they became drug addicts to cope. A lot of them aren't druggies or schizos. Just disgruntled from living hard. A lot of homeless can recover, if they're given opportunities. A major opportunity being affordable living.

They did that? What's it like? Do they ban rent for apartments? How does that work?

>> No.22276094

They're schizo because they're druggies, they're druggies because they're homeless

>> No.22276125 [DELETED] 
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>> No.22276138

No sound so it couldn't capture the homeless guy watching youtube with no headphones, the homeless woman arguing with the librarian, the homeless guy that won't stop coughing, the homeless guy eating chips

>> No.22276143

It's the same in larger Canadian cities. In my city, libraries have perverts on the public computers and gay pride shit front and centre

>> No.22276148

The homeless just go elsewhere. Theyre vermin dude the only way to reform them is to ykw them. We displace the problem here because thank God florida has a actually a semi decent governor. Id love cali policies if it meant singling out the once homeowners who couldnt keep pace and YKWing them. Purge purge purge purge purge is the only way at this point. Fuck these disgusting cretins.

>> No.22276149

They're homeless because they're druggies.

>> No.22276150

The Harold Washington Library is fucking grim, this webm is 100% accurate.

>> No.22276161

The homeless problem grows, because people who wouldn't otherwise be homeless in a healthy economy, become homeless in a sick economy. If only the actual "cretins" were homeless like you said, then it wouldn't be a growing problem. It would be a static proportion to the population.

Is it really only a mere coincidence that as the cost of living continues to rise disproportionately to what people are paid, that the homeless problem gets worse?

>> No.22276169

But wouldnt it be good to do one better and snip off the lowest working end as well? To let some air out of the balloon before tying it off?

>> No.22276173

At my cities library there's this one mentally ill homeless dude who loudly talks to himself out loud.
Every five minties the female librarian comes over and tells him to stop.
Omly for it to start all over again like clockwork.
Always cracks me up.

>> No.22276186

We gotta liquidate these people man. They are a drain on everyone else and their own lives aren't worth living

>> No.22276197

The problem is capitalism

>> No.22276199

if you want to lose all sympathy and altruism you have for these fucking bums get an overnight security job. They’re the worst fucking people on the planet.

>> No.22276211

I'm not sure what you mean. You want to euthanize some homeless while simultaneously executing my plan? I don't think that's necessary. We won't really know who is capable of recovery, until the plan has been in effect for long enough to have an effects. It will probably take years before we start seeing significant effects. If we start culling before that, then we would likely make a lot of mistakes. Give the people a fighting chance at least. Recovery takes time.

When the vacant tax is imposed, it will likely cause an initial wave of proper sales in the beginning. The government should buy up some of them, and turn them into halfway homes. So we can begin the reintegration process. Get them clean, find them jobs, therapy. And then we'll see who is resilient enough to make it on their own, and who will fall back to homelessness.

>> No.22276214

Man how the fuck are so many stuck on treating the fucking symptoms. It’s easier to hate an aggressive, reeking junkie. One that crowds all public spaces. I get it. But if you exterminate every fucking homeless bum on the planet in ten years you’ll have fucking more. Jesus. These people are at the bottom of a stairwell they’ve been falling down for fucking decades. People are so damn short sighted.

>> No.22276234

they didn’t fall down the stairwell. they were born there and they set up a tent there where they rant and rave and throw feces at you if you try to climb the stairwell. fuck them.

>> No.22276235

So you’re saying it should be done once every ten years?

>> No.22276239

If you don't like armies of homeless people you don't like capitalism.

>> No.22276246

If you don't like armies of starving people you don't like communism. Also, better to not mention any criticism or else it's the gulag.

>> No.22276247

the understanding of economics at work here is touchingly naive

>> No.22276252

You're already presuming there aren't adequate programs in existence right now rather than realizing that a lot of homeless are not willing to change to accept the help.

>> No.22276255

lol, yeah. Admittedly, I don't know much about the economy. But I've been seeing a lot of stories about the housing market being absolutely fucked because nobody wants to lower their prices, and property is getting hoarded, sitting vacant.

There's this one channel, where a guy just walks around his general region and looks at homes for sale. Comparing their prices to what they were, to what they are now, and showing that they're just sitting vacant while the owners refuse to settle. It's honestly crazy that he can make this an entire series and never runs out of material.

>> No.22276258

Sure, if you’d like to acquiesce to this state of affairs occurring once a decade, I guess you can commit to your plan of removing toxic waste once every so often instead of targeting the polluters or simply asking them to create a little less toxic waste

>> No.22276262

That's why you pay to put them somewhere! There isn't going to come a day where the cops execute all of the homeless people, and usually when the state IS actually doing that kind of shit it's because there has been a critical destabilization in a constitutional order that makes life unstable and shitty anyways. America is particularly bad with homeless people, they basically have nowhere to go but also the police just half-heartedly chase them in circles around the city. Put them in state housing, give them anti-psychotics and go to the library in peace.

>> No.22276263

Never seen this problem anywhere other than /lit/

Think it's exclusively a west coast thing

>> No.22276271

>yeah bro the unmedicated incontinent 85 IQ drug addicted schizophrenic just needs a house bro, that's all they need we just need to give them houses bro

>> No.22276272

I saw a video that showed how expensive it is to afford housing for the homeless. Try as they might, their resources are too limited to handle the load. The building codes alone, delay their efforts by years, while they try to comply the best they can on a limited budget, only to be forced to sell when it drags on too long.

>> No.22276276

>Yeah, bro, and then for absolutely no reason at all, the homeless population just exploded.

>> No.22276278

>Think it's exclusively a west coast thing
Nah, I live in Houston and the homeless problem is getting ridiculous in the city. Houston sprawls big so there isn't a uniform concentration, but if you are in the city there are A LOT of homeless people. And they do make using public services uncomfortable. I rode the train yesterday and somebody was just screaming in the back of the car. Honestly I rarely feel "unsafe", but needless to say it makes it a lot harder to just read a book on the train when somebody is screaming at ghosts.

>> No.22276283

Houston is just an extension of LA.

>> No.22276293

We use to have places for severely mentally ill people to go to. It was a safe place for them to to be housed in—an asylum, if you will.

>> No.22276295

Well, this country has been filled with these types for its existence. Homelessness as a problem became this bad very recently. What’s changed? Their IQs certainly haven’t.
Basically, in this cult of resentiment, and due to the Reagan era rhetoric stating that every man poorer than you deserves to be and is also your enemy(as he robbed you blind and set your country to literally crumbling), you will gleefully watch your world rot around you as long as it is not you rotting. As long as you are separated enough to not see your hands pouring the gasoline, you’re content to watch the fire spread
And the worst of it is where we are. I can understand this sentiment from middle class and working class boomers, with families and a normal, mostly comfortable life lived. But all you cocksuckers do is fucking complain. So it’s not even a fuck you got mine mentality, it’s a “only my suffering isn’t self inflicted and deserved”

I do hate them. We need a culling, but of a far sight more of the population than you say.

>> No.22276305

I realized this weekend that libraries are great options for breaks when traveling.
They're free, and sometimes they sell drinks or snacks, they're clean (at least the ones I've been to in my state) and have bathrooms, they have air conditioning and plenty of seating, you're basically expected to loiter there all day, and they often have a large play area for children. Plus, I love the atmosphere of libraries already.
We stopped at a library about halfway between home and our destination in the way in and out and it was a great experience. I highly recommend it.

>> No.22276306
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>> No.22276317

If you don't like armies of starving people you don't like capitalism too, lol

>> No.22276321

We also use to have much looser building codes, and property wasn't expensive. So if someone wanted to live like a crazy off the grid person, they could do so with relative ease. or at least pool together their resources with other crazy people and start a commune somewhere. Point is, they made it work in their own way. But as housing becomes more cost prohibitive, they don't have anywhere to go.

>> No.22276324

There aren't mutually exclusive. Bring back asylums and loosen building codes.

>> No.22276341

No, asylums were inhumane. Humanity got along without them for thousands of years, and better societies have lower homeless without asylums.

Besides, they're still kind of in effect. Wacko doctors still use tricks to force people back into their rehabilitation centers. If you don't have good friends or family to pull you out, you could be stuck there indefinitely.

>> No.22276350

>merit based
Literally what program in America is merit based? None. Getting into university isn't merit based, there is no merit score you get. It is based on admissions officers personally liking you or not.
Even more so for job hunting, you don't just take a test and place into a job.
Americans have a weird dissonance where they think everything they do is based on merit but also take pride in the fact that networking is really the only important factor.

>> No.22276358

pretty sure you’re preaching to the choir

>> No.22276359 [DELETED] 

most homeless people could qualify for section 8 or some other voucher program and there is always housing for that. landlords love it because it's guaranteed money from the government essentially transferred right into their bank account.

>> No.22276380

What exactly do you think society did to handle raving lunatics before the advent of asylums? I didn't think it was possible to be this naive.

>> No.22276386 [DELETED] 

humanity also didn't have any concept of human rights for thousands of years. are you sure that you want to argue that we should treat people the same way they did in ancient assyria?

>> No.22276388

It's not dissonance. American practice was based on merit. It's non-Americans that are clannish, prefer hiring within their in-group, and are big on yes man style loyalty. Guess what happened in 1965.

>> No.22276392

No, they weren’t, by and large. It was a handful of bad apples and the promotion of that fucking execrable book by Ken Kesey that gaslit the public into seeing asylums as these cruel and barbarous institutions where people were nonstop abused. That wasn’t the case the vast majority of the time.

>> No.22276412

your economy literally already crashed once from a housing bubble lol

>> No.22276431

Not every homeless is a raving lunatic. That's the thing. You're trying to paint everyone with a broad brush. But that's not that case.

Also, living with family was more common. So they would be sheltered by their family.
And the ones without family would fuck off and live in a shack somewhere, because they don't get along with society.

I love in section 8. Neighbors come and neighbors go. But there's limited space. They can't house everyone. The waiting list is between 6 months and a year.

Citing one good thing about the past, doesn't mean you have to do everything the past did. You present a ridiculous notion.

Well I've heard horror stories. And that's all I really have to go on, other than your word. You'll have to convince me they weren't inhumane.
I just saw a video of a famous actor trying to escape from a facility after he had a medical problem. His own son had to get the police involved to make sure they could put him in the car and drive away without a problem. The old man claimed he didn't even know the woman who was claiming to be related to him. And she was pretty much the stereotypical nurse, telling him that he needs to return to complete his treatment, and refusing to negotiate an early release. "just a few more days", she kept saying. It was eerie.

>> No.22276437

I see the great minds of /lit/ are gathering to solve the homelessness problem. I’m sure such a task couldn’t be in finer hands

>> No.22276438

Seriously though. A round of 5.56 is ~$1. There are half a million homeless people. If we actually wanted to solve the homeless problem, we could do it for what amounts to basically free on a federal scale.

>> No.22276448

I have a better idea, let's kill the poor.

>> No.22276462


Rent could be $5, and junkies would still choose drugs over rent.

>> No.22276468
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>Put them in state housing

>> No.22276474

Stfu rent cuck.

>> No.22276492

>“I think I’ll go to the library today and see what they have”
What century are we in again? Aren't libraries suppose to be public bathrooms? Let the homeless take their shit in peace.

>> No.22276545

I just moved to Shanghai after being away from the city for 3 years due to COVID restrictions. The rent in area actually DROPPED in three years while in Australia my townhouse went from $2400 to $4400 a month in the space of three years. It's amazing being in a country that actually cares about its people and can enact laws that make society function properly. I can't help but think Western elite are more than intelligent enough for these types of solutions but the issue is that they want to make society unlivable for the masses and high rents are just one of many strategies they use for Malthusian population control.

>> No.22276550

i also really liked shanghai when i visited. thankfully i just barely missed the corona prison hellworld which turned me off to it.

>> No.22276620

In the Properly-Ordered State, public libraries will be truly available and beneficial to the majority of the populace.
No matter the cost in vagrants.

>> No.22276699

clearwater, home of scientology

>> No.22276769

For now.

>> No.22276775
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>> No.22276793

>goes to library to larp as modern day Diogenes
based and /lit/pilled

>> No.22276801
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>ykw them

>> No.22276803

It’s so bad in the Copley branch in Boston

>> No.22276813

No, you're forgetting the prior S&L crisis

>> No.22276822

>It's amazing being in a country that actually cares about its people
We have all seen the webms m8

>> No.22276909
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>he doesn't belong to the private library

>> No.22276926


Reminder that the humanists have no fucking clue what to do with their prisoners. They just amass them and park them in prison and pay for the accommodation lol.
Same with schizos put in asylums. Just parked there until they die, some several decades later. Woah.

>> No.22276973

Why don't just fuck off the country if you like it?

>> No.22276977

Jails and asylums should be torn down

>> No.22276988

Can I entertain you with Ted Kaczynski?

>> No.22277069


>> No.22277510
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I am so fucking glad I grew up in an AK family. God damn the 16 fetishists.

Homelessness should be fixed.

Kind of has it right. It can't happen in places like California until they fall apart completely, but finland more or less solved, actually solved, not "Solved" like Japan or China has, genuinely solved homeless by starting with housing first, then psychological resources, then getting them employed. You have to build people back up after they spent any real time on the streets. It changes your psychology on a fundemental level. The tax is a good idea for apartments, urban residential areas.

You have a very romanticized view of the people that own apartments. The problem is that increasingly, it's not even people, it's companies that own a multitude of properties on a state, region, nationwide level. It's boards of executives that don't even interact with culture or society beyond their dictate to increase profits for themselves and their shareholders.

There's an increasing population of the homeless that're fully functioning, can hold a job, a lot of them do, it's that their wages are beyond any means to not even afford rent, much less pay it, far less own a house.

I've known exactly what to do and it's simply been too "pussy' for most cowards to accept.

>> No.22277513

You brought this on yourselves.

>> No.22277518
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what's he thinking right now?
will he ever take his head out of the sand?

>> No.22277524

Stupid commie.
The solution is to come back with involuntary psychiatric internment.

>> No.22277526

Why are you defending the infestation of public spaces by the homeless?

>> No.22277530
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>> No.22277557

You're a born bum, anon. A traditional vagabond.

>> No.22277600

this reminds me of the time I saw this cute girl watching hardcore porn in the computer lab

>> No.22277622

>state which cares about its people

>> No.22277834

Thank you.

>> No.22277857

This would work, but it seems a bit extreme and unfair to specifically target vacant homes. I'd say a larger tax on non-primary homes. Or a larger tax on all homes. Both will disincentivize vacant homes in a fairer way.

>> No.22277859

>Or a larger tax on all homes
Yeah, no.

>> No.22278046

The only places where property is sitting vacant in appreciable number are places where nobody wants to live. A Venn diagram of places that have vacancy problems and places that have homelessness problems would basically just be two separate circles.

The solution is to build more housing but most people who already own housing vote against that shit because they're too retarded or racist to understand it's good for them.